south african flowering bulbs

Certain bulbs, such as tulips and hyacinths, require winter temperatures lower than southern states experience, but plenty more bulbs revel in the hot summers and mild winters of the South, returning year after year. In the wild, South African bulbs grow in a range of different soils, but in nearly all cases the soils are well-drained and relatively low in nutrients; this should be reflected in the potting medium. North of us, bushveld dominates, home to unusual and rare Ledebourias such as leptophylla as well as Crinums such as buphanoides. Watsonia is perhaps the most recognizable summer-blooming Cape bulb. Foliage returns in Fall . Average plant height: up to 40 inches. Sparaxis elegans offers vivid orange flowers with an immediately recognizable dark-spotted ring around a purple center. Variable in color, all are lovely ! Other species, such as the vivid yellow Moraea huttonii, more closely resemble their iris cousins. Brunsvigia striata. – Discounted admission to select partner events. As with Amaryllis, flowers appear before the strap-shaped leaves. If you are a keen collector of bulbs with magnificent leaves, there is a special gallery under the export page. Does gardening with exotic flowers interest you? It is a privilege to spend time in some of these incredible places and that stark beauty is truly captivating. We regard it as South Africa’s best kept secret. Acacia caffra Gewone Haakdoring, katdoring, Common Hook Thorn, Cat Thorn, Morutlhare, Muvunda-mbado, Umtholo, Motholo, Mbvhinya-xihloka. Baboon flowers produce thickets of distinctively pleated leaves, which come up in the fall as if to remind the gardener, “We’re still here.” Flowers arrive in late winter to early spring. Growing these colorful and unusual bulbs can add real spice and variety to your gardening experience—but be forewarned—once you start collecting these beauties, it is hard to stop! 1.5K likes. Apr 5, 2015 - Easy as pie S. African bulb . Much of the interior of South Africa is poor in bulb diversity. Amaryllis belladonna belongs to the Amaryllidaceae family and is a deciduous flowering plant native to the Western Cape region of South Africa. On the plateau in the high grasslands of the eastern province of Mpumalanga (the Lowveld), there are many diverse species including Resnovas, Ledebourias, Eucomis, Drimiopsis, Agapanthus and Zantedeschia. R 110. Most of the density of summer rainfall bulbs occurs in the Eastern Cape, KwaZulu Natal, the Lowveld and escarpment. Above: A variety of crocosmia corms (colors range from orange to yellow) is available ($3.95 for five bulbs) from Blooming Bulbs. In Nieuwoudtville, Northern Cape, a world famous and very special small town when it comes to bulbs, the Crossynes were so deep in seasonally flooded depressions they could be mistaken for being aquatic plants….and yes the water does drain through eventually. If you are resident in South Africa, the RSA Bulb Mail Order list would apply to you. A diminutive Massonia grows en masse on the Nieuwoudtville escarpment on exposed rock sheets in very shallow soil and it is fascinating to think how they survive the extreme heat in summer during dormancy as the rocks get very hot. We trust that you will enjoy this brief journey with us as we introduce you to just a few of the spectacular landscapes where many of the winter rainfall bulbs in particular, occur. South African bulbs can be divided into two categories: those that bloom in late winter or early spring and prefer a dry summer, and those that are summer blooming and winter dormant. Included in this page is a gallery dedicated to bulbs in habitat. There’s nothing subtle about their fire engine-red flowers with contrasting purple stamens. Here are some select photos from my archives of various SAF bulbs, a little colorful preview of a spring show … Our favourite spot to view Haemanths coccineus is at Cape Agulhas, Africa’s southernmost tip where they occur in large colonies in full sun boasting huge specimens growing on the rocky beach where they are subjected to gale force winds in winter and constant pounding from the salty sea spray. ... feeding during the early stages shortens the time to flowering. All content is made possible by the generous gifts of our supporters. simply incomparable in our selection of some of the finest, summer and winter rainfall South African bulbs. It was named after the Greek God Proteus, the god who changes shape at his own … Photo: Earl Nickel. Protea cynaroides is an African flowering plant belonging to the family Proteaceae and order Proteales. South African bulbs require excellent drainage and many can deal with poor soils. Due to the high number of plant photos on this website (and we haven’t finished yet), we have created dedicated galleries under the Gallery Page. Photo: Annie’s Annuals & Perennials. details about oxalis hirta 'bright pink'. It’s easy to find in nurseries, and it colonizes readily in the garden. With so many similarities in climate it no wonder that many South African Flowers, Plants and bulbs from South Africa are well suited to growing in Australian conditions. Photo: Annie’s Annuals & Perennials. Many South Africans do not seem to know this but most bulbs are waterwise (with similar requirements to that of succulents) and are thus ideal for our increasingly dry and hot climate. The Curious Plantsman Looks at Dwarf Conifers, A Horticultural Adventure through the West: Northern California, Traveling for the sake of traveling is fun, but traveling with a purpose becomes…, The floor of the Sacramento Valley is mostly flat agricultural land veined with…, A movement to inspire youth and promote horticultural careers…. Photo: Annie’s Annuals & Perennials. It has truly captivated us. crispa with deliciously chocolate petals and rich purple centers. supplying bulbs to the public & landscapers all over South Africa. Has a large list of South African bulb seeds, and a smaller selection of bulbs. With their colorful palette that is often fragrant, there is something for everyone. The southern Cape to Port Elizabeth receives rain throughout the year whereas the interior only receives rain in summer. Please, when contacting us by email, you must state the lists that you are interested in receiving for example if you are based outside South Africa, you would request our Bulb Export lists. Amaryllis bulbs produce incredibly showy, trumpet-shaped blooms that add a flamboyant and bold statement to gardens and homes throughout South Africa. A form of Haemanthus albiflos also occurs almost on the beach near East London in the Eastern Cape, albiflos and humilis both have very wide habitat distribution. Care of wand flowers includes a heavy layer of mulch for fall planted bulbs in zones 6 and 7. One of South Africa’s marvels is its incredible diversity of plant and flower species found in the Cape Floral Kingdom (or the Cape Floristic Region) on the country’s Western Cape. The flowering umbel is not that small, however, in this picture it measured about 6" (10cm) across. – Discounted rates on travel programs The closer one gets to the coast, the more flat and more sandy the soil and it is on these wind-swept coastal dunes and the adjacent interior that bulbs like Veltheimia capensis, Massonia, countless Lachenalia and Haemanthus have been observed. Spacing between bulbs: 8 inches. SHAWII Elegant stems of small nodding yellow flowers. - The majestic highland plateau of the Matsikamma mountains near Vanrhynsdorp, Copyright Notification: No photos on this website may be used, distributed or downloaded without written permission. Several of the species produce appealing spotted leaves, including the most widely cultivated species, Lachenalia aloides. Amaryllis Sonata Single – Top Choice 2 bulbs per pack. There is a special page for all the bulbs in the amaryllid family. Start with the stately Watsonia fourcadei with red, orange, or pink flowering stems reaching an impressive six feet tall. Notable features include the pronounced, reflexed pink, red, or white tepals with wavy margins. Photo: Annie’s Annuals & Perennials, Lachenalia viridiflora. Easy S African bulbs for cold glass. All photos by Johann Nieuwoudt. All our contact details and who are Johann & Leigh. The purple-spotted white center of Ferraria crispa bleeds out to turquoise with crinkled chartreuse borders. A second page is for all non-amaryllid indigenous bulbs and then finally a page for all the daylilies (Hemerocallis) we grow. Light requirements: full sun is essential (morning sun) The unforgettable Moraea villosa is better known as peacock iris because of its striking colors. Lachenalia – Lachenalia produces spikes of tube shaped, hyacinth-like flowers above thick stems and strappy leaves in late winter and early spring. FLOWERING PLANTS: Abrus Precatorius Acanthosicyos Naudinianus Adenandra Obtusata Adonis Aestavalis African Daisy Agapanthus Agrostemma milas Albuca Allium Dregeanum Alyssum Amaranthus Ammi Majus Anchusa Androcybium Aptosimum Procumbens Aquilegia Mckana Giants Arctotis Aristea Arrowhead Rattlebox Artemesia Affra Aspara Your support is critical to our continuing and future programs. Nerine bowdenii. Dreamy orange upper petals with chartreuse lower tepals arise on slender stems. Some of the photos on this website feature extremely rare bulbs in our personal collection and we are trying to build up stock from which is often very little seed and so patience is required. Type of bulb: rootstock. Part 1 of 13 - How to Plant South African flower bulbs. [2] Common names are Natal lily or bush lily. Most outstanding is the vigorous Nerine bowdenii, grown for its spherical umbels of lily-like flowers. Planted in masses, they put on a spectacular spring show. These are small bulbs, and there would be variation between the seedlings. Origin: South Africa. Edith Werner brought to our attention the possibilities for experimenting with indigenous South African bulbs and recommended a specialist nursery in NW Province, in the foothills of the Magaliesberg mountains, where summers are long and hot, with prolonged dry periods and winter temperatures drop to at least -10˚C every year. Only when you see first-hand that the general assumption of ‘sun loving’ does not necessarily imply planting a bulb in scorching full day sun and how different forms of a species often have very different growing conditions, can you possibly begin to successfully propagate and market the plants. Grower, Exporter & Mail Order Company supplying South African Bulbs, Select exotic bulbs, Irises & Daylilies. None have reached maturity as yet. In the Knersvlakte which is one of the most bio-diverse areas in both succulents and bulbs, bulbs grow in quartz pebble patches that reflect the sunlight thus keeping the soil cooler and creating a more conducive micro-climate. Posted a moment ago. Even though most of the roads are terrible particularly from Sutherland and Ceres, we love the landscapes, the night sky is simply out of this world and there is no communication with the outside world. Most Lachenalia flowers are multicolored, but Lachenalia viridiflora is a striking exception; with eerie, milky-blue flowers in late winter, it’s an unforgettable sight. Apr 18, 2020 - Explore Paul Chesler's board "South African Bulbs" on Pinterest. Nindethana Seed Service Albany, Western Australia There aren't many Australian native bulbs, but this very extensive seed list includes most of them. Baboon flower may seem like a strange name but, in fact, baboons do eat the bulbs of baboon flower. 5757 Hippestrum bukasovii x macbridei hybrid -- Each: $25.00 5790 Hippeastrum macbridei x capoeira hybrid -- Each: $20.00 Keep dry and frost free in winter. Membership benefits apply to gifts of $50+: – Invitations to special members-only events All plant photos are labelled and the names are visible if you simply hover your mouse over the photos and in order to enlarge the photos, just left click your mouse on the photo. As many of these bulbs will colonize an area over time, there is an advantage to putting them in the ground. They are herbaceous evergreen plants, with green, strap-like leaves. The substrate is almost completely sand. Planting depth to base of the bulb: just deep enough to cover the rhizome. Photo: Annie’s Annuals & Perennials. Show More Show Less. These natural growing cycles are influenced by ocean currents, altitude, rainfall, and seasonal temperatures. The plants are known to be very cold hardy and can handle the colder climates of inland areas in California. Everything you need to know regarding pests, potting mediums, watering regimes, planting depth, feeding etc is on that page. He writes a weekly column for the San Francisco Chronicle profiling…, Cape cowslip (Lachenalia tricolor) Photo: Earl Nickel. Lachenalia aloides var. Gladiolus carneus offers larger pink petals with dramatic crimson spotting and is one of the most vigorous of all Cape gladioli. Most benefit from an off-season dry period—particularly true for Lachenalia and Gladiolus. Finally, we can’t leave out Nerine, a showy bulb genus in the amaryllis family, which contains 30 species. The extensive photo galleries on this website also serve as an educational tool showcasing South African bulbs to the world and have taken almost 2 decades to compile and we are constantly adding to this impressive photo library. Winter rainfall bulbs have a tendency to be more cryptic in habitat due to grazing animals and other predators, they need to blend in. See more ideas about plants, planting flowers, flowers. Gladiolus alatus. Oxalis hirta. Pale to solid lavender petals have vivid blue eyes around a copper center. On a recent trip to the Cape we saw clumps of these in small colonies almost clinging to the cliffs on the south eastern slopes of small hills in the Little Karoo. Stock: 11 Qty: Amaryllis Sonata Single – Top Choice – 2 bulbs p/pack quantity. to about 15 in tall it blooms in Spring and goes deciduous in Summer . South African Flower Bulbs That Bloom in Winter. rare south african bulb, flowering plant. Soil types ranges from clay to rock and rocky cliffs and to flat coastal sand. Over the past few years we have travelled extensively in the Western and Northern Cape provinces in order to familiarise ourselves with the habitat of many of the species we grow to try and emulate that growing environment as close as possible in our production facilities as well as building up our vast photographic library. We could start with the Protea, closely related to our own Waratah, both belong to the Proteaceae family and both are excellent flowering plants used widely in Australian Gardens. We have seen for example Haemanthus coccineus growing in diverse habitats ranging from the arid Tankwa Karoo where the leaves are silver grey and  more compact and the bulbs are wedged inbetween large rocks in full sun to a form with huge luscious shiny bright green leaves growing in humus rich soil in deep shade under thickset trees and shrubs in the Citrusdal mountains. Interest group that specializes in South African bulbs, engaging in seed exchange, publications, and conservation efforts. The flowering stems can reach +-90cm to 1m tall and the plants require at least 6 hours of sunlight a day. Most genera/species are sun lovers; of the bulbs mentioned here, only Haemanthus likes some relief from heat. Oxalis hirta is one of the most charming plants you’ll ever grow. Enter your address to find the closest store or search by province, city or store name South Africa is a fascinatingly bio-diverse country. And finally, though the word oxalis enrages many gardeners, most species are harmless. Grassland and bushveld biomes dominate the northern and central regions of South Africa. There is also a dark form of Ammocharis coranica which often grows in the shade of bushes and when the summers are particularly hot and dry, the leaves simply wither until the rains come again. I have kept Lachenalia and gladioli in pots, as it is much easier to give them their necessary dry season. Photo: Annie’s Annuals & Perennials. Sparaxis flowers protect their buds with a silky sheath until flowers emerge in early spring. This is predominantly the summer rainfall region (until you reach the rich Nama-Karoo) and is home to Boophone, Albuca, Ammocharis and a few Nerine and Crinum species. Please note that our stock lists change on an almost weekly basis now and as a result we do not always have bulbs available of every photo on this website. Tulbaghia is a monocotyledonous genus of herbaceous perennial bulbs native to Africa belonging to the family Amaryllidaceae, subfamily Allioideae. ( permalink | delete | edit ) It is found in the southern and southwestern parts of South Africa. South Africa has a fabulous array of indigenous flowers that enhances the country’s natural beauty and diversity. Unfortunately habitat destruction is a reality due to intensive farming activity, roadworks, housing development, over grazing, mining and industrial activity. Weirder yet is Ferraria crispa ssp. Though they have been hybridized, you can still find outstanding and tough species. Flower bulbs offer some of the most spectacular displays in spring, summer, and fall. Brunsvigia striata is also called Brunsvigia minor, and it is the smallest of the Brunsvigias. directly to the public & to landscapers: a fabulous range of bulbs, daylilies, irises, pelargoniums & other botanical curiosities, Louisiana Irises, Bearded Irises, Exotic Irises and select Exotic bulbs, We consult on sustainable farming practices & invasive plants & do valuations for bulb collections (including those in deceased estates). The striking peacock iris (Moraea villosa). Under What we offer, you will see our dedicated pages for bulb export; local bulb mail order (RSA – South Africa); Hemerocallis (daylilies); Exotic Bulbs, Louisiana Irises & Other Irises & our Retail Nursery. EARL NICKEL is an Oakland-based horticulturist, writer, and photographer. The bulb, however, is not that large. Tulbaghia violacea - Indigenous South African Bulb - 10 Seeds. Includes articles & plant lists: winter & spring flowering bulbs, dahlia care for autumn. If bold and brassy is your thing, you’ll enjoy Babiana villosa. The home page is an introduction to habitat. The sun setting on the Roggeveld Mountains in the Tankwa Karoo, a remote corner of the southern part of the Northern Cape bordering the Western Cape. Lachenalia is one of the most varied and interesting of all South African bulbs and is among the earliest of the winter-blooming bulbs; some species send up shoots in late fall. Like most South African species, G. alatus flowers are small. Most bulbs thrive in soft sandy or extremely well drained soil or stony clay soils but on our travels we have seen that habitat for a single species can range from vast expanses of extreme semi-arid, almost desert-like conditions where the sun scorches the ground during the dry summer to seasonally water-logged depressions. 24” July-October 3=£6.00 CRINUM Hardly a small bulb but we are regularly asked for these popular summer flowering bulbs from S Africa. The unique Watsonia tabularis offers exquisite peach-colored, flared-goblet flowers. Several of the species produce appealing spotted leaves, including the most widely cultivated species, Lachenalia aloides. Learn all about South African flower bulbs with tips on planting and growing these beautiful flowers in this free gardening video series. aloides, better known as Lachenalia tricolor, is one of the showiest varieties, featuring yellow flowers with reddish-orange tips and bright green gibbosities. There is much less diversity in the summer rainfall regions and this is due to the winter rainfall areas having different habitats with their own micro-climates (more mountains that contribute to different habitats whereas the interior is mostly flat with one habitat dominating  large areas which in turn means less bulb diversity) and different soil types. Refunds by law: In Australia, consumers have a legal right to obtain a refund from a business if the goods purchased are faulty, not fit for purpose or don't match the seller's description. Perhaps my favorite South African bulb is the wildly exotic Ferraria. The SA Bulb Company, Hartebeestpoort, North-West, South Africa. Acacia caffra (=Senegalia caffra) is a very hardy, deciduous, drought resistant, graceful tree with feathery foliage that gives the tree a weeping shape. Also termed the belladonna lily, Jersey lily, naked lady, or March lily, it may be started from seeds or bulbs. They are from the family Amaryllidaceae, subfamily Amaryllidoideae. A South African native, Ixia plant info indicates African corn lily plants are short-lived perennials and may perform as annuals, not returning after a hard winter. Ferraria crispa. Regular price R20.00 Save Liquid error (product-template line 117): -Infinity%. Many readers will be familiar with commonly available Sparaxis tricolor hybrids but several other species are worth seeking out. Flowering color: White and various shades of blue. There are also species of genera that have winter and summer rainfall representatives such as Brunsvigias, Haemanthus, Crinum, Eucomis and Clivias. The following are seedling bulbs of hybrids produced at Telos. A hit with Diggers members, flowering from June to October - these 10 varieties will give you months of garden colour! Conditions are taxing and it makes one appreciate how those many bulb species such as Eriospermum, Albuca, Ornithogalum, Drimia, Gethyllis and Lachenalia have to brave the elements in order to survive. This landscape consists mainly of Highveld grassland, dry bushveld and semi-desert (Great Karoo). This area is a treasure trove of rare bulb species. Known by the exotic name of blood lily, all Haemanthus species are bulbous geophytes with perennial, fleshy roots that produce dense clusters of red, pink, or white flowers. Photo: Kurt Steuber/Wikimedia Commons. Pavelka Alpines Czech Republic Has an extensive seed list of European alpine plants, including some bulbs. Babiana odorata produces spikes of sweetly fragrant flowers with butter-yellow petals splotched with brighter yellow. We are still in the process of identifying some species particularly Ledebourias, Drimiopsis and Ornithogalums. 3 of 3 Freesia, an intensely fragrant bulb hailing from South Africa, is like most bulbs from this region, it is one of the earliest bulbs to bloom. South African Bulbs in Bloom By Karla Chandler | February 16, 2011 BBG's special collection of South African bulbs are in bloom. Erle Nickel. We have started sowing seed again but this a long term project. For the convenience of all customers, there is now a dedicated page GROWING AND MAINTAINING BULBS. You must return items in their original packaging and in the same condition as when you received them. in the few small ‘wild pockets’ left in Gauteng province which is home to the largest urban sprawl in South Africa, one can still find some Crinum lugardiae and graminicola, Ledebourias, Agapanthus campanulatus, Haemanthus humilis subsp hirsutus, Pelargonium luridum. grandiflora lack the round form and center ring of the tricolor hybrids, but they capture your attention with their vivid color. Chasmanthe – This plant shows off fans of bright green leaves in autumn, followed by spiky orange red flowers in late winter or early spring. Outstanding cultivars with daisy-like flowers in single, semi-double and double forms; in colours from lemon-yellow to gold, chestnut, mahogany, and bronze, and multi-coloured blooms. The southern Cape to Port Elizabeth receives rain throughout the year whereas the interior only receives rain in summer. Botanising around the Karoo, Western and North Western Cape, you look at the treasures beneath your feet and feel compelled to stop and consider what an incredible journey it has been over the past few million years when the geophytes started diverging and speciation occurred as the rainfall pattern changed to a winter rainfall and summer drought Mediterranean climate. Most of the bulbs in the Eastern Cape are evergreen such as Cyrtanthus, Agapanthus, Clivias and some Nerines. Lachenalia is one of the most varied and interesting of all South African bulbs and is among the earliest of the winter-blooming bulbs; some species send up shoots in late fall. Finally in KwaZulu Natal including the magnificent Drakensberg mountain range, there are a number of critically endangered species such as Siphonochilus aethiopicus, Nerine pancratioides, Pseudoprospero firmifolium subp natalensis, Haemanthus pauculifolius, Cyrtanthus obliquus, falcatus and Crinum acaule. While some of the plants begin to flower in December, the best time to see a diverse and beautiful display of these winter bloomers is February through March.

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