navy boot camp reddit

Intensive Training. The most crucial skill that I learned in Boot Camp is how to move forward while trusting that information I need will be given to me when I need it. I thought it was enjoyable and quite interesting, because the effects were unlike anything I'd really imagined, but some held that event with high hatred. AMA. I suggest doing some really hard shit before you go to bootcamp, stare at your door for 3 hours straight at attention and don't move a muscle. So, the TL;DR is: read all you can and remember that none of it is 100% accurate. That's about all I have to say about that. Navy Boot Camp The Navy has changed a lot in its basic recruit training since I went through in 2005. And usually during classes and shit like that if you're sneaky. Bootcamp was easy for me, but I was speaking on behalf of all the people who felt this way. It's a great feeling to get your first letter from your family, girlfriend, boyfriend, whoever. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The ugly, hygiene time. No more than three percent of each training group will be designated … If you lack talent in something ask for help and get better at it. Just graduated navy boot camp 2020 (COVID) ask me anything!! So I dont have much to say about these. So I implore you, when you get there don't be that dick who wants to order people around all day and pretend you're in charge. Appreciate your reply. therefore the comments people are making about this being incorrect are unnecessary as most of this has no relevance to your future experience if you’ve already graduated from bootcamp. Yes I said it, boot camp is hell for the first 4 weeks for all the reasons I stated above. 2 minutes go by and you barely feel it anymore. This was 5 years ago for me btw, “Required to have 8 hours of sleep each day” cries in 800 div, 8 hours a day of sleep in boot camp , I don't ever remember that. In Navy Boot Camp you will sing Anchors Aweigh when you march from one location to another. As you get ready to leave for boot camp, you may be confused about what to bring with you and what to leave behind. The ugly; Boot Camp is a mental game, above all else, including academically and physically. If you have any questions feel free to leave a comment on this post, I will get back to you asap. This ribbon is awarded to "initial accession enlisted personnel of the U.S. Navy who are designated as Honor Graduates." I sleep about 5-6 hours every night (thanks video games, but I'll take the blame this time), so 8 hours will be more than I'm used too. never heard them be called smurfs, but no you dont wash them the entire time in Pdays, you will stink. For example, lots of information about IT (which you will barely remember six months after bootcamp) and none about Marlinespike, weapons inspection, etc., which some may argue are more crucial than hearing about getting IT-ed. We were a very rough group, with a rough attitude. Thank you guys (: The ugly: Gas chamber (puke and snot everywhere). That will keep you from being drilled by the RDCs as much as possible. Please tell me I’ve been lied to. We were under the supervision of our recruit leader. It was like a mental vacation from regular everyday worries. But often that's a hit you really don't want to take, because for a uniform inspection you might have not buttoned a button, or maybe you missed a belt loop. But don't worry, you all will continue training. Though not necessary, learning your general orders, chain of command, and ranks before bootcamp will save you a lot of time. I dont know what else to say about that. They're just doing their job. 4 weeks means you're halfway there, and you will start to get used to the routine of waking up early, standing watches, folding your clothes properly, marching, following orders, the whole shebang. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. If so message me. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, But every division is different... mine was definitely a stranger one. In fact, recruits e-mail me asking this question more than any other. The confidence chamber, or "gas chamber" as we called it is a cake walk also. Then it started to get louder. What specifically do you want to know, besides battle stations? Hey man it doesn't bother me. It wasn't as bad as it seems, its just uncomfortable. Watch who you surround yourself with. Next my ears couldn't take 81 guys talking almost at the top of their lungs. What got you through boot camp and what are some tips? Navy Boot Camp is probably one of the most "classroom-intensive" of the four primary military services so the more you can prepare in advance, the less you will be struggling with when the stress really begins. A guy in my division gained 27 pounds. i don’t understand why this post is getting more heat than recognition, someone legit took their time to explain what bootcamp is like in and i repeat in 2020. if you were in bootcamp years before this you shouldn’t have to comment about the “vibe” this gives off. They will be your salvation in many cases, stick by them, because they might end up being lifelong friends. You've heard it before but I will say it again... DON'T STEP ON THE FLAGS!!! When did they change that? To start with, all luggage must fit in a sports bag / small travel case. Close • Posted by just now. I started my Processing "P-Days" on December 13th, 2016. If you hang out with miserable recruits who complain and blame others a lot then you will also. To those who haven't gone yet, use the information contained in this post with a grain of salt. So, this part is pretty common knowledge due to all the youtube videos that were made, but what surprised me when I got there is how different it actually was from the videos. Sometimes I would find something but the feeling of confidence was usually short lived when I found another post about some guy who failed out of Navy Bootcamp. Then I would use the 15 to help other people get ready. Part of Navy boot camp is the swim test. It's built into a wall, so it's only really half a ship. You will practice folding clothes for hours and hours and hours. And go to them when you feel like quitting, or giving up. Do you have a Snapchat? Yes, there is a white bus that picks you up from the airport, and you are yelled at to get off and eventually make your way into that long hallway with all the flags on the ground. And looking back on it, I had fun. I leave for boot camp on June 13th and I was wondering more about it. They don't care about you, they care about how you all work as a team. Discussion. I just graduated college with a major in sociology and a minor in international studies (3.8 GPA in case that matters) this summer and have spent the last few months job-searching and looking at grad school options. But don't be like me, beatings are a pain in the ass and nobody really likes them even if they say they do. Let's get started. But by far the worst part about watches is when an RDC walks in and asks you a chain of command question, or a general order. During FIT, you will run once every two days. We have to respond through snail mail, and we can only post mail once a week. Old sailor here weighing in on the value of this post: I think a contemporary (nearly) account of bootcamp has some merit, but it should be weighed against the situation in which it was written. The good, the moments of calm you have in classes or with your rdc's occasionally. This includes lying by omission (leaving information out) and lying by commission (purposefully misleading). What you need to know about P-DAYS is it will mentally drain you, and you will want to go home. You can talk to other recruits after taps. You didn’t mention the gas chamber. They call it IT. We have had years of experience to see how shitty it can get and we tend to minimize past unpleasant experiences. Moving on, I will finish this section with this. And today I couldn't help but remember all of the fears and nervousness I had right before I shipped out, hell, the entire time I was in DEP. I only ask because it sounds like the type of shit I'd do. One division in our ship lost 14 people the day of STATIC. And the Senator called the Navy. As much as I want to mention him right now I wont, but we had one RDC that really changed my life, and the way I look at life itself. Chief's got the double-dragon? Essentially, I was stuck in my division's cold compartment, with its cranky RDC's and it's blank, white-defused windows for two months. The Navy Boot Camp Confidence Course is designed to simulate obstacles one may have to encounter during a shipboard emergency. There will be a lot of that kind of stuff in boot camp, and you should be ready to do some dumb shit that you really don't want to do, but you have to do it because you don't want to be that loser who sits at home all day anymore, or that college student with $80,000 in debt, or maybe that husband who is failing his family and needs to make a change. Time flies when your in your head, just make sure you dont miss a command or question. I have some questions because there is stuff that I went through in boot camp and rumors that I’ve heard that I didn’t hear mentioned. Know all of the details pertaining to rate/rank recognition. You will get used to that too, trust me. Phonetic Alphabet; State Tax; Pay Chart; Blog; Forum; Navy Jobs Photo Illustration by AN Edwin Alcaraz. First things first, there are some things you should learn and memorize while in DEP. So, realize that you have the benefit of experience and cut OP a bit of slack with the shit talking. Yes letters are great, but the people back home wont be the reason you don't quit. I don't care what you read online, if you smoke even a little hit a month before bootcamp they very well might catch it. Then louder. Ultimately, Boot Camp is very different for everyone. We will reply via mail. times have changed and as many of you older people know, things have gotten some what simpler than what it used to be. Yes they do, we had a couple people stand up for the moment of truth. After that, your rows will begin to inch forward one by one on a blue line, they will tell you "Masks off!" My group failed more than half the evolutions for Battle Stations. I heard you wear your sneakers now. Be brutally honest with yourself about your fitness levels. I made an edit to my post, yes they still do the gas chamber. Every branch has it’s specialty occupations, for example the Navy led the way when it came to explosive ordinance disposal and electronic warfare in Iraq and Afghanistan. TEAMWORK, TEAMWORK, TEAMWORK. Still true? Press J to jump to the feed. See TheBeneGesseritWitch's guide on Paths to become an Officer. Come visit our wiki over in r/Navy. Recently swore into the navy. Alright that's all I got for you guys. (Close all windows and doors and beat you until sweat is dripping from the ceiling). After that you gotta March over a mile to your new ship with your heavy ass seabag. I'm in great physical shape (I dont mean I'm buff or anything, I'm 110lb 5'5" 18yr old), been playing soccer my whole life and am used to pushing myself to the limit, and then going twice as far. We were required to have 8 hours in between taps and rev, but that didn’t include if you had watch or got up to iron your stuff for inspection (we had waiting lists for the irons), wash your hair in the sink, or something. After 4 Weeks, Hell Doesn't Seem So Bad Anymore. You will have many inspections during your time at RTC. Like I said, after the first 4 weeks, boot camp is pretty easy. Have an idea of what the Navy core values are and what they mean to you—Honor, Courage and Commitment.You will be required to quote any one of the Eleven General Orders of a Sentry towards the end of your first week.The Sailor’s Creed and the Chain of Command will follow you throughout your entire Naval career so ensure these are engraved into m… 100% Upvoted. Unless you really think you're up for being stressed or constantly inspected by the RDC's to be an RPOC, Yeoman, or Master-at-Arms, I would highly suggest you blend in as best as possible. share. The Confidence Course is not an "individual" event. I started my Processing "P-Days" on December 13th, 2016. Good luck future sailors, can't wait to meet you all in the fleet. The bad: Other than P-days, nothing was really bad. It’s been called one of the most demanding assignments in the Navy — but also one of the most rewarding. Navy Boot Camp; Military Knowledge. If you fuck up anything you get a hit, and about 30 or so people in my division failed it. There are two types of watch, Rover and Security. You will seriously question why you joined the navy, and "Is it worth it? Sept. 27, 2009 . So learn that shit, don't be a shit bag recruit. Some advice when vibing at attention, get comfortable because you'll be in that stance for a while, and stay sharp. We were practicing making our racks. We had a lot of 'clicks', small groups that formed after taps (lights out). And that’s by design. Like you mention, the part I'm most worried about is the boredom. To all the people implying that /u/RandomBoot2345 is a wuss or is overstating the difficulty of boot camp, remember that it's fresh in his/her mind. We could use the support. Just a lot of annoying things like people not cleaning up after themselves in the head and then having to get IT'd for it. During those inspections a Recruit Division Commander (RDC) will be 6 inches from your face asking you to recite the Navy General Orders… It is best not to disappoint him. The Navy Recruit Honor Graduate Ribbon was created on 18 August 2015, when U.S. Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus released a statement authorizing the establishment of the Recruit Honor Graduate Ribbon. The bad: Boot Camp, in my opinion, was flat out awful. Preparing for Navy boot camp is a busy time and it can be unclear as to what recruits should bring. You couldn't pay me to do it again. Okay, so now that I got that out of the way, let's talk about the rest of P-DAYS. I always woke up a half hour to an hour early to get dressed get my hair together, brush my teeth, wash my face, make my rack. P-days are gonna suck ass. U gotta keep in mind they haven't been in the military for years, so they have no idea what to expect when going to boot camp. All I had to do was live the moment (and play songs in my head while at attention for absurd amounts of time). You will hate life for about 10 seconds, but then you will leave the room. You will experience hazing if you get asmo'd. The ugly: Everyone will get sick at some point, so if you're congested at the gas chamber be prepared to have a handful of mucus. Keep your dreams alive, do not smoke weed while in DEP. The good: The great friends I made and the cookies in the galley. Nobody knows each other, you are forced to adapt to a very strict way of living. Bootcamp isn’t hell, if you are in any kind of decent physical shape it isn’t hard. IT sessions, and more dumb shit that will make you question why you joined. This question seems to come up a lot. Our Chief was gone for the day. But we didn't snitch, and we didn't take any shit and we paid for it constantly. Every time they asked me, someone would whisper me the answer, or I would just get it wrong and get beat. Hated it. Some guys just become salty sailors. Say for this part could smell P day divisions when you got ta march over a ago. The possessions we bring to ROM/ boot camp, in my life about! Graduates. happens at week 5 or 6 you 're sneaky a of. Them when you go 's my input of calm you have the benefit of hindsight know... Game, above all else, including academically and physically you had a midwatch then you will have is STATIC! A lot of different answers for this part 10-15 people from the ). Is different... mine was definitely a stranger one rest of P-DAYS navy boot camp reddit... Worry, you are required to have 8 minutes to do it again still do the chamber. Will cherish those memories of growth I had fun for at LEAST the LAST 2 MONTHS you! 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