should i enlist in the navy reddit

Finish college, and become an officer in the Air Force or the Navy (they have officers too you know.) and when you eventually retire, your options will still be plenty and you'll receive a nice pension. If you are very very good you might be good enough to become a SEAL. How about working? Courses offered on-base are by actual colleges and universities and generally give credit for military training, with flexible credit transfer policies. Deciding on which branch of the military you want to join is easy for some, and not so easy for others.Some have their hearts set on a particular branch for a wide variety of reasons, including: 1. if you're in for life you'll have an extremely steady income and a comfortable standard of living. The Army is for medical training or for intense physical training. Hey I'm currently a sophomore in college studying communications, and I was wondering if I should take a break and enlist for 2 years in the army to come back and continue with my degree, cuase currently I'm doing rotc but im not contracted and I'm also in cross country and track but we're not having a season due to covid and I'm just overall not happy spending money just to be online. I do a lot of neat things, and travel to interesting places. Should I list my ADHD on the SF-86? In addition there are more options for duty stations in the Navy. The major difference is in the Navy you will pick up rank and get promoted much faster in most cases and this is critical for getting to move off base and have your own place. And I'd been recruited in Georgia. YMMV in the USMC or the US Army. Hey everyone, just seeking some advice on which might be better for me and why? Close. It took them a week to get into MEPS after the 3 hours of paperwork to get your ducks in a line. Obviously, this is going to be a crucial skill to have in a branch of the service where you're likely to see a fair amount of time at sea. Posts Wiki. If you're older than age 25 and younger than 36 and want to enlist in the Army, you should encounter little difficulty as long as you meet qualification standards. Posted by u/[deleted] 6 years ago. To qualify for both the Navy student loan repayment program and the Post 9/11 GI Bill benefits program, you will need to enlist for an extended service contract. NEWS. Would I still be eligible to enlist? A subreddit for anyone and everyone to ask questions and share information about the military. Press J to jump to the feed. Which branch of the Military should you join? US Navy r/ navy. Finding the branch of the military that would bring out your best traits will not only help you figure out more about yourself, it will also help you avoid an embarrassing trip to the wrong recruiting office. During my schooling the Navy would pay for my tuition. For example, hopeful sailors with 48 semester hours or 72 quarter hours of college credit are eligible for enlistment at the E-3 paygrade. Look at everything available and make the best choice for YOU. So now I'm wondering if it would be a good idea to enlist in the Navy. Should I enlist into the military? Get your credit score in check. It's also an avenue for people without college to fly helicopters. Is four years such a chunk out of your life? You should know that the higher your ASVAB, the more jobs your qualified for. Navy Veterans who meet the below criteria, and enlist into their previous ratings, usually enlist in the grade they held at the time of discharge (up to E-6). And I'd been recruited in Georgia. I got 30 percent for Navy and 30 percent Marines, I thought I would always join army cause I like camping, intense training and being in the woods. Hi, I'm strongly considering joining the Navy for a number of reasons. Rising. Oceanfront property. Related Article: 10 Best Navy Jobs For Civilian Life. Unfortunately due to covid-19,shit has been almost all virtual and the learning structure is all fucked up. That's basically it. He's an E-5over four right now. The Marines are warfighters on land and will increase the area of war from the water to land. How much you travel depends on your job. I have a job and a place to live... but not so much a sense of purpose. Stay focused, and keep your goals in mind. How many days off you get and your op tempo will vary wildly by jobs. An aircraft carrier gets resupplied at sea. Posted by 5 days ago. from what i've seen, the government takes care of their lifers. Your experiences will vary widely based on many factors. Q4 SOFREP Sweepstakes - … The Navy also gives tuition assistance for college courses taken off duty. Why do you want us to change your mind? Thanks for your help. Joining any one of the three is a matter of pride and honour. I've heard you can do both in either but navy generally has better bases but I heard deployments can be rather boring or just plain miserable. Should You Join the Navy? What they do care about, is that your obligations to the Navy once enlisted come before college. Hey guys, had a bad day and need to vent. I actually signed my papers in DC after my nuclear reactors interviews, come to think of it. It took them a week to get into MEPS after the 3 hours of paperwork to get your ducks in a line. Some jobs will work every day. The Navy and Marine Corps team are a highly capable amphibious warfighting people and machines. 5. Hey everyone, just seeking some advice on which might be better for me and why? Close. Hot New Top Rising. We provide medical support in the field for Marines. card. User account menu. Do lots of research. In order to graduate from Navy basic training, you must score at least a "Good (Low)" score on the normal Navy Physical Readiness Test (PRT). You should know that welding in the civilian world and in the Navy are two very different animals. Enlistment . Also, the Navy offers a college fund for recruits who enlist in jobs the Navy considers understaffed, adding money to monthly G.I. I once ran the numbers to find out what a great deal I was getting, and quickly discovered that I was getting a … I’m 11 so when I turn twelve I’m joining The cadets and I not sure which one to join SORRY FOR BAD ENGLISH IM UKRAINIAN AND POLISH AND RUSSIAN . Once you get to meps expect a one night stay at a hotel. I learned more about more things than almost anyone else my age. How much of flying has been automated? I also want to serve my country. The Navy will care for Marines with Navy Bureau of Medicine and berth and feed them when on board Navy amphibious ships. Those who must enlist in a different rating (PRISE III) program enlist in the grade of E-3, except for AECF, CTI(N) or Nuclear Program, who enlist in the grade of E-4 (if E-4 or above was held during the previous enlistment). The Navy offers a way to enlist at the advanced paygrade of E-3 based on certain life experiences. Typically we attach to marine units, train with them, etc. The military is federal after all. I enlisted at 18 and got out at 27. Considering a profession within the Navy should not come lightly (or any service for that matter), especially if you are not comfortable with ocean-going vessels (ships and submarines). 54. share. I can think of reasons against it, but very few for it. Becoming a Navy Special Warfare Combatant-Craft Crewman (SWCC) is no easy task. If you don't want to join, then don't. I'm just going through the process of joining the Navy Reserve. The Navy will care for Marines with Navy Bureau of Medicine and berth and feed them when on board Navy amphibious ships. The Navy also gives tuition assistance for college courses taken off duty. On the SF-86, when it goes through the form gives a list of specific diagnoses (psychotic disorder, schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, delusional disorder, bipolar mood disorder, borderline personality disorder, or antisocial personality disorder) however NEVER mentions ADHD. This might be something to consider if you are dead set on choosing between these two branches. If you do not enlist for at least 6 years, your participation in the Navy CLRP program will require that you … Free e-mail watchdog. The other option is to consider invisible braces such as Invisalign or Smile Direct. Please use a **clear title** for your question: clear titles get clear answers. There is no magically better branch. Should I enlist in the Navy or the Air Force? As we go through our Army, Air Force, Navy, Marines, or Coast Guard quiz, we will look at all the way you solve problems and your leadership tendencies. Its not something to do unless you already HAVE reasons. I just graduated high school and am looking to join the Navy or AF. Bill entitlements. I graduated from Allen University with a B/S in Social Science. Take the Military Quiz. Now that you’re done with the quiz, remember to take your results with a grain of salt. Here’s a complete list of all 93 Navy Ratings (jobs) in alphabetical order, as well as the minimum ASVAB score for each rating. Military background looks good on a resume. To become an officer, you must be at least 19 and no older than 35. A family member who may have served in a particular branch, like a father that served in the Air Force 2. Enlisting in the Navy has been on my mind for some time now. First,I'm 19 so I'm well within legal right and I actually just started my first year of college this fall. I'm a Navy IS, but I also looked into the AF crypto programs during my process. I got 30 percent for Navy and 30 percent Marines, I thought I would always join army cause I like camping, intense training and being in the woods. Simply go to your local recruiting office. Paul, The Navy will not go back and change your discharge. What is the difference between joining as an officer and just enlisting? I’m 11 so when I turn twelve I’m joining The cadets and I not sure which one to join SORRY FOR BAD ENGLISH IM UKRAINIAN AND POLISH AND RUSSIAN . u/jamesvg98. In the Air force you are either shore based (regular land base) or a flier. It depends on your options. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I just done with the army there are many pros and cons but its all up to you. Some jobs don't. I tried to go to OCS right out the gate, but I was told I would have to … Okay, so maybe you’re not a teenager, but you are still thinking about joining the Navy. I have a degree in civil engineering from the University of Ma. Welding in the Navy requires different certifications. I enlisted at age 35, and did one deployment to Afghanistan at 37. I can think of reasons against it, but very few for it. I can't see why not. All hopeful Army enlistees must meet the service's education, testing and assessment requirements regardless of age. Believe it or not, there’s a maximum age limit as well. Bill entitlements. This includes classes and coursework completed remotely when you’re deployed, including on ships and submarines. Although there are minor exceptions, every Navy base is on a coast. report. And lastly, which branch is just overall more enjoyable based off your experiences? Currently I am financially unable to attend a university and was hoping the Navy could help me with tuition assistance so I can finish my degree. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. I don't know the air force versions of the jobs but the Navy MOSes I would suggest looking at are CTR, CTN, IS, and IT. Joining both the Navy Reserve and the Air Force Reserve requires the basic essentials of having a high school diploma in most cases, although both branches will make exceptions on a case-by-case basis. 2 2 22. comments. Please change my mind! Cookies help us deliver our Services. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. (He is only enlisted so as an Officer and depending on your job you could have a great time.) they'll pay for your school and then make for an excellent reference when you get out. Answer this question. I only chose the Navy because the recruiter was more on his game. Montgomery, Best advice I can give is to ensure you provide the information up front; be honest and … Also, the Navy offers a college fund for recruits who enlist in jobs the Navy considers understaffed, adding money to monthly G.I. I actually signed my papers in DC after my nuclear reactors interviews, come to think of it. View Entire Discussion (44 Comments) More posts from the army community. If you lose focus, bootcamp becomes next to impossible to complete. It seems like something I could use, it offers discipline, and gives me guidance so to speak. Whether you are considering enlisting or you have always wondered if you would have been a good sailor, this quiz will let you know if you have what it takes. If you train to become a Navy pilot, you are more likely to get a job as an airliner pilot over a guy who was not a Navy pilot. Bring with you as many forms of ID (Driver's license, birth certificate) as well as a copy of your college diploma & transcript. The Army is for medical training or for intense physical training. Whether you are considering enlisting or you have always wondered if you would have been a good sailor, this quiz will let you know if you have what it takes. And how come whenever pilots make announcements they sound really bored? I scored a 78 on my asvab btw. I outdid most of the younger peeps on my PT test. Is this something I should be concerned about, or do you believe this is not something the Navy will pursue? You'll be living chow to chow, Sunday to Sunday. Who knows? Hot. Some people in the air force travel a lot and most people in the Navy travel a lot. Most traditional Navy jobs, like snipe positions, involve being attached to and deploying with a ship, sub, etc. The Marines are warfighters on land and will increase the area of war from the water to land. In the Navy and the Airforce, even on deployment, you are almost always going to have access to NIPR net on govt computers. If you want to work for the CIA one day you should not go into the U.S. Army as enlisted or an officer. and now almost a year after graduation I still don't have a job even though I have sent out my resume to countless numbers of companies. For some people it is a great option. If you enlist in the Navy, you'll be working for somebody who's not as smart as you are, and he probably won't treat you very good. Navy guys don't get shot at much either unless you're a tactical operator in Seal Team 6 (You meet a lot of them after retirement) Cons: Being a member of the United States Navy is a prestigious and brave thing to do! A lifelong dream to serve in one particular job in the service (like wanting to be a Navy SEAL) 3. Who knows? Retired from the navy is 2001, Flying Commercial airliners and private jets as when I have the time/need the money. 63 comments. If you're enlisting in the Army after age 29, though, consider the career fields in which you may wish to serve. I got an 87 two years after HS and they wanted me to go nuke- tried twice before I got to the Battalion. Should You Join the Navy? Should I enlist in the Navy or the Air Force? Archived. Answer #1 | 10/11 2014 03:42 You enlist in the navy. 3 years ago. If you go to the academy you'll owe the navy a significant amount of time after the four year degree, if you enlist you'll still have (depending on your contract) 2-6 … Should I Join the Military to Pay for Medical School? Generally I would favor a young person seriously considering joining the Navy to start the process sometime in the year before actually applying for enlistment. Seems like a lot. Waste somebody else's time. He is going with me tomorrow to help me understand, but I don't know anything about the military. 2.6k. Dropping out of college to enlist in US Navy. Provides a job, place to live, sense of purpose. I just got a friend enlisted into the navy. What should a young person know and consider before joining the military? Posted by 1 day ago. Do a 68k/Q. Just left Arlington. I know its not enlisting but I do it to make me a better all around person and so someone else doesnt have too, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The military is federal after all. I mean, I'm proud of them for protecting our country, but that doesn't mean I understand why. It actually becomes fun if you are deployed, but it is a lot of work. You do lose out or delay other opportunities like college and sacrifice some individual freedom like where you want to live, etc. If this program is still valid what sort of questions should I ask? Im a corpsman. The vast majority of Navy deployments are at sea on Naval ships and submarines, though there are many deployments since 9-11 that allow for Navy personnel to deploy to various ports and bases around the … Posted by 7 days ago. Essentially what the title asks. Answer for question: Your name: Answers. Your division mates might be awesome as fuck, or it might be … The maximum ASVAB score is 99 for each subtests or subject areas, and the minimum ASVAB score you need to get is 35 to enlist in the Navy. i'm an army brat and my dad is about to retire. My husband is currently in the Navy and will not be reenlisting after 6 years. NCCM(Ret) says: September 19, 2020 at 5:09 pm . If someone got a 99, is there like, an "exclusive" job available or anything special to consider? You are not allowed to enlist if you are over 34 years old. You must successfully complete coursework in general chemistry, English composition and intermediate algebra, as well as achieve good scores on the Navy's physical readiness test. So, for quite sometime I've been toying with the idea of enlisting into the Air Force. Thanks for your response! Because I want to understand why other people do it! You joined the Navy for a reason; hold onto that reason, stay focused. NCCM(Ret) says: December 17, 2020 at 4:47 pm . This question was originally answered on Quora by Doug Dingus. 1. Simple as that. Im starting navy rotc tomorrow. I wanted to get some feedback from people that are currently in the reserve and what their jobs are like. 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