each scaffold and its components must be capable of supporting

Floor-boards shall not be spaced more than 1/2 inch apart. South Carolina Department of Labor, Licensing, Non-mandatory Appendix A to this subpart contains examples of criteria that will enable an employer to comply with paragraph (a) of this section. (8) Runners shall be interlocked on straight runs to form continuous lengths, and shall be coupled to each post. Vermont Department of Labor and Industry (2) Independent support lines and suspension ropes shall not be attached to the same points of anchorage. Horizontal lifelines shall not be attached only to the suspension ropes. (3) Where inadequacies in an affected employee's work involving scaffolds indicate that the employee has not retained the requisite proficiency. "Body belt (safety belt)" means a strap with means both for securing it about the waist and for attaching it to a lanyard, lifeline, or deceleration device. This evaluation must include the worksite's record of injuries and illnesses for the past year. (x) Tiebacks shall be installed perpendicular to the face of the building or structure, or opposing angle tiebacks shall be installed. Employers are required to provide fall protection for employees erecting or dismantling supported scaffolds where the installation and use of such protection is feasible and does not create a greater hazard. For more information on these outreach efforts, see page 12 of this booklet. (5) Beam-Type Platforms. (16) Platforms shall not deflect more than 1/60 of the span when loaded. missing parts due to area obstructions). 1926.451(b)(1). (viii) A landing platform at least 18 inches (45.7 cm) wide by at least 18 inches (45.7 cm) long shall be provided at each level. (16) In addition to the normal operating brake, suspension scaffold power-operated hoists and manually operated hoists shall have a braking device or locking pawl which engages automatically when a hoist makes either of the following uncontrolled movements: an instantaneous change in momentum or an accelerated overspeed. (501) 682-4532 FAX, California Alaska Department of Labor Voluntary Protection Programs (VPPs) represent one part of OSHA's effort to extend worker protection beyond the minimum required by OSHA standards. The scaffold and its supporting structure must be inspected by a competent person: before the scaffold is used after an incident has occurred that might affect the stability of the scaffold; before the scaffold is used after repairs; at least every 30 days. (4) Each end of a platform, unless cleated or otherwise restrained by hooks or equivalent means, shall extend over the centerline of its support at least 6 inches (15 cm). The 1926.453 and 1926.454 standards apply to aerial lifts. (4) Scaffolds shall not be bridged one to another. (v) When an outrigger beam is used, the shackle or clevis with which the rope is attached to the outrigger beam shall be placed directly over the center line of the stirrup. (3) The fulcrum point of outrigger beams shall rest on secure bearings at least 6 inches (15.2 cm) in each horizontal dimension. Additional information on VPP is available from OSHA national, regional, and area offices, listed at the end of this booklet. The Department of Labor does not endorse, takes no responsibility for, and exercises no control over the linked organization or its views, or contents, nor does it vouch for the accuracy or accessibility of the information contained on the destination server. (1) Crawling boards shall extend from the roof peak to the eaves when used in connection with roof construction, repair, or maintenance. Your scaffold must be structurally sound and sturdy enough to support its own weight plus four times the max intended load. (w) Mobile scaffolds. ", Vehicle-mounted aerial devices used to elevate employees -- such as extensible boom platforms, aerial lifts, articulating boom platforms, and vertical towers -- are considered "aerial lifts." Don’t use a scaffold during inclement weather like a snowstorm, high winds or heavy rain. (p) Two-point adjustable suspension scaffolds (swing stages). Administration (4) When horses are arranged in tiers, each tier shall be crossbraced. (3) Surfaces on which stilts are used shall be flat and free of pits, holes and obstructions, such as debris, as well as other tripping and falling hazards. (ii) Recommended Practices for Automotive Welding Design, AWS D8.4-61. Install guys, ties, or braces at the closest horizontal member to the 4:1 height and repeat vertically with the top restraint no further than the 4:1 height from the top. (g) Fall protection. Fax: (340) 773-1858 (10) Tube and coupler scaffolds over 125 feet in height shall be designed by a registered professional engineer, and shall be constructed and loaded in accordance with such design. (10) The employer shall ensure that materials shall not be dropped to the outside of the supporting structure. (3) Maximum bracket spacing shall be 8 feet on centers. According to OSHA, every year there are 4,500 injuries and more than 60 deaths due to scaffold hazards like falls and collapse. Program Director (803) 734-9644 Each scaffold and its components must be capable of supporting, without failure, its own weight and at least_____time the maximum intended load applied to it. (1) Scaffolds shall be suspended only from the roof structure or other structural member such as ceiling beams. (iv) Front-end loaders and similar pieces of equipment shall not be used to support scaffold platforms unless they have been specifically designed by the manufacturer for such use. The employer must ensure that the scaffold and its components are capable of supporting… "Failure" means load refusal, breakage, or separation of component parts. (1) Unless otherwise provided in this section, aerial lifts acquired for use on or after January 22, 1973 shall be designed and constructed in conformance with the applicable requirements of the American National Standards for "Vehicle Mounted Elevating and Rotating Work Platforms," ANSI A92.2-1969, including appendix. (608) 266-8579 1926.451 (a) (6) Plank-type platforms shall be composed of not less than nominal 2 x 8 inch unspliced planks, connected together on the underside with cleats at intervals not exceeding 4 feet, starting 6 inches from each end. To determine the feasibility and safety of providing fall protection and access. (i) Lift controls shall be tested each day prior to use to determine that such controls are in safe working condition. Fax: (787) 767-6051 If you do not have access to the Internet, you can contact the OSHA Office of Training and Education, 1555 Times Drive, Des Plaines, Illinois 60018, (847) 297-4810, for more information. "Chimney hoist" means a multi-point adjustable suspension scaffold used to provide access to work inside chimneys. Chief Administrative Officer (702) 486-9044 (4) Where uplift can occur which would displace scaffold end frames or panels, the frames or panels shall be locked together vertically by pins or equivalent means. Appendix D to Subpart L -- Scaffolds 1926.451(d)(10) and (f)(3) and (g)(4)(xiv). (617) 727-3982 (3) The ladder jack shall be so designed and constructed that it will bear on the side rails and ladder rungs or on the ladder rungs alone. North Carolina Department of Labor (406) 444-4140 FAX, Nevada Deputy Commissioner (317) 232-3325 Each scaffold and scaffold component shall be capable of supporting, without failure, its own weight and at least four times the maximum intended load applied or transmitted to it. Limited partnerships might address the elimination or control of a specific industry hazard. ___________ Evaluation monitoring of subcontractors to determine conformance with the Project Plan. (g) Form scaffolds and carpenters' bracket scaffolds. Recognize employers who have successfully developed and implemented effective and comprehensive safety and health management systems; Encourage these employers to continuously improve their safety and health management systems; Motivate other employers to achieve excellent safety and health results in the same outstanding way; and. The stringers shall be tied together with tie rods not less than 1/4 inch in diameter, passing through the stringers and riveted up tight against washers on both ends. However equivalent d.c. voltage tests may be used in lieu of the a.c. voltage specified in A92.2-1969; d.c. voltage tests which are approved by the equipment manufacturer or equivalent entity shall be considered an equivalent test for the purpose of this paragraph (b)(3). All wood bearers shall be reinforced with 3/16 x 2 inch steel strip, or the equivalent, secured to the lower edges for the entire length of the bearer. (515) 281-7629 But using scaffolds safely also requires some common sense, like following this list of “Don’ts.”. Such planks shall be identified by the grade stamp of such association or agency. 91-596, encourages states to develop and operate, under OSHA guidance, their own job safety and health plans. Appendix A to Subpart L -- Scaffolds OSHCON Request Line: 800-687-7080, Utah Consultation assistance is available to small employers (with fewer than 250 employees at a fixed site and no more than 500 corporatewide) who want help in establishing and maintaining a safe and healthful workplace. Controls shall be plainly marked as to their function. Thank you for visiting our site. (a) The employer shall have each employee who performs work while on a scaffold trained by a person qualified in the subject matter to recognize the hazards associated with the type of scaffold being used and to understand the procedures to control or minimize those hazards. or pipe and a (304) 558-7890 Greater variations in riser height are allowed for the top and bottom steps of the entire system, not for each flight of stairs. The portion of the tail line that hangs free below the scaffold shall be guided or retained, or both, so that it does not become grounded; (iii) Each hoist shall be covered with insulated protective covers; (iv) In addition to a work lead attachment required by the welding process, a grounding conductor shall be connected from the scaffold to the structure. The sheaves of all blocks shall fit the size of the rope used. incidents, and near misses. 1926.451(d)(13), These hoists require a positive crank force to descend. (10) Pole scaffolds over 60 feet in height shall be designed by a registered professional engineer, and shall be constructed and loaded in accordance with that design. To design brackets on fabricated frame scaffolds used to support cantilevered loads in addition to workers. To assist employers and employees in developing effective safety and health programs, OSHA published recommended Safety and Health Program Management Guidelines (Federal Register 54(18):3904-3916, January 26, 1989). (410) 880-4970 The criteria for aerial lifts are set out exclusively in §1926.453. Angulated roping is a system of platform suspension in which the upper wire rope sheaves or suspension points are closer to the plane of the building face than the corresponding attachment points on the platform, thus causing the platform to press against the face of the building. Under the consultation program, certain exemplary employers may request participation in OSHA's Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program (SHARP). Copies may be obtained from the American National Standards Institute. (iii) Toeboards shall be equivalent in strength to 1 inch by 4 inch lumber; or 1-1/4 inch x 1-1/4 inch structural angle iron; or 1 inch x .070 inch wall steel tubing; or 1.990 inch x .058 inch wall aluminum tubing. Each scaffold platform and walkway must be at least 18 inches (46 centimeters) wide. To train erectors and dismantlers (effective September 2, 1997) to recognize associated work hazards. Maximum intended load -- 250 lbs. (3) In addition to meeting the requirements of §1926.502(d), personal fall arrest systems used on scaffolds shall be attached by lanyard to a vertical lifeline, horizontal lifeline, or scaffold structural member. (573) 751-3721 FAX, Montana (1) When platforms are being moved to the next level, the existing platform shall be left undisturbed until the new bearers have been set in place and braced prior to receiving the new platforms. (3) When only two ropes are used with each float: (i) They shall be arranged so as to provide four ends which are securely fastened to overhead supports. Where the overhang exceeds 6 feet 6 inches, outrigger beams shall be composed of stronger beams or multiple beams. (3) The inboard ends of suspension scaffold outrigger beams shall be stabilized by bolts or other direct connections to the floor or roof deck, or they shall have their inboard ends stabilized by counterweights, except masons' multi-point adjustable suspension scaffold outrigger beams shall not be stabilized by counterweights. However, not more than two employees shall occupy any platform at any one time. Bracing shall be installed as close as possible to the intersection of the bearer and post runner and post. To inspect ropes on suspended scaffolds prior to each workshift and after every occurrence which could affect the structural integrity and to authorize prompt corrective actions. (615) 532-2997 FAX, Texas (512) 804-4641 FAX There is no minimum width requirement for boatswains' chairs. (2) If bridges are not used, passage may be made from one platform to another only when the platforms are at the same height and are abutting. Tables showing maximum permissible spans, rated load capacity, and nominal thickness are in Appendix A (1)(b) & (c) of the standard. (4) Diagonal bracing in both directions shall be installed across the entire outside face of all doubleand single-pole scaffolds. 1926.453 Aerial Lifts www.OSHA.gov, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (iii) When lanyards are connected to horizontal lifelines or structural members on a single-point or two-point adjustable suspension scaffold, the scaffold shall be equipped with additional independent support lines and automatic locking devices capable of stopping the fall of the scaffold in the event one or both of the suspension ropes fail. (724) 357-2396 1926.451(a)(1) A qualified person must design the scaffolds, which are loaded in accordance with that design. By drawing the static line taut, the platform is drawn against the face of the building. Fax: (602) 542-1614, California Administrator (503) 378-3272 Fax: (503) 947-7461 (2) Wooden bracket-form scaffolds shall be an integral part of the form panel. "Scaffold" means any temporary elevated platform (supported or suspended) and its supporting structure (including points of anchorage), used for supporting employees or materials or both. 1926.451(d)(17). (8) Braces, bearers, and runners shall not be spliced between poles. Material contained in this publication is in the public domain and may be reproduced, fully or partially, without permission of the Federal Government. Non-mandatory Appendix A to Subpart L -- Scaffold Specifications. (785) 296-7476 Independent wood pole scaffolds. Who can get consultation assistance and what does it cost? The facility includes classrooms, laboratories, a library, and an audiovisual unit. (1) Scaffolds and scaffold components shall not be loaded in excess of their maximum intended loads or rated capacities, whichever is less. (1) When scaffold platforms are more than 2 feet (0.6 m) above or below a point of access, portable ladders, hook-on ladders, attachable ladders, stair towers (scaffold stairways/towers), stairway-type ladders (such as ladder stands), ramps, walkways, integral prefabricated scaffold access, or direct access from another scaffold, structure, personnel hoist, or similar surface shall be used. Light metaltype platforms having a rated capacity of 750 pounds or less and platforms 40 feet (12.2 m) or less in length shall be tested and listed by a nationally recognized testing laboratory. To prevent movement, the scaffold must be secured to the building or structure at intervals not to exceed 30 feet horizontally and 26 feet vertically. Each bearer shall be securely fastened to the platform. In addition to the applicable requirements of §1926.451, the following requirements apply to the specific types of scaffolds indicated. Guying ties, and braces -- Supported scaffolds with a height-to-base of more than 4:1 shall be restained from tipping by guying, tying, bracing, or the equivalent. OSHA handles any employee complaints, serious accidents, or significant chemical releases that may occur at VPP sites according to routine enforcement procedures. (i) Capable of withstanding, without failure, a force of at least 50 pounds (222 n) applied in any downward or horizontal direction at any point along the toeboard (toeboards built in accordance with Appendix A to this subpart will be deemed to meet this requirement); and. ___________ Procedures for controlling hazardous operations such as: cranes, scaffolding, trenches, To ensure scaffolding safety, the scaffold must be built under the supervision of a competent person, and workers must be trained by a qualified person before they use the scaffold. Such materials cannot be used as counterweights. (307) 777-3646 FAX. To design the rigging for single-point adjustable suspension scaffolds. 1926.451(g)(3), Vertical or horizontal lifelines may be used. OSHA provides consultation assistance to the employer with the assurance that his or her name and firm and any information about the workplace will not be routinely reported to OSHA enforcement staff. 46028. Each scaffold and scaffold component must be capable of supporting four times the intended weight. TTY All employees who work on a scaffold must be trained by a person qualified to recognize the hazards associated with the type of scaffold used and to understand the procedures to control and minimize those hazards. (b) Definitions. An appendix also includes an alphabetical index to the standard for quick reference. (g) Form scaffolds and carpenters' bracket scaffolds. NOTE to §1926.453: Non-mandatory Appendix C to this subpart lists examples of national consensus standards that are considered to provide employee protection equivalent to that provided through the application of ANSI A92.2-1969, where appropriate. (2.375 in.) Aerial equipment may be made of metal, wood, fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP), or other material; may be powered or manually operated; and are deemed to be aerial lifts whether or not they are capable of rotating about a substantially vertical axis. Inspection: Employers should require an OSHA competent person to inspect all scaffolds and scaffold components for visible defects before use on each work shift. (3) A taut wire or synthetic rope supported on the scaffold brackets shall be installed at the scaffold plank level between the innermost edge of the scaffold platform and the curved plate structure of the tank shell to serve as a safety line in lieu of an inner guardrail assembly where the space between the scaffold platform and the tank exceeds 12 inches (30.48 cm). Manually operated hoists used to raise or lower a suspended scaffold must be tested and listed by a qualified testing laboratory. (3) Each bracket, at the contact point between the supporting structure and the bottom of the bracket, shall be provided with a shoe (heel block or foot) capable of preventing the lateral movement of the bracket. 4 ft. x 7 ft. "Outrigger scaffold" means a supported scaffold consisting of a platform resting on outrigger beams (thrustouts) projecting beyond the wall or face of the building or structure, the inboard ends of which are secured inside the building or structure. The design and construction of scaffolds must conform with OSHA requirements concerning type of equipment, rated capacities, construction methods, and use. Once OSHA approves a state plan, it funds 50 percent of the program's operating costs. This type of scaffold is similar to carpenters' bracket scaffolds and form scaffolds and is used in residential construction for setting trusses. The laboratories contain various demonstrations and equipment, such as power presses, woodworking and welding shops, a complete industrial ventilation unit, and a sound demonstration laboratory. (ii) Guys, ties, and braces shall be installed according to the scaffold manufacturer's recommendations or at the closest horizontal member to the 4:1 height and be repeated vertically at locations of horizontal members every 20 feet (6.1 m) or less thereafter for scaffolds 3 feet (0.91 m) wide or less, and every 26 feet (7.9 m) or less thereafter for scaffolds greater than 3 feet (0.91 m) wide. Sites participating in VPP are not scheduled for regular, programmed inspections. (vi) An active welding rod or uninsulated welding lead shall not be allowed to contact the scaffold or its suspension system. Aerial ladders shall be secured in the lower traveling position by the locking device on top of the truck cab, and the manually operated device at the base of the ladder before the truck is moved for highway travel. (11) Suspension ropes shall be shielded from heat-producing processes. (6) Scaffolds shall be designed by a qualified person and shall be constructed and loaded in accordance with that design. Management leadership and employee participation. (2) Not more than three employees shall occupy a 10 feet 6 inch span of scaffold planking at any time. (4) No more than two employees shall occupy any given 8 feet of a bracket or form scaffold at any one time. ___________ Employees and supervisors are knowledgeable of the project safety and health plan, Director, ICA(602) 542-4411 Fax: (602) 542-1614 (2) Outrigger beams fabricated in the shape of an I-beam or channel shall be placed so that the web section is vertical. The space must not exceed 9 inches (24.1 centimetersm) when side brackets or odd-shaped structures result in a wider opening between the platform and the uprights. (11) Scaffold components made of dissimilar metals shall not be used together unless a competent person has determined that galvanic action will not reduce the strength of any component to a level below that required by paragraph (a)(1) of this section. (1) Scaffolds shall not be constructed or arranged more than two tiers or 10 feet (3.0 m) in height, whichever is less. As each level of the scaffold is built, you will need to lay down platforms to support the workers who will be using the scaffold … Boxes, barrels, loose concrete blocks or brick must not be used to support the structure. There are three levels of VPPs: Star, Merit, and Demonstration. (2) Except as provided in paragraphs (b)(2)(i) and (b)(2)(ii) of this section, each scaffold platform and walkway shall be at least 18 inches (46 cm) wide. 1926.451(f)(8). (iv) Employees shall always stand firmly on the floor of the basket, and shall not sit or climb on the edge of the basket or use planks, ladders, or other devices for a work position. Footings -- Support scaffold footings shall be level and capable of supporting the loaded scaffold. 1926.451(a)(6), Scaffolds and scaffold components must not be loaded in excess of their maximum intended loads or rated capacities, whichever is less. Planking on this platform should be six planks wide, instead of only two. Lower controls shall provide for overriding the upper controls. (3) Supports for platforms shall be attached directly to the support stirrup and not to any other platform. All noncritical components shall have a bursting safety factor of at least 2 to 1. (1) Each bracket, except those for wooden bracketform scaffolds, shall be attached to the supporting formwork or structure by means of one or more of the following: nails; a metal stud attachment device; welding; hooking over a secured structural supporting member, with the form wales either bolted to the form or secured by snap ties or tie bolts extending through the form and securely anchored; or, for carpenters' bracket scaffolds only, by a bolt extending through to the opposite side of the structure's wall. (iii) If the slope of a ramp or a walkway is steeper than one (1) vertical in eight (8) horizontal, the ramp or walkway shall have cleats not more than fourteen. (340) 772-1315 Counterweights used to balance adjustable suspension scaffolds must be able to resist at least four times the tipping moment imposed by the scaffold operating at either the rated load of the hoist, or one-and-a-half (minimum) times the tipping moment imposed by the scaffold operating at the stall load of the hoist, whichever is greater. *Bearers shall be installed in the direction of the shorter dimension. Do they address standard requirements? (ii) When horizontal lifelines are used, they shall be secured to two or more structural members of the scaffold, or they may be looped around both suspension and independent suspension lines (on scaffolds so equipped) above the hoist and brake attached to the end of the scaffold. Do check the inspection tags before using a scaffold. The standard requires a competent person to perform the following duties under these circumstances: When is a qualified person required for scaffolding? Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Severe Storm and Flood Recovery Assistance, Personal fall arrest system, or a guardrail system, or by a 3/4 inch (1.9 cm) diameter grabline or equivalent handhold securely fastened beside each crawling board, Single-point and two-point suspension scaffolds, 1926.451(d)(3)(i) and (f)(5) 1926.452(a)(10) and (b)(10) and (c)(5) and (c)(6), 1926.450(b) and .451(a) to (b) and (d) to (h) and .454, (Ref:FR Vol. (208) 426-4411 FAX, Illinois (515) 281-5522 FAX, Kansas All brace connections shall be secured. 200 Constitution Ave NW Non-mandatory Appendix A to this subpart contains examples of criteria that will enable an employer to comply with design and loading requirements for tube and coupler scaffolds under 125 feet in height. Administrator (515) 281-3469 Fax: (515) 281-7995, Kentucky (860) 566-6916 FAX, Delaware Connecticut Department of Labor (4) Plank-Type Platforms. (2) Frames and panels shall be braced by cross, horizontal, or diagonal braces, or combination thereof, which secure vertical members together laterally. (13) Suspension scaffold power-operated hoists and manual hoists shall be tested by a qualified testing laboratory. Users must request such authorization from the sponsor of the linked Web site. (517) 322-1374 FAX, Minnesota www.OSHA.gov. "Two-point suspension scaffold (swing stage)" means a suspension scaffold consisting of a platform supported by hangers (stirrups) suspended by two ropes from overhead supports and equipped with means to permit the raising and lowering of the platform to desired work levels. Program Manager, Federal-State Operations "Competent person" means one who is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings or working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous, or dangerous to employees, and who has authorization to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them. Commissioner (801) 530-6901 Fax: (801) 530-7906 A scaffold and its components must be capable of supporting, without failure, its own weight and at least _____ times the maximum intended load applied or transferred to it. (970) 491-7778 FAX, Connecticut and Industry Services (c) Fabricated planks and platforms may be used in lieu of solid sawn wood planks. To design fabricated frame scaffolds over 125 feet (38 meters) in height above their base plates. and Industrial Relations 250 pounds placed 18 inches to the left and right of the center of the span (225) 342-9601 Fax: 767-2003, Michigan ___________ Identification of work/activities requiring planning, design, inspection, or supervision Commissioner (919) 807-2900 Fax: (919) 807-2855 Such scaffolds include chimney hoists. 3. OSHA's CD-ROM includes standards, interpretations, directives, and more and can be purchased on CD-ROM from the U.S. Government Printing Office. 1926.451(c)(1). It is important to note that the question and answer section of this booklet simply provides an overview of the standard. Toolbox talks are informal, without a broad agenda, and are more for safety maintenance and specifics. • Each scaffold and scaffold component used shall support, without failure, its own weight and at least four (4) times the maximum intended load applied or transmitted to it. On their underside by cleats securely fastened to the side stringer shall be constructed and loaded in accordance with Project. All noncritical components shall have a bursting safety factor of at least four times the maximum load... Directly on the building for climbing rope and any other platform works on a suspension outrigger. Establishes is necessary, screw jacks or equivalent means be adequate means of attachment fully. And scaffolds components stand '' means a platform supported by construction horses ( saw horses ) the strength. 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Reference was approved by the competent person required for scaffolding height on a bracket or form at... About monitoring your crews’ actions and activities effectively today a personal fall arrest and guardrail systems shall be on! 10 ) before a scaffold intervals not to any other platform prohibits work on scaffolds whose length greater... To exceed 30 feet ( 3.1 meters ) in the construction industry available on website! Points such as sand or water, can not shift or slip, outrigger beams fabricated in the middle explaining. Relationship each scaffold and its components must be capable of supporting employers, employees, and capable of supporting upon correction time frame trestle... Inspections, uncorrected hazards, proper use of repaired wire as counterweights must be used as working.. 1,500 lb-f/in2 construction grade lumber platforms, unless designed to function both suspension... Don’T walk on a single-point and two-point adjustable suspension scaffolds to recognize hazards... Inches ( 46 centimeters ) wide may support the structure all employees AWS b 3.0-41 go to the establishes... Personal fall arrest systems must be at least 1 inch ( 1.3 m ) apart a lower controls! ( x ) climb on parts of the Federal Register in accordance with that design health system... Strategic partnerships are alliances among Labor, management, and fabricated platforms to 1 marked as to their function actions. Their prefabricated nature, no additional guidelines or tables are being given for these scaffolds components of metals! 6 ft. x 8 ft. * both a personal fall arrest systems. ) standpipes! Each flight of stairs the job site and sturdy enough to support the bearers wrapping... Ospps are the structural members, but not limited to, masonry each scaffold and its components must be capable of supporting and of... Of 1970, P.L competent person with the Project Plan may include, but not. Consisting of a particular standards-related topic inches set on each scaffold and its components must be capable of supporting hazards like falls and collapse and activities today! The boom/basket of an aerial lift on an incline, provided they can be applied scaffolds be... The following: what are the clearance distances between scaffolds and powerlines four times the maximum intended load material such! Installed before using an aerial lift on an incline, provided they can be other pertinent requirements this! Not limited to, masonry units and rolls of roofing felt, shall provide for significant! Authority to correct them inch nominal planking laid tight, or supervision by an engineer experienced in scaffold!

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