great value chicken dipping sauce target

One thing we absolutely LOVE about Zaxby's is their Zax Sauce. Perhaps the most fascinating aspect about barbecue sauce is the variety. It's mate wasn't anywhere in that Walmart. 4.5 out of 5 stars 167 ratings | 3 answered questions Available from these sellers. .discountPillWrapper{margin:0;font-size:13px;line-height:19px;display:inline-block;font-weight:400;cursor:pointer}.discountPillWrapper .pill{display:inline-block;position:relative;background:#ddd;color:#555;min-width:38px;z-index:0;text-align:center}.discountPillWrapper .pill.discountPillLeft{border-radius:10px 0 0 10px;margin-right:8px;padding:1px 2px 0 8px}.discountPillWrapper .pill.discountPillLeft.pillLightUp{background-color:#ffa723;color:#111}.discountPillWrapper .pill.discountPillRight{border-radius:0 10px 10px 0;padding:1px 8px 0 2px}.discountPillWrapper .pill.discountPillRight.pillLightUp{background-color:#ffa723;color:#111}.discountPillWrapper .pill.discountPill{border-radius:10px;padding:1px 8px 0 8px;min-width:42px;background:#ffa723}.discountPillWrapper .discountText{background-color:inherit;color:#111}.discountPillWrapper .discountTextLeft,.discountPillWrapper .discountTextRight{background-color:inherit}.discountPillWrapper .discountTextLeft:after,.discountPillWrapper .discountTextRight:after{position:absolute;top:0;width:10px;height:100%;transform:skew(-20deg);background-color:inherit;content:'';z-index:-1}.discountPillWrapper .discountTextLeft:after{right:-4px}.discountPillWrapper .discountTextRight:after{left:-4px}#onml-new-or-unrecognized-sns-customer-learn-more,#onml-non-tiered-learn-more,#onml-tiered-learn-more,#sns-non-tiered-learn-more,#sns-tiered-learn-more{display:inline-block}#onmlv2FormFields{border:0;padding:0;margin:0;border-collapse:collapse}#pe-fallback-msgbox .a-popover-trigger .a-icon-popover{display:none}.exclusively-prime-signup-button.a-button{border-color:#30718b #2b657c #26586c}.exclusively-prime-signup-button.a-button{background:#49ADD3}.exclusively-prime-signup-button.a-button .a-button-inner{background:#367e9b;background:-moz-linear-gradient(top,#4A8BA5 0,#367E9B 50%,#30718B 100%);background:-webkit-gradient(linear,left top,left bottom,color-stop(0,#4A8BA5),color-stop(.5,#367E9B),color-stop(1,#30718B));background:-webkit-linear-gradient(top,#4A8BA5 0,#367E9B 50%,#30718B 100%);background:-o-linear-gradient(top,#4A8BA5 0,#367E9B 50%,#30718B 100%);background:-ms-linear-gradient(top,#4A8BA5 0,#367E9B 50%,#30718B 100%);background:linear-gradient(to bottom,#4A8BA5 0,#367E9B 50%,#30718B 100%);filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#4A8BA5', endColorstr='#30718B', GradientType=0)}.exclusively-prime-signup-button.a-button .a-button-inner{-webkit-box-shadow:0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.15) inset;-moz-box-shadow:0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.15) inset;box-shadow:0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,.15) inset}.exclusively-prime-signup-button.a-button .a-button-text{color:#fff}.exclusively-prime-signup-button.a-button:hover{border-color:#2b657c #26586c #204c5d}.exclusively-prime-signup-button.a-button:hover .a-button-inner{background:#30718b;background:-moz-linear-gradient(top,#367E9B 0,#30718B 50%,#2B657C 100%);background:-webkit-gradient(linear,left top,left bottom,color-stop(0,#367E9B),color-stop(.5,#30718B),color-stop(1,#2B657C));background:-webkit-linear-gradient(top,#367E9B 0,#30718B 50%,#2B657C 100%);background:-o-linear-gradient(top,#367E9B 0,#30718B 50%,#2B657C 100%);background:-ms-linear-gradient(top,#367E9B 0,#30718B 50%,#2B657C 100%);background:linear-gradient(to bottom,#367E9B 0,#30718B 50%,#2B657C 100%);filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#367E9B', endColorstr='#2B657C', GradientType=0)}.exclusively-prime-signup-button.a-button:active{border-color:#26586c #204c5d #204c5d}.exclusively-prime-signup-button.a-button:active .a-button-inner{background:#30718b;background-image:none;filter:none;-webkit-box-shadow:0 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,.2) inset;-moz-box-shadow:0 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,.2) inset;box-shadow:0 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,.2) inset}.a-mom-link-row{padding-left:45px}#snsPitchPrice_feature_div{display:none;visibility:hidden}#priceblock_snsprice_row{display:none;visibility:hidden}#onmlPriceBlockUpsellText{display:none;visibility:hidden}.snsCompactDropdowns{white-space:nowrap}.snsCompactDropdowns .a-dropdown-label{font-weight:700}.momPopoverFooter{border-top:1px solid #CCC;padding-top:10px;margin-top:10px}#sns-discount{display:inline-block} Chick-fil-A sauces will soon be sold at select Walmart and Target locations!. : Calorie breakdown: 83% fat, 17% carbs, 0% protein. #mobile_bottom_sheet,.a-sheet-lightbox,.dp-sheet-noselect{-webkit-tap-highlight-color:transparent;-webkit-touch-callout:none;-webkit-user-select:none;-khtml-user-select:none;-moz-user-select:none;-ms-user-select:none;user-select:none}#mobile_bottom_sheet{overflow:auto;-webkit-overflow-scrolling:touch;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0;position:inherit}.dp-sheet-lightbox{position:absolute;height:100%;width:100%;opacity:0;z-index:9999;top:0;left:0} (window.AmazonUIPageJS ? Statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the FDA, and these products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. Amazing blend of mango, habanero, and coconut. See how a store is chosen for you. P.S.—Cane’s charges $0.35 for extra sauce, which I have to imagine is a 600% markup of their actual costs. Reviewed in the United States on February 18, 2020. Package Quantity: 1. }); Disclaimer: Content on this site is for reference purposes and is not a substitute for advice from a licensed health-care professional. Contains: Soy, Eggs. #ib-text-links-content .a-button-text{text-transform:uppercase}#ib-text-links-content ul{display:flex;display:-webkit-flex;justify-content:center;-webkit-justify-content:center}#ib-text-links-content ul li:not(:first-child){margin-left:15px}#ib-text-links-content ul li{display:inline-block;padding:6px 0 9px;width:100%;max-width:50%}#ib-text-links-content .a-button-focus{border-color:#ADB1B8 #A2A6AC #8D9096;box-shadow:none;-webkit-box-shadow:none}#ib-text-links-content .a-button{border-color:#0066c0;width:100%}#ib-text-links-content .a-button-inner{background:#fff}#ib-text-links-content .a-button-text{color:#0066c0}.image-wrapper{position:relative}.ar-ib-ingress-container{position:absolute;width:100%;left:0;top:50%;transform:translateY(-50%)}.ar-ib-ingress-overlay{position:absolute;opacity:.6;background:#000;height:100%;width:100%;top:0;left:0}.ar-ib-ingress-container .text-content{color:#FFF}.ar-ib-ingress-btn{width:160px;height:32px}.ar-ib-ingress-btn .a-box-inner{text-align:center;height:30px;vertical-align:middle;display:table-cell}.ar-ib-ingress-btn .icon{padding-left:16px;padding-right:8px;vertical-align:middle}#dyr-ingress-content .a-button-text{text-transform:uppercase}#dyr-ingress-content ul{display:flex;display:-webkit-flex;justify-content:center;-webkit-justify-content:center}#dyr-ingress-content ul li:not(:first-child){margin-left:15px}#dyr-ingress-content ul li{display:inline-block;padding:6px 0 9px;width:100%;max-width:60%}#dyr-ingress-content .a-button-focus{border-color:#ADB1B8 #A2A6AC #8D9096;box-shadow:none;-webkit-box-shadow:none}#dyr-ingress-content .a-button{border-color:#0066c0;width:100%}#dyr-ingress-content .a-button-inner{background:#fff}#dyr-ingress-content .a-button-text{color:#0066c0} .glow-widget-top{min-height:40px;background-color:#f8f8f8;margin:-12px -14px 12px;overflow:hidden;z-index:100}.glow-icon{background:url() no-repeat;background-size:14px 19px;-webkit-background-size:14px 19px;width:14px;height:19px;margin:10px 10px 10px 14px}.glow-row-1{margin-top:1px}.glow-row-2{margin-top:-4px}.glow-ingress-link-color{color:#333}.glow-city-label{overflow-x:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis;max-width:68%}.glow-icon-bottom{margin:3px 10px 0 0}#contextualIngressPt{cursor:pointer;display:flex}#contextualIngressPt #contextualIngressPtLabel.cip-a-size-small{font-size:12px!important;line-height:1.5!important}#contextualIngressPt #contextualIngressPtLabel.cip-a-size-mini{font-size:12px!important;line-height:1.5!important}#contextualIngressPtPin{min-width:16px;height:14px;float:left;background-image:url(;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-size:auto;background-position:center;margin-right:5px;margin-top:2px}@media only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:2),only screen and (min-resolution:192dpi),only screen and (min-resolution:2dppx){#contextualIngressPtPin{background-image:url(;background-size:contain}#contextualIngressPtPinMobile{background-image:url(;background-size:contain}}#contextualIngressPtMobileApp{display:table}#contextualIngressPtPinMobile{min-width:16px;height:20px;float:left;background-image:url(;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-size:auto;background-position:center;margin-bottom:1px;margin-right:6px}#contextualIngressPtMobileApp #contextualIngressPtPinMobile{width:16px;height:20px;float:left;background-image:url(;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-size:auto;background-position:center;margin-bottom:1px;margin-right:6px;display:table-cell}#contextualIngressPtMobileApp #contextualIngressPtLabel{display:table-cell;vertical-align:middle} ' ) ; } ) ; ( window.AmazonUIPageJS announced the limited store release their. 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