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msb discrete dac vs chord dave

Equipment used: - Roon - 3-in 1-out XLR switchbox - Goldpoint SA2X Attenuator - Benchmark AHB2 Amplifier - Hifiman Susvara headphones (Also used Arya and HD800S but for the most part susvara) Video review of DAVE + Mscaler here: The video cannot be shown. Blimey my RME ADI 2 DAC looks to have better performance at a fraction of the cost, /===============================================================/, DACs, Streamers, Servers, Players, Audio Interface, Combination Audio DAC and Headphone Amplifiers. HiFiMan Ananda, SR Orange fuses, Taiko Audio Daiza platforms, Startech FMC optical network link, Oyaide EE f/s2.0 V2 mains spurs, Akiko Audio tuning sticks, GIK Acoustic TriTraps/panels. Its headphone amplifier is good but no match for higher powered units. I can see that in an A/B comparison, many other DACs sound more impressive than DAVE/Blu2. Yeah, im thinking a post lock-down GTG is in order. Daedalus Audio Apollo 11's. REL S3/SHO. At $20,000 I recommend the MSB Premier DAC with two power supplies (KeithRs system). You already have a very top tier DAC. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. I called the distributor and we went through everything again.,, I'm looking for suggestions on DACs I should listen to as possible replacement of my Chord Dave. Guess what I am trying to say is: preamps are important. There is a real sense of spectacle and scale when the MSB is in the system. Triangle Magellan Concerto 2< AQEverest< Vitus Audio SS-010 Mk2< AQDragon High Current< AQWELXLR< ChordQutestDAC w UpTone JS-2 & AQ Dragon Source < AQDiamond USB< InnuosPhoenix USBwAQ Dragon Source< AurenderN100H & AQ Dragon Source< NetGear GS105GESwitch w UpTone LPS1.2< Supra CAT8 Ethernet Music PC w/JCAT XE nic, HQPlayer, Roon, Tidal / Qobuz | HDPlex HD100 PSU -> OCX clock + EtherRegen | Aqua Acoustic Quality LinQ streamer | Aqua Acoustic Quality Formula xHD Rev. The good DS (delta sigma) dacs that aren't hard or harsh, are a bit of a yawn, and lack bringing out the life (boogie factor) of the music, but in a . and build quality is also excellent. Many of these were already in a shootout on Audiogon with the same requirements - has to sound stellar on 16/44.1 tracks: I agree that the DAVE plus Blu 2 is spectacular, but not in a "hi fi" sense. Anyway, the MSB Discrete is a machine that I consider to be highly resolving and a true HiFi product with regard to the definition I quoted above. I don't like Dave with or without upsampler but I do like Auralic G2 with their upsampler and clock. I still did not found better audio source. At some point you have to be content in this hobby. Hifi Pig is part of the Big Pig Media LLP group of companies. But DAVE also seems to me to highlight the original recording so if the recording is flat, the playback sounds flat (still with great accurate timbre) but if the recording really showcase the soundstage and the 3-dimensionality of the instruments and vocals, DAVE really portrays that well. It doesnt get too hot to touch. However, there is nothing wrong with "taking" recommendations, which help me build a list that I can use to research then find a way to audition my shortlist. MQA decoding I've owned a PS Audio From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates. I have a PS Audio DSD ATM and it is also on the warm side which is good, but I'm thinking I need something more neutral due to my speakers being fairly warm and full bodied in their own right to take my system to the next level. I don't want to waste hifi shops time too much knowing I'll be going second hand either. Even at very low listening levels, it was clear that the MSB was delivering a clean analogue output to the ampand Im aware that sounds a bit vague. We used PCM (16/44,1 to 24/192) and DSD 64 and 128 for the comparioson. I like all this attention to detail and the MSB website suggests a company that is massively proud of its American heritage and of the products they make. While it's an easy setup to wrangle at a show, it does seem like it wasn't doing either component any favours! When I have done the comparison with other DACs I have had at the same time - Ayre QX5-Twenty, EAR Dac 4, exasound e32 - often the immediate impression is that DAVE/Blu 2 is not quite as good - a bit dryer sounding, not quite as smooth, not as airy or three dimensional And yet, over the longer term, it is deeply satisfying at a musical level in a way that the other DACs are not. Chord Dave Black New The Prime DAC With two prime DACs, MSB yields an unprecedented level of detail, reproducing the musicality, soundstage, and texture of an original performance, bringing the artist to you Ps Audio Directstream Dac Vs Auralic Vega Founded in 2004, Games for Change is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that empowers game creators and . However, the extra PSU does add to the cost considerably! You are using an out of date browser. A fully balanced, ultra-high precision, discrete ladder DAC architecture ensures each note tells a story. Less experience with Dave on DSD, plus Rob claims to no longer decimate. The USB module is completely electrically isolated and is again a standalone module capable of 32 bit#768kHz, MQA decoding and 8X DSD. There are some tonal differences too, but what you prefer will depend on your other equipment and the music you like. JavaScript is disabled. I can only comment on the Emm labs, if u can get a DA2 I think you will be happy "An audiophile is only done when they go to the great brick and mortar store in the sky" Ron Resnick The LED display, slaved to the audio clock, is refreshed between data processing to drastically reduce electrical interference. Please specify coaxial S/PDiF or optical S/PDiF. EAR FILLERS HiFi Pig Playlists on Qobuz, Transatlantic Dispatches: A New World Disorder, Astell&Kern Launch Three New Products At High End Munich 2022. Unless they have the exact same components as the end user, it's impossible to tell that customer how component X will sound in their system. It is not hard to audition these DACs in Melbourneand this is your best way to work out your own preference. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Stay updated on Bloom Audio at their. So I personally prefer to listen to different DACs just like I prefer to listen to analog as well as digital. The other stand out dacs that we like are the Thank you for posting! You go off people's opinions and hope it'll match your equipment and system when you put the hard earned down. It's embarrassing. - Meat Loaf. CHORD Dave could be the most expensive deeply design DAC in the world and if you find it not your taste there is the best off the shelf DACs like akm4499 in Topping D90 for 699$ that could be even better than Dave. There's 340 pages packed with HiFi Reviews, Industry Interviews and much more. What did you think with the Chord Dave vs Emm Labs Dac2x? You absolutely can say that you prefer other DAC's to the Berkeley Alpha Reference. Would love to hear your opinions of which was better and why? Right now my favorite DACs in my system are the Pacific Microsonics Model 2 (for PCM), Phasure NOS1a (for PCM), Meridian Ultra (for MQA), and the Playback Designs MPS5 (for DSD128). Talking of cool lets talk about this remote. We can operate our current DAC modules at up to 6 MHz for PCM and up to 50 MHz for DSD. The PM2 is very special. I wired it all up and the unit lit up but I could get no sound out of it whatsoever. Elegant design. Right now my favorite music player is from the same manufacturer of the Phasure NOS1a DAC: Stealth LPS running XXHighEnd software; again with the same caveat that I haven't heard a lot of the other highly regarded music players in my system. 5 other people who only have 2 things in common with our system. It's my understanding that the Wavedream only Set up is key, cables are super important, server is also You'll be shocked by how much you lose by going through a separate preamp. There is the option to add a streaming module to the Discrete and if I was in the market for a digital streaming solution, then this is where I would be going. Sonically it is very much as its name suggests and converts files faithfully and without loss or (importantly) embellishment. The Chord Qutest DAC has the same DAC architecture and filters as the Chord Hugo 2. The end users ears are the only ears that count. We have what I consider to be a pretty resolving system, but we also listen to music a fair old bit for pure pleasure and so theres a valve amp currently feeding our chosen reference loudspeakers though thats not to say this system isnt highly resolving in its own right. But dont take our word for it. I hope to also have an opportunity to listen to a T+A DAC8 (for DSD512) and a Chord Dave (DSD256) in my system soon (with HQPlayer). If so I'd recommend the Aqua Formula xHD and the TotalDAC d1-Seven. Good points by all. After that you are GOLDEN. definitely up there with the best dacs in the world. There are some tonal differences too, but what you prefer will depend on your other equipment and the music you like. Can I ask how you procured all those DACs? For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. other dacs I have enjoyedin no particular order; I would not call this second tier; but I prefer what hear from my Select II to what Ive heard from these. The Merriam-Webster online dictionary tells me that the definition of high-fidelity (HiFi) is the reproduction of an effect (such as sound or an image) that is very faithful to the original and it would seem to be reasonable to assume that this is the goal of audiophiles around the world. Paired with performance increases, our modular design ethos increases flexibility for future updates and product support, guaranteeing a long-term product investment. I think is a good general rule of thumb, but there are some very transparent passive pre-amps out there. Along with an integrated clock, changing this card allows switching between single-ended and balanced outputs. The evolution of the original irreverent and irrelevant and non-authoritative site for headphone measurements, i.e. And if I had to guess (given I haven't heard both), I'd guess it outperforms the Tambaqui. Thank you, Mike. You must log in or register to reply here. 2 DAC | Audionet Pre G2 preamp | Audionet Max mono blocks | Vivid Audio Giya G2 Series 2 | 4 JL Audio Fathoms | Echole ICs /SCs / Siltech Classic 550L jumpers, Shunyata PCs / Eth. Superior conversion begins with clean and stable low-noise power. Yeah, you and me both- the look I got wasn't as funny as the one I got from the Sennheiser stand when I asked if they had any HD600 or HD650, instead of all those Momentums and so forth, but still. I do however like the i2S connection better than any other Congratulations on the upgrade and enjoy it in good health. but with digital things change quickly, and a month ago I got a new server, the SGM Extreme. had if for 2 years now. ISOAcoustics Oreas footers. Look, says I theres obviously a fault with this unit as its lighting up, I can see it on the network and I can send tunes to it via the Stack streamer and Roon! We went through everything and I was getting ready to pack it up and send it back when I reached around the back of one of the PSUs and switched it on MUSIC!!! I hear the new Ayre QX-5 Twenty gives the DAVE a run for its money at $8950 but that is just hearsay. This all-American theme is continued in the companys PCB Shop where they use circuit boards produced for them in Silicon Valley, which are then made ready for the automated adding of the smaller components and hand-fitting bulkier components before washing and inspection. More sharing . The other issue is preference. The DAC has two modes; multi-bit PCM and single-bit discrete DSD mode. Very resolving, tone is on the cold side of neutral but otherwise pretty free of digital nasties compared to the cheaper Chords, and the stage is flatter than Keira Knightley. As the noise in my system keeps getting lower, the PM2 keeps reaching deeper to find even more musical engagement and purity in standard 16/44 files. In my assessment the Makua offered a more open and spacious sound. The Discrete DAC Features - MSB Technology The Discrete DAC Refined sound. You must log in or register to reply here. The Hugo TT2 is intended to bridge the gap between the range topping DAVE and budget Qutest rack mounted offerings. Main Menu It may not display this or other websites correctly. Stuart Smith finds out. Is it better than the Chord DAVE that I raved about a few years ago? There is no such thing as a "FPGA DAC"! And in the case of a great DAC with great amps in a system with very low noise, going direct to the amps can be magical. The sonic signature is detailed and yet easy to listen to, with the Discrete bringing a sense of the recordings scale (big or small) to the listening experience. They are excellent pairing. In that price range, you would be mad not to addthe MSB Premier DAC to your list as well. "To be 100% honest we have A/B tested most of the dacs mentioned This leaner and cleaner edge has the effect of adding a level of perceived detail to the listening experience. The Pro USB was developed to offer a multi part USB solution that features complete electrical isolation and all the performance of MSBs proprietary Pro ISL input. Thirdly, having suggested that the brightness issue may lay elsewhere, I will shortly post a suggested tweak directly to both HMS and DAVE - that I have found to increase the "weight", "solidity" and "analogueness" of the resulting sound. Given your appreciation of the Pacific Microsonics DAC, I hope you'll get a chance to hear the Berkeley in your system as well. Roon Endpoint I would have loved if you heard them in the same system for a direct comparison. And this level of detail the MSB Discrete brings to the listening experience was carried through everything I listened toand I listened to this DAC a lot, with it being the only thing I used to for a solid two weeks. You're very polite about how you describe your preferences, cmarin. I cant help with comparisons of two of these DACs, but I did hear the Tambaqui up against the dCS Bartok and it was a pretty close call, but ultimately the dCS sounded more analogue and more immersive.However, this was at a time when both units were a similar price. Well, you may not have heard a lot of high-end DAC's in your system, but the one's you've listed are pretty darned good. The best upgrade for Dave easy. DAVE stands for 'Digital to Analogue Veritas in Extremis', a moniker that best reflects the product's . You could spend less and get close to the sound of this DAC, for sure. DAC Comparison Reference DAC Modules 4x Hybrid DAC Clock The Femto 33 Digital Inputs 4x User Replaceable Input Slots Optical and Coaxial input module Included Analog Outputs Preamp XLR Output Module - 150 Impedance RCA output available with external adapter Analog Inputs XLR Analog Expansion Modules RCA or XLR Input RCA or XLR Output Gbel High End [Divin Noblesse], [Divin Marquis], ([Epoque Aeon Fine]). The remainder I dont know as that was years ago and I dont have one here to test against. Astrostar here, said it completely blew away any dac he had before, and mind you, he has the entry level AC model. Great Dac but for me a NOS DAC (Metrum Adagio) won the contest over all the others Dacs I have tried so far. @shkong78 how good is the dave + mscaler vs msb? Fixed. Were honored to be recognized by the industry for bringing you the most lifelike sound we can. Thats not allthe CNC unibody aluminum chassis provides the discrete power supply with optimal thermal performance and an elegant design aesthetic. Focal Utopia ~ LCD i4 ~ ETHER FLOW open/C ~ LCD-2.2/XC ~ Nighthawk ~ K10 custom ~ JH Angie, Chord mscaler // Chord TT2 // Oppo PM-1 (Artisan silver headphone cable) // Beyerdynamic DT880 600 Ohm // WAVE Stream bnc cables // Kef LS50 Meta. The And this is where I had a problem with this DAC, though mostly the problem was of my own making. And thinking more about it, the differences at the time could have been small because the noise level in my system at the time of the comparison were relatively higher than they are now. The bottom line for me is that great DACs can make a difference over good DACs. The reasoning behind the two clocks dealing with different frequency families is that music is mostly recorded within multiples of the 44.1kHz family or the 48kHz family and having a clock dealing with each family minimises loss. Not a bad idea Snoop! Pass Labs INT-60. Over the air updates will ensure that your renderer always has the latest capabilities and ultimate convenience. We are From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates. With the Bartok now quite a few $$$ more, the Tambaqui represents a fantastic price v performance ratio that would be at home in most highly resolving systems. Chord Dave DAC "Sealed Box Brand New" Never Opened !! Firstly, that was a very impressive list of high end components you have listened to. I have heard a lot of top DACs at shows or other systems but not in my own. Whatever, the Discrete is a superb bit of kit that Id really love to take up residence in the system on a permanent basis, but thats not going to happen. Cheers @Stereophilus fake by any means necessary jacket. Sounds shrill on my workstation and work laptop. and as I said earlier there is no "best" when it comes to dacs or I haven't heard MSB or theDenafrips DAC. Aurender W20-> Lampizator Pacific SE -> Ayon Crossfire III or Circle Labs A100 -> Avantgarde Acoustic Trio LE 26 with 4x REL Carbon Special ,SACD Player: Audio Aero La Fontaine. Aurender N10 is still not a USB only dedicated streamer so you will not hear what USB audio is fully capable off through Ms/Dave. Specifications: Type: Digital to analogue converter with volume control. Concluding that there is some kind of problem with using an FPGA vs. what MSB does is not technically supportable. Thanks for the suggestions Wisnon. Since opening our doors in 1986, weve been driven by one goal: to craft an unrivaled listening experience for music lovers across the globe. I own the MSB Select II with the dual powerbases and 33 Femto Clock. In my listening tests, I could detect no attribute that made it sound special. Btw, my MSB friend and I used the internal analog preamp for MSB and built-in digital preamp for DAVE. Not sure why you would spend so much on a DAC when the Crane Song Solaris is available at $1,949. But it need good system matching. conversation. Never use!! I would say go for one of the other MSB ModelsThe Reference is half of the Select dac and the premier and discrete dacs are stunning performers for their price level Just in case it's not obvious, toetapaudio is a Mola Mola Dealer. Now to include the HMS. Tailored for both the transport and the DACs daily use, our remote brings you closer to the music you love. Of course this DAC is super pricey and out of the reach of many (including me). You are using an out of date browser. For some folk, a highly resolving and accurate system may well be described as being over-analytical, and on the other side of the audio fence, some will suggest that some systems sound nice but flawed. Discussion in 'Digital: DACs, USB converters, decrapifiers' started by mtoc, Jun 9, 2016. The MSB DAC comes with one external PSU as standard. Up to 4X DSD very important and our preference connection is an i2S connection. Search: Msb Discrete Dac Vs Chord Dave. MSB thrives off the innovation required to meet consumer demands., Check the true bit-depth of your files and audio engine, Guide to Subwoofer Calibration and Bass Preferences, Know your limits (Sound Exposure Safety Chart), Topping DX7 Pro+ vs Chord DAVE measurements (Cosmos ADC) - DAVE is better in some areas (surprise! It's better than the MSB Analog I listened to. I havent heard the Rockna. You'll be shocked by how much you lose by going through a separate preamp. dCS Bartok>Chord DAVE>MSB discrete discreteR2R R2R DAVE BartokdCSBartok The Discrete is a genuine high fidelity DAC and a fabulously built one to boot, add in the modular input flexibility and you have a pretty stunning product with excellent future proofing. Who knows ?! Euphony Summus, EtherRegen, MSB Discrete. Put simply, your DAC is ready for the future. Thanks. This is a review, detailed measurements and listening tests of CHORD DAVE combination DAC and headphone amplifier. But the majority of the time all 6 of I don't think any of us have heard the Dave, and we don't have any interest. It is a pretty DAC but usability is left behind. I'll take a look, however I've heard they're on the warm side? The dCS Bartok was also interesting but, based on my research, I kept coming back to Bricasti. Amplification: Cyrus Mono x300Signatures. I've sometimes heard people say that DAVE is too bright or analytical for them. Its weighty, it feels perfect, its not overly ostentatious and its perfect! What ice cream do you prefer? Like the rest of the DACs in the MSB range, the Select DAC is modular in its architecture with each of the modules being produced in house, as outlined above. - Up to 32 bit - 768kHz. When a dealer post something you have to take it with a enormous grain of salt. I did try with just the one power supply and the Discrete remained a very strong performer with the differences being a very slight loss in the sense of separation and definition when listening intently. let me know when it's on, I'll make my way down if I can. Cs | Critical Mass CS2s -> components, Isoacoustics -> speakers + subs | Adona Eris II rack on Herbie's titanium footers | Fully treated and dedicated 2 channel room. SO/ROON/HQPe: DSD 256-Sonore opticalModuleDeluxe-Signature Rendu optical--Bricasti M3 DAC--DIY Purifi Amplifier-Focus Audio FS888 speakers-JL E 112sub-Nordost Tyr USB, DIY EventHorizon AC cables, Iconoclast XLR & speaker cables, Synergistic Purple Fuses, Spacetime system clarifiers. Different songs will sound better with different sources - Different horses for different courses. Roon/Jriver 22 -> Ayre QX-5 Twenty -> Ayre AX-5 Twenty -> B&W N802D (Transparent Cables). It may not display this or other websites correctly. The Dave is VERY lovely on PCM, and pretty decent on DSD, but DSD is not its raison d'etre. JavaScript is disabled. Couldn't agree more. To cut a long story short: A burnt in MSB Analog DAC with Power Base demoed side to side to a burnt in DAVE was no challenge for the MSB. its that good. I'd also look at the Mola-Mola Tambaqui and the new dCS Bartok. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Strangely, this new review is not displayed when you select the review folder on the homepage. Powered by Invision Community. connection to the dac chip. However, there are two inputs for external PSUs and a little doodad/adapter that allows the use of one external PSU. This DAC is 11,000 and as such, it is a considerable investment to make, but I would suggest that this is not stupid money for the kind of transparency and clarity it brings. Elevator Pitch Review: Built in America, the MSB Discrete is a modular DAC that also acts as a preamplfier, though, as supplied, it has no analogue inputs. Everyone hears differentlyI heard the Dave with the Blu and I prefer it without it. This latter track is a good track for me to play when listening to new kit as it is basically a drum machine and an acid box and this latter did sound just like a 303 there in the room. I expected a lot better. You must log in or register to reply here. MSB are an American brand headed up by the brothers Jonathan and Daniel Gullman and located in Silicon Valley, California where they design and build a range of amplifiers, transports, and DACs. MSB Technology's Discrete DAC was the best DAC I'd heard in my systemuntil the MSB Premier showed up. This is purely speculation based on browsing the internet over the years and internalising pro/con reviews from users. I submit dealers use the statement "component X competes against much more expensive components" far too often. I've yet to see a system with direct connections eliminating the preamp which wasn't improved by a adding a good preamp back into the mix! It's too damn expensive, full stop. Height with feet: 68 mm Weight: 8.2 kg, Accessories included: Manual Remote control Aluminum MSB USB charging cable 4 X Spikes and Cups 4 X plastic inserts Power connector splitter, MERASON FRROT DAC REVIEW The Merason Frrot DAC costing 995 isn't the first thing that comes to mind when we think of Switzerland. those surpass any other digital choice. Actual auditioning of the unit prior to purchase is paramount. None, despite working back as I always do if theres an issue! But then we have to apply the law of diminishing returns. For example, the chassis for the products are made from North American-sourced metals, and then that is machined using Haas CNC machines that are built in California. Directstream, Bricasti M1, Jeff Rowland Aeris, Chord Dave, and today I It would be absolute suicide for an audio distributor to It's easy! what Im saying is that comparing dacs also must take into account of all the interface advantages of each particular dac. CH Precision mono dac with clock and 3 power supplies (7 boxes)----its more spendy---$150k, Merging Technologies NADAC w/power supply and clock---much better now with the clock and power supply upgrades than my previous experience.----around $60k. Jon Hopkins Music For Psychedelic Therapy was a beautifully enveloping experience, made all the more so as sounds come and go in the soundstage in a somewhat more solid way than without the usual DAC. and our ears are completely different. It could sound analytical or hot coupled with bright combination of speaker and amplifier. They both use FPGA for their decoding. state his/her experience and preferences. What else should one expect? In terms of sound quality, it's the best digital front end I . How does it compare? You must log in or register to reply here. I have enjoyed my time with the MSB Discrete DAC a great deal. Click to expand. The Discrete DAC uses two of these modules per unit. So thats it and I think the only thing I think Ive left out of the build part of this DAC is the 3 buttons and the knob on the front panel which are used for manually changing the volume and menu diving, though all this can be done from the remote. Didn't like it at all. Rori is definitely welcome. Site Founder | Site Owner | Administrator, digital 149728-117859 MSB select II vs all dacs ?

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msb discrete dac vs chord dave

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