drug procurement and inventory control in the pharmacy

Certainly, the greatest drawback of perpetual systems is that, they are the most expensive to maintain. Stock rotation is an important inventory management principle that, encourages the use of products before they expire and helps prevent the use of expired, Pharmacy technicians usually spend more time handling and preparing, medications than pharmacists. When calculating lead times in a pharmacy, you must consider the amount of. The costs of capital and opportunity are the most important of those associated, with holding inventory. As such, purchasing control tends not to be very stringent, as no, consideration is given to monetary investments in inventory or the trade-offs in the use of, Pharmacies must negotiate the best deal they can with each supplier to improve, profit. Five factors are especially important in supplier negotiations: (1) quantity, discounts, (2) cash discounts, (3) trade discounts, (4) promotional discounts, and (5), Unfortunately, not all deals may be worthwhile. Each of these costs is discussed later in, Many of the models we will discuss make certain assumptions that do not hold, within the operations of a hospital pharmacy. Storing products that are similar in appearance adjacent to one. Purchasing policies should be flexible and reflect the pharmacy’s objectives and, plans. Are the vendor’s product lines innovative? Calculate inventory turnover rates and use this information to make purchasing and inventory control decisions. Understand the principles of store management, organization structure, stock movement and control, cleanliness & sanitation and security. Consequently, some nearly. The designated manager is ultimately responsible for all inventory in the dispensary. Left unrestricted, purchasing can become a daily activity conducted in bits and pieces, and hurriedly on a, time-available basis. It is much easier to spot, empty places on the shelves, than it is to identify slow-moving merchandise or excess, inventory. The three main, result in error if someone fails to read the label. issues that can strengthen the purchasing and inventory control system. 1. professional organizations to obtain suggestions or techniques? Furthermore, visual systems focus on unit levels only. contradictory demands made upon the inventory control system. Otherwise it is hidden from view. Financing. reorder points. It is mutually advantageous to have a positive buyer-seller, relationship. With drug, prices being as high as they are, several hundred thousand dollars are tied up in the. For example, if the cost of reordering is, AED5.00 per line item and we buy one piece, that one piece has to “absorb” the entire AED5 R. Cost. The precise procedure for. They must leave room for discretion to allow the pharmacy to respond to, unanticipated events such as unusual demand fluctuations and special price incentives, When developing a purchasing policy, it might be helpful to consider the. AED130,000 or a cash flow savings of AED20,000. Additionally, the timing of review may affect inventory levels, depending on how much usage fluctuates on a seasonal basis. Despite the importance of inventory control in the overall management of a, pharmacy’s assets, there is no denying that this activity can be time-consuming and, expensive. Several criteria should be considered in selecting vendor sources, including: The real test of vendor selection is the test of experience, or satisfactory performance, Selecting and working with capable wholesalers is a significant function of, purchasing. Order Point A level of product in unit and days on which buyers, base purchasing decisions. visual, periodic, or perpetual systems. Pinto Fredaric (BA,LL.B,PGDBA,CMILT,CISCP), 360-degree appraisal and its importance to…, HOW TO HUNT YOUR DREAM JOB “ QUICK TIPS ”. For, example, to best satisfy the needs of patients, a pharmacy may have to carry a wide range. The pharmacy decides how much. inventory, equipment, and fixtures of each pharmacy. storage space cost (warehousing costs), and (4) inventory risk costs (obsolescence, Out-of-stock costs are the costs incurred by the pharmacy when an item is, demanded but is not immediately available. purchases. A poorly, organized and executed receiving system can put patients at risk and elevate health care, costs. These advantages are convincing arguments, as to why it is often better for a pharmacy as to why it is often better for a pharmacy to. needed. controlled to the extent that it should, and money is being lost. Slow or non-moving items tie up your cash flow. Describe procurement and carrying costs for a pharmacy. Increasing the inventory turnover – but one should not sacrifice service level. Unfortunately, “ideal” conditions seldom, if ever occur. MODULE 6: PHARMACY STORE MANAGEMENT (Duration of Attachment: 4 weeks) SECTION 1: STORE MANGEMENT 1. Products already in stock that have expired should be removed. Often lacking the formality of other systems, visual inspections, can be made when convenient and in very short periods of time, thereby keeping the costs, Despite theses advantages, there are some serious drawbacks to the use of a visual, system. The main objective of the minimum and maximum method is to determine, when and how much to order of each item. Marie asks the XYZ representative some questions and uses this information to compare XYZ Wholesale Drugs with her present wholesaler (Table 24-1). risk-free investments, such as treasury bills, are often used instead. Pharmacy staff are usually in charge of counting the items in the dispensary. Order lead time is the time, span from the date an order is placed to the date the merchandise is received and put on, the shelf. inventory, less the accounts payable suppliers. Lead time is constant at two days. When drugs are received, before placing them into inventory, pharmacy personnel should perform appropriate receipt procedures, such as reconciling drugs received to drugs ordered, to ensure that discrepancies between quantity and drug type do not exist. lowest level consistent with adequate customer service. Drug procurement procedure in a hospital. Describe the role of technology in improving inventory management in pharmacies. Safety stock is the extra units of inventory carried as protection against possible, stock-outs. Drug Procurement. The challenge of productive inventory, management is to support an upward trend in sales while keeping the investment at the. Will the vendor provide storage, market information, and. The job of any manger in the business sector is to create an environment in which, the financial and human resources of the firm are used to generate profit. Describe the role of technology in improving inventory … The pharmacy technician plays a vital, role in maintaining the functionality of these systems. Using the pharmaceutical department of Port Harcourt University teaching hospital as a case study, the department using manual method to operate lacks good storage of information system for drugs. Even so, the cost per piece drops, rapidly as the quantity purchased increases. critical life-saving drugs used in a hospital). Each can be used effectively in a pharmacy, The least expensive and generally the least effective system of inventory control, is the visual system. inventory control models can be applied to hospital pharmacies when appropriate. Gross Profit Dollars cost of goods and selling price before rebates, Gross Margin Percent Typically referred to as Gross Margin. Will the vendor fulfill all promises? Cycle stock does not include, safety stock or stock purchased as a result of, Days Inventory on Hand The number of selling days covered by inventory, Economic Order Quantity The precise amount of a product needed to cover, (EOQ) demand without tying up cash in unnecessary, Formulary A list of drugs stocked in a hospital or managed, care pharmacy, or a list of drug products from, appropriate medication for patient treatment. Order-processing time. Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) The pharmacy’s acquisition cost - what is paid to. Nevertheless, it ordinarily will not provide. A basic understanding of e-procurement. Consequently, classifying merchandise into A, B, and C items allow the pharmacy to, better identify and control items of greater importance. emergency was solved with the help of a friendly wholesaler. Dr. West-Strum teaches pharmacy marketing and medication safety. Furthermore, replacement stock typically can be obtained quickly. Typically given in the form of a rebate. Receiving is one of the most important parts of the pharmacy operation. Supplier systems are designed to relieve the time-consuming but routine aspects of purchasing and inventory control, while simultaneously providing valuable data to help make more knowledgeable purchasing and inventory control decisions. coordinates the return of these products for an agreed upon fee. This particular method attempts to balance the carrying cost inventory with the cost of, running out. Pharmacy technicians’ familiarity, with product conditions and uses puts them in a position to identify quality and care. And the mundane nature of inventory control makes it one of the more. Because of this, some. Unlike many, factors in pharmacy, inventory is controllable. Free goods are, usually obtained by sending the invoice to the, Gross Margin Dollars, Amount of profit earned between the pharmacy’s. The most commonly used benchmark for measuring, the costs of capital is the prevailing interest rates. Misplaced products. As a worker whose job handling your pharmacy’s inventory, you can help make, the best use of this investment. There. The quality of a cash or quantity, discount, for example, depends on the amount of discount being offered, the carrying cost, of holding inventory, the price charged for the item, and the time it takes to turn the, merchandise into sales. When orders arrive from either the manufacturer or the wholesaler, they should be, accompanied by either an invoice or a packing slip that lists what the pharmacy is being, charged for. The supply and management of drugs is a continuous cycle. Determining reorder points depends on the length of order lead time, usage rate, and the amount of safety stock to be kept on hand. Long-run relations. Identify and explain methods of automated stock handling and payment systems eg barcoding, RFID. Courses in Therapeutics and Disease State Management. Because of its tendency to informality, the system is not used as frequently or, with the precision it requires. It is essential to alert other staff members to products that fall into one of these, Pharmaceuticals will occasionally be recalled by a manufacturer and/or the Food, and Drug Administration (FDA) for reasons such as mislabeling, contamination, lack of, potency, or other situations affecting the product as packaged or labeled. INVENTORY CONTROL . take a look at a few of the concepts surrounding purchasing. Inventory Accounting Different ways of valuing the pharmacy’s inventory, Methods as it leaves the pharmacy for the customer. time in order to decide whether it is time to reorder. the manufacturer against loss by price reduction. notice. remainder during the second half of the month. The secrets of proactive Pharmacy Inventory Management are based on the often overlooked science of true supply vs. demand inventory management. As the product, goes out the door to the customer, the pharmacy, will charge $1 plus mark-up until it reaches the, inventory that cost $2. Pharmacy workload records. The Lead Time is the interval between placing an order and having it ready for, dispensing. receiving process was performed properly. At times the difference between these costs may, appear insignificant. prescribers may want the pharmacy to stock several therapeutically equivalent drugs. A more elaborate means of inventory control is through a periodic system. Disclaimer: These citations have been automatically generated based on the information we have and it may not be 100% accurate. on a more formal basis than with a visual system, so the system tends to be more precise. Maintenance of an up-to-date inventory control system. Does the vendor stand behind the products? For example, if the wrong concentration of a product was received in error, it, could lead to a dosing error or delays in patients’ receipt of therapy. replaced weekly may represent a very good deal for the pharmacy. -Procurement costs (ordering costs) are costs associated with … A description of how these, methods affect inventory follows in the example, FIFO (first in, first out): The product on the shelf, manufacturer had a price increase to $2. Fortunately, a representative from XYZ Wholesale Drugs dropped off her card last week. Technicians often perform these duties under the supervision of a pharmacist. For example, one must know how much of a given item is in stock at a given. Overstock Inventory on-hand in excess of the order point. It also provides limited dollar control. limitation of such systems, however, is their measurement at a single point in time. Look-alike Products. Then it will charge $2 plus, LIFO (last in, first out): Using the same scenario as, above, all parameters are the same; except when the, product goes out the door, the pharmacy charges $2, plus the mark-up even if the product was acquired, at $1. control matters of great importance to both cash flow and profitability. Now that she has all this information, she is not sure what to do. reorder, assuming the pharmacy incorporates safety stock into its planning, is: Reorder point = (usage rate x lead time) + safety stock, Ideally, orders should be placed at the precise point in time at which usage during the, order lead time will have depleted the inventory on hand, so that no safety stock is. Instead, wholesalers are often treated in a suspicious and, even ill-mannered fashion. other. How much risk is involved in dealing with the vendor? The theory, is that it probably takes the same amount of time and effort to purchase a product, regardless of whether you by 10, 50, or 1,000 pieces. pharmacy owners use intermittent visual audits between more formal, semiannual, The most elaborate and accurate basic inventory control system is the perpetual, system. When on-hand and onorder, are below the order point, an order must be. Procurement, Drug storage and inventory control, Repackaging, Labeling considerations, Distribution systems, and Recapture and disposal. It also provides the technician with an opportunity to confirm that the. The cost of a stock-out is determined by the. Other possible advantages include receiving more attention and, help from a wholesaler who know it is receiving most of the pharmacy’s business; having, a smaller inventory investment; having larger purchase orders; which may permit larger, discounts; and simplifying credit problems. frequently deferred activities of pharmacy technicians.Ironically, the sophisticated and efficient purchasing programs offered by manywholesaler suppliers have perhaps contributed to the lack of attention. For example, a certain percentage of demand will be kept in, reserve or “safety stock”. Evaluation of inventory levels is made. Unfortunately, many pharmacies see these systems as vehicles for minimizing the time spent on the whole realm of purchasing and inventory control rather than a way to reallocate time to their more fundamental responsibilities. Records of equipment maintenance. As we look at each of the inventory control models, it is important to keep. Calculate inventory turnover rates and use this information to make purchasing and inventory control decisions. The, emphasis of the OTB method is financial control of the pharmacy inventory. Normally, however, it is more likely that inventory is not being. Among the many pharmacy management functions performed in a pharmacy, few have, more direct impact than purchasing policies and inventory control. The ABC classification system groups items according to annual sales volume, in, an attempt to identify the small number of items that will account for most of the sales. performance is critical to the success of the purchasing and inventory control system. Sometimes the company name or logo is emphasized on the, Product Storage. As defined in the Drug and Pharmacies Regulation Act, 1990 ( DPRA) the DM is the pharmacist designated by the owner of the pharmacy, in information provided to the College, as the pharmacist responsible for managing the pharmacy. Larger purchases increase the risks of loss resulting obsolete products – expired because, it could not be sold with reasonable speed. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the mental health center is questioning how much the pharmacy has been spending on medications and pressuring Marie to find a less expensive vendor. This technique is referred to as, stock rotation. This means we use the last acquisition price. increase the dollar investment in inventory. It depend partly, on the importance of the item, on competitive conditions in the industry, and on the, quantities involved, which might make it practical to divide the business among several, Decisions concerning the timing of purchases must closely coincide with demand, and minimize the amount of inventory investment. She is project editor for the NCPA Digest and has developed pharmacy education materials related to pharmacy quality for the Pharmacy Quality Alliance. Dr. West-Strum is Chair and professor at the University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS. She received her BS in pharmacy and PhD in pharmacy administration from the University of Mississippi. Purchase and inventory records. Unless you let the computer know that the order has been received, it will reflect an, incorrect inventory level and may keep trying to order more product even though an. HPS’s function as a distribution warehouse for all inventories required for patient care services. The open-to-buy (OTB) budget method limits purchases to a specific, amount of funds available for purchasing pharmaceuticals during a specified period. Her research interests pertain to understanding provider and patient behavior to improve medication use and advance community practice. 2. “turns over.” Inventory turns are calculated by: Cost of Goods Sold / Merchandise Inventory =, Turns. and accordingly tend to be used mostly for B and sometimes A items. They are generally expressed in terms of total dollars purchased. cost of inventory, including the popular method of Economic Order Quantity (EOQ). type of system is used for the less expensive and least important items in the pharmacy, The primary advantages of the visual system of inventory control are that it is, relatively inexpensive, takes little time, and does not have to be conducted by personnel, who have special skills. There are various methods for controlling inventory and each has advantages and, disadvantages. Shortage costs are also, computed using the cost to operate a pharmacy. Quantity Discounts are reductions in price allowed for buying certain quantities. Semi-monthly: The pharmacy pays one-half of its, receivables on the first half of the month and the. Another variation of, quantity discounts is cumulative discounts. The formula for when to. inventory and compares them with a listing of how many should be carried in stock. The right pharmacy inventory control methods help you manage your inventory to find the optimal balance. ABC (always, better, and control) analysis is a method of categorizing drug items according to their relative importance. In this way, it is possible, to determine at a moment’s notice how many units of each item are in stock. sources estimate annual carrying costs to be between 20% and 30%. It is important to dispose of, these products for safety reasons. By investing in inventory, other uses for money are lost – uses, which could provide greater returns. For example, a 10% discount may be offered if a, pharmacy’s purchases total over a certain dollar amount. On the other hand, a 1% discount on merchandise that is sold and. Proper environmental control (i.e., proper temperature, light, humidity, conditions of sanitation, ventilation, and segregation) must be maintained wherever drugs and supplies are … Pharmacists and, in some institutions, pharmacy technicians, work with pharmacist to manage inventory, dispense, store, and control narcotics and, The most common reason drugs are returned to the manufacturer is because they, are expired. What a day! Using the pharmaceutical department of Port Harcourt University teaching hospital as a case study, the department using manual method to operate lacks good storage of information system for drugs. The portion of inventory that, creates a service level. ... “Surviving Drug Shortages with Improved Inventory Management ... drugs don’t expire unused is an important step in inventory management that can help to reduce medication waste and control costs. The newly acquired products will generally have longer shelf lives and should, be placed behind packages that will expire before them. Inventory control is the process of managing inventory in order to meet customer, demand at the lowest possible cost and with a minimum of investment. She is constantly running out of products, and with her pharmacy’s gross margins shrinking, she needs to obtain drug products at the best price possible. Particularly in a retail environment, or wholesale distribution in support of retail, the devil to outstanding pharmacy inventory management is in … 3. Please consult the latest official manual style if you have any questions regarding the format accuracy. The question of how many wholesalers to use has no definitive answer. Can also apply when taking advantage of, Free Goods Products supplied without charge on an order for a, specified amount of merchandise. Procurement procedure. Safety Stock Supply of an item kept on hand to compensate for, Standing Order An order containing the same products to be, shipped each time during the cycle. Other include: Successful inventory management involves simultaneously attempting to balance the. The movement of pharmaceuticals into and out of the pharmacy requires an, organized, systematic, and cooperative approach. This cannot be achieved by minimizing inventory investment. Some, pharmacies contract with an outside vendor that completes the paperwork and. Drug procurement and distribution tracking system is a set of computer programs that obtains the supplies of drugs, distribute the drugs and monitors the inventory control of the drugs. Records of results and actions taken in quality … discount allowed, e.g., 2% 30 days, net 31 days. Mark-up is the, percentage added to the cost of a product to. 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