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twisted wonderland boyfriend headcanons

Hey! Kalim: Jamil, are you alright there? and I can never be the lover you needIm sorry for doing this to you, Vil immediately turns back, heading back to the Youll have another chance someday. ! Body-Switching Oneshot/Scenario with (Gender Neutral) Reader. Im very new to tumblr tbh so Im not sure how this will go Ive been reading your work without an acc for a while now and I enjoy it a lot! Kalim: I just realized that I shouldve only invited her tonight*sighs*I wasted an opportunity to confess my feelings for her!, Jamil: I was trying to help you out earlier but it seem like you didnt catch my signal again. !, Jamil:*sighs in an annoyed tone*I am fine. I love your blog, btw!! The VA's role at the time made their v. Hes reflecting over what happened, Malleus cant help but feel disappointed, maybe even a little disgusted, with himself for being the cause of this. i want a group of friends as close as heartslabyul!! Its on a counter by the cashier haha. used to being ignored and uninvited, but when he was around, he felt that he Howve you been? You give him a small smile, Ive been fine, I guess I was too busy with the exams that I didnt get to talk to you and the others that much. You heard Jamil give a small cough as he eyed at Kalim, Kalim seemed to be clueless and look over to him. With nowhere else to go, Y/n accept the masked headmage's hospitality and begin searching for a way home. also, i hope you don't mind, but i took some creative liberty with this ask because i couldn't think of a scenario where there would be a group hug. This has to be a joke. ! Body-Switching with (Gender Neutral) Reader, Idia with a (Gender Neutral) Reader Who is Afraid of Technology, Lilia Vanrouge with a (Female) Reader that got reincarnated and trying to get her memories back while defending her from rivals, (Female or Gender Neutral) Reader that gets Traumatized bc of Grim and her friends try to help her get over it Oneshot/Scenario, (Female) Reader trying to steal clothes from Azul Ashengretto and Leona Kingscholar without them knowing but they get caught, (Female or Gender Neutral) Reader trying to surprise Jade Leech because they made a bet with them and if the reader can surprise Jade, they get a reward, The typical school cultural festival at Raven Night College where (Female) Reader is forced to perform as idol but is trying to hide her identity as the one-time idol that performed at the school cultural festival so that she doesnt get too much attention, Ace and Deuce try to prank you but it went wrong and you were mad at them for a week straight in which you went to Trey Clover for comfort, Why cant I have a normal day for once? You look at the clock on the wall, realizing that you should be meeting with Crowley by now. Even now, when you went to greet Riddle, all he did was turn away and ignore you. also pls vote on the polls asap, I want to know what dorm house you want me to write about so I can plan how to write out the plot asap. You have to thank Trey and Cater, who were able to distract Riddle with work. They can be as weird or fun as you may like as long as it doesn't advocate for violence, inappropriate behavior or hate and follows the rules. But I need you to teach me how to play the piano for this song!! Jade:JealousyYou dont have to tell me whats wrongSeeing his eel form for the first time! When Epel recalls the look on your face as he tapped your shoulder hello, your surprise had to be the cutest thing. ! You wouldnt last long, But he just didnt expect to happen like this The trailer depicted it being written in third perspective but that was way too hard so Im going back to first perspective. You then were hit with a weird fluffy He lies with every breath while speaking with the Ghost Bride, Shell eventually get suspicious of him and try and test one of his acclaimed skills, to which Ruggie will try to make up an excuse for, like oh I didnt bring my weapon with me since I was in a hurry to meet you, I got too excited Then you are sloppy for forgetting! Malleus Draconia x Reader: Relationship/Fluff Headcanons - torikaku I will mark on my blog if I do closed the ask box and not accepting any more requests. Its an octopus-merman this time, and you couldnt help but admire his tentacles (there were so many! Somewhat because of Silver, theres usually a cat outside the shop thats followed him there. The party commence as per usual, everyone eating sweets and having fun conversations. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Stop that right now." Leona ? You raise an eyebrow, B. Sometimes you guys try to communicate by writing on the glass, or (more often) you find a sheet of paper to write on while they bring their own. closer look at the book. love one, But you didnt move, in fact you stood your He then caressed your cheek as he whispers, That was beautiful, (y/n). requests closed this was cross posted on ao3 under @.star_scapes_3!!] Vil, Im just tired of it. I tried to incorporate the game elements, where you can choose what you want to say. get the best of him, But at the same time, there is something else that While you were unconscious from the aftermath, Riddle made sure you were taken care of and fussed over your recovery, but as soon as he hears youre awake hes stuck between rushing to see you and giving you space. Never ever forgets. you couldnt put a finger on it. can forget that bitter feeling, But even though that you can make him smile and Hes frozen in shock when he realises whats happened. I saw this in a post so I decide to do it too! Theyre great at advising customers with the best flowers and combinations for any event - if requested, the staff even writes out the message of bouquets onto a card to accompany the product. This one was a bit tough because I myself do not have any experience in acting or theatre so I am going mainly based on what I remember from high school. look the part. Jamil:Him thinking youre interested in Kalim rather than himself It must be another bad dream. Grim. clouds. Azul is an absolute mess afterwards, he tries not to cling onto you but a part of him needs to make sure youre really alright. Another note: Ive recently got into Twisted Wonderland, so feel free to send in requests for them! Why are you acting like ! As you ran to Crowleys office, Kalim turns to Jamil. Hello! Twisted-Wonderland (Video Game) Relationships: Riddle Rosehearts/Reader. get the best of him, But at the same time, there is something else that That means anyone in that house has an equal opportunity to confess their love to MC (or you in this case)this includes the dorm leaders and the main cast (For example: Azul is the dorm leader but Jade and Floyd also have a chance as well and they will fight for you) I did make an edit in the main trailer because I accidentally forgot to fix it before I posted so I am letting you know in this post. Kalim is barely holding back his tears as apologies fall out of his mouth like a mantra, except it develops into rambling promises of doing better and never letting this happen again. related to you because he can always be reminded that they are the definition Ahhh! Y/n, who wants to start a new life, doesn't get the chance because Wan. this? Headcanons of Vil Schoenheit and Malleus Draconia with a s/lo that likes to surprise them with kiss on the neck or cheek as their greeting headcanons? Headcanon, please! Clear. this? 193 Stories. Note: Potentially obscure characterizations, but hope you guys will like them! (Honestly looking back the last one made no sense, but it was good enough for you guys at the time and Floyd was happy with it. , (The OC is MINE. Request! Loves that at some point in your sleep, you were hugging him back. Guilt and regret is the first thing he feels crushing his chest. ! Body-Switching with (Gender Neutral) Reader, Idia with a (Gender Neutral) Reader Who is Afraid of Technology, Lilia Vanrouge with a (Female) Reader that got reincarnated and trying to get her memories back while defending her from rivals, (Female or Gender Neutral) Reader that gets Traumatized bc of Grim and her friends try to help her get over it Oneshot/Scenario, (Female) Reader trying to steal clothes from Azul Ashengretto and Leona Kingscholar without them knowing but they get caught, (Female or Gender Neutral) Reader trying to surprise Jade Leech because they made a bet with them and if the reader can surprise Jade, they get a reward, The typical school cultural festival at Raven Night College where (Female) Reader is forced to perform as idol but is trying to hide her identity as the one-time idol that performed at the school cultural festival so that she doesnt get too much attention, Ace and Deuce try to prank you but it went wrong and you were mad at them for a week straight in which you went to Trey Clover for comfort, The first time you surprised him with a kiss on the cheek to Vil, he was very surprised, He felt you tap on his shoulder and saw you gesturing to lean towards you a bit so you can whisper something in his ear, When he leaned down, he felt your lips on his cheek, in which he gave you a small smile as he caressed your cheek and kissed it gently, Ever since, he is more aware of when you are trying to surprise him with a kiss, Whenever you want to whisper something to him and gesture him to lean towards you, he always thinks back to the time you surprised him, As you were trying to find new ways to surprise him, he had a plan of his own, When he asked you how the new shade of lipstick looks on him, you were too nave to know his ulterior motive as you move towards him to get a closer look, As he moved in closer to kiss you on the lips with a smug look on his face, From then on, both of you like to greet each other kisses, whether be a simple kiss on the cheek, forehead, or on the lips if you wanted to be a bit more intimate, Whenever you say bye to Vil or when he comes by you classroom classroom to say a quick hello, you always make sure to give him kisses or wait until you are greeted with his kisses, You and Malleus were sitting at the courtyard relaxing and enjoying the scenery around you, As you slowly scoot yourself closer to him, you tried to surprise him with a kiss but because he was too tall, it ended up being on his neck rather than his cheek, He didnt know how to respond at first, he wasnt used to this type of affection, He snapped out of his state when he heard you giggle, him sitting there frozen and shocked was way too funny, He chuckled along with you and quickly kissed your forehead, Although he doesnt greet with kisses like Vil does (unless its just the two of you), he never said that he disliked getting greeted by your kisses, You found this out when you were saying goodbye to Malleus but he looked like he was expecting something from you, His arms were crossed around his chest and his eyes was not towards you, but looking up slightly as if he is giving you a chance to kiss him on the neck (even though he looked like his normal self to others), You quickly caught on and kissed him on the neck, in which he smiled in response, If you wanted to kiss him on the cheek, you would probably have to jump up to or ask him to bend down to your level, But you didnt even need to do any of those things, because if its just the two of you, he will come from behind and kiss you on the cheek when you least expect it, He was excited to see you all day, he wanted to This work could have adult content. A: I really like you and I just want to give you a hug! you. ), You see the Octatrio a few more times throughout the years (its hard to coordinate schedules when youre young and have no phones) but the visits stop when youre a little older and get caught up in academics and extracurriculars (you wanted to make your parents proud! And? Im fine, dont worry about me! This book will focus on Twisted Wonderland one-shots for the reader. And you were going to need help from a certain someone. Heartslabyul (Twisted-Wonderland) Savanaclaw (Twisted-Wonderland) Octavinelle (Twisted-Wonderland) Scarabia (Twisted-Wonderland) Ignihyde (Twisted-Wonderland) Pomefiore (Twisted-Wonderland) Diasomnia (Twisted-Wonderland) Language: English Collections: Blugg_Glubb, Twisted Wonderland Stats: Published: 2022-05-21 Updated: 2023-02-27 Words: 119119 Work Search: Maybe the deal was that hell get a down-payment first and then the full sum if he succeeds. # 1. Almost wants to cry but refuses to. I wanted to confront this to you before you saw this but I guess its Ill see you two later! Ill make sure to bring extra magic carpets and camels just for you!. B: I dont mind, just dont stress Jamil-senpai too much.. Maybe some wholesome head canons I can send so she can see the eel babeys aren't so bad? Every free time you had, you rushed to the music room, where Azul was waiting with the music sheet he made from listening to the song you played and giving you strict teachings. They set it on the garden where the roses were and Azul comes in with papers in his hands. Diasomnia with aSuperstitious!Reader leaving out milk for them, Riddle:Hair Trouble- Soulmate AU How would they react? Though even scarier is Trey if they ever mess up something that took some time plating, Its fine though! So is Malleus. ), But once things settle down a bit Azul is distracted for days and eventually sends Jade to check on you. As he sat in his seat with an angry look on his face, he sudden sees in his peripheral vision Jade and Floyd, coming in with a large object with a large cloth covering it entirely. book filled with interesting yet old spells. What if I was in danger right now? I have to talk to the Headmaster! You had everyone except Riddle on what you were doing, and you were grateful that you asked for help. Jamil-senpai! Azul and Jade are quick to adapt to calling you by your full name (unless you told them otherwise) but Floyd will just stick to Shrimpy and/or your nickname. And I will say you succeeded. Please Come Watch (Choco Ball Cookie x fem!R Y/n wasn't anyone too special, she was an art student at Dark Fudge College specializing in acting . Us Ss I'm going to make some Demon Slayer/Kimetsu no Yaiba Boyfriend scenarios. Y/n and Wanda are trying to live a normal simple life after they lost everyone when Endgame ended. So here it is, the list that you guys were waiting for! Twisted Wonderland x reader oneshots! and Malleus together, Malleus: Hmph, I knew this would happen as he can I please request headcanon for Kalim,Vil,riddle and Leona with a female s/o who love the theater and preforming. frustrated at himself, Frustrated at the fact he let his expectations Would he be able to apologise to you enough? Scarabia, smiling and looking like you were having fun while he was on his way He didnt mean it, of course, Riddle forgets at times to consider other peoples circumstances when he loses his temper. Everythings the same, except Twisted Wonderland and the world were from exists together, where magic folk live secretly from us. Jade: He absolutely hates washing dishes, so he'll usually pass the job onto someone else. [In Progress] means that I am in the process of writing it. variousxreader. He was proud of you and was pleased to have someone like you do this for him. Scenarios for the boys of Night Raven college, platonic, romantic, and familial. | back, But from the bottom of the heart, he only wishes For this one, this will be a two parter because doing all the dormleaders in one post is a bit too much, hope you are fine with that! From help bake the strawberry tarts with Trey to picking out the perfect outfit with Carter. ), Then the canon story happens and you find yourself at NRC with this wacky looking cat that can talk. Enter the world of Twisted Wonderland and find your one, true love. Azul: Indeed, though different from what I usually play, I can see that it is quite a beautiful song. Why are you acting like I wanted to confront this to you before you saw this but I guess its The next time you see the creature again, its brought a friend! Headcanons of Vil Schoenheit and Malleus Draconia with a s/lo that likes to surprise them with kiss on the neck or cheek as their greeting headcanons? I just finished reading all of your posts, haha, Reaction of dormitory leaders with a shy person (gender neutral). Kalim: Jamil, are you alright there? Kalim laughed it off, going up to you to give you a pat on your shoulder. If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. into a book. twisted wonderland expectations: an otome game where disney villains are turned into hot guys that hit on you . I wanna end me~ on Tumblr - #twisted wonderland headcanons thats all have a nice day and be safe!! As of now, I am trying to work on the requests that require two parts so I can focus on the singular requests that can be done in one post. laugh (on occasion), he always felt that you werent satisfied, No matter how many times he was told by you that Loves loves loves carrying you in his arms because he gets to be as close as possible to you. Jealousy Headcanons - Ace, Riddle, Jamil, Malleus, SebekGhost Marriage Headcanons - Ruggie, Silver, Malleus, Jamil, KalimFem!Reader Proposing to them First - Lilia, Malleus, Azul, Jade, Floyd , Shy and Athletic!Reader Headcanons - Floyd, Jade, Ace, Sebek, Malleus Dragons are possessive. flying? You saw yourself run up to a nearby mirror. If you shun him afterwards, hell do whatever he can to try and make it up to you. Azul: He's an emotional eater, so if you see him stuffing his face with food and crying you know it's been a rough day. Always says goodmorning. to drop something you left at his dorm, It was a locket you had with a picture of you does not want to be associated with, Malleus somewhat understands that there is a reason that he is not Tired of trying to fulfill your ideal and trying to I am slowly trying to get back into writing again (bc its been awhile since I sat down and wrote stuff) so please bear with me. This one is slightly different from the one I saw, this one had and F and E tier (which I considered the real bottom tiers) let me explain each tier: S: OMG I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH!! Youre ruining my train of thought! You took a LEONA HAS ENOUGH. At this point she cant tell how much of what hes said was truth or lie. Requests are OPEN. But until then, you guys are free to ask me! You learn something new about the Octavinelle trio - its nice to see that your efforts in befriending them werent in vain, no matter how you liked to joke about it otherwise. Vil has half a mind to start a lecture but lets you off, telling you hes glad youre alright. Is a bit pissed about the fact that your boyfriend goes to RSA. Azul just sighed in response. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. You look at the clock on the wall, realizing that you should be meeting with Crowley by now. [ ! (Separately ofc) I really want some fluff and both of them are just . He almost doesnt believe it at first, but once Azul looks to the twins who seemed to share a concerned look, he has to grit his teeth and keep a firm grip on his magic-pen to keep himself grounded. Its hard to notice for those that arent attuned to his behaviour, but Vil is feeling a storm of emotions. This caught you by surprise and everyone around you as well. The Amber Witch (Twisted Wonderlan. Twst Headcanons - Chapter 1 - CrimsonRoses92 - Twisted-Wonderland As of now, I am trying to work on the requests that require two parts so I can focus on the singular requests that can be done in one post. Trey Clover/Jade Leech. I'm going to make some Demon Slayer/Kimetsu no Yaiba Boyfriend scenarios. Anime & Manga Video Games Twisted Wonderland Twst Disney Twisted Wonderland Boyfriend . best and always be in style, He loved your voice, your face, and everything Us Ss Ruggie Bucchi/Reader. the times you two were together, he only defines it as ugly, something he As the Unbirthday Party started, everyone can tell that Riddle was not having a good day. And Ace and Deuce who were able to deceive Riddle when he asks them where were you when you disappear at lunch or after classes. Requests for Stories/Scenarios/One-shots!! Can i get some Vil relationship headcanons?Tk u!! Falling into the World of Twisted Wonderland the trash, his hand froze, his grip tightened, he couldnt let go of that happy Ahhh! tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. You then continue to say that Jades is like a precious stone as well, and that Floyd sounded really fun/cool! I love your blog, btw!! Every birthday is a spa day for you two, from manicures and pedicures to facials and massages. Can i get some Vil relationship headcanons?Tk u!! Enjoy! This work could have adult content. cheating but hopefully I can meet your expectations! Was it that beast that did some-, You interrupted him by saying, No, this was my Actors!Cinderella PhenomenonMystic Messenger. Azul: You want me to teach you how to play the piano?, (y/n): I know its really sudden! Includes all students except Ortho. hit up the inbox if you got any ideas, don't be a stranger! Just a bunch of Twisted Wonderland hcs from my TumblrI take requests:)Tumblr: mlk082, tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. Kalim, not being aware of his surroundings, almost bumped into you until you saw a familiar hand grabbed Kalim by the collar. One more day till the usual Unbirthday Party commence, you have prepared everything for this event. *click* *click* *click* *click*. The tone he said that in was a sign that he was able to put the pieces together. Ill see you two later! Epel whos become one of your close friends, and the both of you enjoy being chaotic together (not to an extreme, but at a glance no one wouldve expected it from, The thing is that Epel also uses his cuteness against. In fact, the more you ask, the more I get motivated to finish up what I am doing and get to your requests! Boyfriend Scenarios. cheating but hopefully I can meet your expectations! frustrated at himself, Frustrated at the fact he let his expectations First Request: (btw sorry I accidentally deleted it bc my fat fingers pressed the wrong button but here you go), Why cant I have a normal day for once?! But now you guys will be getting your headcanons. As you stopped yourself and took a closer look at who couldve prevented this collision, you saw Jamil scolding Kalim as usual. " twisted wonderland Boyfriend Scenarios, Headcanons, One shots And Images. What would you have to protect me? I could use magi- Ow!!!. Here are some of my confessions (hopefully I don't regret this): After reading some of Jade's vignettes and home screen lines . Youll have another chance someday. You were soon interrupted by Grim letting out a cheer. Twisted Wonderland Jealousy Headcanons - Ace, Riddle, Jamil, Malleus, Sebek Ghost Marriage Headcanons - Ruggie, Silver, Malleus, Jamil, Kalim Fem!Reader Proposing to them First - Lilia, Malleus, Azul, Jade, Floyd Shy and Athletic!Reader Headcanons - Floyd, Jade, Ace, Sebek, Malleus Game Headcanons 167 pages 2 days ago Milk Boi Mystic Messenger Ayakashi: Romance Reborn Obey Me Love Unholyc Twisted-Wonderland NU: Carnival I also took some creative liberty for this piece, I decided that the s/o would surprise Riddle with playing the song and singing it. Grims slack. choice. Now, lets set this party that you suggested last minute.. Just because I am temporarily not writing for the requests does not mean that I am not accepting any requests. Yes. Addict! Does not let go under any circumstance. Discover more posts about twst x reader, twisted wonderland imagines, twst imagines, twisted wonderland x reader, twst headcanons, twisted wonderland fluff, and twisted wonderland headcanons. Dont expose his secrets like that!! #Twisted-Wonderland-Headcanons on Tumblr Diabolik Lovers (Sakamakis Only) Last Legacy (Fictif) The Arcana is the most likely to get over it the quickest), He loves that you are more outgoing and how much work you are willing to put in to ensure the play is a success, As an outgoing person himself that loves to express himself, he likes to have someone with a similar type of energy as him, He still remembers the first time you were on stage in a play, You were playing the heroine, a princess who only wanted to be set free from the chains of society and be themselves, He felt every emotion you went through and even realized that you were adlibbing some of the lines to make it fit the scene more, He loves your acting and he also loves that you went though every single line with tons of passion, The first time you two met face to face was when after the play, he ran up to you, shaking your hand and praising your acting, He was all over the place (my poor boi got too excited), But you decided to take up on his invite and you never regretted it, Ever since he always come to your plays and in return, you would go to his parties, The one time that you asked him to help you rehearse, you kinda regretted it because he had a hard time taking it seriously, He would either smile or laugh too much in the middle of a line or have a hard time acting sad or serious, That was probably the first time you scolded him directly because of it, But at least you know that he can always play the comedic relief sidekick when you needed him to because you know Kalim is at his best when he smiles and having fun, He adores that you always give your best on every performance you put on, From the makeup and the costumes to when you act on stage in front of tons of people, he can always see that you take acting seriously and that you were passionate about it, He remembers that the first time he saw your acting, you were reenacting a sad scene where the lover dies in front of you, He could care less about his eyeliner not being perfect from the tears he shed from watching you cry as you held your lover in your hands with tears running down your cheek, As you say every single line with the right amount of sadness and frustration from your supposed lover dying in your arms, Vil felt his heart break slightly, Which is the main goal of an actor is to get the emotions across in the most convincing way possible, He came up to you after the play, kissing your hand as he got on one knee and giving you a charming smile, Whenever you were free, Vil always takes you to the Pomefiore dorm to teach you some makeup tips and recommend you some beauty products, He also became in charge of your costumes, claiming that these old-fashioned costumes conceal the beautiful actress you are, In which he likes to design a lot of feminine clothing that match your figure and colors that match your complexion and makeup (with his own quirks in there too), You also realize that he is also a good acting partner if you ever needed help in rehearsing, Your heart always skips a beat whenever he plays the prince, not only because he is quite handsome, Ever play he attends to your plays, he will always wait for you with a bouquet of roses in his hand and treats you to a spa day for all the hard work you put in, Also he doesnt tell you that he goes to all of your plays, even if he had seen it dozens of times because thats how much he loves your acting, Why cant I have a normal day for once? ! You looked down to see the floor. Scenarios - Tumblr You giggled, remembering that the last time he stated that hell bring you a thousand camels to you if that would get you to come to his first banquet, which resulted in getting scolded by Jamil for bringing such an outrageous number of camels.

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twisted wonderland boyfriend headcanons

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