what guarantees that the soul is subsistent

And because the philosophers of old believed that nothing existed but bodies, they maintained that every mover is moved; and that the soul is moved directly, and is a body. But it has been shown above (Article 3) that sensation is not the operation of the soul only. Wherefore things participate of It not as a part of themselves, but by diffusion of Its processions. But every mover moved is a body. But one matter cannot be distinct from another, except by a distinction of quantity, which has no place in these incorporeal substances, such as an angel and the soul. Modus Tollens. Therefore the soul and the angel agree in the ultimate specific difference: therefore they belong to the same species. And the process of life is alike in both; because "all things breathe alike, and man hath nothing more than the beast," as it is written (Ecclesiastes 3:19). Hence, as all sensible things are not of one species, so neither are all intellectual things of one species. Therefore the soul cannot survive the dissolution of the body. But whatever created form be supposed to subsist "per se," must have existence by participation; for "even life," or anything of that sort, "is a participator of existence," as Dionysius says (Div. This argument proceeds from the proximate and natural end. Now participated existence is limited by the capacity of the participator; so that God alone, Who is His own existence, is pure act and infinite. Thomists believe that God would not allow something to exist eternally in its unnatural state, and so (along with fellow … rational soul 81. abelard 79. intellection 79. texts 79. psychology 78. doctrine 78. commentary 77. perceptual 77. thinkers 73. ibn 72. eds 69. singulars 68. philosophy of mind 67. gutas 66. human beings 64 . For it is written (2 Corinthians 4:16): "Though our outward man is corrupted, yet the inward man is renewed day by day." “Am I more than particles?” Because if my subsistent soul is the very life of my body beyond my senses, then my soul is immortal and the materialist world order is turned on its head. Granted even that the soul is composed of matter and form, as some pretend, we should nevertheless have to maintain that it is incorruptible. Therefore, since the human soul is, after a manner, in potentiality; which appears from the fact that sometimes a man is potentially understanding; it seems that the human soul must participate of primary matter, as part of itself. The other motive power is that which executes motion in adapting the members for obeying the appetite; and the act of this power does not consist in moving, but in being moved. Therefore it is a particular substance. Since, then, sensation is an operation of man, but not proper to him, it is clear that man is not a soul only, but something composed of soul and body. For man is of the same 'genus' as other animals; and, as we have just shown (Article 2), the soul of man is subsistent. Unless this ranking is false, unless souls don't really have any more perfection than slugs, there must be a real standard of perfection to make such a hierarchy possible. . I agree with you that animals don’t have subsistent souls. Reply to Objection 2. A similar adjustment for the sake of doctrine occurs with the definition that a person cannot have part of another, for otherwise when a soul separates from the body, the soul itself would be a person. For primary matter receives individual forms; whereas the intelligence receives absolute forms. Now, whatsoever things are in actuality participate of the First Act, which is God; by participation of Whom, all things are good, are beings, and are living things, as is clear from the teaching of Dionysius (Div. He studied first at Padua, but in1390 he was assigned to Oxford, where he spent three years. But this belongs to God alone. But the natural operations of the soul and of an angel are different; since, as Dionysius says (Div. Wherefore we conclude that as the souls of brute animals have no per se operations they are not subsistent. If we do that, I guarantee you we will not fail. Whence it is clear that to move is not an act of the sensitive soul without the body. In both of these cases, Ussher writes as if he has inserted an element into the definition of person just to make room for special cases like the (utterly unique) incarnation and the (common, but not normal) intermediate state of disembodied souls. For the soul understands nothing without a phantasm; and there is no phantasm without the body as the Philosopher says (De Anima i, 1). Now it was shown above (Articles 2 and 3) that the souls of brutes are not self-subsistent, whereas the human soul is; so that the souls of brutes are corrupted, when their bodies are corrupted; while the human soul could not be corrupted unless it were corrupted "per se." However, we know that it is nothing other than physical and chemical activity in the brain of a sentient being, i.e. Objection 2. MONOPHYSITISM. Secondly, because if there be anything that moves and is not moved, it must be the cause of eternal, unchanging movement, as we find proved Phys. And the very fact that the soul in a certain way requires the body for its operation, proves that the soul is endowed with a grade of intellectuality inferior to that of an angel, who is not united to a body. Therefore the soul of brute animals has an operation apart from the body. Objection 1. If, however, it be a form by virtue of a part of itself, then we call that part the soul: and that matter, which it actualizes first, we call the "primary animate." Nom. Westmonasterii.APPROBATIO ORDINISNihil Obstat. This, indeed, is impossible, not only as regards the human soul, but also as regards anything subsistent that is a form alone. For as it belongs to the notion of this particular man to be composed of this soul, of this flesh, and of these bones; so it belongs to the notion of man to be composed of soul, flesh, and bones; for whatever belongs in common to the substance of all the individuals contained under a given species, must belong to the substance of the species. Man is a composite of body and soul, so that it doesn't make any sense to me to refer to man 'receiving' a soul, since there isn't anything which we can refer to as 'man' which doesn't already consist of a subsistent soul. Incorporeal Potentiality Guarantees the Soul’s Immateriality and Relation ... myriad discussions about what Aquinas meant when he claimed that the soul is both a form and a subsistent substance drew me to the topic and were the impetus behind my pursuing it as a doctoral thesis. Now every body has its own determinate nature. The soul has life apart from the body. It denies and blasphemes the visage of its own childhood; it wants to degrade the memory of its purity, beauty, and glory. It has been sugge… Further, the human soul is a substance. Thus we observe that a sick man's tongue being vitiated by a feverish and bitter humor, is insensible to anything sweet, and everything seems bitter to it. x (Did. If P, then Q , P therefore Q ... the mode of placing by the manner of placing. But the properties of matter are found in the soul—namely, to be a subject, and to be changed, for it is a subject to science, and virtue; and it changes from ignorance to knowledge and from vice to virtue. Objection 2. Only the manner of the persistence of the soul is hugely different. The soul is, on the onehand, something that a human being risks in battle and loses indeath. Therefore the souls of other animals are subsistent. In classical Latin, subsistere meant “to stand firm” or “to come with relief or support.” In post-classical Latin the word meant “to exist as a substance,” or more simply, “to be.” This is how St. Thomas Aquinas used the word in the Summa Theologiæ (First Part, Question 75, Article 2). Wherefore some say that they are composed of that "whereby they are" and that "which they are"; for existence itself is that by which a thing is. ix, 4). When the soul passes away from this position, the activity of the blood, generating fusion, ceases. Reply to Objection 2. The soul is the heart of the body, it does not die. Logical arguments do not satisfy me like hard data does because hard data has a way of imposing itself on the researcher. Therefore the soul is a mover moved. Subsequently he says the contrary to this of the soul. Objection 1. But it is not true of the soul. So there is no pre-existence of human souls. What guarantees that the soul is subsistent? Further, whatever is out of nothing can return to nothingness; because the end should correspond to the beginning. Now life is shown principally by two actions, knowledge and movement. Further, wherever the properties of matter are found, there matter is. Now as potentiality is receptive of act, it must be proportionate to act. There is, again, another mover, which is moved essentially—namely, the body. The other motive power is that which executes motion in adapting the members for obeying the appetite; and the act of this power does not consist in moving, but in being moved. Motive power is of two kinds. For we say that man sees with the eye, and feels with the hand, and not in the same sense as when we say that what is hot gives heat by its heat; for heat, strictly speaking, does not give heat. Therefore, since the souls of brute animals are sensitive, it follows that they are subsistent; just as the human intellectual soul is subsistent. Therefore the soul, which is the first principle of life, is not a body, but the act of a body; thus heat, which is the principle of calefaction, is not a body, but an act of a body. In both cases they die. Identifying some particles as a set is arbitrary, but mathematical and, thereby, scientific. Therefore the soul is not something subsistent. The Summa Theologiæ of St. Thomas AquinasSecond and Revised Edition, 1920Literally translated by Fathers of the English Dominican ProvinceOnline Edition Copyright © 2017 by Kevin Knight Nihil Obstat. But when it comes to resurrection, why couldn’t the continued existence of the animal’s soul/form in the Divine Mind and perhaps, as Lewis suggests, in the mind of its owner, be enough to guarantee the continuity between the living animal and the resurrected one? I answer that, The soul has no matter. According to the Philosopher (Ethic. Hence the operation of the parts is through each part attributed to the whole. The body is necessary for the action of the intellect, not as its origin of action, but on the part of the object; for the phantasm is to the intellect what color is to the sight. On the contrary, Is what is written in the book De Eccl. iv) that human souls owe to Divine goodness that they are "intellectual," and that they have "an incorruptible substantial life." Now participated existence is limited by the capacity of the participator; so that God alone, Who is His own existence, is pure act and infinite. Wherefore matter acquires actual existence as it acquires the form; while it is corrupted so far as the form is separated from it. I just think religion is stuck in archaic paradigms that make it less adaptable to new information and ideas. 29, a. Reply to Objection 3. having a soul], and those things which have no life, "inanimate." imaginary pictures of corporeal things." One, the appetitive power, commands motion. But the operation proper to the soul, which is to understand through a phantasm, cannot be without the body. Therefore the soul is the inward man. But Aristotle held that of the operations of the soul, understanding alone is performed without a corporeal organ. But the soul does not operate; for, as the Philosopher says (De Anima i, 4), "to say that the soul feels or understands is like saying that the soul weaves or builds." Objection 2. Objection 1. Specific difference is derived from the difference of form; nor does every difference of form necessarily imply a diversity of "genus." Further, the human soul is a substance. genetics implies interbreeding between humans properly defined by a subsistent immaterial soul and a wider population, there is reason to ask whether the meeting of Neanderthals and sapiens may also have been an example of interbreeding. But the first potentiality is primary matter. If, however, it be a form by virtue of a part of itself, then we call that part the soul: and that matter, which it actualizes first, we call the "primary animate.". To understand through a phantasm is the proper operation of the soul by virtue of its union with the body. The likeness of a thing known is not of necessity actually in the nature of the knower; but given a thing which knows potentially, and afterwards knows actually, the likeness of the thing known must be in the nature of the knower, not actually, but only potentially; thus color is not actually in the pupil of the eye, but only potentially. For potentiality is opposed to actuality. Therefore the soul is the inward man. Illuminationists generally conceived of the soul as a mirror or receptacle ready to capture the rays of intelligibility from the Divine Mind. We have to go beyond mental images (i.e. Therefore matter is in the soul. Aquinas held that what fundamentally differentiates the human being from all other animals is the fact that the human soul is a subsistent immaterial soul, intellectual and immortal.32 32 Summa Theologiae, Ia., q. We may therefore say that the soul understands, as the eye sees; but it is more correct to say that man understands through the soul. I answer that, It must necessarily be allowed that the principle of intellectual operation which we call the soul, is a principle both incorporeal and subsistent. Nevertheless, that is rightly said to subsist "per se," which is neither inherent in the above sense, nor part of anything else. Scott Hahn, Lessons From Ancient Israel for Today’s America, Miscarriage and Motherhood: Finding God in Silence and Noise, The Secular Munchausen Syndrome and That God-Sized Hole, Western Civilisation Is Possessed By an Impure Spirit, Lessons From Ancient Israel for Today's America, Without God’s Love, Without Prayer- Nothing, Weeding the Lenten Garden After a Season of Neglect, Nature Versus Grace: The Imitation of Christ. This is the very slightly emended text of the talk given at the third annual Generative Anthropology Summer Conference at Ottawa on June 19-21, 2009. Karl Marx’s Exuberant Praise Of Capitalism. Possible evidence for Neanderthals possessing a subsistent immaterial soul, and so being part of the same human family as sapiens, is assessed. Eternal happiness is the ultimate and supernatural end. But, as is shown in Phys. Thomas is treading the middle way he sees in De an. However, the separation of the soul and body at death is not the NATURAL state of the soul. The Function of a Soul Contract Further, the relation of the sensitive faculty to sensible objects is like the relation of the intellectual faculty to intelligible objects. Reply to Objection 1. viii (Did. They give Love an existence of its own when really it is an emotion generated by the workings of the brain in a sentient being, including a human. Further, what has no matter, and is a form only, is a pure act, and is infinite. Therefore, also, the human soul is corruptible. Now "this particular thing" is said not of the soul, but of that which is composed of soul and body. It may also be understood in this sense, that this soul is this man; and this could be held if it were supposed that the operation of the sensitive soul were proper to it, apart from the body; because in that case all the operations which are attributed to man would belong to the soul only; and whatever performs the operations proper to a thing, is that thing; wherefore that which performs the operations of a man is man. The soul is reunited to the matter. III.23. They avoid evil acts and make chastity their motto. x, 7): "Who understands that the nature of the soul is that of a substance and not that of a body, will see that those who maintain the corporeal nature of the soul, are led astray through associating with the soul those things without which they are unable to think of any nature—i.e. Now it is impossible for any substance to be generated or corrupted accidentally, that is, by the generation or corruption of something else. Hence it is necessary, not that the likeness of corporeal things should be actually in the nature of the soul, but that there be a potentiality in the soul for such a likeness. Therefore it is a "hypostasis" or a person; and it can only be a human person. For a thing may be corrupted in two ways—"per se," and accidentally. Objection 2. For nothing can operate but what is actual: for which reason we do not say that heat imparts heat, but that what is hot gives heat. After separation from the body it will have another mode of understanding, similar to other substances separated from bodies, as will appear later on (I:89:1. For the intelligence is subject to knowledge, and is changed from ignorance to knowledge, by reason of its being in potentiality with regard to the intelligible species. Secondly, we may proceed from the specific notion of the human soul inasmuch as it is intellectual. Secondly, we may proceed from the specific notion of the human soul inasmuch as it is intellectual. This, indeed, is impossible, not only as regards the human soul, but also as regards anything subsistent that is a form alone. But there is nothing nobler either in an angel or in the soul than their intellectual nature. ix, 4). was born in Udine, Italy, around 1369. He defends this by saying that Christianity makes up theism’s… It would seem that the soul is a body. There are two kinds of contact; of "quantity," and of "power." For a thing may be corrupted in two ways—"per se," and accidentally. Therefore the soul and an angel are not of the same species. For the operation of anything follows the mode of its being. Shoemaker was aware of the Thomistic view that the physical body is very necessary (Shoemaker, p.44). Thanks for an excellent philosophical exposition of substance. Whether the human soul is incorruptible? It may also be understood in this sense, that this soul is this man; and this could be held if it were supposed that the operation of the sensitive soul were proper to it, apart from the body; because in that case all the operations which are attributed to man would belong to the soul only; and whatever performs the operations proper to a thing, is that thing; wherefore that which performs the operations of a man is man. Further, things which have no matter, have no cause of their existence, as the Philosopher says Metaph. Stacy Trasancos has a PhD in Chemistry from Penn State University and a MA in Dogmatic Theology from Holy Apostles College and Seminary, is a chemistry and physics instructor for Kolbe Academy, adjunct professor at Holy Apostles, and author of, Copyright © A.D. 2018 Catholic Stand | Powered by Astra. Therefore every intellectual substance is incorruptible. Further, it seems that the soul does not differ from an angel except in its union with the body. 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