health benefits of star apple

Many diabetic persons often request the leaves to make tea. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); POLICY The juice is sometimes even fermented into wine or distilled into spirits. Digestive Health. Having healthy colon system will reduce the risk of colon cancer significantly. It is true how you take care of your teeth is important like avoiding eating foods that could cause problems to your teeth up to brushing teeth regularly every day. The symptoms of diarrhea are similar to dysentery, that’s why if the leaves of star apple could treat dysentery and then it is also possible to treat diarrhea. It is due to the high amount of calcium contained in star apple which is able to reduce the pain. Minerals are important and star apple contains calcium and iron in proper amount as well as Vitamin C. Thus, star apple has the source of vitamins and minerals that are useful for our body to maintain overall health. In-depth information regarding health care benefits, with table of fruit nutrition facts of different fruits. Apples contain antioxidants, vitamin C, fiber, and several other nutrients that may boost heart, brain, and digestive health. Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients in Crab Apple. It’s used the world over as a home remedy for hangovers and sunburns. Terms & conditions In purple fruits, the inner rind is dark purple, and in green fruits, white.. Also Read: Health Benefits of Semolina – Health Benefits of Lebaneze Zaatar. Star Apple General The fruit has Antioxidant properties. Green star apple has the same thick skin but the color, instead of purple it is fresh green. Purple star apples have a thick skin attached to a rind. When the fruit is cut transversely, the seed cells are seen to radiate outwardly from a central core, producing a star-shaped pattern. Traditional uses and benefits of Star Apple. Iron deficiency anemia is frequently characterized by symptoms like fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, headache, dizziness and loss of appetite. That’s probably contributes to how women’s mood during PMS could be unstable because of so much things that cause them being uncomfortable. Bark of african star apple can be used to treat yellow fever and malaria. Star apple has 4 to 6 seeds in it and forms a star image, therefore this fruit is called star apple. Undersides of leaves are grated and applied as a poultice to a wound and a leaf decoction is taken orally for hypoglycaemia. Known to the Yorubas as Agbalumo, to the Igbos as Udara, and the Hausas as Ciwoh, this fantastic fruit (African Star Apple) has many benefits that would amaze you when compared to its size. When your immunity system is working optimally is easy for your body to fight diseases caused by viruses or bacteria. It is due to antioxidants that contained in star apple. Also Read: Health Benefits of Yellow Dock, 35. It is an excellent source of healthy plant compounds, including quercetin, gallic acid, and epicatechin. Star apple is an Evergreen erect tree, 8–20 m tall grown successfully in a range of tropical or near tropical areas. Well, oxygen is required by every cell in your body to function optimally and do you know how your body cells get oxygen? That’s why this fruit also well known as milk fruit in some countries. Well, the sweet and milky taste of star apple is also able to lift your mood during PMS. Chrysophyllum cainito var. Forget counting the custard apple seeds, instead, start counting the health benefits and relish the creamy fruit. How to control the blood sugar level? Corolla is 5-lobed with ovate and glabrous lobes. Iron deficiency anemia is a common type of anemia that occurs due to insufficient amounts of mineral iron in the body. Many researches are required to study about star apple, most of the benefits were obtained due to centuries of traditional usage of star apple as medical properties. It was found that the star apple fiber helps keep the blood sugar under control. REFERENCES 1. They are chock-full of powerful disease-fighting nutrients and health benefits, in addition to being affordable and portable. Control Diabetes. It is one of the best food choices to include in a weight loss diet. Names of Crab Apple in various languages of the world are also given. Well, how about those who are allergic to such products, should they give up for calcium? Bone Protection Health benefits of Star Apple 1. High Vitamin C Content. Obovoid-globose or oblate berry, 5–10 cm in diameter, Green turning yellowish-green  or purplish-green or purple. The peel may be red-purple, dark-purple, or pale-green. Also Read: Health Benefits of Mango Leaves. The name of star apple is probably strange in some countries since it seems each country has its own name to call the fruit from Caimito, Golden Leaf Tree, Star Plum, Milk Fruit, Cainito, Kenitu and many more. Studies show apples have powerful health benefits, particularly when it comes to fighting chronic diseases that kill millions of people each year. Currently it looks as if the only institution conducting research on sapodilla, including the star apple, in the world is CUNY. Also Read: Benefits of Drinking Lime Water – Health Benefits of Arabic Gum. It is native to the Greater Antilles and the West Indies. Iron deficiency could be fatal in long term. Disclaimer | Term of Use | Privacy Policy | Contact. We can understand apple juice is healthy because it’s name tell us that apple juice is made of apple. The African star apple, locally called cherry, is in full bloom. Furthermore, the same function also applies to the muscle and blood vessels. This fruit thrives in tropical Africa and is known as a nutrient-rich food. To prevent it, you have to make sure to eat foods that could stimulate the regenerations of new cells and vitamin C is essential for your cells to be regenerated. Star fruit is a tropical fruit native to Southeast Asia. To fight free radicals which becoming harder to avoid, you have to make sure that your body got enough antioxidant and as rich of vitamin C and vitamin A, surely star apple is what you need to provide the antioxidant from natural source. Additional Protection Against Colon Cancer. One more thing that unique about star apple is the name. Iron is essential for your body to produce hemoglobin, a protein molecule in red blood cells which is responsible for carrying oxygen from the lungs to all parts of the body. Caimito, Golden Leaf Tree, Milk Fruit, Satin Leaf, Star apple, Star Plum, West Indian Star Apple, Abiaba, Cainito, pomme de lait, estrella, aguay. Extracted pectin is commonly used to thicken jams and preserves, but can also be taken as a dietary supplement. Adapted to fertile, well-drained soils, including the low and high-pH sandy soils and the high-pH, rocky, calcareous soils found in south Florida. Aids in Digestive Health Ripe fruit is consumed fresh or preferably chilled, is cut in half and the flesh spooned out and eaten. Star apple is a wonderful source of dietary fiber and thus the fruit is able to keep your digestive... 2. Also Read: Benefits of Luyang Dilaw Tea – Benefits of Paw Paw Leaves, 26. Udara (Agbalumo as known in the western parts of Nigeria) is in season December to April and it is filled with numerous health benefits. However, star apple could assist in decreasing the blood sugar level if necessary, though further consultation with doctor is required. As mentioned in point 4, enough fiber in your body will be able to normalize the movement inside your bowel, so consuming star apple is probably the delicious solution to get rid of constipation. When the udara/agbalumo is consumed for its flesh, it can help lower blood sugar and cholesterol, prevent and treat heart diseases. Disclaimer, e-mail: [email protected] Dietary fiber is one of the properties that are responsible to the good health of your stomach. The survey has been done though specific researches to prove it scientifically are still required. Star apples contain vitamins C and A which have antioxidant roles and help to strengthen your immune response. Bark latex is used as resolutive on abscesses and as a potent vermifuge when dried and powdered in Brazil. Prevent the Development of Cancerous Cells, How cancerous cells are developed in your body? caeruleum Jacq. Also Read: Food to Eat after Having Stomach Flu. Decoction of leaves used for hypertension in Ivory Costa. Some cautions below are the possibility that may occur if consuming star apple. For those of you who are suffering skin eruptions, stomach ache, and diarrhea, you will get the benefit if using leaves from african star apple tree as a treatment. The answer is easy, calcium and phosphorus. In short term, the people who suffer it will feel uncomfortable but in long term, iron deficiency could be harmful for your body because iron is responsible to the production of red blood cells. Though there are a lot of factors that could trig the development of cancerous cells around the colon but still preventing one that probably contributes the most problem is important. 10 Health Benefits of Apples. Latex of the tree is applied on abscesses and, when dried and powdered, it is utilized as a potent vermifuge. The pulp is white, soft, and milky surrounding 6 to 11 seeds. The bark of the star apple tree is rather healthy. If you’re consuming star apple for the first time, you should be aware of the possibility of allergic reaction especially if you have history with allergic to certain fruits. Perhaps it is one of the reasons why this fruit is not really popular because of too many names to call for only one type of fruit. However, since it is well known traditionally, further studies are still required and for you who are currently taking special medications to treat hypertension, consulting it to your doctor first is necessary. Consuming 100 gram of star apple offers 14.65 g of Carbohydrate, 9.1 mg of Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid), 1.137 mg of Vitamin B3 (Niacin), 0.49 mg of Iron,1.92 g of Total dietary Fiber, 0.049 mg of Vitamin B1, 1.52 g of Protein, 0.038 mg of Vitamin B2 and 18.95 mg Phosphorus. Alternate, elliptic or oblong-elliptic, 5–15 cm long, slightly leathery, rich green and glossy on the upper surface, and coated with persistent reddish-brown silky indumentum on the underside when mature imparting a golden bronze color to the underside, although they are silvery when young. It is also appropriate for inlaying, carving, joinery, moldings, light tool handles, furniture and cabinet making. Perhaps, consuming star apple will provide the comfort that each woman needs the most during PMS. However, it is not type of fruit you could find easily in the grocery stores. Health Benefits Of Nigerian Star Apple by youngsazzyi(m): 10:46am On Jun 10, 2016 Am sure of us as kid or even as adult must have had one beautiful experience or the other with this wonderful juicy fruit. 5 health benefits of star anise, aka chakra phool, you didn't know about You have been using this spice in biryani and masala chai, but do you know about the amazing health benefits it possesses? There are several factors that could cause the high level of blood sugar in your body. Maintain bone health. Here are ten reasons to heed the advice of that old proverb. Also Read: Health Benefits of Scent Leaf – Noni Fruit Benefits. Also Read: Health Benefits of Lipton Tea – High Blood Pressure Treatment, 30. Article from Stroke occurs when brain is not getting enough oxygen. Apples are low in calories; 100 g … It can be used as a tonic to give a feeling of vigor and general well-being. It prefers fertile, well-drained soils, including the low and high-pH sandy soils and the high-pH, rocky, calcareous soils found in south Florida. Long term stomach problem could be one of the reasons behind colon cancer. While star fruit has several benefits, it is not a magical food that can cure all your problems. The Flesh contains a small amount of milky juice which is somewhat fibrous, sweet mild and pleasing tasting. Why fiber is good for diet? Apple star is one of those foods that have high content of vitamin C. Another important benefit of star apple is that it helps control sugar levels in the blood and thus is an ideal food for people suffering from diabetes. In other words, you will feel satiated faster and feel full longer. Seeds are 3–10, flattened obovoid, about 2 cm × 1 cm × 0.5 cm, purplish-black, with a chartaceous testa and an adaxial scar. While nutrition labels don’t list these plant compounds, they’re likely responsible for many of the health benefits. portoricense A.DC. Remember to always consult your healthcare provider before making any health-related decisions or for counselling, guidance and treatment about a specific medical condition. Star fruits come in tart or sweet varieties that taste similar to citrus fruits like lemons or pineapples. Bitter, pulverized seed is combined in water and consumed as a tonic, diuretic and febrifuge. Daily values (DVs) may be different depending upon your daily calorie needs. It is because heart is forced to work more than its capacity. They are not recommendations. Stomach pain could be caused by many factors but before you could find the cause of the problem, the leaves of star apple could be used to deal with the pain. 7. Custard apples serve as a stimulant, coolant, expectorant and haematnic. Chrysophyllum cainito var. The African Star Apple is a common fruit in Africa, yet not many of us know the immense benefits of eating the fruit. Unripe fruit is used for intestinal problems in Venezuela. Star apple is probably native to the Greater Antilles in the Caribbean. Traditionally, star fruit is used as a remedy to treat diarrhea, pneumonia, high blood pressure, laryngitis, dental issues, digestive issues and fever. Decoction of bark is used as tonic and stimulant: use for diarrhea, dysentery, hemorrhages and treatment of gonorrhea. Many of us only know that... 2. Star apple is one of the foods that is highly recommended because as rich of antioxidant, it will promote the regeneration of new cells to replace the old one and as rich of vitamin C, it will provide enough collagen to keep your skin firm and prevent wrinkles. The bark is considered as a tonic, stimulant and the bark decoction is used as an Antitussive. 15 Health benefits of eating apple skin have some incredible nutrients that can lower risks of a certain disease like cancer, and diabetes. Nutrition of the Star Fruit. 24. Apart from their sweet and coconutty taste, star apple is a good source of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Apple star is rich in phosphorus, another mineral bone healthy. One of the powerful antioxidants called alkaloid found in star apple. Young twigs are reddish-brown and pubescent. It also helps prevent the most dangerous health problems such as cancer of the colon. Of course not, because there are a lot of vegetables and fruits that contain calcium in relatively high amount and star apple is totally on the list. 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It has numerous common names including cainito, caimito, tar apple, star apple, purple star apple, golden leaf tree, abiaba, pomme de lait, estrella, milk fruit and aguay.It is also known by the synonym Achras cainito.In Vietnam, it is called Vú Sữa (literally: milky breast). Calyx is 5-lobed; lobes are ovate with obtuse to rounded apex and hairy within. Rich of Vitamins and Minerals 1. Home » Food & Bevarages » Fruits » 36 Health Benefits of Star Apple (No.2 is Unbelievable). It is through hemoglobin, it is a protein found in red blood cells. Health benefits of star apple leaves A tea made from the leaves, also referred to as the golden leaves, may be consumed to treat diarrhea, high blood pressure, diabetes, dysentery, pneumonia, arthritis, and hypoglycemia. Drinking apple juice on regularly helps to prevent from Alzheimer’s disease and fight with free radicals causes an anti aging effect on the mind or brain Also Read: Garlic for Weight Loss – Benefits of Bike Exercises for Weight Loss. Thus, many patients the disease to help them recover quickly. Studies suggest that its components are essential for optimal growth, development, and overall wellness. Star apples may have particular benefits for diabetics. An Apple star offers 5 percent of the daily recommended values of important vitamins, such as vitamin C and vitamin A. Facts, Health Benefits, And Possible Risk Of Eating Apple Some facts about Apple The apple fruit (Malus Domestica) is a very controversial fruit that has many religious and ethnic significance in various cultures. 1. However, what you eat to protect the strength of your teeth from inside is also important. This type of antioxidant is also able to act as antimicrobial and antibacterial. Meanwhile, here is the nutritional values in Star Apple: After knowing the varieties and nutritional values of this fruits, then now let’s take a look to the health benefits of star apple that you have never heard before. The most notable health benefits of star anise include its probable ability to lower the risk of cancer, promote healthy skin, prevent fungal infections, support respiratory health, stimulate the immune system, optimize digestion, boost circulation and aid sleep.. Also Read: Health Benefits of Calcium – Symptoms and Health Risk of Magnesium Deficiency. Star apple (Chrysophyllum cainito) is one of the exotic fruits from the family of Sapotaceae and originated from Caribbean but now this fruit is widely cultivated in most of tropical countries. You should aware about what you eat and what the effect is if you eat it. jamaicense (Jacq.) It gives … Star apple is rich of fiber and eating one regular size of star apple is able to contribute about 3 g from the normal daily intake of fiber which range is 25 – 38 g. 1. Chrysophyllum cainito var. typicum Stehlé, nom. White and soft, jellylike flesh and a gummy latex. Apple Watch has powerful apps that make it the ultimate device for a healthy life. It is actually the easiest way to control your appetite toward food and prevent you of eating too much, so whatever your diet program is, you will be able to do it. Healthy cells once infected by free radicals will be mutated and the mutated cells are the root of cancerous cells. Chrysophyllum ottonis Klotzsch ex Miq., pro syn. The rind of this fruit is usually a dark purple color, and the pulp ranges from a light purplish color to white. Its trunk is usually straight, cylindrical, but often fluted or spurred at the base; buttresses are small or absent; bark surface is rough, irregularly fissured, and brown and exude white gummy latex. It is taken as a diuretic, febrifuge and remedy for dysentery. It is because fiber contains properties that could make your stomach feel full. martinicense Pierre ex Duss, Chrysophyllum cainito var. Their body cells are suffering the same and brain is the center of all cells in your body. It has spread to the lowlands of Central America and is now is grown throughout the tropics, … It is native to the Greater Antilles and the West Indies. Friendly Food for Weight Loss” state=”closed Besides, apple seed contains powerful poison cyanide, so overeating of apple seeds could be fatal. According to studies, calcium, along with vitamin D, may have important benefits beyond bone health, including – diabetes, cancer, and high blood pressure protection. Skin rash is not fatal but sometimes could be really annoying. The African star apple is more commonly known as Agbalumo in Yoruba and Udara in Igbo. Infusion of bark is tonic and refreshing in Costa Rica. Medical Purpose Required Doctor’s Approval. They contain huge amount of fructose compared with glucose, and over-consumption may intensify pain, bloating, gas and diarrhea in people with irritable bowel disorders. Ripe fruit is consumed to treat inflammation in laryngitis, pneumonia and hemorrhage or is cooked and used as antipyretic in traditional folkloric medicine in tropical America and the Caribbean. The first scientist to identify antioxidants is Dr. Edward Kennelly and research is still ongoing. Calculations are based on average age of 19 to 50 years and weighs 194 lbs. Now it is also cultivated throughout the tropics and subtropics in Florida, Taiwan, India, Thailand, the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia and Northern Australia. The thick skin of this variety has dark purple color though the pulp is the shades of purple colors from light purple to white. That said, the fruit does have several positive points, most of which relate to the nutrients and chemical compounds that it contains. Bois, Chrysophyllum cainito var. I think one of the great advantages of this apple is its high water content - of 100g weight, approximately 90g is moisture. The seeds are contained in rubbery seed cells, and each seed is surrounded by a gelatinous pulp. 7 Nutritional Benefits Of Star Apple That Will Do Wonders In Your Body add to the 0 Comments Rose apples, which are bell-shaped in appearance, can either be eaten raw, like apples or can be used to prepare a variety of dishes and desserts. Except for benefits, apples and pears may have some risks for health. Researchers also found that the star apple tree leaves exhibits strong antibacterial activity against common bacteria. The leathery skin in green fruit is white and it is 3-5 mm thick with soft and sweet pulp. Minerals that are needed for bone health are phosphorus and calcium. Anemia is probably one of the common conditions suffered by most people right now. In short, star apple is a perfect snack for everyone. What you really need to maintain the bone health? The nutritious white star apple has a plethora of health benefits such as fighting indigestion, strengthening the immune system, and aiding pregnancy and toothaches, among others. Star apple is very popular worldwide due to its sweet and tangy taste, it also contains vitamins, and minerals, which has beneficial effects on the body. Reduce the Symptoms of Iron Deficiency. The Varieties of Star Apple” state=”closed. White star apple had been suggested to contain more vitamin C than orange and guava, the fruit is also rich in calcium, iron potassium, phosphorous, magnesium, tannins, flavonoids, terpenoids, and phyto-chemicals. The rind and pulp of this fruit are both a milky white color. If you have been growing this star apple tree perhaps you could utilize the leaves as the home remedies solution. One of the direct effects of that problem is vision reduction. Though the leaves may be toxic if consumed in large amount but traditionally the leaves have been used to treat dysentery effectively. Friendly Food for Weight Loss” state=”closed. Phosphorus and calcium are also important for dental health. Some of the health benefits of the African star apple are itemised below: It is a great source of calcium. Contains Powerful Antimicrobial and Antibacterial Properties. Well, the answer is the same with what is responsible to the production of red blood cells, it is iron. How Crab Apple is effective for various diseases is listed in repertory format. Sweet fleshy ripe fruit mesocarp is edible and delicious. The effect could be fatal since diabetes is a disease that cannot be cured but could be controlled. It is native to the Greater Antilles and the West Indies. Reddish-brown wood is appropriate for general indoor construction purposes, such as planking, light framing, flooring, interior trim, cladding, paneling lining, shelving, balustrades and partitioning. If you want weight must be part of the apples in your daily diet. It is taken as a remedy for diabetes mellitus, and a decoction is gargled to relieve angina. As many people know, the benefits of vitamin C include protection against immune system deficiencies, cardiovascular disease, prenatal health problems, eye disease and even ageing of … Here's a short list of how eating more apples can help keep you healthy, along with some apple-licious ways to add them to your meals. The star fruit can be round, oblate or ellipsoid 5-10cm in diameter. About RAWLINGS BLOG RAWLINGS BLOG is about finance, business, short-stories, technology, biography,motivation and personal development. Warm, humid atmosphere with relatively high temperatures throughout the year. It has spread to the lowlands of Central America and is now is grown throughout the tropics, including Southeast Asia. The Health app consolidates data from your iPhone, Watch, and third-party apps you already use, so you can view all your progress in one convenient place. Star apple varieties ; Star apple health benefits and nutrition value; Star apple recipes; Star Apple Whip; Creamy Sweety Star Apple; Star apple. It … So, don’t be fooled with the thick skin because the pulp inside is so milky, soft and sweet. Calyx is 5-lobed; lobes are ovate with obtuse to rounded apex and hairy within. Further researches which published in African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology in 2009 also stated that the leaves of star apple has the same function with insulin that could reduce the glucose level in the blood stream. Learn More. It is true that you cannot get younger but at least you could slow down the aging process by consuming foods which contains high antioxidants. Here is an overview of the health benefits star fruit can provide. This fruit is also rich in antioxidants that protect the body against health problems like diabetes, cancer and heart problems. The tree has a trunk of 60 cm diameter and dense, broad crown. 4. 3. The consumption of calcium-rich foods, such as star apple, helps strengthen bones and teeth and also reduce the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome such as abdominal bloating and cramps. Health Benefits of Udara/Agbalumo (African cherry/Star Apple) 1. Also Read: Health Benefits of Vitamin E – Health Benefits of Beta Carotene. I’ll introduce you to Numerous health benefits of apple juice because I want to find how beneficial are these apples? The active fiber content which is mainly a carbohydrate in star apples helps to keep the... 2. 1) A … Latex from the bark has been used as an adulterant of gutta percha. That’s how stroke occurs. It has spread to the lowlands of Central America and is now is grown throughout the tropics, including Southeast Asia. Your health, from head to toe. Star Apple has numerous health benefits and active in the treatment of diarrhoea, high blood pressure, fever, and digestive issues. Vitamin C is a water soluble nutrient which is essential to support several important functions in the human body. Is usually a dark purple color though the leaves from the tree is just for and. Chemical compounds that it contains so milky, soft, and milky surrounding 6 to 11 seeds dried..., apple seed contains powerful poison cyanide, so overeating of apple juice is made of apple have. A result, that ’ s name tell us that apple juice because i want to find how to with! 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