connecticut history timeline

The first division of any Connecticut town - Lyme's separation from Saybrook. One of Connecticut’s most accomplished citizens — and governors — also had one of the state’s most unusual nicknames. Group from Dorchester, Massachusetts join Windsor settlement. This was the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut Many historians have said that this was the basis Governor Trumbull retires from governorship. [42] The advent of automobiles, trucks and buses after 1910 slashed the profits of the New Haven. As the Republicans split between President William Taft and ex-president Theodore Roosevelt, the Democrats flourished in 1912, carrying the state for president, reelecting Baldwin, sweeping all five congressional districts with ethnic Irish candidates, and taking the state Senate. As soon as the news of the uprising at Lexington, Massachusetts in April of 1775 reached Connecticut, several thousand militiamen left Connecticut Governor Jonathan Trumbull was elected every year from 1769 to 1784. Controversy exists both in that the legislation is not retroactive and does not commute their sentences[76] and that the repeal is against the majority view of the state's citizens, as 62% are for retaining it. New York's leading banker, J. P. Morgan, had grown up in Hartford and had a strong interest in the New England economy. The Dutch were the first Europeans in Connecticut. Connecticut designated four delegates to the Second Continental Congress who would sign the Declaration of Independence: Samuel Huntington, Roger Sherman, William Williams, and Oliver Wolcott. Ages 8 - 9. These included the 2003 removal from office of the mayors of Bridgeport, Joseph P. Ganim on 16 corruption charges,[72] as well as Waterbury mayor Philip A. Giordano, who was charged with 18 counts of sexual abuse of two girls.[73]. 1982 - Appellate Court created by Constitutional Amendment (Effective July 1, 1983.). They pooled their militia under the command of John Mason of Windsor, and declared war on the Pequots. They brought Catholic unskilled labor to a historically Protestant state. populated. Pennsylvania granted the individual settlers from Connecticut the titles to their land claims. A timeline created with Timetoast's interactive timeline maker. 1941-45 - Approximately 210,000 Connecticut men serve in World War II. Andros maintained that his commission superseded Connecticut's 1662 charter. As the accused perpetrators of the Petit murders were out on parole, Governor M. Jodi Rell promised a full investigation into the state's criminal justice policies. The Timeline Important Dates in Connecticut's History. They had gained middle-class status through good-paying industrial jobs and became stranded. His machine, says Lockard, was "efficient, conservative, penurious, and in absolute control. Much of their money went into a great ship sent to London in 1646, with £5000 in cargo of grain and beaver pelts. The Pequot War was the first serious armed conflict between the indigenous peoples and the European settlers in New England. 1881 - Storrs Agricultural College founded (became University of Connecticut in 1939). Connecticut officially extends jurisdiction over Susquehanna Company area in Northern Pennsylvania. This was a major contribution to modern manufacturing processes. 1890 - Disputed election causes Morgan Bulkeley to continue two extra years as governor (1891 - 93). Governor Dannel Malloy announced that "when it gets to my desk I will sign it". It was adopted in 1639 by Freeman of Hartford, Wethersfield and Windsor. and landed near Hartford. Newspapers included the Connecticut Gazette In area it is the third smallest U.S. state, but it ranks among the most densely 1848 - Slavery is abolished in Connecticut. In his Haddam armory, Whitney produces high quality, machine made muskets with standard, Of utmost importance, the managers had to nominate candidates for local elections, and to print and distribute the party ticket. Between the birth of the U.S. patent system in 1790 and 1930, Connecticut had more patents issued per capita than any other state; in the 1800s, when the U.S. as a whole was issued one patent per three thousand population, Connecticut inventors were issued one patent for every 700–1000 residents. 1939 - First section of Wilbur Cross Parkway opened. [19], Centralizing forces made the Congregational church even more powerful and more conservative. The legislature, controlled by the Old Lights, in 1742 passed an "Act for regulating abuses and correcting disorder in ecclesiastical affairs" that sharply restricted ministers from leading revivals. [69], With newly "reconquered" land, the Pequots initiated plans for the construction of a multimillion-dollar casino complex to be built on reservation land. It changes, grows, becomes richer, and more complex when any individual At the same time, the first Governor, The Indians wanted to take the lands that had been purchased from the Mohegans. The state was also the launching site for a number of raids against Long Island orchestrated by Samuel Holden Parsons and Benjamin Tallmadge, and provided men and material for the war effort, especially to Washington's army outside New York City. Source: State of Connecticut. In 1915 Connecticut had 40,000 automobiles; five years later it had 120,000. The state did not offer any tax incentives for corporations to move their headquarters. Connecticut, the area is home to thousands of Native Americans As they placed it on the table, people blew out all the candles. "[47] Until the New Deal coalition of the 1930s pulled ethnic voters solidly into the Democratic Party, Roraback was unbeatable with his strong rural organization, funding from the business community, conservative policies, and a hierarchical party organization. Ending Slavery in Connecticut Slavery ended in Connecticut in 1848 Jan 1, … Evidence of human presence in the Connecticut region dates to as much as 10,000 years ago. In 1796, the first settlers, led by Moses Cleaveland, began a community which was to become Cleveland, Ohio; in a short time, the area became known as "New Connecticut". [33] In 1995, the Connecticut General Assembly designated Prudence Crandall as the state's official heroine. 1799 - Eli Whitney procures his first Federal musket contract; within next decade develops a system of interchangable parts, applicable to Starting in the 1830s, and accelerating when Connecticut abolished slavery entirely in 1848, African Americans from in- and out-of-state began relocating to urban centers for employment and opportunity, forming new neighborhoods such as Bridgeport's Little Liberia. Wormley, G. Smith. Oliver Cromwell recommended that they all migrate to Ireland, or to Spanish territories that he planned to conquer. Boats on the canal carried goods such as sugar, coffee and flour. I like to think that some of my ancestors who had not yet left However, the divisions involved did not play a role in the coming of the American Revolution, which both sides supported. landed at New London on the banks of the Thames River. Since then the private sector labor unions have dramatically declined in size and influence with the decline in industry as factories closed and jobs were moved out of state and offshore. The New Haven Colony was settled in 1638. [75], On April 11, 2012 the State House of Representatives voted to end the state's rarely enforced death penalty; the State Senate having previously passed the measure on April 5. She was reelected in 1978. 1636 - One of the most famous early Connecticut settlers, the Reverend Thomas Hooker, traveled from Massachusetts with a group of colonists. 1972 - Under constitutional amendment adopted in 1970, General Assembly held first annual session since 1886. Timeline of Connecticut History The following Timeline of Connecticut History represents … They, in turn, were to compile county-wide statistics and send it on to the state manager. He returned with a royal charter This document was important Casualties were high: 2088 were killed in combat, 2801 died from disease, and 689 died in Confederate prison camps. The only significant change was that it called for a single Connecticut government with a southern limit at the Long Island Sound, including today Suffolk County on Long Island, and a western limit of the Pacific Ocean, which meant that this charter was still in conflict with the New Netherland colony. [71] A state memorial was later set up at Sherwood Island State Park in Westport. 1943 - General Assembly established Inter - Racial Commission, recognized as the nation's first statutory civil rights agency. Another law was passed to prevent the opening of a New Light seminary. The Native Americans give the state its name: Connecticut comes from the Native 1823 - Washington College (now Trinity) founded in Hartford. In 1987, Hartford became the first United States city to elect an African-American woman as mayor, Carrie Saxon Perry. New England states, Connecticut is located in the northeastern corner of the country. The Democrats took a peace position and included many Copperheads willing to let the South secede. The Mohegan Reservation gained political recognition shortly thereafter and, in 1994, opened another successful casino (Mohegan Sun) near the town of Uncasville. Instead of the congregation from each local church selecting its minister, the associations now had the responsibility to examine candidates for the ministry, and to oversee a behavior of the ministers. The Firelands now constitutes Erie and Huron Counties, as well as part of Ashland County, Ohio. 1785 - First Register and Manual published. In 1806, the state leadership sent town leaders instructions for the forthcoming elections. Timeline: Settlement of the Colony of Connecticut May 26, 2019 • Pre-Colonization and Settlement Up Through 1763, Hide Featured Image, John Davenport, John Winthrop Jr., Everyday Life, Exploration and Discovery, Pequot War, The State Collegiate School moves to New Haven; called Yale the next year. This compromise is still part of the United States Constitution. In that year, Captain John Mason led the colonists to victory over the Pequots. 1900 - First United States Navy Submarine, Holland, constructed by Electric Boat Company. They also reelected Robert Treat as governor each year until 1698. In 1633, Dutch colonists built a fort and trading post near present-day Hartford but soon lost control to … Until the late nineteenth century Connecticut agriculture included tobacco farms. Jan 1, 1614. 1842 - The Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford's first public museum, was established. British troops under General Tryon raid New Haven, Fairfield and Norwalk. Only the malapportioned House remained in Republican hands and dominated by rural areas. TIMELINE HISTORY OF ORGANICS RECYCLING IN CONNECTICUT 1986 - Public Act 86-1 was the landmark legislation that, among other things, authorized state funding for development of the recycling infrastructure in Connecticut. 1851 - Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Company started (under another name) in Hartford. The purpose of this research is to somehow put the history of Connecticut into perspective. However, the law required that such unions be called "civil unions", and that the title of marriage be limited to those unions whose parties are of the opposite sex. Following the raid on Wethersfield, the war climaxed when 300 Pequot men, women, and children were burned out of their village, in Mystic.[8]. Connecticut started off with the raw materials of abundant running water and navigable waterways, and using the Yankee work ethic quickly became an industrial leader. They made a great contribution to the new Constitution by proposing the "Connecticut Compromise." Their children, born in the U.S. and bilingual, flourished economically in the prosperous 1920s. The good port locations in Massachusetts had been taken, but with the removal of the Pequot Indians, there were good harbors available on Long Island Sound. "The Journal of Negro History", "Prudence Crandall", Vol. 1959 - General Assembly votes to abolish county government (effective 1960); also to abolish local justice courts and establish district 2. Elites in control of the government used cash bounties to encourage poor men to volunteer to serve temporarily.[23]. for the winter, sat in the branches of the tree and guarded the charter. 1901 - First American state law regulating automobile speeds. 1897 - Manufacture of automobiles begun by Pope Manufacturing Company of The public-sector unions, covering teachers, police, and city and state employees, have become more powerful, with influence in the Democratic Party.[63]. Governor Robert Treat had no choice but to convene the assembly. 1633-1636: Puritans from Massachusettsestablished settlements on the Connecticut River at Windsor, Wethersfield, and Har… In 1675, with King Philip's War posing significant pressure on Connecticut, New York attempted to land a force at Saybrook, in an attempt to take hold of the Connecticut River, and to assert their claim over all lands west of the Connecticut River itself, though these forces were repelled by Connecticut Colonial forces without a fight. of New Haven, the Colony's first newspaper (1755), and the Connecticut (Hartford) Courant (1764), the oldest American newspaper in continuous existence. Original Connecticut Colony settlements were at Windsor in 1633; at Wethersfield in 1634; and in 1636, at Hartford and Springfield, (the latter was administered by Connecticut until defecting in 1640.) textile and machine manufacturing had become the dominant industries. The result was a centralization of power that bothered many local church activists. Religious and civic leaders in Connecticut around 1700 were distressed by the colony-wide decline in personal religious piety and in church discipline. Fort erected at Saybrook by Lion Gardiner. Local government started upgrading the roads, while entrepreneurs opened dealerships, gasoline stations, repair shops and motels.[44]. Connecticut oystermen begin to practice aquaculture, buying or leasing underwater plots and taking young oysters from natural beds to grow in these artificial beds. Want to know about the Great Hurricane of 1938? 1675 - 76 - Connecticut participates in King Philip's War which was fought in Rhode Island and Massachusetts. In 1950 Ribicoff was elected as the first Jewish and non-WASP governor in the state's history. of various Algonquin tribes. Dutch traders had purchased land from the Pequot Tribe and made a permanent settlement. First gun powder mill in Connecticut started in East Hartford. Getting word in 1777 of Continental Army supplies in Danbury, the British landed an expeditionary force of some 2,000 troops in Westport, who marched to Danbury and destroyed much of the depot along with homes in Danbury. In October 1664, Connecticut and New York agreed to grant Long Island to New York, and establish the boundary between Connecticut and New York as a line from the Mamaroneck River "north-northwest to the line of the Massachusetts", crossing the Hudson River near Peekskill and the boundary of Massachusetts near the northwest corner of the current Ulster County, New York. the Pacific Ocean). spy mission for General Washington. It never arrived. Though what we know as our state began taking shape in 1614 when Dutch explorers sailed up what now call the Connecticut River. The ravages of disease, coupled with trade pressures, invited the Pequots to tighten their hold on the river tribes. [61] Ken Burns focused on Waterbury's munitions production in his 2007 miniseries The War. The participation of Native Allies is in a large part responsible for the Colonial Victory, and this participation was largely due to Connecticut's involvement, as they generally had the best relationships with their local Native tribes, in particular the Mohegans. Connecticut Timeline 1614 --Adriaen Block, representing the Dutch, sails up the Connecticut River. 1917 - US Navy Submarine School formally established at New London Naval Base, Groton. ", Thomas Banit, "A City Goes to War: A Case Study of Bridgeport, Connecticut, 1914-1917,", Ralph D. Arcafri and Hudson Birden, "The 1918 Influenza Epidemic in Connecticut,", David Bosso, "The Evolution of Loyalty: The Americanization of Italians in Waterbury, Connecticut from the Turn of the Century to the Fall of Mussolini,", Christopher M. Sterba, "'More than Ever, We Feel Proud to Be Italians': World War I and the New Haven Colonia, 1917-1918,", Michael T. Urbanski, "Money, War, and Recruiting an Army: The Activities of Connecticut Polonia During World War I,", Associated Press, "Indian casinos struggle to get out from under debt,", Associated Press listing as it appeared in, William Fiennes, 1st Viscount Saye and Sele, Border Disputes Between New York and Connecticut, New York, New Haven, and Hartford Railroad, New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad, Mashantucket Pequot Museum and Research Center, Cheshire, Connecticut, home invasion murders, List of newspapers in Connecticut in the 18th-century,,,, "America's Founding Documents | National Archives", Poirier, David A., "Camp Reading: Logistics of a Revolutionary War Winter Encampment,", "Group tries to preserve 2 historic Conn. homes", STATE OF CONNECTICUT, Sites º Seals º Symbols, "In the Region/Connecticut;15 Synagogues Gain National Landmark Status", "The Great New England Hurricane of 1938", "Grasso Closes the State" by proclamation", "Bridgeport Mayor Convicted On 16 Charges of Corruption", "Ex-Mayor in Sex Trial Opens Door to Bribery Questions", "Death Penalty: House Votes To Repeal Death Penalty", "Connecticut Death Penalty Faces Second Vote In General Assembly « CBS New York", "Hurricane Irene one year later: Storm cost $15.8 in damage from Florida to New York to the Caribbean", "Conn. On January 14, 1639, freemen from these three settlements ratified the "Fundamental Orders of Connecticut" in what John Fiske called "the first written constitution known to history that created a government. contained 70,000 entries and largely replaced English dictionaries. In the early 20th century, immigrants came from eastern and southern Europe. They funded the establishment of the Saybrook Colony (named for the two lords) at the mouth of the Connecticut River, where Fort Saybrook, was erected in 1636. Many Yankees left the farms to migrate west to New York and the Midwest in the early nineteenth century. 1832 - First Connecticut railroad incorporated as the Boston, Norwich and New London. This, in turn, created a good relationship between the two. First turnpike road company, New London to Norwich, incorporated. 1814 - The Hartford Convention was held at the Old State House. The Ku Klux Klan had a small anti-Catholic and anti-immigrant following in Connecticut in the 1920s, reaching about 15,000 members before its collapse nationwide in 1926 following scandals involving top leaders.[57][58]. A number of political scandals rocked Connecticut in the early 21st century. Eli Whitney of New Haven was a leader of the engineers and inventors who made the state a world leader in machine tools and industrial technology generally. Connecticut's suburbs thrived as people moved to newer housing via subsidized highways, while its cities peaked in the 1950s and then began a slow downhill slide as population spread into widely dispersed regions. 1740- 1. John Bailey was the state chairman of the Democrats from 1946 to his death in 1975; he was also the party's national chairman, 1961 until 1968. CHO is currently beginning phase 2 of a two-stage development process. Gov. Act passed providing for emancipation at age of twenty - five of all Negroes born after March 1784. Families of the current students removed their daughters. 2006 - M. Jodi Rell becomes Connecticut's second female Governor elected in her own right. 1637 - Trouble began between the settlers and the Pequot Indians. [62], Connecticut industrial workers were very well-paid, many of them in defense industries building nuclear submarines at Electric Boat shipyards, helicopters at Sikorsky, and jet engines at Pratt & Whitney. [64] These party leaders controlled their legislative delegations and ran the state conventions that selected nominees for the top offices. 1755- Connecticut Gazette of New Haven, the Colony's first news… The state furnished 55,000 men. By 1654 they were gone, before the English took over New Netherland in 1664. 1947 - Fair Employment Practices Act adopted Outlawing job discrimination. There were hundreds of Algonquian tribes, although … In fact, I wear these colonial clothes to remind you of our proud past, and all that has gone into making our state what it is today. With less competition and lower costs, there supposedly would be higher profits. The conservative elite strongly supported the American revolution, and the forces of Loyalism were weak. The English settlement and trading post at Windsor especially threatened the Dutch trade, since it was upriver and more accessible to Native people from the interior. In October 2008, the Supreme Court of Connecticut ordered same-sex marriage legalized. Used cash bounties to encourage poor men to volunteer to serve temporarily. 60! Historians have said that this was a formula for poverty and discouragement town leaders instructions for the Pentagon,... The third smallest U.S. state, local and volunteer groups mobilized for the forthcoming elections 1614 when Dutch explorers up... 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