ephesians 5:15 meaning

Of all talents, time is the hardest to improve well. All rights reserved). He asked, “What if you had to pay in advance $100 an hour for the time allotted to you? Time is not ours to dispose of at pleasure. What are you doing with your time? First: In the duty there is the act and the object. Meditation on the shortness of time should be a means to HUMBLE us. Don't live the rest of your life the way you used to live. It is too late to mend the days that are past. You are doing what everybody else does. When we are usefully occupied, we enjoy greater protection from sin, because “Satan finds some mischief still for idle hands to do” (Isaac Watts). We have a great deal of work to do in a short time. Now, note secondly, how to make the most of the season. Make wise choices." The fact that the times in which they lived were morally so corrupt was a strong reason for making every opportunity for good their own. Boy, am I speaking to me at this time! MacArthur writes that kairos "denotes a measured, allocated, fixed season or epoch. The diverse instances of mortality, may serve as so many commentaries upon the text. -Thomas Brooks, We are to redeem the time because we ourselves are redeemed.-Richard Chester, Half our life is spent trying to find something to do with the time we have rushed through life to save. If we have enough to bear our charges to heaven, that should suffice. -John Blanchard, Time is not yours to dispose of as you please; it is a glorious talent that men must be accountable for as well as any other talent. I mean, in all of life, we have these things, that somebody calls, and you've just got to do this, you've just got to do that. Or it may light up one small neighbourhood, one poor home, the visitors to one sick-room; it may be limited in time by only a fragment of the disciple's one short life; such was no doubt the range of radiation for many an Asian saint then, as it is for many an English saint now. 4. 2 Corinthians 13:5: "Examine yourselves." King. We must walk carefully and redeem the time that He gives us (Eph 5:15-16). But we are called to live each day with self-discipline and spiritual discernment. What's more urgent—your quiet time or your toilet that's overflowing? You may have spare time from labor or necessity, you may stop working and refresh yourself, but no Christian ever had time off from living like a Christian.—William Law. Bodily diseases are but death's harbingers which go before to prepare a lodging for death. "Show me, O Lord, my life's end and the number of my days; let me know how fleeting is my life!" And what can sooner pull down the flags and banners of pride—than to consider we are shortly dropping into the dust! Gaiety will become the most intimate friend of sanctity and will be the possession of the Lord. How you can play and work, and how you can read, and how you can do all of those things, are fine; they all have their place. UBS handbook series. 7, no. Then Dr. Herrera became more specific. -- in this it is the old, in that it is the young, whom death has removed -- and is there not eloquence in tears to persuade us that we are mortal? Only after we do that can we please God ( Ephesians 5:10). Nevertheless, we must pray to be! (4) Vain company; they steal a jewel from us they can never restore, which is our precious time. THEREFORE BE CAREFUL HOW YOU WALK: blepete (2PPAM) oun akribos pos peripateite, (2PPAI): Note: All verbs in bold red indicate commands, not suggestions! However, when life is over, there will be a strict accounting of what we have done with that time. At late or early hour. Awake, Christian! Let us, then, each morning, resolve to send the day into eternity in such a garb as we shall wish it to wear forever. Ephesians 5:14(NASB) Picture courtesy of AlainAudet . 5:16. Therefore do … Are your evidences ready? Vance Havner says that this evil day is one of, MacDonald offers an insightful explanation of "evil days" writing that "What lends special urgency to this matter is the evil character of the days in which we live. But our translation uses the word “redeem,” which implies another metaphor — namely, the recovery of a mortgage, or the redeeming of what hath been lost or pawned out; and so it notes our former improvident poor use of time. Our whole life is nothing else but a passage to death—where there is no staying by the way or slacking our pace. The man who sleeps in harvest is pronounced a fool, because he lets his opportunity slip. In the NT, chronos and kairos are the two basic words translated “time.” Chronos designates a period or space of time. Let our fingers drop with the myrrh of liberality. Where is the debater of this age? Time is a talent given us by God, and it is misspent and lost when not employed according to his design. —Vernon C Grounds (Our Daily Bread, Copyright RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, MI. Psalm 39:5: "My life is no longer than the width of my hand. His life was scarcely worth a prayer—or his death worth a tear. It is a sea without bottom—or banks. Just as people go out bargain hunting and say, "There, if I buy that today, I can get it at a good price, much better than if I have to let it go until another time. This has been done already in Holy Scripture, where it is said, "The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away." They are times of unparalleled opportunity. It is the “wise” who see that a new day has begun in Christ (Ephesians 5:14), and who live that out in their lives. Before sin entered, Adam was placed in the garden to dress it and to keep it (Gen. 2:15). Read verse in New International Version Take from our life all the time of eating, drinking, sleeping, besides idle impertinences—and then how short is our time! The last thing that he is loath to let go is time; his game is to cheat you of today, and so of the next day. But what is the result? Conduct (present imperative) yourselves with wisdom toward outsiders, making the most (exagorazo = present tense = continually) of the opportunity. We may be sure on the other hand that St Paul does not mean, for in the wisdom of the Spirit he could not mean, that we are enjoined to force occasions for our witness or appeal. Esau lost the blessing, while he was hunting. Examine yourselves—as the goldsmith does his gold. It may be an antidote for the sorrowful. If thou wouldst work for God it must be now; spending time wisely! 1:3; 11:18; 12:12, 14; 22:10. Question: "What is the meaning of ‘redeeming the time’ in Ephesians 5:16?" Even in heaven there will be work, for “his servants shall serve him” (Rev. From Don Whitney’s Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life:. Near synonyms are prudent and cautious, though circumspect implies a careful consideration of all circumstances and a desire to avoid mistakes and bad consequences. Time is in perpetual motion. When they are young, they hope they shall spin out life to the blossoming of the almond tree. It is to be a walk, onward and upward, of holy and habitual praise, of fellowship in spiritual help, and of a mutual submission which means forgetfulness of self in the recollection of others, in the Lord... See therefore, with eyes spiritually open to the path and its environment, that you walk (it is the seventh time that this pregnant word has been written - 8x in 7v - Eph 2:2 2:10 4:1 4:17 5:2 5:8 5:15) accurately; recollecting the importance of detail, fully aware that life is made up of steps and incidents, and that nothing in it lies outside the claims of God. Morning has succeeded to night since the world was made, and why should he ask what he knows too welt to doubt? “Redeeming the time “--buying up the opportunities. We certainly don't want to be so time-conscious that we become driven workaholics, neglecting our families, never relaxing with our friends, too busy to smell the roses or admire a sunset. The believer, "light in the Lord," is to shed the light which he receives. It is small wonder that God used him in such great ways. Unless you check the progress of sin now it will become every day more difficult, and eventually become impossible. (Eccl 9:10), There is a tide in the affairs of men, In Hezekiah's reign, when the sun went ten degrees backward, time went forward. These are all good ways to "redeem the time" and make golden investments in eternity. For … - Richard Baxter, Time should not be spent, it should be invested in the kingdom of God. So let us live as if this day Life is short! Poneros describes that which is actively harmful, hurtful, evil in effect or influence. Reprinted by permission. Tiberius the emperor, for a drink of water—lost his kingdom! A quality that is energized by the indwelling Spirit, for even though our own spirit is willing, our flesh is weak (Mt 26:41+)! ANSWER 6. "All the fancy things you loved so much are gone. will be well done, The mind and body function best when we work diligently. I have an unusual habit when I go to bed. His piano teacher asked him how much he practiced. They that mind to do good in the world engage themselves in a warfare, and the loss of our season is no small part of the enemy’s conquest. Days (2250) (hemera) is used figuratively of the times in which we live. Ps 143:5 I remember the days of old; I meditate on all Thy doings; I muse on the work of Thy hands. The soul is the princely part, crowned with reason. The consideration of the shortness of our stay in the world would be a help to TEMPERANCE. We're constantly having a battle between the important and the urgent. Today, when you have leisure time, ask yourself how you can best improve those extra moments. Dr. Doddridge adopted nearly the same plan, and by that means he was enabled to educate so many young men, to preach so frequently, and to leave the world those various writings which have enlightened the minds and aided the devotion of multitudes. But an accounting will be made. The thoughts of our short stay here on earth, should make us improve this little inch of time. -Will Rogers, TIME: Three most difficult things to do are: keep a secret, forget injury, and make good use of your leisure time (it's really not yours anyway but His...He's just "loaning" it to you. only in the measure that we have rightly handled TIME! The venerable Pastor Harry Ironside wisely reminds us that "Time is given us to use in view of eternity. Life is a gift – it’s as simple as that. Start worrying early in the morning and intensify your anxiety as the day passes. So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. Steven Cole - Our text tells us how to walk wisely, so that we make the precious years that God allots to us count for His purpose and glory. Be as careful and wise as Jonathan Edwards was when he wrote in his diary at age twenty, Resolved, never to lose one moment of time, but to improve it in the most profitable way I possibly can. Because of the worth of the work that is given us to do in it. 5:15; Eph. "The law is our school master to bring us to Christ", when the Lord himself speaks by the law. 1:10; Rev. 1) "Redeem the time" (Ephesians 5:16, KJV). I. Isn't that great? And I commend this promise to you. ’Tis a vessel under sail; You may inadvertently substitute religious activity for God's will, pursuing your own goals for God's kingdom instead of waiting for His assignment. That's what God likes.—Vernon C Grounds. If it’s physical fitness you’re into, comparing yourself with Arnold Schwarzenegger or Jane Fonda ought to keep you busy. Paul says, "You only have from the time you are born again until the time you die. (2 Cor. The minutes are like blooming flowers, or stalks of wheat with their golden grains. cp Jesus' words in Mk 4:20, 8, Mt 13:23, Lk 8:15, Jn 15:4,5, cp Ro 7:4-note contrasted with Ro 7:5-note). What remains is increased in value, as it is contracted in length. We need to learn to work with more effectiveness. Instead of counting the days, Be careful how you walk - carries the idea of looking around carefully so as not to stumble, which Paul explains equates with walking intelligently and not in ignorance. Why should we so toil about the world as if we were to live here forever? 5:16). Real-life Example. There is another biblical word which I did not mention then but which I turn to now as an appropriate closing: the word nun. Pierson.). There's always enough time to do God's will. Where the statue's face normally would have been, the sculptor had chiseled a covering of hair, and on both feet were wings. We have none of yesterday's time left over for today. The Epicureans perceived true philosophy in culture fulfilled in detachment. What merchant would allow an unprofitable line of business to lengthen out as men do the life of sin. Evaluating my everyday use of time and resources, I noticed how often I tended to count and measure—abstracting from a situation rather than living it. Enjoy! (Ro 13:11-note). 13:44-46, where the characters give up all for that treasure of the kingdom. (September, 1989). 5. (NASB: Lockman), Greek: exagorazomenoi (PMPMPN) ton kairon, hoti ai hemerai ponerai eisin. Kairos speaks of a limited period of time, with the added notion of suitableness ("the suitable time", "the right moment", "the convenient time"). A dark-skinned little boy sat through Sunday School classes for three years at a great Baptist Church (First Church, San Antonio) but someone missed him. His family felt that because of the limited time he was allotted to use his creative genius, the painting was an appropriate symbol of his unfulfilled earthly aspirations. Treasures or Trash? (Heb 3:12 - note), Wuest adds that you are to "see to it that your conduct is accurate with respect to the demands of the Word of God. 5:16). Ps 90:12. If thou wouldst win the garland for thy brow, 3. But it is unmistakable that they are enjoying a great light within, and it "will out." In the next segment Paul explains that wise people discern the will of God (Ep 5:17). It reproves them that delay their conversion and return to God; as those invited to the marriage supper did not deny, but delay (Matthew 22:1-14). They are suddenly gone from us. make all you can of the events of life, (Henry Blackaby - Experiencing God Day by Day). Walk Circumspectly We shall make the most of time, if we work in it with zeal and diligence. Reckon as many millions of years as there have been minutes since the creation, and they stand as ciphers (an unimportant thing) in eternity. A review of the word … Continue reading "Commentary on Ephesians 5:15-20" No doubt there were special conditions in Asia at that date which may have led St Paul to write it down with a heart centred upon peculiar and acute difficulties. Instead of killing time, redeem your spare moments today. Prepare for Him! MacDonald - To walk circumspectly is to live in the light of our position as God’s children. The time is short, and upon this small wire of time hangs the weight of eternity. To follow and obey. Are your debts paid—and your sins pardoned? Thus we have learned how to apply knowledge that it may do us good; not to our ears, like them which hear sermons only, nor to our tongues, like them which make table talk of religion, but to our hearts, that we may say with the virgin, "My heart doth magnify the Lord", Luke 1:46, and the heart will apply it to the ear and to the tongue, as Christ saith, "Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh", Matthew 12:34. You have to continue all day long to make those choices. (Duckworth), Be not afraid, oh, duty-neglecting Christian, to rise up with a fixed resolve and retrace your steps and say : "I will redeem the time. Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.' --William Secker. A person of philosophical temperament, esp one who is patient, wise, and stoical. Ps 90:12. 1:4, 6; 3 Jn. Experimentation showed that the eggs are cooked to perfection after three Hail Marys [or three verses of a hymn]. I've already talked to you about this willpower, which is really God's power. Paul once again returns to the theme of "walking," which means abiding or remaining in Jesus (Ephesians 2:2, 10; 4:1, 17; 5:2, 8). Her offer being declined, she went away, and burned three of the precious books. That they should use their precious time 3:13; 4:18; Heb. By excess, we turn lawful things into sinful things. If we suffer our hearts to wander from that centre we immediately become palsied creatures, living for no earthly object or value at all. Time is given to us to be cultivated, not murdered. Time is short and uncertain. Every moment must be bought up for the King, and used in the service of His Kingdom. ", Let the Christian be just as eager, just as earnest, to obtain opportunities to witness for Christ, to serve the blessed Lord, and to be a means of blessing to others with whom he comes in contact. Many people fool away their time, some in idle visits, others in recreations and pleasures which secretly bewitch the heart and take it away from better things. You part with nothing but what is better lost than kept; with a little ease of the flesh, vain pleasure which passes away as the wind, a little worldly profit, which at death will be of no use to thee. For example, two weeks on a vacation is not at all like two weeks on a diet. Do you know what our problems are, dear friend? Ephesians 5 covers three principles for learning the Christian WALK. Sermon Ephesians 5:15-20 How To Live Check out these helpful resources Biblical Commentary Sermons Children's Sermons Hymn Lists By Dr. Mickey Anders Ephesians 5:15-20 Life has a way of changing for you when you are in a car accident that very nearly took your life. And here in Ephesians we see that the wise walk is a behavior that redeems the time, "buying up" every (spiritual) opportunity presented by God (Eph 5:16). He who has nothing to do but kill time is in danger of being killed himself. For instance, we know we aren't supposed to gossip. (Phillips: Touchstone), Wuest: Be constantly taking heed therefore how accurately you are conducting yourselves, not as unwise ones but as wise ones, Young's Literal: See, then, how exactly ye walk, not as unwise, but as wise. (G Barlow), WATCH FOR OPPORTUNITIES “Redeeming the time.” Chances must be sought for putting in the right word, and when God sends it we must make the most of it. Lift our voice in one accord, Grace is not blasted by death—but transplanted into a better soil. 1 Corinthians 6:5 I say this to your shame. Once more she came back, bearing the last three, and refusing any less sum for them than that by which all might once have been bought. Have your eye on so as to beware of. 1:11). They thirst for your happiness and, as so many bells—would chime in your souls to Christ. An excellent antidote against excess. (See above, Ephesians 1:8.) And yet at the same time, He allots time to us to use responsibly to bring about His sovereign will. But "redeeming the time" goes far beyond being efficient. You are doing what everybody else does. Tarquin, startled by this strange conduct of the merciless Sibyl, advised with his augurs, and bought the books, which proved the invaluable “Sibylline Verses”; but the chance of purchasing those priceless sister volumes was forever lost. (The Godly Mans Picture). - Thomas Brooks, There is nothing puts a more serious frame into a man's spirit than to know the worth of his time. You may not know how many cattle you have, but you might save the life of one that is sick. Suppose a man's lease were ready to expire and he should fall to building and planting; would not he be judged to be foolish? That ultimate, all-embracing end is reached through a multitude of near and intermediate ones. It is to estimate human life by the purposes to which it should be applied, by the eternity to which it must conduct, and in which it shall at last be absorbed. R. Van Gorder, To believe only possibilities, is not faith, but mere Philosophy. (Eph 4:1-note) adding that they were to "walk no longer just as the Gentiles also walk" (Eph 4:17-note). By not walking unwisely, but wisely, as those who are continually redeeming for themselves the precious time God gives, by understanding His good and acceptable and perfect will and by not being filled with wine but being filled with His Spirit. He will not let slip any opportunity whereby he may do mischief. But keep my conscience clear. Who is crowned as a conqueror—who never fights? QUESTION: How should we improve this short time? Instruct us to set store by time, mourning for that time past wherein we have wrought the will of the flesh, using diligently the time present, which is the accepted hour and the day of salvation, and reckoning the time which lieth in the future to be too uncertain to allow us safely to delay any gracious work or prayer. Not mental merely, but moral wisdom; not speculative merely, but experimental; not theoretical merely, but practical. 21). Job 9:25-26: "My life passes more swiftly than a runner. Wayne Barber - Ephesians 5:15 tells us we are to be very careful as we walk. Don’t be vague but firmly grasp what you know to be the will of God. Life is made up of a few flying minutes. Time’s a hand’s breadth; ‘tis a tale; Reprinted by permission. When it is once past, it is gone forever. How soon our little life may close, Are you buying up the opportunities for spiritual good which the Lord is graciously giving you? Thomas Brooks has these devotional thoughts on time as it applies to a believer... A jewel more worth than a world! The best preservative against intemperance is this—the time is short! Click for word study on exagorazo. 3. 7:6, 8; Acts 1:7; 3:20; 7:20; 12:1; 13:11; 14:17; 17:26; 19:23; 24:25; Rom. It is an appointment, not an accident, and God knows when it is going to be. Thus the time for bringing forth fruit [karpophoros - see study of karpophoreo] is the season (kairos) in which the tree bears fruit, in contrast to late autumn, when there is no more fruit. Ephesians 5:15-16Some of us have, in all probability, very little more ‘time’ to ‘redeem.’ Some of us have, in all probability, the prospect of many years yet to live. In the wilderness of this world there is one sure sundial, the Word of God. Psalm 90:12-note. (Time's Shortness), (Ephesians 5:15-21 Christian's Watchfulness... - Goto page 265), Redeeming the Time - A Tragic Illustration - We missed him. Devote it all to God. The present moment is a king in disguise. James 3:13 Who among you is wise and understanding? Perhaps you are born again, but you are following the traditions of other people. Men are led by reflections upon the brevity of time to give their earnest attention to eternal things; they become humble as they look into the grave which is so soon to be their bed, their passions cool in the presence of mortality, and they yield themselves up to the dictates of unerring wisdom; but this is only the case when the Lord himself is the teacher; he alone can teach to real and lasting profit. It is worth my while to buy these bargains up at this rate. ), And He was giving orders to them, saying, "Watch out! When men least look for Him will He be here; It is hard to keep up the banks of grace against the sea of temptation. Perhaps you are pursuing the wrong career. Circumspectly (KJV) = this word is not directly translated in the NAS. In many respects the "days" at Ephesus were "evil" as they are not now, at least for those of us whose lot is cast in lands which bear the Christian name, and are full on their surface of the Christian tradition. "Man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment" (Heb. God may hold back His judgment for a time, allowing evil tyrants to have their day, upsetting people's well-ordered lives, presenting them with dilemmas beyond their understanding. ", The serious thoughts of our short stay here would be a great means of promoting godliness. With all its pleasures and its woes, They were riding along the shore of Lake Michigan, enjoying the bright moonlight and gentle breeze off the water. ’Tis a rainbow on a shower; May I make a practical suggestion for the new year? . We need to live as though Jesus would come today. All God's people have reason to sing for joy. We have to understand this. Ben Franklin said of time, “ … that is the stuff life is made of.” Time forms life’s building blocks. (2) Vain and sinful pleasures, and carnal sports. You may think I am being narrow minded, but the Bible is clear—we are to be "wise, redeeming the time" (Eph. A dying English queen cried, “A world of money for an inch of time!”. Spread the practice throughout the day, and music will become a part of your life.". As the time, so is the strength. —Sally Cunneen in The Christian Century. Ephesians 5:15-21 Walk in Wisdom. --D C McCasland (Our Daily Bread, Copyright RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, MI. I was talking about my own reaction. 3. Eccl 9:10. While God's Spirit strives with you, nourish His sweet whispers and motions. Then do not wait until your experience has ripened into maturity before you attempt to serve God. We are redeemed from bondage to sin; we are redeemed from bondage to the old life. For ever--where? What makes it so supremely important to redeem time? Time is short in respect to its improvement. And so David says, "Teach me Thy way, O Lord, and I will walk in Thy truth." We were told to not walk like the Gentiles in the world (4:17). What Does Ephesians 5:14 Mean? Yet Paul urged us to redeem the time (Ephesians 5:15-16), and Moses prayed, "Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom" (Psalm 90:12). Perhaps you are in the wrong school, and you ought to be in another school training to serve God. One group may be insisting on a traditional service, while another is agitating for a more contemporary format. He who lays up gold and silver is wise for his children—but he who gets salvation is wise for himself. Lastly, that to remember how short a time we have to live, will make us apply our hearts to that which is good. A good quality in someone entrusted with responsibility, ours being to shine as "Jesus people," as Spirit filled (Eph 5:18+) supernaturally energized lights in this dark world (Mt 5:14-16+, Php 2:14-15+). All wit will be perfectly clean and therefore translucent, containing nothing which darkens or defiles. We have, as it were, mortgaged it to Satan, to the world, and to vanity, and now should redeem it out of the hands of these engrossers (those who captivate our whole attention), and by future diligence recover our former neglect. Mark what it is which Moses here prays for, only to be taught to number his days. (cp Moses' prayer Ps 90:12 - see Spurgeon's notes below) We all understand that time is valuable, for even the lost world says "time is money". "Make the best possible use of your time," Paul says. Time misemployed is not time lived— (Manser, Martin H., Dictionary of Bible Themes), Christianity gives real value to life for it "is a life that impels the seizure of every opportunity for good-doing. Colonel Gardiner always set apart two hours in the morning for devotion, and if his troops had to march at six o’clock he rose at four to commune with God, and like his Divine Master prepare for arduous duties by fervent prayer. - Some churches have become divided over styles of worship. The idea is not to make best use of time as such (although that is certainly advisable), which is what we should do in the sense of not wasting it, but of taking advantage of the opportunities that present themselves. See a good man, how little he pleaseth himself in any action of his life, in any performance of duty that he does. Yes, Father, for this way was well-pleasing in Your sight. Is a sin that never goes alone, but from God 's are! Wonderful phrase that can never have the chance or three verses of a,. Our calling of relations is grievous to the Saviour as the term and of. -- but every man dies your opportunities when he would count the stars than our days on earth, make. 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