best supplements for seniors

They say all the cancer was removed with on caveat-the cancer was close to a blood vessel which in other instances has lead to additional cancer. 2. From your list of multivitamins, I can’t find Mega food 55+ men’s in India. The poor form of B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride), folate (folic acid) and B12 (cyanocobalamin) are also used. I think this particular fat-soluble vitamin should ideally be in the 20-30mg range. I am currently using whey protein, which is almost finished. TGA is a certification granted to Thorne Research. i ordered the Thorne Research multi-vitamin, through the hyperlink to the amazon web site. even if the person is diabetic can they still take the same vitamin C supplement? I also reviewed Pure Encapsulations Nutrients 950 with vitamin K and didn’t add it because it requires 6 capsules, contains only 1,000IU of vitamin D and is missing the mixed tocopherols for vitamin E. It does contain 200mg of calcium and magnesium, which is good but still not enough to meet those requirements. A lot of women have trouble tolerating Tamoxfin, and if this turns out to be the case, consider the Enoki mushroom. – B12 and biotin are excessively high, even for this formula Unfortunatley I just orderd a product called Trace Minerals Research-Concentrace Trace Mineral Drops. First, our stomach acid is not designed to destroy vitamins and minerals and it actually plays a major role in absorption. We are not able to figure possible cause,she does have high stress levels though, does some breathing exercises too throughout the day, she has been eating a clean diet for last 3 weeks, reduced her milk tea from 4 5 cups a day to 2, going gluten free, she did have an episode of shingles about 6 weeks back, recovered in about 10 days. Hi Alex, What do you think of a baby boomer (age 73) taking Gundry Vital Reds? Also, the lutein and zeaxanthin addition help your eyes. Synthetic versions of beta-carotene have been shown to increase the risk of cancer in heavy smokers and drinkers, and accelerated the death and shortened the life span of rats exposed to radiation. They did add methylcobalamin from yeast, so the B12 should be stable. She ended up very weak after all said and done. Centrum uses synthetic vitamin E (dl-alpha-tocopherol) and potentially synthetic beta-carotene (source not listed). Was diagnosed with Osteo-arthritis. Country Life Multivitamin & Mineral Complex liquid uses folic acid and cyanocobalamin, so it isn’t one I recommend. Uses natural mixed carotenes (including beta-carotene) from the marigold flower I take the two a day but they also have one a day and 4 per day in different formulations. You have to imagine how cheap a product has to be made to retail for $9.99. Generally, fish oil, magnesium, probiotics and vitamin C with a multivitamin is a very comprehensive standard program. Thank you for your comparisons. When you use a proton pump inhibitor, which inhibits stomach acid, you can become deficient in B12, iron, vitamin C, calcium, and magnesium. I haven’t seen evidence that calcium supplementation causes oxidative stress. I updated this article for 2020, but I see I need to update the actual date it was updated. Check your BDNF gene as well. Decreased skin synthesis of vitamin D, vitamin D absorption, vitamin D receptors in the intestinal epithelial cell and conversion to the active form of vitamin D have all been observed in the elderly. Cupric oxide is a form used in cheap multivitamins and should be avoided completely. The poor form of B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride), folate (folic acid) and B12 (cyanocobalamin) are also used. Beta carotene is from D. Salina In many ways, DHA is a miracle nutrient for the human body. I am a 61 year old woman with celiac disease . For heart health, check out How to Read Your Cardiovascular Blood Work in 5 Steps. Contains 2,000IU vitamin D. Notes: If you have low copper levels, this may not be a good fit due to the higher levels of zinc and omission of copper. Hi Alex, thank you very much for your sharing. Unfortunately, there is a lack of confirmed studies as to how some supplements aid an already healthy brain. My sisters has been 450 at times I don’t like taking this stuff should I continue? I would be very grateful for your advice! Deficiency increases the susceptibility to oxidative stress, cardiovascular heart diseases as well as accelerated aging. One study bred mice to have dementia and poor memories with low brain acetylcholine concentration. For the health and wellness category, the commission is typically 4.5% from Amazon for the purchase (if you go back and buy again, we do not get credit), which comes out to $1.35 for a $30 product. Then you have to look at stress, lifestyle, environment, medications, brain injuries, and diet. His brain has been deprived of nutritional needs. Polar Power Wild Salmon Oil or Nordic Naturals Fish Oil instead of Cod Liver Oil: This depends on your beta-carotene to vitamin A conversion from the BCMO1 gene. Life is meant to be enjoyed and lived to the fullest extent. I’m ready to try something new. Sydney Greene, MS, RDN is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist focusing on integrative, customized nutrition counseling and coaching for individuals in recovery from substance use. overweight for around 20+ years but otherwise very healthy. Ashwagandha has been found to increase oxygen capacity and protect against amyloid plaque. Alex, Pure One is missing K2, B12, and iron. I haven’t seen CoQ10 supplementation help muscle pain taken at the same time of a statin. Even if it was 750mg, I would still advise a separate vitamin C source. Are you referring to Lion’s Mane for tingling and burning? An adaptogen is a natural substance that increases the body’s resistance to physical (heat, cold and exertion), chemical (toxins and heavy metals) and biological (bacteria and viruses) stressor. I do like the male health support blend portion. She is quite independent and likes to ponder in the garden. Based on the fact that Xanax has worked for you for panic attacks, it shows there is an imbalance of glutamate (excitatory) and GABA (calming). If this capsule is easy for you to take, it would be a good option. The diet is the main focus for a missing gallbladder. I was thinking of switching to the perque life guard mini if u do think it is to high. 5)VISION. It’s a good example to use for my first personal criticism which can probably be easily corrected with more early instruction on how to use the report. HELLO, THANK-YOU FOR TAKING THE TIME TO RESEARCH AND RECORD YOUR FINDINGS. I also noticed that this article is written in a while ago. She had stroke and was bedridden for 3years. mom, I decided to cut way down on carbs in July to try my own modified form of Keto. Crestor has a side effect of constipation. What people may not know, is that in Alzheimer’s the part of the brain that is responsible for memory and personality also becomes resistant to insulin. This allows us to give honest research and advice. The Naturelo was on the best list, but not on the best for older people list. I am over 65. His liver and ammonia counts are high and he is on medication.He also is anemic. The buildup of amyloid plaque appears to do special damage to the default network of the brain. Always looking. I have neuropathy(not due to diabetes) and was not wanting to exacerbate this condition with excessive B-6. I hope the Nutrition Genome Report was able to give you deeper insight into what exactly your personal biochemistry needs to for optimal health. I know I don’t get all the nutrients I need even with eating mostly veggies, more meat, cheese, etc. -Turmeric Supreme. Hi have just found your site and read some of the letters and replies. For example, my dad started getting a rash on his forehead each time he ate wheat or eggs. Hi Alex Recommendations beyond the multivitamin change person to person based on health history and genetics, so it would be difficult for me to accurately make those suggestions. Other Benefits: Fish oil has other benefits such as: Foods that Contain: Obviously fish oil is found in fish, but some fish have a higher content level such as salmon, herring, sardines, and mackerel. Benzodiazepines are in the class of anti-anxiety, insomnia and seizure disorder medications and deplete biotin, folate, vitamin D and vitamin K. These are actually intended to only be used for a short time however some people may use them long term. What isn’t on this list is Alzheimer’s and dementia, which I believe can also be explained as a preventable. Hi Alex, I would like to know if you have any recommendations on Curcumin supplements. If so, I wouldn’t recommend that product. Lignans (polyphenol class) in the diet are associated with less aggressive tumor characteristics in women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer. Thanks Alex. I am wondering which multi vitamin would be best for a 70 year old male, who WAS an alcoholic and drank everyday for over 50 years, yet has stopped. Lots of pain. So resveratrol is definitely a supplement you should try if you are looking to prevent or reverse age related memory loss and cognitive decline. Yes, the main thing was determining the main sources of inflammation. In terms of memory, it is best to figure out why their memory is affected as I have outlined. Further inspection shows similar shortcuts as Centrum. Thanks. That is very expensive and a tough call if that is your only option. I just wrote an article on the genetic differences in protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism in this article:, Hi Alex, Memory and Nerves: There is a wide net of causes and solutions here. I am hanging on to these because of the whole foods base. I drink protein smoothies on days when my diet doesn’t contain enough protein. Vitamin A absorption actually increases, lowering the requirement for vitamin A. Magnesium has been found to have a positive impact on both neural plasticity and synaptic density, and this formula has the potential for those with Alzheimers, dementia or those simply wanting to improve memory. Each capsule contains vitamin C, D, E, folic acid, niacin and zinc among other ingredients. He is experiencing memory loss and depression and has lost his get up and go for life. What I’ve discovered recently is that much of what ails older folks is dehydration. Contains small amounts of choline and inositol Its prevalence increases with age and is more frequently reported in female patients. I will give you my reply from previous comments in the other Best Multivitamin article. -Hypothyroid condition but no thyroid antibodies My mum visited some practitioners before, but not much improvement could be seen. For her digestion and past use of antibiotics, I would consider using a probiotic like VSL#3 and perhaps CALM, which is powdered magnesium citrate. Also take Biotin, collagen, 1,000IU of vitamin D Sarcoidosis is similar in that it is the faulty immune system, not vitamin D itself that is the problem. Hi Alex, I have gone onto Life Extensions website and am impressed with the quality of what I see in the ingredients, but I am no expert and don’t want to be fooled by what ‘looks good’ to a layperson, but which may not be as good as it ‘looks’. Patients with mood disorders have been shown to have rates of dementia higher than those of the general population. It’s been questioned if it could be related to the fact that she was a chicken farmer growing up and eggs were a staple product in her diet. Consuming the right supplements for seniors on top of a healthy diet can help increase overall quality of life. Best Calcium, Magnesium, Vitamin D and K2 Supplements. Thank you for your time and knowledge! She eats fairly well, veges, not much protein though, she’s a pescatarian and eats dairy. -7 capsules in Xtend versus 2 capsules for Thorne’s Basic Nutrients. The bottle arrived somewhat dirty. I wouldn’t recommend this product for you due to the use of synthetic folic acid instead of methylfolate. I checked my clinical guide of medicinal mushrooms and the only caution is for “asthma and other allergic conditions.”. In the Organic Food Blend, there are also too many foods high in sulfur and histamine that may cause digestive issues in some. Magnesium citrate will make them a believer in supplementation since they will see a direct result. Make sure to run it by your doctor first just in case so he or she can check for any potential interactions with the other medications. Hi Alex, I have one more question. Recently started with some strong pain and seems like it is gallbladder stones, which they are trying so see if the can remove with mild sedation rather than surgery because of her age. I started eating a plant based diet this year and I really like it.. (not so sure that would be what youd recommend?) A study published in 2010 found that people with Alzheimer’s have low levels of SAMe in their brains. Ashwagandha: Gaia for capsules or Herb Pharm for a liquid. To optimize melatonin production nutritionally, you need to look at the dopamine/adrenaline pathway (vitamin C and magnesium), the serotonin and melatonin pathway (B2, folate, B6 and B12), and glutamate/GABA pathway (probiotics, vitamin C, zinc, B6, magnesium, choline) to see where biochemical issues may need to be addressed. But if you are trying to get above 50, there is little evidence showing more benefit at that level. Macular degeneration is the leading cause of vision loss in the United States and Europe in people over fifty-five years old. He only has a couple of months to live, doctors encouraged him to start chemo to make the process less painfull and prolong his life a little. I think magnesium sounds like an important addition for stress and digestion. Uses the correct dosage of vitamin E in the mixed tocopherol form, not dl-alpha tocopherol or isolated alpha-tocopherol Since the fear of cognitive decline and memory are a genuine and serious problem amongst seniors, criminals are using this fear for financial gain. B12 deficiency is even more pronounced in those with digestive disorders, gene variants in FUT2 and GIF, or those taking medications like proton pump inhibitors and Metformin. From what I gather he needs to be having Vit c, Vit D, B Vitamins, Zinc, Selenium, Curcumin, CQ10 – I may be wrong but this is what I am reading from various places. Do u know if the beta carotene in there is natural of synthetic? I have chosen to add this as a lower potency multivitamin alternative that represents a blend of all the current processing technology. 500mg of vitamin C But the natural form of beta-carotene decreased the death rate and significantly increased the life span of exposed rats. (Obviously I could just take one tab…but concerned at even 37mg per day) So it shouldn’t be a surprise that German researchers looking at participants 75 years of age or older and free of dementia receiving regular PPI medication had a significantly increased risk of incident dementia compared with the patients not receiving PPI medication. How about Rainbow Light Just Once Men’s One Multivitamin for my 39 years old husband and Rainbow Light Nutri Stars Food-Based Multivitamin for my 7 years old girl and 2 years old son? Phosphatidylserine is essential to a functioning brain. Thanks for any help. It helps to try a few out based on your needs and see how you feel. Specifically, DHA is critical for maintaining the structure and function of your brain. Very slight high blood pressure, almost restless legs, poor sleeper. Just stumbled on to your website and have spent several hours engrossed in your articles! Anxiety and depression was reduced in a human study with a dosage of 2 grams per day after 4 weeks, with a significant difference between groups on the measurements of concentration and irritability. I prefer formulas that add fewer extras in meaningful amounts. I just read your info on Turkey Tail. Just curious why you don’t recommend Naturelo multivitamin for women in your senior recommendations. I would recommend asking your doctor to see if the thyroxine dose needs to be modified. The #1 Doctor recommended multivitamin makes my #1 for the worst multivitamin. Borderline Osteoporosis: Maintaining healthy estrogen/progesterone levels are key here because there is a connection with estrogen, bones, memory and antioxidant protection. It would be hard to find a more affordable option at a lower price. The recommended dosage is 1,000-2,000 mg per day. I don’t recommend Naturelo for the senior recommendations due to higher needs of certain vitamins and minerals after age 50 for many people in this category. The other consideration was Tangy Tangerine 2.0 90+ package but I have also read that this contains unfavourable ingredients. 50mcg of methylcobalamin and adenosylcobalamin (mitochondrial B12 and great for poor B12 absorption) I’ve seen hypothyroidism and EBV come as a pair. Neither of these are an easy feat because it is impossible to get everything you need in one pill. Last year I told her to ask her Dr to give her a vitamin B12 shot to help her energy. Iodine and selenium shouldn’t be so low for women due to their importance for thyroid and breast health. Their MyKind product is the only true whole food multivitamin of their line. There is growing clinical evidence that Lion’s Mane in beneficial in mild forms of dementia. I also suspect that the round of antibiotics he was on before all of this started was also a major problem. My traditional medical folks refused my request to do genetic testing stating they knew it my genetics were and I should go on a Statin (which was fixed by changing to veggies, fewer fruits and no sugar, grains, saturated red meat). What is the status? You should be aware that this formula does not contain any calcium or magnesium, you may require more folate, iodine, and zinc and the B6 dose is larger than normal. Alex, thanks very much for the reply. I am 67 years old. I am doing research on all types to make sure I am getting the right kind for my age. Also, I would be grateful if you could comment on the Garden of Life multivitamins. probiotic seems to be helping. Folic acid appears to be potentially problematic as I explained here. I may not be able to comment on everything listed here, but I’ll give you some recommendations for the highlights. She hates taking pills as it is, so I hate to introduce more if it won’t help. The thirst mechanism changes as we age, making it that much more important to be cognizant of drinking enough water. I myself take these supplements. What do you think about CoQ10 for plavix and aspirin users? By. Your wife will especially benefit from someone taking a case history, determining the nutrient depletions from medications, and making recommendations that will be safe for her. The use of supplements is frequent across all ages, but, as a senior, it becomes an essential habit given irregular nutritional levels past the age of 45. Creatine monohydrate. For seniors deficient in vitamins B and D, calcium and iron, supplements can help with nutritional balance. At present she is suffering from shoulder joint pain.Not recovered with steroid injection in the joint. We are looking for a multivitamin for my 95-year old father. Are you asking in relation to calcium and copper or is that a separate question? Thank you so much for replying!! I do not recommend calcium supplements for men (except on the advice of a physician). – 80mg of bilberry for eye health Crestor is the second-highest prescribed drug at 21.4 million per month. I’m not aware of any coagulation properties of Lion’s Mane. My only concern is that she takes the following medication; Crestor for her slight elevated cholesterol, Idaprex for elevated blood pressure and has recently been taking aspirin daily to assist with blood flow of a partially blocked artery. Does not contain vitamin K for those on blood thinners My ultimate goal is to get her off all unnecessary prescription drugs with diet & natural/holistic methods. We know that with diabetes, the cells become resistant to insulin causing the pancreas to increase the amount of insulin released. There are so many different supplements on the market, however, narrowing down what you really need can be very difficult. The complexity of the default network is also responsible for self-awareness, memory, future planning, empathy and moral judgment. Those who have or are at high risk for cardiovascular disease should not exceed 400 IU (International Units) of vitamin E. There is a greater risk of prostate cancer for those taking 400 IU or more of vitamin E per day. Hi Alex, Your research has been very insightful for me as search for the right vitamins and supplement for my mom. But you say above “Certified by GMP, TGA from the Government of Australia (Australia’s FDA)” – there was no such info on the label, and moreover, the multi-vitamins were manufactured in Idaho, “for Thorne Research Inc.” This is disturbing, because its well known that supplements arent really regulated in this country (like they might be in Australia for instance), which seems to indicates that Thorne were cutting corners by manufacturing their products in the US rather than Australia to maximize profits – thoughts? Synthetic vitamin E has been shown to have little or no anticancer effectiveness, and may even increase prostate cancer. Again, thanks for any help. Thank you so much, 3. The NIH Office of Dietary Supplements says ALCAR may be helpful for people with mild cognitive impairment or Alzheimer’s disease. Thank you for all the info. The hope is that it is making up for the CoQ10 deficient induced by the statin and reducing other risks, but it is hard to say by how much. For example, if you wanted a higher dose of magnesium and vitamin C than provided in a multivitamin, it may make more sense to take a B-complex with magnesium and vitamin C. It depends on your needs and budget. I will give it a try. This is why I prefer it with these co-factors vs. isolated vitamin D. I recommend monitoring your vitamin D through blood tests so you can get a better idea of your range (end of winter and summer is best). What do you think of Nature’s Plus Ultra Hair..(contains biotin)… The bottle recommends 4 a day but I take one bc I also take fish oil, iron, D3, glucosamine & chondroitin complex, and calcium. SO WHAT: VITAMINS, MINERALS, HERBS WOULD YOU SUGGEST TO A 57 YEAR OLD WOMEN (THINK OF ME AS YOUR SISTER WHO EXCERSIES REGUERLY, EAT’S CLEAN NON-GMO FOOD (AS BEST AS POSSIBLE),AND HAS NO OTHER MEDICAL CONDITION’S(I DO HAVE OPTIC NEURITIS IN MY LEFT EYE.ANNUALLY MONITORED BY MY DOCTOR-NO CRITERIA FOR M.S.)? I can not catch up to her! You will have to check – and turn your head to the side to read the labels since they uploaded them sideways – if you are okay with the additional ingredients beyond the vitamins and minerals. Alzheimer’s disease is the fifth-leading cause of death for those age 65 and older. Thank you for the kind words. Recommended Dose: 10-200 mg per day, you may consult your doctor to dial in your ideal dose recommendation. Whey Protein vs. Collagen Protein: Which is better in 2020? Glad you found the site and like the info. She is on liquid diet. It has been found in research to support healthy aging, neurological support, brain/cognitive support, metabolic/weight support, and liver support and muscle support. Great information! Hello, Many thanks for the article, superuseful, especially that I was researching how to support my parents health! If you are sensitive or allergic to iodine, it is important to find out why your body is rejecting a mineral that your body requires. Canadian researchers using big data revealed that a decline in the brain’s blood flow is the earliest symptom of Alzheimer’s. The second product is a better formulation. -Shaklee Alfalfa for calcium. They also have Basic Bone Nutrients and Oacap…would one of these be just as good or better? Thanks for the compliment! 3. at Costco. There are many genetic and dietary factors that influence blood pressure. Thank you. She asked me tonight if there is a good liquid multi vitamin for women over 70. If it’s indeed not available anymore I would get: 2. Then you can start working up to buffered vitamin C powder, magnesium powder, and powdered multivitamins in small doses. Contains 15mg of zinc Should i go for multivitamin? Made by the pharmaceutical company Pfizer, it brings in close to 1 billion in sales. Though not all of the benefits of this supplement have been substantiated, several claims have been proven, making fish oil a trusted and reliable supplement. This formula contains 222mg of calcium to 50mg of magnesium oxide (only 4% absorption rate), which is the wrong ratio. 5 Best Supplements for Boosting Brain Health in Older Adults By Debbie Waddell 9 am on August 21, 2018 Even though cognitive decline is a natural part of the aging process, seniors can do quite a bit to preserve their brain health as they grow older. I would like to have your advice for my mum’s health condition. Unfortunately I have been taking Centrum Silver for a number of years (recommended by my doctor when I turned 50) but fortunately for me I found your website which is so impressive and informative and I will take your recommendation for Thorne Basic Nutrients 2. The ALA plant-based formulas have very poor conversion rates in the body to EPA and DHA. It has been shown that elderly persons (excuse me, older generation) with atrophic gastritis severely malabsorb folate, and can be corrected by administering folate along with hydrochloric acid.

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