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mike bridges powerlifter

northernhiro Additional comment actions. I lowered it, but too slow. To many, the author included, a case can be made for Bridges being among the best three lifters in the history of the sport. DUMB, the man had spanking new Ivanko weights and ER rack on the platform, to think that the bar was his underminding the rules is plain stupid. This is powerlifting not Olympic weightlifting no need for some Broz type of nonsense. Benchpress: 272.1kg/599.88lb @Michael_Easter, Steroids (6 posts) BUT, as a lifter at the meet who is not capable of setting world records, I was very happy when I learned that we would be using a Texas Power Bar. they can't in other parts of the world hate to say it but mike is probably screwed on this and his own fed did it to him. Another set of interesting data is world records. This happened to Mike Bridges. They keep raising the standard. Love it. The events just bring in two different powerlifting cultures. IPF did not return requests for comment. and the Squat at an astonishing amount of 804 lbs. Ken Lain DVD's. Tape 1 - Add 50 to 75 lbs To Your Bench Press. A 10-Week Progressive Powerlifting Program For Huge Strength Gains! Michael Bridges. Did the meet director think for one moment all the WORLD RECORDS unassailable at the MEN'S NATIONALS? I ran to a restaurant and grabbed some napkins and ran to the gate just in time to board. Show Printable Version; 04-21-2012, 04:33 PM #1. Can you imagine a man that tiny hoisting a dead lift of nearly 600lb. Its a shame his feats arent hailed about today. I went to get up but the pin was hooked into the carpet and I couldn't move. George has put his time in and i know we all appreciate Georges effort in supporting the game through his participation. Then a week after that, Frank Zane and I had a seminar in New Jersey. Mike Bridges - Bridges was one of the greatest powerlifters of all time, competing in the 165 and 181 pound classes. He has broken over 100 combined Nationals and World Records in his storied career. Be it football, hockey, basketball etc, all the organizations have license fees payed to them for everything from clothes to what glove, stick etc will be used, and in return they are the only vendors allowed to sell or have equipment used. In response to a question about how his training has changed as he has gotten older, powerlifting legend Mike Bridges. The manufacture send Bench bars with the middle knurling missing and no one in the area had the right bars! Power bodybuilding requires you to re-learn technique and reach new movement standards. Looks somewhat like Sheikos powerlifting program. It was stuck in about four inches down. There's a big difference between exposure and mastery! Quite simple and clear. Ted did 705lb., a record! if indeed he's been robbed before, then he's pretty tough for sticking in there and coming back. And Don Reinhoudt the SHW world champ. Didn't he check up the rule-book? No excuses! My friend Arnold Coleman broke Mike's and Gene Bell's total record at the 2005 Arnold Classic. TPB makers stood to gain by keeping the sponsorship fee up, after all, it's a BUSINESS. There was no money meets back then.Lou: What motivated you back then?Larry: A strong desire to be the best and win all the time at anything. Powerlifting champion and Hall of Famer Mike Bridges has officially endorsed KT Tape as his choice for pain relief and muscle support. I lifted my hands up and that's when I saw it. some even fresh from factory seem unduly "slick"! The bar we used was 45lbs plus the collars. What Powerlifting Tells Us About The Effects Of PEDs The meet always attracted the very best lifters in the country and 1978's version was no exception. Prior to any National meet, there is a meeting held by the Technical Secretary to ensure compliance to rules. Jim. I'm doing good, Buddy, how have you been? How To Get The Most Out of Your Westside Bands, I met him in my first power meet in the summer of 1966. In a Conjugate Method training program, dynamic effort training is typically focused on increasing the At Westside, we use dynamic effort training to improve our rate of force development. mark. But it will inevitabably follow the same process. Being stubborn about that and thinking I'm too tough to change what I do will derail your progress sooner or laterso listen to what the body is telling you and work with it; not against it. I always had good results with squating and deadlifting once a week about 3 days apart each and benching once heavy and once light a week but am considering combining squat and deadlift day and only benching once a week with possibly a third day of arms and shoulders only. Was this in Tampa? It's a shame his feats aren't hailed about today. That has got to be more dangerous that squatting without wraps. Reports have surfaced that the IPF will take those records from Bridges due to the fact that Texas Power Bars were used at the event instead of IPF approved equipment. Mac was frantic. When they had reattached my finger weeks earlier, they put a long pin through the top of the finger. Just the fact that the TPB is 45lbs makes it not meet all requirements for use. Oh yeah, no squat suit until about 1976, and no disrespect, but the squat suits were not much. I really hope the IPF overlooks this and lets the record stand. The world is blessed with FED ex overnight, next MORNING. well yeah they were legal when they kept the sponsorship fee up. "But it weighed MORE so he should the record for sure!" they can replace usapl, remember? The guys in the lighter . The rescue squad got there in 10 minutes and away I went. That being said, steroids, insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), clenbuterol and other banned substances dont make an athlete more skilled at his sport they amplify skills he already has. What gives? On the morning before the meet we opened 2 brand new shipping tubes from an IPF approved manufacturer and they contained bars that did not have center knurling. It seems that Jordans powerlifting was gone, but good fortune would be his as he began to train horses and became Australias top horse trainer.Lou: You know all the greats and beat them all: Marv, Phillips, Roger Estep the list is too long. The bigger the glass, the more of everything else you can do. All other things being equal, the stronger you are, then the quicker you run, the harder you hit, the higher you jump, the faster you throw. How about a total of 2105 lb at 181lb body weight. That's total that maybe one other lifter has approached. He bench pressed well over 400, squatter more than 700 and deadlifted close to that. It was a national meet. Fred has held the squat record in several classes and he has squatted 1008lb at the Budweiser meet in 1986. Needless to say, the routine listed below, is designed to work on each of these lifts. It was a beautiful day to drive, but once we got 50 miles away, Mac said we needed to pull over. This. oh yeah and IPF who gets the SPONSOR FUNDING EVERY YEAR for keeping them APPROVED. Steroids have been clearly shown to increase muscle mass, and theres a direct correlation between muscle cross-sectional area and the ability to produce force, said Brad Schoenfeld, an exercise scientist at the City University of New Yorks Lehman College. Weighing in at only 204 lbs, Mike not only went home with gold medals, but he also broke world records in the Deadlift at 650 lbs. the lousy knurling on ivanko bars is now a serious problem and despite their paying of the fee, ipf should seriously consider kicking those bars out UNLESS they can be corrected to have more sufficient knurling. This Make your morning email scroll and coffee stronger. Deadlift: 365kg/804.69lb. How are you doing Roger?! 1984Mens USPF Senior Nationals: I was the Meet Director for this event and I would like to put to rest this issue (if possible). I couldn't sleep on the flight. When you squat 800 pounds, every joint in your body needs to be optimally aligned. I slid under it and the bar hit me just over my left eye, tearing off half my eyebrow. The ProKinetics Natural Body Balance Insoles naturally help me align my feet and knees just right without me consciously having to alter my posture. Just lift it! [/quote] [/quote]The Ivanko bars were not used because they arrived from the manufacturer without center knurlings. The Best Powerlifting 3-Day Workout Routine - Gym Geek The Hall of Fame began with just male lifters and officials, but started including female lifters since 1987. . This was thursday--start making calls. And tell me something about your personal life.Larry: I was vice president of Holiday and New Life Spas, there were 20 of us all total. Larry: Yes. [quote=Brian Mc][quote=Travis Werner]I really hope the IPF overlooks this and lets the record stand. A meet with the quality of lifters, albeit the lack of numbers it has previously enjoyed, SHOULD have been prepared to entertain world record attempts. they say he found out thursday. Squat: 455kg/1003b Mike Bridges (Birth date: february 1, 1957). Thread Tools. Lou: I want to thank you for doing this interview and for the memories you have left imprinted on powerlifting and after knowing you for the last fifty years, on me. I have a Texas Power Bar and it weighs 20kg. The bar we used was 45lbs plus the collars. Squat: 227.5kg/501lb Carl said "I realize that rules are rules but, don't shoot the horse because the jockey was overweight." We looked at the numbers in three of the biggest competitions: Raw Unity, USAPLs Raw National Powerlifting Championship (Raw Nationals) and the IPFs Classic Powerlifting World Championships (Classic Worlds). 3. Every so often an athlete shows an exceptional talent in his sport that baffles the mind. In 1983, the IPF began to test athletes for performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs). fed ex, several people with bars in ATTENDANCE who could have had fed ex deliver them, there's NO EXCUSE in this day and age. Raw Nationals is drug-tested, and the Classic Worlds tests but perhaps not as strictly as the USAPL event. He went back and opened the trunk and brought back two tall, really cold bottles of beer. As I'm now fast closing on 49 I find my biggest problem is not overtraining, but under-recovering. USAPL, was it "modified rules" which were in effect this time? Mac's first meet was two months before this when he qualified to lift in Victorville. I saw the Gestapo in action first hand at the Master's Nationals and again today at a local meet. History of Powerlifting, Weightlifting and Strength Training - Number The power lifts are the bench press, squat and dead lift. Well, the bar didn't cooperate. This was the best meet I've been to everything was done possible to make this the best meet for lifters and judges also for whoever came to the Meet! Most guys at the USAPL meet, on the other hand, tend to not do steroids, he said. Squat: 365kg/804.69lb 1984 Honolulu, Hawaii PDF Bridges - benchpresschampion Video of Mike Bridges' Raw Challenge Squats. I was a gymnast in New York where I grew up. A winner of five world championships and several world record. Steroids also tend to decrease body fat. I'm fine Jesse! Cookie Notice this is a joke,if anybody should be repremanded it should be the meet directors,the issue of bars cant be held against mike bridges and the records that he set,if thats the case then the entire meet results would have to be erased. You should tell the cycling community about your insoles. Bodybuilding and physique-training provide exposure to the powerlifting exercises but not the technique. Worlds Strongest Man Bill Kazmaier has referred to him as a god in powerlifting, and world-champion powerlifter Don Reinhouldt has said, Larry will always be a legend of all time to us.. Las Vegas, NV. Looking back, I have seen all the best lifters of the past 50 years. [quote=Travis Werner]I really hope the IPF overlooks this and lets the record stand. Mike is going to get robbed because it's an IPF rule, tpb isn't approved equipment and so he's getting american records. mike bridges training style - That number is even more amazing when you consider that at the 1968 German powerlifting championships, 176-pound Arnold Schwarzenegger squatted 460 pounds. I invited several well-known lifters of that time: the great Mike Bridges, Terry Dillard, Dave Waddington, Steve Wilson, and Mark Chaillet. I stayed there for three days. But, when you're not doing this program, feel free to use varying rep ranges if you feel you can handle it. Anyway, I digress. It is said the that the road of good intentions a paved with, People need to have a reality check, as if Harold thought ..hey, let me sabotage this meet and give them a non-approved bar. Kyrsten Sinema's Odds Of Reelection Don't Look Great. Who cares what brand of bar it was loaded on?! However they are coming out with a 29mm bar that should be just as stiff as an Elieko or Leoko. That all said, heres how the average lifters totals (squat, bench press, dead lift) at the competitions compare. Putt Houston. now with more Bom Chicka Wahwahhhhhh, Mac Richards drove down and took Carol home. Then the bar hit the supporting brace below the bench on the left side. He said, "Okay, just be sure you're at the gate in time." Ron Collins who would mostly lift at 181 and you were mostly a 198 and there was a lot of talk of a match between you.Larry: Yes, it would be at 198, but never happened.Lou: You won nine worlds starting in 1971, it ended at Wisconsin in 1980. Place Fed Date Location Competition Division Age Equip Class Weight Squat Bench Deadlift Total Dots; DQ: USAPL: 2010-03-05: USA-OH: Con-Cret Raw Challenge: MR-M: 53: Raw: 90 Because 1983 was the first time the IPF drug-tested, most participants didnt risk using performance-enhancing drugs leading up to the meet, according to powerlifting historian Bob Gaynor. You can train as hard as ever; but there will be a time that you have to allow more recovery time. They called Mel the king of the bench press. [/quote] We are not If they can't get the bars right, I just wonder how the Arnold is going to turn out. As a lifter who has done both USAPL and IPF meets, I suspect you will be denied your records as they both are inflexible and it's the rule book. I don't think I would even care if the IPF recognized it personally. That's the most ridiculous thing i've ever heard, did they not KNOW you need to use approved equipment? And Don Reinhoudt the SHW world champ. wouldnt u think for a comp that big, that everything would be above board, regardless of what you think the rules should be? the fault is with USAPL and its referees (IPF ones) and its meet director, who should have KNOWN better than to hold a MEN's NATIONALS and that women's record breaker event WITHOUT THE PROPER BARS. Thats total that maybe one other lifter has approached. I weighed 150 pounds back then.Lou: When you moved to Dayton what was your occupation? Strength is like a glass, said lifting coach Brett Jones, who is considered one of the best trainers in the country. That includes making certain that the equipment is acceptable. World's Strongest Man: The Top 10 | Men's Journal the only people who are happy with those lousy bars are benchers. I've never really changed anything. The bar used met ALL IPF specs with the exception that it was not on the paid list of approved bars. reality check will be if the IPF can look beyond that and do what is right for the lifters who set the records. Joe came alive within months with some lifting that is still admired today. He was and is the strongest man under 200 pounds I ever saw. I invited several well-known lifters of that time: the great Mike Bridges, Terry Dillard, Dave Waddington, Steve Wilson, and Mark Chaillet. I unhooked it and stood up. At meets a certain aura surrounded you.Larry: My first rival was Joe Weinstein. how long did u have the bar before you opened it? 1983 Mens Senior Nationals Just a few years before, powerlifters had been using PEDs in low doses to help their muscles recover; maybe they gained a bit of an edge, but it wasnt overtly noticeable. I started training at Bob Matzs gym in Toledo, Ohio, with George Crawford and Milt McKenzie, butwon world titles along with Larry.Larry would drive from Dayton to Toledo for four years using a simple 5-3-1 system. There was a period when the IPF decided to do drug testing. Larry was the one getting all of the attention setting American records before World records were official. [/quote] Well most know he won nine straight before makinga tactical error when he jumped five pounds on his second attempt on the deadlift, which nullified a third attempt, letting Mark Dimiduk win the1980s nationals and worlds.Larry told me if I would open lighter I would do better, and he was right again.I remember Larry making a 530-pound bench press and a 1,900 total in 1972 in Cincinnati, Ohio, at a body weight of 198. WTF!! One would have to see the 325lb. But those accepting the pay of the sponsorship fees do not have to suffer with the bars, merely to take the money and thus approve themjust like at times platforms/stages at ipf worlds have sagged under the larger squatters, only to be considered "acceptable". in the NFL, Major League Baseball and the Olympics what were really talking about is how the drugs make an athletes muscles more efficient in terms of strength and recovery. I don't fault the meet director. 1980 IPF Men's World Powerlifting Championships. Bench: 227.5kg/501.55lb The top of the pin stuck out about a quarter inch with a tiny loop that bent around. Bench: 260kg/573.2lb I'm sure if anything does happen like records being reversed, the people who are invloved will only use this as motivation to exceed their previous lifts. And he held a special "women's gateway open" with lifters all breaking WR's TOO..WHERE WAS THIS MAN's BRAIN??? BUT, as a lifter at the meet who is not capable of setting world records, I was very happy when I learned that we would be using a Texas Power Bar. $29.95. check out the. Just lift it! 3 Star CrossFit. So, as a powerlifter, if you stay in the same weight class but you lose 10 pounds of fat and gain 10 pounds of muscle, you can be tremendously stronger, because fat doesnt help you lift weight. I find that while the weight I lift is less, the intensity is still high and with decent results but I stay sore longer. You need to start being aware of your recovery capability. When we discovered the mistake we did the best we could and used the bar that was available. it's not just Mike's!) I came in at 226 and Mike at 183. Week 7: 4 x 4 (55% of 1-RM) Week 8: Deload (50% of 1-RM) Week 9: 4 x 3 (75% of 1-RM) Week 10: 3 x 2 (90% OF 1-RM) This is a basic program to allow you to progress quickly. Mike won the second most prestigious national powerlifting in 1977 when he won the Junior National Powerlifting Championships. Benchpress: 705.5 pounds (320kg) Thats huge, because more muscle gives these athletes more power to perform with. Bob Matz would judge meets and was down right scary to look at. What did this meet director think? He has broken over 100 combined Nationals and World Records in his storied career. 4. TPB makers stood to gain by keeping the sponsorship fee up, after all, it's a BUSINESS.[/quote]. Mike Bridges We know Larry was one of the greatest lifters of all time, but not much is known about many. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. I hope this does not come true. Theyre close enough in the lighter classes, but the heavier guys are differentiated in such a way, for example, that an IPF lifter could be up to 23 pounds heavier than a Raw Unity competitor in an equal weight class. And there were no bench shirts until 1984, so his bench was raw as they say nowadays. barbell | 21K views, 632 likes, 8 loves, 38 comments, 118 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Old School Strength: Powerlifting legend Mike Bridges deadlifts ~617 lb in the 198 lb weight class. See, they cannot make an exception for a USA lifter because USA would beef huge IF a russian had an improper bar and broke records too price of having approved bars, weights, and rules. No excuses! The division between the drug-tested and non-drug-tested competitions makes powerlifting a unique window into what effect todays PEDs have on an all-important athletic skill: strength. What was remarkable was the little guys finger was as tiny as you would expect, and with the help of microscopic lenses he worked a miracle. The rule states only official approved bars can be used for the setting of world records. I guess better an old fart than an old tu*d! IF they used the same Texas Power Bars for that WOMEN's MEET, THE WORLD RECORDS THERE TOO ARE NOW NOT VALID. [/quote] For example, at a drug-tested meet in 2002, Mike Booker squatted 551 pounds but weighed just 132 pounds. Many years ago, Mike Bridges was one of the reasons I started powerlifting. This was one of the most amazing feats of strength I had ever seen at that time. 80's Power Lifting Stars - NECKBERG Or will the USAPL overlook something again? Everyone knows that politics are stupid when it comes between a person and a hard earned accomplishment but if they let it stand then everyone will say "hey, what could have so-n-so done on a Texas Power bar instead of those whippy Ivankos?" What Powerlifting Tells Us About The Effects Of PEDs. Mike Bridges The Peoria Powerhouse as told to POWERLIFTING USA by Herb Glossbrenner Great Form from the beginning. My team was also lifting, including Eric Stuber, Mac Richards, John Topsoglou, and several others. Gaynor said most powerlifters think PEDs give them about a 7 to 12 percent increase in strength. But while he was doing amazing feats of strength, Larry also was always making a judge, Jerom Weiss, mad. I am aware of the wrong bar that was shipped because I warmed up with it in the warm up room. If this is how the IPF treats their lifters it's no wonder that the WPC Eurasian Cup has 635 lifters pre- registered to lift! Tony Carpino agreed to fly in and ref and help out. What is big, strong, and is shaped like a bodybuilder? Then Ronnie Ray from Texas and a guy they called Mel Hennessey of Minnesota. Come on, guys.Mike LIFTED the f***ing weight! First of all, congratulations on a stellar performance that puts you IMO in the class with Inaba of Japan and other lifters who throw the gauntlet in the face of Father Time. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Mike's lifts are pending on the IPF website. They run around $140 a piece, and I dont want to pass the cost onto the lifters, because I honestly think that the majority of elite guys in the sport just dont care that much anymore. KT Tape is the first-ever kinesiology tape to come in pre-cut strips specifically designed for consumer use. Mike is going to get robbed because it's an IPF rule, tpb isn't approved equipment and so he's getting american records. After the last time you would think they would be extra careful to see it didnt happen again. Good luck to all of them. lift on, stay young, and live to enjoy it! Was I right! George is to be feared, and why not , it isnt everyone who can squat 985 and total 2369lb. I opened with 540 very easy, then the 242 world record of 578. Just as we assume that every athlete in other drug-tested leagues isnt clean, we shouldnt here, either. Also known ad Dr. Squat. they say he found out thursday. it matters what the rules actuially are!!! I flew back to Louisville every other week for two months. Hes laid down a base of muscle that doesnt just dry up when the drugs do. All right reserved. BUT, as a lifter at the meet who is not capable of setting world records, I was very happy when I learned that we would be using a Texas Power Bar. 600lb bench and a deadlift of 815 for a world record total of 2400 pounds. I bought it in the park and it was the "official hat of the team" and part of the money I payed was toward the license fee the hat company payed the baseball organization. My training as a 65er back in the day was pretty intense and with pretty good results. John has totaled just around 2300! Without a doubt, he wasthe greatest of the 275 pounders. Some powerlifters compete in divisions in which they can wear squat suits and bench shirts, which can put them in better form and help increase lift numbers. if you're meant to be in this sport, you are already more durable over the years than most gym lifters. He was right.After 10 yearsfrom 1970 to 1980I won my first nationals with my first top-ten bench. He also would tell others if they wanted to get a bigger bench gain weight. [/quote] The call to drug-test powerlifters had been gaining momentum in the sport since the mid-1970s. JOHN INZER An elite lifter, Inzer invented the bench shirtsupportive equipment that allowed for bigger lifts. Meshuggah. If they were lifetime PR's for you as well, then even greater congratulations are indeed in order! the lousy knurling on ivanko bars is now a serious problem and despite their paying of the fee, ipf should seriously consider kicking those bars out UNLESS they can be corrected to have more sufficient knurling. And in Daytona, Ohio, eight weeks later he made a 590-pound bench press at 228 bodyweight. Following this mind set I've won 10 Masters World Championships and broken 14 World Master's Records; and am also one of only 11 men over 50 to bench over 600 in competition. 1983Mens Senior Nationals For more information, please see our I've also, place 2nd once, and 3rd twice in the 'open' class since age 47 in World Championships. And it's still very hard for me to write after all these years. ERNIE FRANTZ A pioneer in the sport, Frantz squatted 821 at age 64. Harold, your meet was excellent!!!! Jim Size didnt mean anything to him. [quote=Anonymous]And squating without center knurling??? I just went to a baseball game and payed $18 for a lousy $10 hat. Everything at this meet was ran by the guys in the uniforms! I heard from a reliable source that a lot of effort was made to remedy the situation but it was what it was. Gaynor said lifters at the IPF event have been more likely to get around drug tests, take PEDs leading up to the competition or have a history of PED use. Carl said "I realize that rules are rules but, don't shoot the horse because the jockey was overweight." The meet director did the best he could given the circumstances and the pass given with the equipment presented for inspection. I got a shot under my left armpit and I didn't feel anything for three days in that arm (it's called an arm block). The great Mike Bridges spent years training three times per week, squatting twice, deadlifting once or twice, and benching two and sometimes three times within any week. Holy shit ! Its also important to note that competitions use different weight-class systems. So, even if drugs arent in an athletes system, he might be lifting heavier because he used PEDs a few years ago. A prodigy of the great Larry Pacifico. This is the biggest USAPL meet of the year. I envied Larry for having such good training partners and a coach like Bob Matz. The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. Once inside and rolling, they put the piece of finger that came off in some of the ice and stuck it in my sweatshirt pocket. Best Lifts: This means they have to use IPF-approved equipment on the platform. The fact that Teds total may have been low does not depreciate the astronomical effort he has left us with. that is bullshit. i just dont like the fact that theres not much assistance. It took him three more hours to fix the other hands. only thing worse than being old is being an old fart. George has spread his body weight from 242 pounds all the way to the high 300s. RECENT:Joe "The Lad" Ladnier Mississippi Monster. Let's hope they get confirmed soon. I felt good that morning and was ready to push it. Larry would drive from Dayton to Toledo for four years using a simple 5-3-1 system. From then on and into the 80s, Id estimate that about 85 percent of competitive American powerlifters at the national level were using something in massive doses to gain an edge: anabolic steroids, dianabol, testosterone.. Rank. Hahahahah!!! Bridges weighed just. In fact, the folks in Missouri have always done a great job. With respect to direct lat work, you will neither find it in the detailed 1982 article by Ron Fernando, disclosing, I was there, front row at the USF SunDome in Tampa covering the contest for The Tampa Tribune when Jeff, Dave was 7 years my elder and my teen years weightlifting idol.

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mike bridges powerlifter

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