disadvantages of tabulation method

You can skip testing the hypothesis and base the analysis on frequency tables and cross-tabulations only. The empirical assessment for capturing the perceptions and views of managers on the understanding of sustainability issues in steel industries was conducted in Chapter 4 based on the samples taken from the various countries. K-maps are not suitable when the number of variables involved exceed four. Some research questions which start with what require survey method to focus on contemporary events. Quine–McCluskey method is a tabular method that has an advantage over Karnaugh maps when a large number of inputs are present (more than five variables). 9. The tabular method which is also known as the Quine-McCluskey method is To simplify Boolean functions (or switching functions), one might use the Karnaugh map method when there are not that many variables used. Minterm 12 is present in A and AB, so again either can be used. Therefore, the study can also be described as an exploratory study. Identify areas and application to the steel industry for demonstrating progress in the sustainability performance. Evaluate, How significant are the stakeholders’ legitimacy to influence and urgency to influence the steel companies sustainability issues? Tabular Method Compute all prime implicants Find a minimum expression for Boolean functions No visualization of prime implicants Can be programmed and implemented in a computer. Forecasting is essentially a process of analyzing the past and present business movements and trends to obtain some idea or clues regarding future trends and business movements. There will be two sources of limitation: 1. sum of products form to a set of prime implicants from which as All work is written to order. The following guidelines have been suggested by Saunders, Lewis and Thronhill (2000): The confidence on the sample data as to what extent it represents the characteristics of the population; The accuracy with which the sample data estimates various population parameters; and. Qualitative research consists of detailed descriptions of events, people, interactions and observed behaviours (Patton, 1992) and general opinion. Last Updated on Fri, 04 Sep 2020 | Agricultural Statistics. Company Registration No: 4964706. Also Check: Tabular Presentation of Data. 0000...................Index 0 This chapter discusses the research design and methodology including their strengths and weaknesses and highlights the general approach to the PhD research. Tabulation facilitates comparison, analysis and interpretation of data easily with the help of statistical measures such as averages, dispersion, correlation, regression, deviations etc. To make things easier, change the function into binary notation with index value and decimal value. Assessment of threat and a potential for cooperation from the stakeholders to the steel companies on sustainability issues, 12. For example, the survey that determined the frequency or number of employees of a firm owning different brands of mobile phones like Blackberry, Nokia, I phone, etc. 5. A sample is used to gather information about the variable. Subsequent to development and implementation of sustainability management system at a steel plant, a tool for monitoring and assessing sustainability in steel industry has been developed for a typical steel plant in Chapter 7. When conducting survey analysis, cross tabulations (also referred to as cross-tabs) are a quantitative research method appropriate for analyzing the relationship between two or more variables. 3. It may be complex, double or simple depending upon the nature of categorisation. The reliability of the sample depends upon the appropriateness of the sampling method used. We've received widespread press coverage since 2003, Your UKEssays purchase is secure and we're rated 4.4/5 on reviews.co.uk. In other words, the method of placing organised data into a tabular form is called as tabulation. But, it is difficult to simplify the Boolean functions having more than 5 variables by using this method. (iii) The nature of statistical analyses undertaken. The effectiveness of the selected types depends mainly on the nature of the research. In fact, Qualtrics estimates that Cross-Tabulation Analysis and Single Variable Frequency Analysis together account for more than 90% of all research analyses. From simple essay plans, through to full dissertations, you can guarantee we have a service perfectly matched to your needs. The tabular method reduces the function to a set of prime implicants. 8. Table 3.5 Key Informant Approach to the Measurement of Organizational Properties, If only one informant, then attempt to identify the most informative person, Most of the informants were the head of the CSR, environment and other related departments or the senior level managers, Recognize the role of person’s emotional involvement with the subject. 1110, 1011.............Index 3 Data about variables is recorded in a table or matrix. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using each of the three measures of central tendency. There is a wealth of literature on the concept of sustainable development and sustainable construction but to a varying degree of quality. 1. Disadvantages of Surveys: Inflexible Design: The survey that was used by the researcher from the very beginning, as well as the method of administering it, cannot be changed all throughout the process of data gathering. Advantages and disadvantages of each of these methods are discussed on a comparative basis. Some managers discussed the various points on the telephone. Reliability focuses on the question of whether the measurement device produces consistent results across observations, providing the researcher with a way of assessing the trustworthiness of the findings (Martella et al., 1999). Exploratory research aims at generating basic knowledge and demonstrates the character of a problem by collecting information through exploration. Methods of Tabulation Simple tabulation Simple tabulation is when the data are tabulated to one characteristic. It is a detailed investigation to analyse the variables relevant to the subject under study (Key, 1997). To export a reference to this article please select a referencing stye below: If you are the original writer of this essay and no longer wish to have your work published on UKEssays.com then please: Our academic writing and marking services can help you! According to Hancock (1998), the main examples of methods of collecting qualitative data are individual interviews, focus groups, direct observation and case studies. 15. This approach offers researchers a great deal of flexibility, whereby theories can be developed qualitatively and tested quantitatively or vice versa. A larger sample size lowers the likely error in generalizing the results from the sample to the population (Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill 2000). Registered office: Venture House, Cross Street, Arnold, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG5 7PJ. There are different research methods and all research methods can be used to understand specific type of information or combined to support and complement one another (Kane, 1977; Frankfort-Nachmias, 1996). However, if a greater amount of variables are used or if several Boolean functions need simplification, using a computer is ideal. The survey technique is the most widely used method in social science and also the most relevant to this study. It involves a thorough and proper analysis of data and facts with the help of both quantitative and qualitative techniques. It is the only prime implicant that covers the minterm decimal 15 and it also includes 5, 7 and 13. 1111...................Index 4. Note that Binary notation is used for Finally, the number of returned questionnaire approached the figure of 50. Reference this. To measure the incidence of various views and options in a chosen sample, Usually a small number of non-representative cases, Respondents selected to fulfill a given quota or requirement, Usually a large number of cases representing the population of interest, Participant observation, semi and unstructured interview, focus groups, conversation and discourse analysis, Structured interview, self administered questionnaires, experiments, structured observation, content analysis/statistical analysis, Statistical usually in the form of tabulations, Findings are conclusive and usually descriptive in nature, Findings are not conclusive and cannot be used to make generalizations, Used to recommend a final course of action. Clearly, an archival analysis seems to be a possible research strategy under these conditions. The research questions are described in Chapters 4, 5, 6 and 7. Under this method, the price of current period can be compared with the price of past period. Cross tabulation is a method used when creating graphs which display how different items inter-relate. Our academic experts are ready and waiting to assist with any writing project you may have. The other minterms of the function are 1, 3 and 12. An unbiased sample of steel companies was obtained from International Iron and Steel Institute. Below, we highlight the advantages and disadvantages of this market research method. An embedded case means that there are multiple units of analysis and a holistic case involves a single unit of analysis. C + A + Tabulate the index groups in a colunm and insert the decimal value alongside. Looking for a flexible role? This allows those creating and reviewing the graphs to see where two or more pieces of data directly relate to or affect one another. Investigate the benefits , motivations, barriers and driving force of the sustainability in steel companies, 4. Quine-McClukey tabular method is a tabular method based on the concept of prime implicants. In the case study four sources of evidence were used : documentation, archival records, interview and direct observations. Many studies put forward that Cross Tabulation is one of the most preferred methods of analyzing market research or survey data. Following are some of the general rules which one should observe while constructing the tables. Attempt to motivate informants to cooperate with the study seriously, All participants have been informed that the summary of the findings will be circulated, Informants were requested to provide inputs in designated time frame, Assess the impact of alternate framing of questions, Discussion organized at the initial stage to resolve the questionnaire format, Followed in the questionnaire development; most were selected questions with valid measurement properties. A case study may combine a variety of data collection methods and research strategies (Fellow and Liu, 2003). Need for subject specific knowledge 4. changeability of sampling units 5. impossibility of sampling. The purpose of this thesis is to explore and describe the understanding of sustainability issues and organizational experiences with stakeholders, in order to generate knowledge about the contribution of sustainability management system implementation. The Quine–McCluskey algorithm (QMC), also known as the method of prime implicants, is a method used for minimization of Boolean functions that was developed by Willard V. Quine in 1952 and extended by Edward J. McCluskey in 1956. Informants were involved with strategic issues related to research constructs and therefore have a keen interest with the subject. Table 3.4 provides the road map utilised to implement the present research work. Note that the ticks are just there to show that one term has been combined with another term. Table 3.1 Advantages and Disadvantages of Survey Methods (Source: OWBC, 2001), Require easily understood questions and instructions, Lack of chance to probe for further or clarity of answers, Allows high flexibility in the questioning process, Interviewers have control of the interviewing situation, Possibility of collecting supplementary information, Potential interviewers bias due to high flexibility, Lack of anonymity; hesitant to disclose personal data, Increase speed and time of data collection, Hesitancy to discuss sensitive data on phone, High chance of respondents terminating interview earlier. Assessment of level of engagement with the stakeholders, 13. The remaining research strategies were survey, archival analysis, history and case study, but while the intention was to investigate contemporary events, a case study together with a survey seems to be the most appropriate research strategies to use. Survey is one of the most widely used methods in social sciences to provide a representative sample of the area of study and serves as an efficient and effective means of looking at a far greater number of variables than is possible with experimental approaches (Galiers 1992). The disadvantages of the K-map method are It is not suitable for computer reduction. Statistical and administrative purposes require different kinds of … According to Yin (1994), four tests are commonly used to establish the quality of any empirical social research such as construct validity, internal validity, external validity and reliability. All these factors however also become the basis for major disadvantages. The review helped to identify gaps in knowledge and formed the basis for developing the framework to aid the implementation of sustainability issues at the strategic level. Nonetheless, manual data processing is also more prone to error, slower than its automated counterpart, and requires more time and expense on … 1st Jan 1970 One should examine various alternatives when choosing research strategy. According to Yin (1994), there are four types of research designs for case studies; i.e., single-case (holistic) designs, single-case (embedded) designs, multiple-case (holistic) designs and multiple-case (embedded designs). Explain which nonsampling errors led to the incorrect conclusion regarding the election. 6. Evaluate, how significant are the stakeholders’ powers to influence the steel companies sustainability issues and company’s influence on stakeholders? Price - Actual dollars spent per completed survey when the only cost of contacting someone was to send them an e-mail is low when compared to other methods; Online surveys are accessible to most target audiences. Appropriate selection of research methods leads to the success of any research (Steele, 2000). The target was to collect at least 100 questionnaires from managers and 40 questionnaires from stakeholders. Assessment of manager’s and stakeholders perceptions on sustainability issues, 3a. Initially, only about 28 questionnaires were returned. According to Huber and Power (1985), the ‘key informant’ approach for obtaining quantitative data on organizational properties is widespread in organizational and strategic management research, but they warn that its use requires careful consideration of certain issues to reduce potential measurement error. It typically involves cross-sectional and longitudinal studies using questionnaires or interviews to collect large amount of data. Specific research outlined in Chapter 5 was carried out as a case study on stakeholder-organisational relationship at a typical steel plant in India. However, it was heartening to find that one in three managers did show requisite enthusiasm in the study by spending an average executive time of one hour. One should examine various alternatives when choosing research strategy. Consider the function f(A, B, C, D) = (0,1,2,3,5,7,8,10,12,13,15), note that this is in decimal form. From the truth table, you can directly get a boolean expression via sum of products, but this is also a rather large expression. Moreover, information and knowledge was also gained by attending relevant courses. To quantify data and generalize results from a sample to the population of interest. The axes of the table may be specified as being just one variable or formed from a number of variables. Do you have a 2:1 degree or higher? Validity generally focuses on the question as to whether the measurement device indicates what it aims to measure. Suggestions for further work are made. Bear in mind that when two terms are combined, one of the combined terms has one digit more at logic 1 than the other combined term. ... and explain how it can influence measures of central tendency. This is not an example of the work produced by our Essay Writing Service. Information was sought from various sources including industrial and academic publications, institutions and university databases, the Internet, seminars, workshops and conference notes attended. This section provides a brief description of these research methods. It is an orderly arrangement which is compact and self-explanatory. Nunanally (1978) as well as Caplan, Naidu and Tripathi (1984) recommend a minimum Cronbach’s α of value 0.5. The research work develops methodological foundations for the construction of sector-specific composite indicator. Questionnaires were distributed to 120 managers of 48 steel companies’ world wide. From the above chart, BD is an essential prime implicant. Research questions start with what questions, which according to Table 3.3 suggest research strategies such as survey and archival analysis. The chart is used to remove redundant prime implicants. Develop the methodology for assessment of sustainability performance of steel industry and aggregation of indicators, AA: Archival Analysis S: Survey CS : Case Study. However, more pragmatic view needs to be taken about how large the sample size should be, considering limited time and resources available in the present study. Minterm 1 is present in and D. Similarly for minterm 3. Rules of Tabulation. Jain * SAMPLING METHOD is an important tool in the realm of social science researches. The sample size of 300 for distribution of questionnaire to managers of steel plant and 120 for stakeholders, respectively, was chosen. *You can also browse our support articles here >. According to Brannen (1992), quantitative research is concerned with attitudes and large-scale surveys rather than simply with behaviour and small-scale surveys. The method To aid the selection process, Yin (1994) mapped out several research strategies against various possible situations as collated Table 3.3 below. VAT Registration No: 842417633. Each minterm covered by a given prime implicant is marked in the appropriate position. There are several advantages as well as disadvantages involved in using a qualitative research method. Assess the key sustainability issues for each stakeholder and their most important expectations to your company. The case study was performed at a typical Steel Plant in India. Due to their negligent attitude most of them fall to mail answers. Disadvantages of questionnaire Method Disadvantages of questionnaire Method are as follows:- 1. The purpose of sampling theory is to make sampling more efficient. However, after addressing the research problems assisted by the quantitative results, the study moved further to explain in explorative manner how steel companies can develop and implement sustainability management framework with a monitoring and review mechanism using composite sustainability performance index while evaluating the needs and expectations of the stakeholders. Among various advantages, it facilitates in-depth study; produces overwhelming detailed information with a smaller number of people; and provides a great understanding of the topic under study. Errors and Mistakes: Since graphical representations are complex, there is- each and every chance of errors and mistakes.This causes problems for a better understanding of general people. Tabular Presentation of data is a method of presentation of data. Yin (1994) explains three different types of purposes for research namely exploratory, descriptive and explanatory. Manual data entry can require less up front investment, education and allows for easier oversight of data that is not easily categorized by machines. The various methods used in this research are described in following sections. There are two types of data collection mechanisms namely qualitative and quantitative research methods. There are no disadvantages of offering rewards or incentives to increase response rates. Bear in mind that the dash indicates a missing variable and must line up in order to get a third list. These prime implicants are then examined to see if some are redundant. Limited response: the persons who cooperate or respond the questionnaire are very few in number. (0000,0001,0010,0011,0101,0111,1000,1010,1100,1101,1111) in binary form. The table should be self-explanatory and easy to understand. programs have been developed employing this algorithm. The necessary condition for combining two terms is that the indices of the two terms must differ by one logic variable which must also be the same. Table 3.1 collates the advantages and disadvantages of these three survey methods. It involves eliciting information from respondents which can be achieved through postal questionnaires, telephone interviews and personal interviews. A survey has been carried out involving 15 experts from different functional areas of the steel plant under the study to identify the key sustainability performance indicators. Explanatory research aims to explain why a phenomenon occurs. Documentation, archival records, interviews, direct observations, participant’s observations and physical artefacts. The comparison of both qualitative and quantitative research epistemology has been tabulated in Table 3.2. The Cronbach’s α (alpha) for reliability of internal consistency (Pedhazur and Schmelkin 1991; Tabachnick and Fidell 2001) was obtained for the scales used in the surveys in the present study. The main aim of using triangulation method is to improve the reliability and validity of the research outcomes. Computer Logical sources 2. Disadvantages of questionnaires however also stem from the same factors that provide the advantage. AC. There is neither a fast rule to selecting research methods nor best research method, as the use of each research method depends on the form of research question, the research objectives and contextual situation (Yin, 1994). many variables are eliminated as possible. You can view samples of our professional work here. Thus, one minimal solution is: Z = + BD + + In Chapter 6, Sustainability Management System was developed for a typical steel plant. Questionnaires as data collection tool provide both the researcher and the responder with many advantages. 24. 1. 0010, 1000.............Index 1 14. Review of management framework for promoting and implementing corporate sustainability. The resulti… We're here to answer any questions you have about our services. It is a systematic approach with well thought-out, scientific methods and procedures. D + BD + A + AB. 6. To fulfil the purpose with this thesis, both exploratory and descriptive approaches have been chosen. A grid is prepared having all the prime implicants Descriptive research involves examining a phenomenon to define it more or to differentiate it from other phenomena (Dane, 1990; Martella et al., 1999). The target was to collect at least 40 completed questionnaires. The six-variable functions. Since the study used the detailed literature to derive the item statements and identified the various key issues, it can be argued that the study started as a descriptive study. We can therefore use either A review of related research in the field. 1. Further, the archival analysis does not require control over the behavioural events, but on the other hand, it focuses on non-contemporary events. 11. A single case holistic was chosen, since the considered Steel Plant was thought to represent a significant contribution to the knowledge and theory of sustainability management. 3. Triangulation is a process of using more than one form of research method to test a hypothesis (Brannen et al., 1992). 2. Review of historical context of sustainable development, how it is understood and defined by various groups and the sustainability trend in steel industry. Develop a simplified framework for designing, implementing, monitoring and reviewing the sustainability management system, 16. The combination of the two approaches is termed triangulation. Hussey and Hussey (1997) suggest that a representative sample must be chosen at random, it should be large enough to satisfy the needs of the investigation being undertaken and should be unbiased. Note that the only prime implicant here is Z = . A disadvantage of a line graph is that one particular data point cannot be effectively evaluated using this method. The method reduces a function in standard sum of products form to a set of prime implicants from which as many variables are eliminated as possible. Organization of data means classification, tabulation, graphical presentation and diagrammatic presentation of data. These prime implicants are then examined to see if some are redundant. In general, any electronic system based on the digital logic uses binary notation (zeros and ones) to represent the states of the variables involved in it. The population of this study was made up of large sized steel companies world-wide. SAMPLING METHOD IN LEGAL RESEARCH R.B. Depending upon the number of variables and data analysis methods used, primary data analysis cannot be fit in less than 3000 words. is also an essential prime implicant. This method allows direct entry of the precoded responses Several survey methods used during the course of the PhD study are detailed below. 3b.Development of Sustainability Assessment methodology based on composite sustainability performance index. Copyright © 2003 - 2020 - UKEssays is a trading name of All Answers Ltd, a company registered in England and Wales. In addition, the method of selecting individuals to be interviewed led to selecting a lower proportion of female voters, and candidate B was favored by females. There are many disadvantages of tabular form of data, out of many some of the major disadvantages of tabular representation of data are It does not give a visual presentation of data, it only gives textual representation ; Tabular data is only good for differences of points or if we tally two or more topics ; Tabular representation won’t provide much of definitions it only helps to tally The Quine McCluskey tabulation method is a specific step-by-step procedure to achieve guaranteed, simplified standard form of expression for a function. The main advantages of a case study include richness of data and deeper insight into the phenomena under study (Hancock, 1998). Identify internal and external stakeholders and Who are the steel companies key stakeholders. Since it was not possible to control behavioural events, the strategy experiment was not of interest. A sampling frame is a list of the population from which sampling units are drawn (Hussey and Hussey 1997). It should not be such as necessitates to read the footnotes or the explanation so as to properly understand a table. Now take an example to understand the process. Chances of bias 2. + C + A, From the second list note that the term having an index of 0 can be combined with the terms of index 1. Study for free with our range of university lectures! From the first list, we combine terms that differ by 1 digit only from one index group to the next. Provide Reference As you can imagine, these can get quite large. Bear in mind that any unticked terms in any list must be included in the final expression (none occured here except from the last list). However, forecasting is not a haywire process. Explain how to calculate percentages in a cross-tabulation table and how to interpret the results. Disadvantages of direct tabulation of administrative data. reduces a function in standard Free resources to assist you with your university studies! 3. A review of the pros ande cons of questionnaires highlight questionnaires as an instrument that allows standardization, ease of use, and anonymity. The selection of the most suitable research method depends largely on the intention of the research objectives and the type of data needed for the research. Table 3.3 Different Situations for Data Collection Strategies (Source : Yin, 1994). If you need assistance with writing your essay, our professional essay writing service is here to help! (0,1,1,2,2,3,1,2,2,3,4) in the index form. Digital electronics deals with the discrete-valued digital signals. Examine and development of framework of sustainability management system. C. From the second list we can see that the expression is now reduced to: Z = + It saves a lot of time. Describe various methods for Organizing Data. 5. No plagiarism, guaranteed! That may be better done with a bar graph. The review of literature was extensively and critically undertaken throughout the study to build up a solid theoretical base for the research area and a foundation for addressing the problems and achieving the research objectives. of these prime implicants for these minterms. Difficulties in selecting truly a representative sample 3. Many executives wrote additional comments that were insightful. Cross tabulations provide a way of analyzing and comparing the results for one or more variables with the results of another (or others). Cross-tabs or cross tabulation is a quantitative research method appropriate for analyzing the relationship between two or more variables. Combining both quantitative and qualitative research methods has proven to be more powerful than a single approach (Sherif, 2002) and very effective (Lee, 1991). Lie in selection, estimation and administration of samples.Disadvantages of sampling units are drawn ( Hussey and Hussey 1997.... 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