arcpy kml to shapefile

I wonder if this could be your issue. Learn more about shapefile limitations. I sort of understand that you might consider this more of an issue for Google Pro Earth then for Esri, but perhaps something is going wrong in the conversion that is … env. and not:v/From KML? I wasn't able to find a way to list the features in the Shapefile like you can list the Shapefiles in the Data Frame. Submitted by landviser on Tue, 03/25/2014 - 20:56, Storm Watch over USA with Stream Flood Status, Make your own four-electrode probe for soil mapping, Tips and Tricks for linking data in ArcGIS, Converting multiple KML files into geodatabase for GIS project in ArcMap Desktop, 2D Dipole-Dipole Electrical Tomography with LandMapper, Building geodatabase in ArcMap 10 Desktop. Convert a KMZ file into a shapefile Converting a geodatabase to shapefiles. To carry it we just need to know: The Describe function returns FeatureClass Properties, Table Properties and Dataset Properties for Shapefiles.. A Shapefile returns a dataType of "ShapeFile". # A 2 step process: first convert the KML files, and then copy the featureclases # Import system models import arcpy, os # Set workspace (where all the KMLs are) arcpy. Learn more about shapefile limitations. ListFiles ('*.KM*'): print "CONVERTING: "+ os. join (outLocation, MasterGDB) # … workspace = "C:/VancouverData/KML" # Set local variables and location for the consolidated file geodatabase outLocation = "C:/WorkingData/fGDBs" MasterGDB = 'AllKMLLayers.gdb' MasterGDBLocation = os. Available with Production Mapping license. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. FAQ: How do I export a layer to a shapefile in ArcMap? Summary; Summary. Answer. The ArcGIS Pro 1.3 release introduces native support for KML and KMZ as data sources. Note: The information in this article applies to ArcGIS versions 10.0 and prior only. They can be added to the map as a layer and you can work with their fields and properties in the fields view. Refer to this blog post for detail instructions. Click on the folder icon and name shapefile you want to export. you can either select layer from the menu and click on save as. from arcpy import env. All other output format types will attempt to create a DateTime field as long as the date format complies to the XML Time standard. That prevented tool from running correctly. Click OK and save shapefile. I have the following code to convert KML to Shapefiels but i am getting error on line 26 i am not sure why? ; When the layer properties are not set and the feature class contains certain attributes (fields), the field properties will be used in creating the KML. env. Select a location on the map. In order to do GIS analysis on such data and incorporate them into your ArcMap project you will need to import such data into ArcMap. » If layer properties such as the HTML PopUp setting, display expression, and the alias for KMLSnippet are used, they will be used in the creation of the KML. How to Convert kml to Shapefile using ArcGIS Convert Multiple Locations plotted in Google Earth Pro to Shapefile Save Searched Location from Google Earth & Convert to Shapefile Download & Georeference Google Earth Imagery (HD) using QGIS Save Google Earth Image and Create Layout - Google Earth Do not rename output location from Users\….\Documents\ArcGIS. The Production Geodatabase to Shapefile tool creates shapefiles based on the options you choose for exporting the feature classes and their attributes. Which version of ArcMap do you use? To explicitly control the output shapefile name and for some additional conversion options, see the Feature Class To Feature Class tool. # A 2 step process: first convert the KML files, and then copy the featureclases import arcpy, os # Set workspace (where all the KMLs are) arcpy. join (arcpy. Upload your KML data (widely used in software like Google Earth, Fusion Tables, Maps and GPS devices) and convert them by one click to SHP (Shapefile) format (widely used in software like ESRI ArcGIS and ArcView). For more information on shapefiles and their limitations, see Geoprocessing considerations for shapefile output. The tool is run … To explain the difference, a KML file is actually a plain text file, whereas a KMZ is a zipped file, which contains the KML file. workspace = "C:/VancouverData/KML" # Set local variables and location for the consolidated file geodatabase outLocation = "C:/WorkingData/fGDBs" MasterGDB = 'AllKMLLayers.gdb' MasterGDBLocation = os. To save the new layer file as a shapefile, right click on the geo-information type (points, lines, polygons have to be saved in separate shapefiles)  you want to save and select Data/Export Data…. I just cannot import my KML into Gis Kind regards, Rinus. Open ArcToolBox (click on the red toolbox icon on the top). The shapefile retains the feature names and descriptions. It appears that when the layer is created, it is just assigned a random color and that is what is shown in the kml. In this topic. 3. path. Our online converter of ESRI Shapefile format to Keyhole Markup Language format (SHP to KML) is fast and easy to use tool for both individual and batch conversions. # Description: The following stand-alone script demonstrates how to find # all layer files in a given workspace and export each to # a KML at the 1:10,000, 1:20,000, and 1:30,000 scale using # the LayerToKML tool. When creating file name for new .lyr file, do not leave spaces and use _UNDERSCORE _ instead of dashes. import csv import arcpy csvfile='C:\\Users\\Tables\\Table.csv' outpath= 'C:\\Users\\Folder' outshp='test52.shp' spatial_reference=arcpy.SpatialReference(4326) outshp = arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management ( outpath, outshp, geometry_type='POLYGON', … import arcpy from arcpy import env # get the map document mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument("CURRENT") # get the data frame df = arcpy.mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd,"*")[0] # create a new layer newlayer = arcpy.mapping.Layer(path_to_shapefile_or_feature_class) # add the layer to the map at the bottom of … This tool converts a feature or raster layer into a KML file containing a translation of Esri geometries and symbology. import os activeoutputfolder= "C:\\Users" mxd=arcpy.mapping.MapDocument("CURRENT") # The active … workspace = outLocation Using the KML to Layer tool, select the KML layer from your Contents menu and drag it into the Input KML File parameter on the tool. In this case study we will make a script for converting GIS data with Python and ArcPy , to create a Geodatabase and layer file (.lyr) for each type kml files to be located in a specific directory. Output shapefiles will only have a DateTimeS field. KMLToLayer_conversion (kmz, outLocation) # Change the workspace to fGDB location arcpy. You can control the appearance of KML in two ways. To save the new layer file as a shapefile, right click on the geo-information type (points, lines, polygons have to be saved in separate shapefiles) you want to save and select Data/Export Data… Click on the folder icon and name shapefile you want to export. Adapting your code to the one in this official esri documentation page, you could do something like this:. Learn more about shapefile limitations. Convert KML to Shapefile in QGIS. Submitted by landviser on Sat, 03/19/2016 - 14:30. Databases can be exported to shapefiles that can then be used with ArcGIS Desktop Basic or delivered to a customer. arcpy. KML files are an XML-based geographic dataset and have an extension of .kml (.kmz are compressed KML files). Submitted by Rinus on Thu, 03/17/2016 - 21:17. In addition to the KML file, a KMZ file can also contain other file types such as images, textures, and additional KML files. The symbology is carrying over when I convert from layer to kml. Use the KML To Layer tool to convert a .kml or .kmz file to a file geodatabase containing all features and imagery from the source KML and a layer file that maintains the colors and symbols of the source KML. To prevent automated spam submissions leave this field empty. This file is compressed using ZIP compression, has a.kmzextension, and can be read by any KML client including ArcGIS Explorer, ArcGlobe, and Google … Notice to KML format - Only US-ASCII, UTF-8, UTF-16 or ISO-8859-1 encoding is supported. CreateFileGDB_management (outLocation, MasterGDB) # Convert all KMZ and KML files found in the current workspace for kmz in arcpy. 2. If the process runs without error you will see a new layer added to your ArcMap project, 5. In the Layer file appearing in the left upper side, right click on it, and select save as:. path. Hi Why do I only see: Conversion Tools/To KML? Later versions of ArcGIS may contain different functionality, as well as different names and locations for menus, commands and geoprocessing tools. Coordinates can be collected from the map and exported as a feature class, shapefile, CSV, or KML. For example, if the input is C:\base.gdb\rivers, the output shapefile will be named rivers.shp. The KML to SHP tool converts the kml files, from Google Earth (version 4.2 or 4.3), to an ESRI shapefile. Optionally, click the Edit Properties button to change the display input to a predefined format. env. Dear Rinus. Question. How to convert KML or KMZ data to SHP or Shapefile format in QGISSimilar Workflow in ArcGIS : Check arcpy.JSONToFeatures_conversion(input_file, temp_fc) and arcpy.FeatureClassToShapefile_conversion(temp_fc, output_folder) to create the shapefile. However, the layer is created in the script using the make feature layer function, so I never get a chance to change the symbology in ArcMap. In Conversion Tool/From KML start KML To Layer. Conversion from KML to SHP. You work with shapefiles in ArcGIS Pro in a similar way to working with feature classes. workspace, kmz) arcpy. There should be option Tools/From KML as described in versions 10 and higher. Depending on the ArcGIS Desktop license level, features can be exported to a shapefile, or to a file, personal, or enterprise geodatabase. In addition to the KML feature and imagery data and symbology, several other properties of the KML will also be included in the converted ArcGIS data, such as pop-up information, snippets, and other attributes. Usage. To explicitly control the output shapefile name and for some additional conversion options, see the Feature Class To Feature Class tool. After it has been converted, perform the geoprocessing … To explicitly control the output shapefile name and for some additional conversion options, see the Feature Class To Feature Class tool. The name of the output shapefile will be the name of the input feature class. Make sure you received KML and not KMZ (zipped KML package) data. Converter also supports more than 90 others vector and rasters GIS/CAD formats and more than 3 000 coordinate reference systems. ArcMap might not crush because of that, but such file names might give you problem in your GIS analysis in a long run. Click the Map Point Tool on the Coordinate Conversion pane. You are DONE. Line 24 is referencing 'FileGDB', a file geodatabase; and MasterGDB is a personal geodatabase (.mdb). Add a shapefile to the map. How To: Import XY data tables to ArcMap and convert the data to a shapefile using ArcMap 10.0 and previous versions Summary. import arcpy arcpy.env.workspace = "C:/data" # Set Local Variables composite = 'NO_COMPOSITE' pixels = 2048 dpi = 96 clamped = 'CLAMPED_TO_GROUND' # Use the ListFiles … Your MasterGDB is a personal geodatabase and you are looping thru file geodatabases so you would not see the personal geodatabase in the list. … Very often your collaborators/scouts send you their geographical data (points, lines, polygons) in KMZ/KML format as GoogleEarth application is freeware and readily available. 5. The name of the output shapefile will be the name of the input feature class. For example, if the input is C:\base.gdb\rivers, the output shapefile will be named rivers.shp. wks.remove(MasterGDBLocation)ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list. Select the coordinate reference type system if coordinate reference window pop ups and press ok.. Most GPX files follow the XML Time standard. If you received KMZ, open the file in Google Earth first and save as KML. 4. shapefile) before it can be used in ArcGIS. Coordinates will automatically be added to the List. ArcGIS can’t natively read KML files, so in order to access the geographic data, you will first need to first convert the KML file into a personal geodatabase (.gdb) using a tool provided within ArcGIS called KML2Layer. env. Taking the important parts from a larger script: import arcpy. 3.) Note: You might try to work on KMZ directly in ArcMap, I confirmed that ArcMap 10.2 can import point data from KMZ file, but previous version and other data (lines, polygons) had given me problems in the past when I tried importing from KMZ directly. The original JSON file is part of the 6. # Set local variables and location for the consolidated file geodatabase, # Convert all KMZ and KML files found in the current workspace, # Loop through all the FileGeodatabases within the workspace, # Change the workspace to the current FileGeodatabase, # For every Featureclass inside, copy it to the Master and use the name from the original fGDB, AEC (Architecture, Engineering and Construction), Comunidad Esri Colombia - Ecuador - Panamá. Kml files must be converted to a feature class (i.e. or. You can access a shapefile in ArcGIS Pro by … I recall 8 and 9 did not have those options and there were third party scripts for that. How do I export a layer to a shapefile in ArcMap? To perform geoprocessing operations on a KML layer, they need to be converted to features inside a file geodatabase. For example, if the input is C:\base.gdb\rivers, the output shapefile will be named rivers.shp. Start ArcMap (new project or any project covering the area your data are coming from). Browse to the KML file you saved and run the tool. 1. The name of the output shapefile will be the name of the input feature class. Larisa Golovko (Pozdnyakova), Ph.D. - President of Landviser, LLC, (c) 2002-2016 by Landviser, LLC - Houston, TX - Int.+1-609-412-0555 - I have the following code to convert KML to Shapefiels but i am getting error on line i! Sure you received KML and KMZ as data sources not import my KML into GIS Kind regards Rinus! Based on the options you choose for exporting the feature Class tool delivered a... 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