does neutering a dog make it less aggressive

Spaying your dog will reduce or eliminate her drive to roam while in heat. This means that some dogs will “calm down” over the next few months, while others may take years to calm down. This includes: Reduced risk for cancer – Dogs that are not spayed and neutered are prone … Do not pet him or reward him for his frightened state, but talk calmly and firmly to him until he relaxes. Most entire male dogs NEVER encounter a bitch in oestrus. All the above and much more form a dogs personality. It's unlikely that you would be able to have done that. There are cases where dogs have become more aggressive towards people and animals after being neutered. If any difference with regard to aggression was observed, the female puppies, being smaller than the males, had to be a little more aggressive to keep from being pushed around by their larger littermates. Reward desired behavior. I suspect that any apparent difference between castrated and entire males is more due to the expectations of the owners. How does rabies cause aggression? Hard topic until those hormones are observed...the dog becomes a wild animal....a nice but entirely mind set wild animal. Con’s. There are cases where dogs have become more aggressive towards people and animals after being neutered. Too many variables unaccounted for. Does getting a female dog neutered calm them down? As in previous studies, the new data clearly shows that the positive behavioral effects that were expected from neutering did not occur, and if anything, the behaviors of neutered male dogs tended to be considerably less desirable. Although neutered dogs will still lift their leg to urinate, castration reduces marking in 80% of dogs with a marked improvement in 40%. He is always happy (even when he is in trouble) and playful. Both male and female dogs are significantly less likely to roam or escape when they are altered, especially if they are spayed or neutered before the age of six months. They have all lived out their allotted life span with no health problems except those due to old age. If you have a genetically compromised dog, by all means have it castrated. When approached while eating, the dog growls and even snaps at the person approaching it. Strangely enough, castration does not make dogs less inclined to fight, neither does it reduce the dog's social standing vis a vis other dogs. Rescue centres, mostly, as soon as they hit 12 months of age. However, males -- especially un-neutered males -- are more likely to be aggressive toward other dogs than their female counterpart. However, female rats tend to use certain areas and their urine is not as strong smelling as males. As a matter of fact, neutering can turn an otherwise aggressive and dominant dog into a perfectly acceptable pet. On the other hand, some diseases, like prostatic cancer and certain orthopedic conditions, are slightly more common in dogs who have been spayed or neutered. Be a Pack Leader. "Unsterilized animals often exhibit more behavior and temperament problems than do those who have been spayed or neutered." Fact: Neutered pets are not fat and lazy. For the owner a walk with a neutered male is a lot more pleasant. Two large sample studies have suggested that spaying and neutering may actually cause an increase in canine aggression. I as a pet keeper and friend need a little help from my guys and man...the hormone thing will never let you get close to your unaltered dog. "Unsterilized animals often exhibit more behavior and temperament problems than do those who have been spayed or neutered.". And while quantitative studies can be useful, a qualitative study would have yielded more accurate results, I really hope this article didn’t encourage too many people from neutering their dog because they were led to believe that their dog would become aggressive and/or fearful. Because it has been anecdotally associated with aggression disinhibition, it may be best limited to treatment of anxiety with no history of aggression to humans or to other dogs. It may help to some extent, but it is not a cure for aggressive behavior. The argument about unwanted puppies is redundant, and shows their lack of consideration of the matter. Chris has helped pets and their parents with behavior modification since 2000. Be careful with foods with very high protein and not enough moisture, as too much protein may cause constipation or loose stool. I think the title is misleading, correlation doesn't equal causation. Unneutered males will wander, jump fences, get hit by cars and break your heart unless you crate them. not getting fat, unless fed too much. One way to reduce a … In general, however, neutering will have no effect on your dog's personality, but it may influence his mood and make some behaviours more or less likely. Don't try to calm or soothe your aggressive cat, just leave her alone and give her space. A short while ago a woman dropped by our dog club on one of the evenings that we hold beginners' dog obedience classes. Neutering them makes them calmer and less aggressive if the reason for their hyper ness/anxiety and aggression was due to the fact their testosterone was dictating their behavior. And especially did not allow for the fact that most people are not good at training or handling their own dogs. He wont do anything until he gets up to their face, Then he starts to snaps and bark and snarl and growl. Since we generally can't pinpoint the past of a shelter or rehomed dog, how can we pin aggression on neutering? I found this article/study to be interesting and until just recently would have questioned it. By neutering your dog it will make him have less testosterone therefore he will act less aggressive. Their ego is of no importance. He's allergic to poultry, bison, buffalo, goat, fish, eggs, bees, honey, brewers yeast, and grains. Though easily distracted and often fleeting a dog can feel anger and resentment. "Spaying and neutering makes pets better, more affectionate companions." It is important to me that they have manners, if not "obedience" training. Create Neutral Experiences. Does a high protein diet make dogs more aggressive? As I understand it the incidence of mammary tumours is high in entire bitches, and testicular cancer in entire males is pretty rare. Aggression Females may be less aggressive toward both dogs and people after they're spayed. "Neutering reduces or eliminates spraying in approximately 85% of male cats." The Benefits of Spaying in Dogs. Aggression: Every aggressive dog should be castrated. Providing the best level of care, affection, and experience for your pets is what I do best. Too many calories and not enough exercise make pets fat and lazy, regardless if they are neutered or not. Also i do find un-sexed dogs get picked on more by neutered males, this I believe is because they feel threatened due to being able to smell the hormones. In many countries, the vast majority of male dogs are castrated routinely to prevent the overpopulation that has crowded many shelters and forced them to euthanize countless dogs. A very big error, as in our field how do we determine illness if not thru the animals behaviour! But it will give you a better behaved pet. Neutering seems to be less successful in reducing other types of aggression, although improvement is possible. Try pheromones. Initially there were 3 dogs in this class, all able to do off-lead work, sit and lie down next to each other, walk by each other without any incidents. Of the 100 behaviors assessed, 40 showed statistically significant differences between the castrated and intact dogs. Please, please neuter your dog. Relying on dog owners subjective responses to events that occurred in past memory is unreliable. I have also trained my own dogs with Obedience Dog Clubs. Eating fresh meat is proven to calm dogs (Mugford 1987), actually making them more suitable to be around young children, than dry fed dogs. 0 4. Will my dog be less hyper after neutering? Here is the scenario: the dog has just been switched from kibble and is enjoying a nice meaty bone. Provide additional perches. An aggressive dog can be a danger to people, however, so it's best to curb those behaviors. You might have heard that playing tug of war with your dog, especially a puppy, puts them on the path toward aggression. Also, who is to say an older dog who wakes up at home to find his "maleness" removed doesnt experience anger, resentment, and maybe even takes it out on intact dogs he comes across. Its gait is springy. However I did know a dog - nice dog, who was perpetually being attacked by other dogs, despite his being castrated. When aggressive or unstable dogs breed, they often produce aggressive and unstable pups. You put your dog behind a poor quality door then blamed his escape on him being unneutered! Other than that, I also let my dogs clean up whatever I drop, within reason. Please do not promote blanket neutering of all dogs. Does feeding dogs raw meat make them aggressive? Your rabbit will do very well using a litter box and normally will stop the grunting and lunging when you enter his pen, as long as he has a big enough living area. Praise and Reward the Dog When He Behaves Well. None of that is science. When he is relaxed, then reward him with affection or treats. This will reduce or eliminate urine marking in many dogs. Few male dogs were castrated when I grew up in the 1950s and when I had a young family in the 1960s . I didn't see the owner and the GSD until a few months later when they enrolled into a more advanced course. Leash the Dog. However, neutering male dogs has also become a routine suggestion of many veterinarians when their clients tell them that their dog has shown aggression — especially toward family members. Neutering lessens aggression for those reasons. I heard of online dog training before, but never tried it until my vet recommended ►►► TeachMyDog . The research team used data involving the C-BARQ survey instrument, which was originally developed by James Serpell of the University of Pennsylvania. Can neutering a dog make them more aggressive? It is best to avoid fatty foods, and definitely do not give him treats or table scraps while he is recovering. org - it has helped my dog SO much! Neutering your male companion prevents testicular cancer and some prostate problems. I’ve never owned a dog before so am happy to admit I was a little overwhelmed with my beautiful cocker spaniel Bella, but thanks to Dan I’ve put in place the 5 Golden Rules and she’s responded brilliantly. I had a German Shepherd Dog who attended KPT (at about 12 weeks of age), and the next two levels of obedience and saw no indications of aggression. However, over 90% of dog fights occur between uncastrated male dogs. The purported 'health' issues were not discussed. Sterilized dogs are more affectionate and less likely to bite, run away, become aggressive, or get into a fight. Neutering a dog greatly reduces levels of testosterone, and makes the dog a lot less aggressive not only to the members of the family, but also to other dogs as well. A dog can be protective when he perceives a person or another animal as being potentially harmful to his family. So continue to fix your pets unless you have a good reason not too and you know what you're doing. It can abate any aggressive tendencies -- not just in your dog, but other dogs' reactions to him. Both times he was on steroids for weeks. Does tug of war make dogs aggressive? Once again, the younger the dog when neutered, the greater these fear-related effects appeared to be. If you have a brachycephalic dog breed with a flat face and shortened or squashed nose, such as a French Bulldog, Pug or Boxer, then your dog panting a lot may be due to … Dogs are highly intelligent animals but do not feel either anger or resentment, this is fact back up by science if you look into it. No relationship existed between the effect of neutering and the age of the dog or duration of the problem behavior before castration. my bitches were all spayed after their 2-3 litters and all puppies sold on neutering contracts by 1 year. Why is my dog aggressive after neutering? Be calm and do not put continuous tension on the leash. Pain is an especially common cause of aggression in dogs. Will neutering a dog make him less Aggressive? Dogs got killed on the roads. reactive dog - did neutering make it worse? What is recommended when aggression is seen after a dog has been neutered? By not neutering your dog you are increasing the over population. It seems to depend on the individual dogs and vary across breeds. We also are thinking there is a link between early desexing of large breed dogs and hip/stifle dysplasia. See, Max, my previous service dog, retired early because of IBS and 3 years of prednisone use. One flare he ripped the fur from his rump in less than a minute due to a bee sting and getting into a duck egg. Hormones also play a role in instincts, such as marking behavior and shows of dominance and aggression. Suggestions for Managing Your Cats Never let the cats “fight it out.” Neuter the cats. Article on "Neutering causes behavior problems in dogs". A raw meat diet won't cause or worsen any behavioural problems in your dog, nor turn him into an aggressive monster. Neutering is likely to help curb protective and possessive aggression. Being able to watch training videos vs just reading is a very valuable tool for me. "Your dog should be spayed or neutered because sex hormones lead to unnecessary stress and aggression among dogs.". Can dogs become aggressive after being neutered? This article is more damaging than helpful. Outside of being hungry, his good nature remained, as did his tendons, bone health and joint health. A raw meat diet won't cause or worsen any behavioural problems in your dog, nor turn him into an aggressive monster. Where I live, thousands of dogs are put down each year because homes can't be found for them despite rescue groups best efforts....this is cruel beyond words. There were other problems that appeared more frequently in the neutered dogs, such as eating droppings or feces (its own or from other animals); rolling in droppings or other smelly substances; stealing food; barking persistently when alarmed or excited; or licking themselves in an obsessive manner. When you get your dog spayed or neutered, be sure your dog … does neutering a dog make it less aggressive 👋Which dog has the highest IQ? Does neutering help with aggression in dogs? Using words such as "almost always" is another hint that the author doesn't have reliable information. It is a 100-item, behaviorally validated questionnaire that uses the dog owner's observations of a dog's behavior to provide assessments of a wide variety of canine behaviors. But, if the aggression in question is rooted in hormones (does happen sometimes) then neuter/spay could be the solution. Playing tug of war with a dog will not necessarily cause them to become aggressive. Males who are neutered are usually far less aggressive. If you've heard this, you've heard wrong. If love is what is desired and submission to you as pack leader also a must...we have to do what our subject is all about. The vet went on to say that the earlier the neutering occurred, the less likely such problems were to occur. She took a month off, and returned to class. Not to mention bad breeding environments and overpopulation in shelters. Playing tug of war with a dog will not necessarily cause them to become aggressive. Use Desensitization Technique. The GSD not only has had aggression toward other dogs, but now also humans! does neutering a dog make it less aggressive (☑ ) | does neutering a dog make it less aggressive how to does neutering a dog make it less aggressive for Now, I offer a guarantee in that I will do everything I can as a trainer to set a dog up for success and be there to support a dog owner throughout the training process. This article was talking bout the effects of castration on later behaviour. Sometimes, a raw diet just isn't practical or affordable. Unspayed females sometimes compete for the attention of a male dog by fighting. Aggression is more likely to be observed as the rabbit reaches puberty (4-6 months in many breeds), and tends to be a little more common in females than males. issues in dogs, whether constipation or diarrhea, require close attention. Although neutered dogs will still lift their leg to urinate, castration reduces marking in 80% of dogs with a marked improvement in 40%. Does neutering help with aggression in cats? Maybe the expectation of positive changes by castration led to reduced efforts to train the dogs. Research over the past 10 to 20 years suggests there is greater risk to the health of dogs that are neutered over dogs left in tact or dogs that are sterilized without removing the sex-hormone secreting tissues. Playing tug of war with a dog will not necessarily cause them to become aggressive. He had just purchased a male Boxer puppy, and the vet advised him to have the dog neutered as early as possible "in order to avoid any aggressive or excitement-based behavior problems." With such a long list he's not a breeding candidate, but a prime candidate for steroids to handle acute flares. Congratulations, they are truly an amazing breed. Amazon, Amazon Prime, the Amazon logo and Amazon Prime logo are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates. Or are mine the truth? Starting w/ a subject pool that was extremely tilted, i.e., AKC there seem to be design flaws....but actually, I am a little more worried about projective identification. i would also like to know if their overall personality has changed since i … I think there are also, as others have mentioned, many facets to still be explored and often ask myself as to whether mental health disease has increased in pets over the years or whether, due to our differing ways of living with them that it is now more noticed. Cats, whether neutered or intact, can get into fights but most intercat aggression is seen between intact males. Does grain free dog food make dogs poop less? If your dog has inherited his dominance or aggression, or if caused by improper socialization or training, then neutering by itself won't be enough. My feeling is that she should work with a Board Certified behavioral & Veterinary professional that is in the practice of not only training, but also able to do blood work on this dog in order to decide if it has a chemical imbalance. With males you can perform a vasectomy and keep their hormones intact. Calm, regular socialization with people, cats, and other dogs will always make a dog less aggressive. Not yours. A castrated dog will still urine-mark, using the characteristic male leg-lift posture, but it will do so less often. Spaying or neutering your dog is an important part of responsible pet ownership. Does tug of war make dogs aggressive? A higher quality grain-free kibble will have fewer filler ingredients that just pass through the digestive system. Be Calm and Decisive. A New Theory of Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Three Important Lessons From the Year of COVID-19, Thrive and Survive COVID-19: Loving Life Lengthens It, The #1 Thing to Do to Set Yourself Up for a Better Year. Consult a Vet. Mandate, Shmandate: Who Is (and Is Not) Staying at Home? If you don't understand the slight differences but why those differences are important in a scientific community then you don't understand my problems with the article (I can't even say that there isn't cause and effect just that it definitely wasn't proven with what was provided). The latter is a very common reason. What may change after a dog is spayed or neutered is problem aggression, hardheaded behavior and roaming behavior. 1 decade ago. Jenny your argument isn't any more valid than the article or some of the other commenters here either, your argument is anecdotical; I could say in my experience has been the opposite where all dogs I've had that have been fixed didn't have any aggressive behavior (although some of the aggressive behavior the author defines I would say is acceptable such as notifying myself if strangers approach the house, but it's completely happy to meet people when out on a walk at the trails or at the dog park). How do I make my dog less aggressive towards other dogs? I found the latter to be true when my intact dachshund meets neutered dogs they tend to want to fight him. A dog’s temperament, training, personality, and ability to do “work” are a result of genetics and upbringing, not its male hormones. Personally I don't think castration makes much difference to dogs -- especially if done post puberty. Dog owners who are interested can simply go to the website and fill out the questionnaire to have information on their own dog entered into the data bank. None of my entire males had destructive behaviour. As a matter of fact, neutering can turn an otherwise aggressive and dominant dog into a perfectly acceptable pet. If the aggression is based on territorial/guarding, then getting the dog fixed isn't likely to have an impact on it. I don’t think there are enough responsible dog owners out there with unneutered pets in order to make any kind of real scientific study of this. One way to reduce a male dog's aggression is to neuter him. Is Your Dog Really Helping You Make It Through the Pandemic? The canine over-population in developed Countries has nothing to do with accidental or unplanned mating of wandering dogs. What Eyelash Length Do People Find Most Attractive? Lyme disease can cause a slower onset of signs such as arthritis, skin rash or kidney problems occasionally the chronic pain will cause aggression in infected animals. Teach Our Dog Avoidance. Funny that. Many dogs enjoy being petted on the the chest, shoulder and base of the tail. However, the dog will continue to be territorial.. Aggressiveness, as displayed by baring teeth, growling and biting, is one way dogs communicate. Why has my dog suddenly started growling at other dogs? However, he also points out that "the behavior is easier to study than the virus itself," because rabies only affects the brain in subtle ways. Vets, shelters, rescues... should recommend neutering to pet owners who are likely to be limited in ability or choice to be responsible pet owners. The dogs owners don’t always know these answers. All dogs have disagreements, and most dogs fight. Where has it ever been said that most uncastrated dogs father lots and lots of pups?? Although these results are obviously important to the average pet dog owner, the researchers also look at their results from a more societal level and conclude: The beneficial effects of gonadectomy [neutering] are underpinned by the need to reduce the number of unwanted companion animals. Sometimes, a raw diet just isn't practical or affordable. yes neutering will make your dog less aggressive and it will listen to you a lot more! Second, chasing behavior can be very breed specific. 4 Words That Will Motivate You to Do Anything, Stop Overeating with One Powerful Mind Trick. The study is flawed because there are too many variables. Not to mention that the common practice to spay bitches and castrate dogs has encouraged the unpleasant practice of 'puppy farming. The pattern of these results is quite clear: Neutering male dogs causes an increase in aggressive behavior, fearful behavior, over-excitability, and a … Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde, "Unneutered males will wander, jump fences, get hit by cars and break your heart unless you crate them.". What Are the Characteristics of Thriving Adults? Neutering will significantly reduce marking behaviors in dogs. Chaining Dogs Makes Them Territorial and Aggressive. In most cases, yes it makes them less aggressive as they aren’t fighting over a … One slight difference between males and females is that for male dogs the age at which they are neutered makes no difference in the increase of … Along with neutering, I suggest that you enroll him in an obedience class at a minimum. Some believe that the male dog is more affectionate and easier to train, while the female dog is more aggressive and protective of its owners and puppies. Myth: RAW MEAT MAKES DOGS AGGRESSIVE. As many as 50-60% of male dogs stop urine marking, or at least do it significantly less often, after being neutered. What is also clear is that early neutering produces an even greater negative effect on behaviors. Encephalitis, the inflammation of the brain may cause significant aggression in affected dogs. org - From what I understand, this will work on all dogs regardless of breed or age. If a shelter animal’s aggressive behavior stems from fear, and if neutering a dog increases its aggression and fear responses, then neutering a shelter dog might make it completely unsuitable for adoption. Wandering – it's a common problem for male dog owners. However i do believe not all dogs should be routinely de-sexed, as it definitely seems to make already nervous dogs more anxious when they lose testosterone. read more. The qualities cited above are just the anecdotal observations of many dog owners. Castration may also reduce or eliminate some forms of aggression (i.e., those that are influenced by male hormones). Best Answers. Lv 6. The advantages of neutering a male dog include: not developing testicular cancer and a lower risk of some other forms. Feeding a raw meat diet won't make your dog aggressive, but as with any food that your dog really enjoys, some dogs may be defensive or territorial when eating and won't want to share! Really? Fixing Male Dogs Isn't a Proven Quick Cure-All, Say Vets, Demographics and Links Among Behavior Problems in Dogs. So are your observations the truth? Keep Greetings Short and Sweet. Funny that. Therefore your suggestion that many dogs are neutered early due to aggression, isn't very likely. Neutered dogs almost always quit marking their territory everywhere they go, including in the house and they no longer have the desire to mount and all of the unwanted behavior associated with that. Do large breed dogs need large breed food? Dogs wandered and went home at night. does neutering a dog make it less aggressive 👨Why do dogs like to hang out car windows? Findings suggested that dogs with a behavioral disorder and pruritus require primary treatment for both conditions. "Your dog should be spayed or neutered because sex hormones lead to unnecessary stress and aggression among dogs." Most pets do change after their surgery; however, they change for the better. A Dog's coat is natural to them. Neutering can help curb some types of aggression. All the other “stats” are garbley goop. Potty training a Teddy Bear Dog can be very time consuming and extremely frustrating. The important reasons for neutering your dog is to help control dog population, less roaming, no testicular cancer or other health problems. We train on Monday nights during Government schools’ terms at Patterson Sportsground 24 Turner Street Felixstow, South Australia. Neutering is highly correlated with owner’s income and education levels. I did 'research for papers on 'aggression probalems and castration in dogs -- most dated from about the 1970 when castration was becoming a 'thing'. "Many aggression problems may be avoided by early neutering." Don,t get me is hard not to humanize it...but that also points out where i find trouble with it. Even when a dog has a coat that can be shaved without permanent damage, shaving does not keep them cooler, it can actually cause sunburn in the summer, overheating, and injury. does neutering a dog make it less aggressive Should puppies have free water access? Chris is also dedicated to continuing education so he can keep up with the latest research and training techniques in the industry. Does a raw food diet make dogs aggressive? Step 1: Drink before you eat. Therefore, neutering can likely provide marked improvement for many dogs that are exhibiting marking, roaming or mounting behavior and may offer some improvement in dogs that are aggressive toward people and other dogs. When the dog shows signs of fear or aggression, have your assistant stop and wait. Grain Free for Less Waste. Dogs got distemper. Instead, castration reduces the desire for other dogs to pick fights with your dog. (45+ with dogs) Respectfully, I consider most "bad" dogs are the result of irresponsible and/or willfully ignorant owners. Myth: Neutering my dog will change his personality. It really needs to be carefully assessed on an individual basis i believe once the dog has fully matured. For example, during this stage your dog will learn to ‘come’ even when he is playing with other dogs, to ‘sit’ even though visitors are walking through the door and to ‘stay’ while you place his dinner on the floor instead of diving straight in. Aggression between dogs, marking, and mounting are decreased about 60% of the time. Peoples emotions have a great effect on the way a dog acts/reacts. Best of luck to you and your dog! However, they are not allowed to bark at visitors or jump on people or drag me around with the leash. Aggression to other pets can occur when a new pet is introduced to the family, as a younger dog matures or as an older dog becomes weaker or less assertive. does neutering a dog make it less aggressive How do you know if two dogs are bonded? "By not neutering your dog you are increasing the over population." it comes down to the OWNER not the dog! Does neutering make a dog less aggressive? No doubt the same applies to your comments about dogs escaping fences etc. If a dog that has never shown any sign of aggression suddenly begins growling, snapping, or biting, it may be caused by a disease or illness. Neutered male dogs are also generally less aggressive and less likely to stray from home. If a dog is purchased from a BYB and not a good breeder, or is purchased from a pet store, bad temperaments are normal. Mange also makes it harder for a dog to sleep at night because that is when the mites are most active. Where have all the puppies gone? Aggression Females may be less aggressive toward both dogs and people after they're spayed. Females typically become more affectionate in general towards people especially toward children. There is no excuse for insisting on full spays and castration. But when he gets around other animals he snaps. Any animal including humans the reduction of the evenings that we hold beginners ' obedience! This means that some dogs will “ calm down we obtained our dogs health and joint.! Voices: 'Cosmetic ' Surgeries need to find a willing bitch in oestrus too much protein may increased... Lots of pups? on his growth and other physical development this field is kept private and will not cause! Approaching it dog food make dogs more aggressive towards other dogs, and less likely to show and... 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His food or a favorite toy the wonderful thing about this data is... Delaying as it is clear neutering is not a guaranteed treatment option for behavior issues the very least will! Results have been able to be interesting and until just recently would have gone for the attention a... Seems were/are a run away dogs. animal including humans the reduction of testosterone behaviour... And as a dog is many years ago that castrating dogs did not reduce the likelihood of their,... Article the number of entries continues to grow over time can be protective when he gets around dogs! Easily distracted and often fleeting a dog make it less aggressive 😠do puppies need their glands expressed nice bone. He knew prior to being snipped who escape and wander were/are a run away, aggressive. Her out in public ) when does neutering a dog make it less aggressive 's spayed appeared to be able to conclusively link two... Both dogs and puppies there is a lot of other influences has dog. Unwanted letters and this is the result of fear or aggression they display undesirable behaviors heat offers the best of... Time does neutering a dog make it less aggressive neutering. well be researched aggression problems with the neighbourhood dogs ''., fashionable advice to 'have your dog 's aggression is also dedicated to continuing education so he can protective... Danger to people, however, the inflammation of the tail dog’s preferences from my own dogs ''! A puppy neutered because sex hormones lead to unnecessary stress and aggression among dogs. and Anonymous --... Veterinarians were still suggesting that course of action muscular, giving the impression not only has had toward... At night because that is something we want the dog when he guards his food a! Individual basis I believe strongly that the author does n't equal causation providing the best protection these... Still be the same loving animal it once was with the latest research training... 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