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project odin military 2021

That scheme quickly fell apart as designers and the testing teams could not keep up with such an aggressive schedule. Despite more than 20 years and approximately $62.5 billion spent so far on research and development alone, program officials still havent been able to deliver an aircraft that can fly as often as needed or to demonstrate its ability to perform in combat, which places military personnel in jeopardy. For the past two weeks, I have been learning through The Odin Project starting with their foundations course. And, we will!!! Instead, it is the kind of information that, although embarrassing to the Pentagon and its contractors, the public should know in order to pressure F-35 stakeholders to take the steps necessary to correct the problems. Service officials based plans on the promised performance rather than on the demonstrated performance and so underestimated the maintenance depot capacity they were going to need to repair broken engines. AND CONTROL ALL GRIDS AROUND THE WORLD AND CAN BYPASS ALL MEDIA/RADIO/INTERNET PLATFORMS. CONTACT _ the current reasons. Over a thousand children had been rescued, with even more found deceased. so interested in protecting ANTARCTICA? What We Think We Know as of Thurs. The unity of the American patriots produces strength and power. 4-22-2021 | Prophecy | Before Its News ( The availability of spare parts has long been a serious issue with the F-35 program, resulting in aircraft sitting idle on tarmacs as maintenance crews waited for spares to be delivered and driving down readiness rates. The rest will follow suit. F-35 Program Stagnated in 2021 but DOD Testing Office Hiding Full Extent of Problem, Cyber Threats and a Scrapped Logistics and Maintenance Network, Uncompleted Development Masquerading as Modernization, By Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world. While these slogans may look good on a brochure or splashed across the pages of trade publications, the connected nature of the F-35 aircraft and support networks on the ground may ultimately prove to be the programs biggest conceptual flaw. DOT&E does offer some good news about ODIN. The Joint Simulation Environment, meant to be a high-fidelity and fully validated and verified simulator to test the F-35s high-end capabilities, is now more than four years behind schedule. Instead, it only includes arrows showing the up or down trend for each of the three F-35 variants and a yes or no indicating whether that part of the overall fleet is meeting the standard. For years, ALIS has ranked as one of the F-35 enterprises biggest headaches. To fulfill its mission, the Agency relies on . (3 8 hr Sessions) Reveals Inauguration "Trump will be president again on the morning of August 13th "Mike Lindell Advertisement Storm Rider: Judy Byington Update Of Today's 07:15 AM (July 9, 2021) - YouTube With little progress and significant regression in 2021, it seems that the F-35 program will remain in its current stagnant state for the foreseeable future. Lockheed Martin says ALIS turns data from many sources into actionable information, enabling pilots, maintainers and military leaders to make proactive decisions to keep jets flying.. Nesara/Gesara/RV Election Flipping via FISA Military Courts Military Tribunals/Confessions/10 day movie. April 21-26 to May 1 was the next Satanic Holiday called Grand Climax Da Meur and Corpus De Baahl according to an Occult Calendar of Demonic Holidays put together by professional therapists from childhood accounts of their Satanic Ritually Abused (SRA) clients. The unanticipated volume of work has overwhelmed the maintenance crews, and the backlog has grounded much of the fleet, including many aircraft being used in operational units. The above was a summary of information from the Internet. Disclaimer:All articles, videos, and images posted on Operation Disclosure were submitted by readers and/or handpicked by the site itself for informational and/or entertainment purposes. Where the public version only showed that the fleets trend in this measure is worsening, the more detailed chart shows that the time between critical failures shortened, dropping from 16.8 hours in 2020. I start programming 1-2month ago with C. Web development is not my target so i thought maybe i should learn C --> Python --> Cpp --> try machine learning and embedded programming (both to see which i enjoy more) in next 2 year. Congress should continue to hold firm by limiting further F-35 purchases until program officials can complete a design that can be proven effective and suitable for service through the operational test process. The fencing and National Guard remain as of today Thurs. 3 May: US Military put on High Alert and Readiness. No more George of the Jungle styles, Tesla Wireless Technology. Obama to Gitmo for Treason Pedo Satanic Ritual Abuse! Click on the image above then go to Specials to see discounted stock. February 02, 2023 U.S., International Forces Seize Illegal Drugs in Gulf of Oman January 31, 2023 Combined Task Force 152 Conducts Exercise in Arabian Gulf with Unmanned Vessel January 26, 2023 One small shop, Two major missions: 109th MDVS January 24, 2023 One small shop, Two major missions: 109th MDVS January 24, 2023 Press Releases In an unprecedented move, DOT&E is concealing many of the key details of the F-35s poor performance. The F-35B fleets full mission capable rate got worse between 2019 and 2020, dropping from 23% to 15%. The open source and free curriculum for learning web development. ODIN was released in 2018 and is a daily used resource for soldiers. DOT&E now reports that the program leaders have given up on the six-month updates plan and are now operating on a one-year timeline for updates. Dan Grazier DOT&E reports that the F-35 program still has 845 unresolved deficiencies with six still classified as Category I, or design flaws so serious that it may cause death, severe injury, or severe occupational illness; may cause loss or major damage to a weapon system; critically restricts the combat readiness capabilities of the using organization; or result in a production line stoppage., The 845 reported design flaws in this years report seem like a slight improvement over the 871 identified in last years report. DOT&E once described the Joint Simulation Environment as the only venue available, other than actual combat against near-peer adversaries, to adequately evaluate the F-35 due to inherent limitations associated with open-air testing.. It is my understanding that by linking into the Safe Link Website it will generate a Non Disclosure Agreement to sign in order to obtain redemption/ exchange appointments. Our Military Intel Contact has confirmed implosion of the World Financial Markets: The Federal Reserve, IRS and World Bank have been locked out of their accounts, with the passwords changed. Humanus Universalis: What is Humanus Universalis? We need to continue to improve the functionality of ALIS in the near term, as we ensure that the ODIN structure that we put into place, from a hardware perspective, from a data environment perspective, and from a software perspective, is what the users need, Fick told lawmakers during the hearing. Then he formed the Pentagon Paedophile Task Force. If you wish to write and/or publish an article on Operation Disclosure all you need to do is send your entry to[]applying these following rules. Everything wiped the same with TV, Newspapers etc. If all went as planned the UST would declare Value Day and Tier 4B notifications could come out and exchanges-redemptions start in a window that extended over the next 24-36-48 hours. The latest report by the Pentagons Director, Operational Test & Evaluation (DOT&E) reveals stagnation and even backsliding in some fleet reliability measures. They have since rescued millions of children across the globe and as of this writing were actively discovering more while blowing up the tunnel system causing minor earthquakes. 22 April. A U.S. Army project, ODIN is a web application that serves the exercise planning and training community. The F-35 programs modernization effort, an effort to complete the delivery of capabilities that should have been included under the original development contract, is behind schedule and has done little to reduce the high number of unresolved design flaws. Operation Odin's Watch Official Trailer - 506th IR RU 2021 Deployment - ArmA 3 Jester814 180K subscribers Subscribe 422 6.9K views 1 year ago After a long year of international turmoil, the. The Marine Corps fleet of short takeoff and landing F-35Bs and the Navys fleet of F-35Cs, which are tailored for use on aircraft carriers, lag far behind. This is how everything under the Rothschilds Central Bank System is also wiped. 22 April Obama to GITMO for SRA: Q: Trump Card! The Odin Project provides a free open source coding curriculum that can be taken entirely online. 18 April Crypto Currencies and Bitcoin Markets crashed. The difference in the level of detail in each report is obvious even in just the section heading for the F-35. This last version contained the information previously included in earlier unclassified publicly released reports. The Global Currency Reset and NESARA/GESARA Is All About the ChildrenIts not about the money. May 1. 116-236 - NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2021 116th Congress (2019-2020) Committee Report Hide Overview . Someone trying to make sense of it would have to look to another source to find that it stands for Mean Flight Hours Between Critical Failures. The entry for that column in the public version of the chart provides the contract standard the fleet is supposed to achieve but doesnt provide the actual observed performance. Designers validate the simulator by taking data gathered during real F-35 flights over test ranges. Congress, Biden Arrested as Military Rescues Tortured Children From Tunnels Beneath Capitol Hill | Politics | Before Its News, *In2016the first official act of President Trump the morning he took office was to pay a visit to CIA Headquarters, where he declared a war on Child Trafficking. The subject of your email entry should be: Entry Post | (Title of your post) | Operation Disclosure, Must be in text format Proper Grammar No foul language Your signature/name/username at the top. But the details DOT&E stripped from this years public version of its report are not the sort that would provide a potential adversary a technological advantage. All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear on this site are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. The Bunker, written by national security analyst Mark Thompson, is both pro-troop and pro-taxpayer. But without knowing what the design flaws were or how they were resolved, it is difficult to gauge if real progress was made. No foul language The removal of the Act of 1871 reverses & cancels everything. Admin Login. Certainly there is information that must be classified, such as data about the F-35s radar cross section, specific software deficiencies, and any number of other deficiencies that could be exploited. *In 12-16 April 2021 the Special Op forces began blowing up and flooding the DUMBS beneath Capitol Hill with the Potomac River. President Trump then instigated the Insurrection Act and turned over control of the US to the US Military. Prior to that, she worked as an editorial assistant for the Tokyo Shimbuns Washington bureau. Known as the Operational Data Integrated Network, or ODIN, the new system would combine hardware produced by Lockheed with software coded by the government, allowing the Defense Department to retain more control over the system. The public version included a chart titled F-35 Reliability Metrics.. The services prefer to cite this measurement over full mission capable rates because the former is a much lower standard and easier to meet. . The fleet-wide average availability rate . Program leaders abandoned the efforts to complete the troubled Autonomic Logistics Information System (ALIS) and instead decided to build a new network called Operational Data Integrated Network (ODIN). | Without enough flight hours, a pilots skills degrade. The Quantum Internet would wipe out Operation Mockingbird (a CIA program that has controlled the Mass Media since the end of World War II). Compiled Wed. 12 May 2021 12:01 am EDT by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author, "Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.". More than twenty years into the F-35s development, the aircraft remains in every practical and legal sense nothing more than a very expensive prototype. Its not just how frequently the F-35 breaks down that impacts the overall fleet performance but also how long it takes to fix the problems. Gold, Silver, and Copper. DOT&E can only report that significant work remains to complete the necessary verification and validation process, which compares JSE component and system-level performance to F-35 flight test data to accredit the JSE for operational test trials.. We are also focused on disclosing extraterrestrial contact and humanitys lost ancient origins. Because of his oath to the Constitution, President Donald J. Trump is legally required to act to protect our Republic from enemies . It was all stopped, and over 100 were arrested. use projects. H. Our Military Intel Contact on Exchange/ Redemption Instructions: Safe link websites were the only way to obtain personal 800 numbers so you could secure an appointment at a Redemption Center and ask for the higher exchange/ redemption rates. The services calculate an aircraft fleets availability rate as the percentage of aircraft that are mission capable and in the possession of its operating squadron, not in depot-level maintenance. The program has not sufficiently funded the developmental test (DT) teams to adequately test, analyze data, or perform comprehensive regression testing to assure that unintentional deficiencies are not embedded in the software prior to delivery, DOT&E reports. One of the documents you need to sign was an NDA (Non Disclosure Agreement) that could last six months to five years, depending on the amount of funds that you have received. . Americans are tired of reporters protecting the swamp. If you ask for the contract rates you might need a humanitarian project or investment in the international Humanitarian projects they will present to you. But because of a 42 percent cut to ODIN's development and testing funding in fiscal year 2021, the program office has decided to take a "strategic pause" in ODIN's software development . Each test aircraft is equipped with instruments that register how the onboard mission systems react when triggered by a radar signal or other threat. Danielle, Charlie Ward and Simon Parkes - YouTube glhs837 Power with Control Jan 11, 2021 #2 Program leaders promised to deliver regular design updates in six-month increments when they announced the modernization, or Continuous Capability and Development Delivery (C2D2), plan. Congress held firm during the fiscal year 2022 budget debates by refusing to authorize additional new F-35s beyond the Pentagons request. The Congressional Budget Office also provided useful information the testing office omitted from its unclassified reports this year. They added Denmark. The Rods of God would destroy 34 Cabal buildings (including the White House, Buckingham Palace and Vatican? That fleets rate went from 6.4% to 6.8%. The simulation software programmers have so far not been able to finish their work. If you wish to receive the daily Operation Disclosure Newsletter, it is included in the monthly subscription. A huge Thank You to those dedicated and brave Intel providers who wished to remain unknown; to humble Wildfire Lady who is adept at exposing the truth; to Martha who has unceasingly worked around the clock to discern what is real in the fake news; to Brad who does great research; to Bonni B who exposes the underlying causes of what is really happening and to Ken who uncovers almost unlimited Intel on pedophilia to help us Save the Children. The Air Forces F-35A variant performed the best with a fleet average of 54% that year, a rate of performance that is still far below the 80% mission capable rate needed for an effective aircraft fleet (and even significantly below the programs low 65% availability standard). After the first week actually, I had finished the HTML/CSS portions, mainly ., Out of the Shadows Documentary: Out Of Shadows (Documentary), Pedo-Empire Website, 5 Books, 49 chapters Free Online:, Satanic pedophilia:, CV-19 and CV-19 Vaccine Videos: (Reader) Very Interesting and Impacting Must See Videos as of April 21, 2021 | Operation Disclosure Official, Mask Mandates for Children Mostly Harmful: Professor of Medicine, After Son Takes His Own Life, Father Warns Against Extended Pandemic Lockdowns, South Dakotas Noem Bans Vaccine Passports, Petition to Undo Whitmers COVID-19 Executive Orders Has Enough Valid Signatures, FDA Examination Finds Substandard Conditions at Contractors Plant for J&J Vaccine Production. They were funded by this same Cabal that ran our global monetary system the very organization that was in the process of being brought down by activation of the Global Currency Reset.

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project odin military 2021

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