css alternative to frames

ASP.NET Forums / General ASP.NET / HTML, CSS and JavaScript / Alternative to Frames. The list of alternatives was updated Jun 2014. You can impart your considerations or recommendations to us in the remarks … I have devised a system that uses frames if javascript is available and falls back to Iframes if not. There isn't really an alternative to Frames/iFrames..... you can remotely parse in the contents of a page and render it to your page, but you'll lose the postbacks. It's possible to update the information on Google Chrome Frame or … In other words, frame_1.html must be styled by CSS rules contained within frame_1.html or within a stylesheet linked to frame_1.html. faq215-6195. Tailwind is one such framework. I've tried some scripts I've found online but none of them work the way I need, or at all. The frameset tag is used to define how to divide the browser. Jennifer Kyrnin . CSS Create Frames Tutorial - Frames refer to elements that are used to divide a Web page into separate parts or portions. It’s a cinch to make iframes responsive with an aspect ratio box using the intrinsic ratio technique. The tag was used in HTML 4 to define one particular window (frame) within a . I'm trying this with an iFrame setup in EW now, but have heard so many disparaging comments about frames, I'm hoping someone can briefly de4wscribe alternative approach(es). But for CSS div's, external HTML should be loaded, which takes JavaScript. I'm working on a web app that includes a wysiwyg html/css editor. Using this … Use CSS padding and border-spacing properties for setting cellpadding and cellspacing for tables. If so, how can you get around it as i also understand that without the EMBED tag within the OBJECT, mozilla fails to pick up the content. CSS - Css Alternative To Html Frames? On 17 Nov 2004 19:19:10 -0800, Tammy wrote: "Tammy" a écrit dans le message de. This attribute is used in the outermost tag to globally set the border thickness for all frames within it. The issue is that the header must not move and the other 80% will be scrollable. Inuit.css works in OOCSS (Object Oriented CSS) manner which is a fast, scalable and maintainable method of writing reusable CSS. Offline. Positioning gives you control of the placement of an element on your page. Are there any alternatives to this? Like when you’re reading a manuscript, most of the time, its on a yellow (ocher)-ish background. Replies have been disabled for this discussion. Better Alternative to Frames ? I'm wondering what's the alternative to the "MARGIN: 0px auto;" where I need the -1px for the margin-left and margin-right as oppose to auto for margin-left and margin-right?? Which admittedly was implemented by all major browsers. In article <8_******************@news-server.bigpond.net.au>. To javascript, iFrames are typically black boxes. In my website i have used a minus value for three div tags with absolute positions contained in a parent div. set to the size that fits in my document. The left is for menu and is fixed and always visible and the right is for content. Loganix77. only css can do the job or we will need javascript as well??? With frames, I used to be able to create a menu which would appear throughout my site. The