joining the navy reddit

Apr 6, 2020. Poeple that otherwise couldn't survive in the real world. The Navy will spend significant time and money training and preparing you for a new career, but having a skill set going into the Navy can perhaps guide you toward your ideal job goals. I was a mechanic on a carrier. That being said, many join for the opportunity to experience a deep feeling of comradery and teamwork or to even better their ability to work with a team since it is such an essential life skill. Pros: Error 404. 2. I saw way too many cheating spouses, male and female. Travel opportunity I lived in 6 different countries. You can look it up to see what rates require an extension. A forum to discuss Navy Recruiters, processing at MEPS, Delayed Entry Program, Enlisted Ratings, "A" Schools, Officer Candidate School, Recruit Training Command, and transferring to … My son and I spent months weighing everything, he scored exceptionally high on his ASVAB. So you’re thinking about joining one of the branches of the Armed Forces, but you have absolutely no idea where to start. Education. Or you're trying to kill people when you get there. 0 0. devilduck74. Joining the Army or the Navy. Sometimes you have to put up with shit --it's part of what it means to serve and that's why our Nation compensates us with free Applebee's once a year. What kind of jobs/tasks is a … Jun 27, 2017. The Navy is the next step for many young people looking to grow, learn, and create a meaningful future for themselves. To join the Navy Reserve, you must be between the ages of 18-39 and be able to have 20 years of total service by age 60. That’s almost bullshit. I am quite familiar with the weapons and sensors specialisations in the WE branch but not so familiar with the CIS specialisation. Pro: You get a chance to see different parts of the world. He decided on the Navy (AECF) and just got to RTC last week. I have an advanced question that may have not been asked before. Many in this category are either looking for a job - any job - or let the recruiter recommend certain jobs that the military needs at the time. It sounds as if you are no stranger to rough living. These are just a few: (assuming you are in the United States) Pros: 1. This allows more time for training and its not as wasteful. For information regarding Navy enlisted ratings, see [Twisky's Rating Information Guide] ( The vast majority of people that go into the military, both officer and enlisted, regardless of branch, get out at the end of their first contract. :). I used my training to start a new career in the semiconductor industry 15 years ago and I am now making a six digit salary with a high school diploma. Cons - you lose many of your rights when you join the military, there is always the heightened risk that you will die or be seriously injured during your time there, and being recalled to active duty is more likely than conscription. Yes, some jobs, usually the ones with longer training times, require a 6 year commitment. Potential sea-duty is an obvious consideration, but so are the jobs you are qualified to do upon entry into the Navy. Respected profession 3. This is one of the biggest reason I personally am joining the Navy Reserves, and I know many others have too. Chat; Find A Recruiter; 1-800-usa-navy; Apply Now; Home; GET UP TO $105,000 NOW . If you resent being told what to do, the military will drive you insane. The Navy just gives you a rack. Want to learn about deploying, finances, mental health, cross-rating, and more? It involves frequent and long deployments. However, some live in the field and eat MREs, which is worse than ship life. Living conditions and quality of life are the worst in the Marines and Army. Interested in Officer programs? Joining the US Navy can be a fun, fulfilling, and rewarding career choice. When you talk to a recruiter about signing up, they’ll likely sell you on all of the positives and leave out most of the less attractive aspects. Related Article: Top 20 Reasons To Join The Military. Also, is the bonus worth it to justify lesser quality living conditions (if the rumors are true)? Pros - they get some pretty good benefits (some of which continue after you are discharged), many jobs prefer to hire veterans, and you may learn self-discipline. No personally identifying information (PII). Sign up for updates. Do you feel called to join the American Navy? Rate availability does vary and a given rate my not be available at the time one is at MEPS. Norfolk is... at least close to other places you can escape to on the weekend. I ended up going to school afterward to get my BS in mechanical engineering. I was never shot at. CBT and joining the Navy. Regarded as one of the highest quality of life jobs in the Navy but some recruiters may not know much about it and may not mention it to you. EDUCATION … 11. Both the Army and the Navy offer the same basic ways you can join. It depends on training time. Some guys and gals know it from the start: they strive to be a part of the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marines from a very young age. If anyone has any questions just ask im joining the raf and both my parents where in the army. Decent pay. Air Force promotion rates typically suck too. Deployment life varies - some Army/Marine personnel will live in decent spots on base when deployed too and enjoy good internet and decent working hours. Cons: Getting home from a war to people who make it seem like it's your fault for the war still going on. It’s just not in your best interest. Royal Canadian Navy. Living in the barracks, you kinda get treated like your 17 and living at home. You won't get rich, but if you use the brain your parents gave you and don't exceed your means, you can save a bit of money and live a decent life. I went in and they gave me 3 options, AECF, something with computers, and AE. Before you sign up, ask yourself the following: Do you resent being told what to do? It's up to you if a) any of those jobs interest you, b) being in the Army interests you, c) the bonus is worth being in the Army. Computer Engineering? The important thing is whatever you do, you have long and short term goals. Wait … what? It was your choice. Deal with it until you can move out. It wasn't healthy to keep going like this and so after a few months after dropping out, I decided to think about joining the military to fund my schooling in the future. The test itself is designed to assess your ability to pass the initial Royal Navy recruit course. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the newtothenavy community. Cons: The govt. Apr 17, 2018. Before joining the Navy, you want to be sure you can meet your financial obligations on military pay. Usually not that great. Yes, even the Coast Guard too. Top grade training in whatever technical discipline you choose, assuming you score well on the ASVAB. Joining the Navy as AET compared to RAF aircraft technician. We do a LOT more sea time then other navies. Joining the military with a completed 4-year degree may have you believing that you have maxed out your education benefits, especially if taking advantage of a student loan repayment or scholarship program. For every down, there is an up. Here they are in random order. San Diego is a fine city. Life on a ship vs sub vs shore, along with the job you get, will define the quality of life in a more meaningful way than who has better food or barracks. If you’re looking out for what’s best for you, don’t join the military. Don't get married if you are 18 and just enlisted. You'll figure out who they pretty quick and ignore them, Rules, the military has some stupid ones. As a reminder, this subreddit is for civil discussion. Apr 21, 2020. Some guys and gals know it from the start: they strive to be a part of the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marines from a very young age.. Second, the Air Force recruiter was unable to direct me towards their version of CTN and my research indicated, after the fact, that it is a smaller community with a more convoluted training pipeline. Risk of death and physical/mental trauma. Neither is you spouse to be. Cons: You're in the military. America has had its problems and still does. You might get one day in that country, and you might end up on duty. We also do longer commitments. Get everything for sure in writing. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity. Always Ready. That doesn't sound right, but I'm not 100% on what other branches offer. Also if you have college credits, you can come out of bootcamp at a higher rank depending on how many. The Navy is the next step for many young people looking to grow, learn, and create a meaningful future for themselves. This is because deploying ships is very expensive. How Do I Join? The money isn't bad if we're talking US military. The U.S. Navy boasts more than 75 domestic bases. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The Navy has raised its standards in recent years — making sure all future sailors have a basic level of fitness. The Navy is more interested in whether or not the person actually committed the offense, rather than whether or not some court was lenient or generous in how they handled/prosecuted the offense. Some of those who have once served military service, including the Navy, claim that despite the perks this patriotic and noble service offers, there are also sacrifices that come with it. We had a couple decent shooting matches when I was in, the biggest being Desert Storm (1st Iraq war) Closest I ever got to any front line was 4000 miles. Job Description. Commitment . Here's three things to consider: If you make it through BUD/S and they give you an enlistment bonus for being a SEAL but you would've done it for free because you've wanted to be a SEAL all your life, then you made the right decision. And you also have the extra factor of the unknown. Anything happen? Regardless, you should have an interest in where you go, what you do, and how you serve this country as military service is not just a job, it is an honorable profession that can be exciting and rewarding if you know what you want to do. Pros: Good benefits (even after leaving), learning skills, best physical shape of your life, world travel, lifelong community, Cons: death and injury, ptsd, hard on the family. 10 Cons of Serving in the Air Force Joining the military, for most, can be a life-altering decision. And if you care which job you get you should get it in your contract instead of letting them pick for you. So, I was by myself in Bankok for 10 days on the governments dime. One of these is being away from family and friends most parts of the year. I knew I wouldn't make a career out of it, but it allowed me to get good experience, save money, afford college, and to change my life for the better. The barracks at my first base sucked, but I was living out in town within a year anyway. Also, I got 92 on the practice ASVAB they gave me and he said that there's a good chance that I will be qualified for those said jobs. That doesn't mean anybody has to take a rate they do not want or even sign a contract. The military, in general, only seems to want engineers. Find out how much you can qualify for. Re Joining after PVR. Developing PTSD, a serious injury, or dying are service-related realities of joining the military. The STA-21 program is awesome, but almost entirely goes to Nukes. I joined the Navy and don't regret it. ABOUT THE NAVY RESERVE; NAVY RESERVIST ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES; BROCHURES; Contact Us. It wasn't unusual to walk into berthing and hear about 9 different languages so you won't really stick out at all. While most future enlistees dream of becoming a Navy SEAL or Naval Aviator, the simple truth is this… The Navy is absolutely enormous. I see one of the major Cons as having to choose the career path at an early age. But if you join as a CTN (hacker/computer stuff) you'll probably never see a ship, and as a CTI very little. 1 decade ago. Pro's. Moving on. Airforce quality of life is better, but there are a lot less Navy bases in Nowhere, Idaho. P art 1—Choosing a Military Service: How to decide which branch of the military to join. Again, is this information true? Again, is this information true? For military veterans, these requirements are normally determined on a case-by-case basis. As a warning about CTI: its training is extremely well regarded by linguists even outside the Navy, but it has a high attrition rate, so there's a gambling element that you don't get with many other ratings. Source(s): joining navy kids entering: Because you scored so high on your practice asvab, you are highly likely to be offered a computer or IT job. However, you do have the ability to further your education right away without active duty service requirements. It may it may not be available, they’ll say. Non-western navies do about 8% or less. Also, is the bonus worth it to justify lesser quality living conditions (if the rumors are true)? Don’t join the military. I asked him just what the hell he expected of me. I can't find the information of what the years required are for the jobs but are most of them above 4 years and is it worth it to go beyond the 4 years for the bonuses? Chat; Find A Recruiter; 1-800-usa-navy; Apply Now; Home; GET UP TO $105,000 NOW . Either choice will have ups and downs. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. I graduated from a respectable college with a 3.93 GPA, but that isn't important. If you want free college, and are decent with math/science, I’d recommend going into the Navy as a nuke. owns your ass. As you will have to remain on the ship even in port. This can be anyhwere from being an Airman Basic on station for one month, to being a Staff Sergeant with 6 years in service. Three hots and a cot. And it may have to stay that way if your first assignment is sea duty. Air Force quality of life/bases/housing is usually considered better, that is true. I've talked to both recruiters of the 2 different branches and I still can't decide mainly for the following reasons: After surfing the internet for navy vs air force experience, a lot of people say that the quality of the living conditions (food,shelter,etc.) You may not even like your fucking job you get in whichever branch you chose to serve in. should i join the navy reddit Following orders. I have high hopes that joining the Navy will teach me how to stick to something I have committed myself to. Any branch you'll get 3 meals a day. Ask yourself. My recruiter told me that the Navy branch is the only one out of all the branches to give enlistment bonuses to certain jobs. Chances are you're going to work where ever you go and you'll have a roof over your head and food. 10. I don't want to generalize about recruiters so I'm only speaking anecdotally. This 12-week program prepares you for Navy leadership positions. Is this true at all? This includes lying by omission (leaving information out) and lying by commission (purposefully misleading). You can join through standard enlistment, which means you sign up and start immediately or you can use delayed entry, which means you sign up and delay joining for a certain period. Apr 7, 2017. Just like life in the civilian world - for every up, there is a down. I addressed the QoL "rumor" in my other post. That means it's impossible to have a rule that one branch is always better than the other, or that if you join one branch your quality of life will be "better". You will be treated like whoever the lowest common denominator in your unit is. Nothing like being sent to a tropical paradise for a month, to only see the flightline and a tent because you are working 18 hour days on rotating shifts. Cons: Do it wrong, and it can completely remove your future. MY ACCOUNT LOG IN; Join Now | Member Log In. If you're into computers/cybersecurity and can get a top secret clearance, look into CTN. Joining the Royal Marines Reserve at 30. To join the Navy, you must: Be a U.S. citizen; or Legal Permanent Resident (Enlisted) Be between the ages of 17 and 39 to enlist or be between 19 and 42 to become an Officer* Have a high school diploma or GED equivalent (Enlisted) or have a four-year degree from an accredited university (Officer) Joining Royal Navy (Question ?) By enlisting in the Navy, you can expect being separated from your loved ones for long periods of time on your deployments. Yes, you hear horror stories, no I never experienced one. The time given to military members off from work, such as weekends and holidays is called liberty. Airforce quality of life is better, but your commitment is almost certainly more 65,000. Keyboard shortcuts base sucked, but so are the worst in the Navy it! 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