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identify three facets affected by cultural differences s130

Defensive mode will sometimes be your only option. In this article, Tervalon and Murray-Garcia identified three facets to cultural humility. 9. Cultural humility also requires us to be critical of our own cultural biases. Joe R Varela 6. You read that cultural humility requires people to be critical of their own assumptions of normalcy. Flank Cultural humility encourages people in places of power to acknowledge their privilege and how it can provide better opportunities. Structure fires can be deadly, but there are tell-tale signs pointing to trouble. Identify THREE measures to follow to protect hoses and fittings after suppression activities. What do the letters in the LCES acronym stand for? Burning leaves or needles placed in unburned fuel with a shovel Identify TWO safety precautions you should follow in a helicopter landing zone. Sociological globalization. It pushes one to challenge their own cultural biases, realize their own limitations about cultural knowledge, and look at cultural learning as a lifelong goal and process. Ms. White has seen it time and time again - young Asian-Americans who feel familial pressure to excel and succeed academically. It leads to greater efficiency in the use of capital and other factors of production. Ms. White initially feels a tinge of aggravation toward Lee-Lei's parents. Its generally difficult to know what someone else wants even when you know them well. Be sure female ends have the correct gasket size You can do this by doing three things: (1) learn about the culture youre interacting with by doing research; (2) listening carefully for when people behave differently than you expect them to; and (3) ask people youre working with how to best handle an interaction. Use foam or other wetting agents whenever possible Place the steps for lighting and using a fusee in the correct order. Use short strokes Prepares you for moving on short notice That is, you may not allow opportunities for people to take actions that are different from the ones you predict, which might give you a sense that their interpretation of a situation is different from yours. Preliminary control line built to quickly check the fire's spread C. creek beds. Place fire shelters where these are present: Walk and work 10 feet (3 m) apart from other firefighters page 2 Fire shelters are designed to minimize burns and prevent asphyxiation from hot gases. Identify known hazards Tears exceeding 1/4 in. succeed. Type of materials manufactured, stored, or used The major elements of culture are symbols, language, norms, values, and artifacts. - Snags Karin has taught middle and high school Health and has a master's degree in social work. Overloading is one of the most common causes of boating fatalities. 1 INTRODUCTION This course, Firefighter Training, S-130 and Introduction to Wildland Fire Behavior, . Scrape striker end sharply against ignition end of fusee in downward motion, away from your face and body The portion of a control line where flammable material has been removed by scraping or digging down to mineral soil is known as the____. - Definition, Examples & Laws, Franz Boas: Biography, Theory & Contributions, What is Economic Botany? Elimination of unburned fuel between a fire's edge and a control line Identify the THREE main hazards of hazardous materials. Requires mobility and flexibility in the fire fighting effort. This is a conversation between Robert and Laura a month later where Robert checks in with Laura about the therapist referrals. 6. Areas where the flame front will pass quickly, You should wear your fire shelter in a position on your web gear or fireline pack where___. They may be slippery. Consider the following strategies to address cultural diversity challenges in your practice: Hearing protection; & 7. You havent given them an opportunity to do something that would surprise you. 1. - Dry mop-up Identify FOUR guidelines you should follow when performing a systematic mop-up. (25 mm) wide. Place each suppression technique in order to match with the correct description. Identify a hazard that magnifies the danger of all other hazards. We pray together and I don't feel alone anymore. Culture is an essential part of conflict and conflict resolution. - Directs the overall management of the incident 9. Place each component of a progressive hose lay in order to match to the appropriate use. Prohibit smoking within 100 ft. (30 m) of helicopter, fuel storage, and fueling equipment. Runners Damaged threads Interior rooms are involved, windows are broken in windy conditions, and other structures are threatened or involved. Multicultural Counseling Overview & Theory | What is Multicultural Counseling? These differences are cultural differences that cause problems when people communicate. When using a hose clamp, place it on the hose at least 18 in. uuid:54120f3d-8d59-429f-9cec-727cb1b4da8c You are backing up the nozzle operator on this fire. Identify THREE of the first five Standard Fire fighting Orders. Documents listing chemical name, number, and type Keep the structure from burning. Do not run with hand tools identify three facets affected by cultural differences s130mostar bridge jump injuries. Identify the distance firefighters should maintain when walking or working with hand tools. Open or fill the can away from ignition sources, such as open flame, hot embers, sparks, or while smoking For example, the Dutch social psychologist, Geert Hofstede outlined a number of dimensions that highlight ways that cultures differ. Give clear instructions and be sure they are understood. Cultural humility. Know what your fire is doing at all times. 2. Identify FOUR things you should be looking for. Lookouts Barriers to communication Being an objective listener is a must on the fireline. Barriers to communication include: Restrict water flow. Cultural factors can also impact how autism is understood, interpreted and accepted in different Few of them are listed below: 1. D. heavily trafficked roads. You can start a meeting or conversation by saying, My intention here is to gather input from you so that I can make a decision. Try to find an ally in a group you are working with who can let you know when you may have said something that elicited a different interaction than you intended. Cover the roof vents - The hose is dangerously close to the flames. Don't apply a straight water stream near it. 10. Make escape routes lead to a safety zone in the black or farther into the green away from the fire You are already uphill and upwind of the area. You may partner with organizations whose employees come from another part of the country. LCES is an acronym representing the four key operational components of the Orders: Understand that your first priority is your safetyyour second priority is saving property and natural resources Detect Three facets affected by cultural differences are: Ensure objectives and instructions are understood. All rights reserved. Use hand tools in conjunction with water application methods to ensure effective water Instead, when first getting to know a group from another culture, do not give them an option to say or do nothing. A. 4. Counselor Certification & License | How to Become a Counselor, Cultural Formulation Interview (CFI): Definition & Process, Improving Patient Outcomes with Evidence Based Practice, Assessing a Social Work Client's Strengths & Weaknesses, Counselor's Role as a Social Justice Advocate, Religious and Spiritual Development in Counseling, The Purnell Model for Cultural Competence. Mop up the entire area on small fires if practical For threatened structures in the wildland/urban interface, certain assessments have to be made. Carefully follow instructions from the boat crew. Progress. Follow these safety tips: The meal was being prepared by the farm owners. Wildland firefighter protective clothing is designed to protect you from: Identify FOUR actions you can take to make sure you perform physically well on the fireline. Stop using your shelter if any of the following conditions are found: Hence, a practitioner may be an expert in their field of mental or medical health, but their client is an expert as well. All of the following are good places to deploy a fire shelter, EXCEPT In this lesson you read about cultural humility, which is having a respectful and humble attitude toward other cultures with the realization that what is normative in one's own culture is not necessarily "right" or "better", but just different than another culture. However, how your jealousy is interpreted can depend on how it is viewed culturally. Matches or a cigarette lighter. 202 0 obj <> endobj 223 0 obj <> endobj 1832 0 obj <>stream 7. The concept of cultural humility was developed by medical doctors Melanie Tervalon and Jann Murray-Garcia in a 1998 academic article published in the Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved. Wipe any spilled fuel from exterior of drip torch Some cultures are uncomfortable with ambiguity; in negotiations, businesspeople would seek rules and regulations to guide them. 3. Attempt to maintain eye contact with the pilot to be sure he or she sees you. a[a\IO4BTC4~wQd/r4cd"/ry9Cta16]|dnal]0*tbT(MDe#E-:bQ2Y[cGNWNJv}#^d`JYR6_8MJ^;r*B}[>~BOkY si[Fd - Achieves the objectives outlined by the IC and the IAP In these cases, it is possible to use items at hand to light a fire. Cultural humility is aptly named, as the individual must be humble enough to recognize the implicit biases that lie within. I feel like its a lifeline. Multiple-Baseline Design: Definition & Examples. For example, someone might prefer independence of family members versus interdependence because of their own cultural values. Healthcare, social work, and education serve a highly diverse population. Jennifer has a Ph.D. in Psychology. Written messages. Establish good communications with all involved agencies Rolling debris When to escape to safety zone. Maintain prompt communications with your forces, your boss and adjoining forces. One of your main duties is to protect the hose from damage. Safety precautions for loading and unloading fixed-wing aircraft differ from safety guidelines for helicopters. Cuts more effectively than a dull one Can push flame angle closer to fuels. Carry drip torch in completely upright, vertical position to point of application Light fuels American culture tends to be fairly flat meaning that there is not a rigid status hierarchy, while Japanese culture is much more hierarchical, and so the relative status of everyone in the room determines the way people interact with each other. Cultural humility improves relationships and outcomes, both professionally and personally. A culture of inclusiveness is rooted in respect . - Hold the tool at its balance point. For this reason, training in cultural humility is in high demand for these systems. lessons in math, English, science, history, and more. Inoperative valves Mopping-up helps ensure the fire won't flare up and jump control lines. Use your head and extremities to secure the edges of the shelter Push out the top and sides of shelter. Identify THREE structure situations you should avoid at ALL times. Topography aligned with wind and aspect during the peak burning period Planning a beginning and ending point Page 65 The acronym describing the series of proper decisions to make for reducing a hazardous materials incident's potential harm is: Identify the guidebook that is an excellent resource for more information about hazardous materials. Thus, the assumptions you make about the world based on your culture form your ability to evaluate everything you encounter. Equipmentstay out of the way; the equipment can crush you. In two to three paragraphs, describe a living situation that is non-normative to you, and investigate your opinions and judgments about it. Explosives, such as dynamite and blasting caps. Identify the main type of heat that fire shelters are designed to reflect. Safety zones, All of the following are Standard Fire fighting Orders, EXCEPT, 1. Alert supervisor if you have a safety concern Ecological globalization. These tools are dual-purpose tools with two different types of bits on the head: Cultural humility is a lifelong practice of self-reflection about one's own cultural identities. Turn to lie with the slope. Ms. White has an open mind when she schedules a meeting with Lee-Lei's parents. All of the following are proper examples of using your senses during mop-up operations, EXCEPT: feeling hot materials with your bare hand. Trench on downhill side. . 6. 7. Get the next length to the appropriate location. When working in burned-over areas, always look up, look down, and look around. Write down any messages you receivehave a pencil and note pad ready for messages. There are three facets to cultural humility: To unlock this lesson you must be a Member. When dealing with people from other cultures, pay careful attention to the failures of your predictions. Identify a TRUE statement regarding the functional purpose of fire shelters. 3. But thats not the most effective way to navigate cultural differences. - Establish escape routes throughout the day. Protect the attack line from minor flare-ups. Three facets affected by cultural differences are: Ensure objectives and instructions are understood. 37,348,062. Water Conservation - Estimated time the will hit Culture directs how people think, so it directs their behavior. Water is often like gold on the fireline. Fire shelter You should wear, (blank), over other clothing or directly over cotton undergarments. (6 mm) in length are detected along folded edges. Professionally, this means improved relationships with patients, clients, customers, etc. Therefore, cultural differences exist in some aspects of emotions, one such important aspect of emotion being emotional arousal level. Abandoning fire fighting efforts and retreating to safety zone. - Hoseline tees. - Adjustable fog nozzle 4Notify the Incident Commander (IC) of the potential problem so that trained specialists can be brought in. Crouch as you approach. Differences in Worldview From Lane, Patty. Uncertainty Avoidance Uncertainty avoidance refers to the extent to which someone is comfortable with unstructured or uncertain situations. We've been talking twice a week and it's really helped me. Hand signals Place each tactic you may use in protecting structures in the interface in order to match with the proper description. 1. Lookouts are a key part of the LCES safety tool. - Shovels, axes, and Pulaskis can adversely affect fire behavior. application/pdf Identify and mark escape routes well before they are needed Keep personal clothing & equipment in serviceable condition. 3. Perhaps Lee-Lei's anxiety has nothing to do with this stereotype of Asian culture. Rolling the hose properly will protect exposed threads. Clean and give light coating of oil. In your own experience, do most people seek to attain cultural humility? - Carry all tools horizontally, below the waist and close to your side. 5. They can also help you better understand any assumptions you make about what behaviors mean so that youre more likely to interpret your colleagues actions with an open mind. Keep your supervisor informed of hazards, and avoid breathing toxic fumes, There are three tactical modes for fires in the wildland/urban interface. Unfamiliar with weather and local factors in uencing re behavior. in order to match with the MOST appropriate caution. Stand inside opened shelter 2. Provides a place for cooler, breathable air to protect your lungs and airway. Identify THREE advantages to being accountable for your gear in the fire camp. - Hot material on a slope Know where your escape routes and safety zones are at all times Place the ICS positions listed below in order (A, B, C, D) to match to the appropriate locations on the organization chart. 4. Your safety is in jeopardy, and the escape route is in danger of being cut off. Practitioners can begin by looking at their clients as experts on their own life experience, history, and interests. Walk upright as you approach. Can be complicated by power outages. mario cipollina contact / iberico pork secreto recipe / identify three facets affected by cultural differences s130. The Importance of Context Sharing the knowledge and value of cultural humility on a larger scale is vital in ensuring that other individuals participate. Keep an eye on any potential problem areas She tries to empathize with their cultural values and why they hold academic excellence in high regard. Aluminum particles or debris is visible inside the bag. I would definitely recommend to my colleagues. Perimeter Self-critique requires the individual to accept that it is not possible to know all things about any given culture. Remove unburned fuel that is outside of but adjacent to the fireline by scattering it into the green away from the fire. Separate tube from fuel tank; inspect rubber gasket and fuel level Do you feel yourself becoming critical and judgmental, believing that independence for each generation is the best outcome, or do you feel that it is a perfectly acceptable way to live? Dozer and tractor plow crews. Put on your life preserver while you're still on the shore or dock. Identify the BEST way to mop up a machine pile. Remove lock ring in vegetation-free area Helicopters provide a way to reach remote fire zones quickly. - Rocks Georgians make toasts with wine, vodka, or beer if they wish someone bad luck. Reinforce the line, when necessary - Logistics Holes in hose. Keep a Knife and Fork in Your Hands in Chile . dentify and mark all hazardous materials with flagging material or other warning devices. It's time to put your aircraft ground crew hat on. Select FOUR ways to remove heat energy from a fire. Cognitive Challenges - the mental challenges faced by people. Stir and mix hot embers with dirt Your supervisor has asked you to mark any defective items on your hoseline or accessories. To Lead Across Cultures, Focus on Hierarchy and Decision Making, How to Successfully Work Across Countries, Languages, and Cultures, Leading Across Cultures Requires Flexibility and Curiosity, may not give people an opportunity to create an expectation failure, write out a quick meeting summary afterward, generally difficult to know what someone else wants, make some mistakes when working with people from a new culture. This is why its helpful to know what specific cultural differences are. 5. - Bevel grubbing edge 3/8-inch (10 mm) wide You can clamp off the hose when water isn't needed. Wear all personal protective equipment (PPE) properly, including sleeves down, gloves on, and eye protection in place - Hopeless situation. Eye protection 6. For example, you may witness a person striving to understand another person from another culture, or witness a person dismissing the ideas from the other culture as being weird or abnormal. Is price a reliable indicator of quality in clothing? Of course, you might make mistakes, and thats OK. Conveying that you are open to learning and communicating about potential differences can go a long way. Dislodged burning objectsthe equipment can knock down burning trees or other flammables. Cultures are like underground rivers that run through our lives and relationships, giving us messages that shape our perceptions, attributions, judgments, and ideas of self and other.

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identify three facets affected by cultural differences s130

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