jamaica name origin ghana

In fact, the very name 'Africa' come from the name “EPHER”, the son of Abraham the Hebrew, who's descendants settled around the area of present day Libya, north Africa. The name Jamaica is a girl's name of Native American origin meaning "rich in springs". Columbus considered it to be “the fairest isle that eyes have beheld,” and many travelers still regard it as one of the most beautiful islands in the Caribbean. 2. In The United States the number of people who held the Jamaica last name increased 6,080 percent between 1880 and 2014. “And when they were departed, behold, the angel of the LORD appeared to 'Joseph' in a dream, saying “Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and flee into 'EGYPT'…” Matthew 2:13, By the first century A.D., Hebrew Israelites (so-called Black Jews) had, Well established settlements well beyond the borders of Ethiopia in Africa, as stated by the African Hebrew Israelite prophet Zephaniah.“From beyond the rivers of 'Ethiopia', my suppliants, even the daughter of my 'dispersed' (scattered ones) shall bring my offering.”, Zephaniah 3:10In the book of Acts, we have a very clear indication that there were well established settlements of Black Jews (Hebrew Israelites) in north Africa. Results from the admixture analyses suggest modern Jamaicans share a closer affinity with groups from the Gold Coast and Bight of Benin despite high mortality, low fecundity, and waning regional importation. Surnames are taken as the first part of an person's inherited family name, caste, clan name or in some cases patronymic, Heatmap: Dark red means there is a higher occurrence of the name, transitioning to light yellow signifies a progressively lower occurrence. Selah I will make mention of Rehab (EGYPT) and Babylon (Iraq) to them that know me; behold Philistia and Tyre with “ETHIOPIA”; this 'man' was 'born' there. Only until recently when they were only accepted as truth once a 'DNA' test was done…Yes Hebrews traveled all over 'AFRICA' and there are 'REMNANTS' everywhere there…some just look like Hebrew traditions and some are truly descendant because they keep their 'oral history' intact…and because of 'Islamic Jihads' in the 15th century, those who didn't convert to 'Islam' or weren't slaughtered, were 'shipped off' along with other hapless non-Hebrew Africans to the new world into 'SLAVERY'…There are many families in AMERICA or the Islands whose oral history has survived in shard remnants…and others whose memory was completely wiped clean…The Jewish awakening in Africa is not miraculous; it was always there. Now the 'burden of proof' of lineal descent of European Jewish people being actual descendants of the biblical Hebrews is on them. European historian 'Godfrey Higgins' stated that 'the people of Babylon were originally 'NEGROES'. It is interesting to note that 'HAVILAH' & 'ETHIOPIA' are the first nations mentioned in the bible in Genesis 2:13 From the creation of mankind; to the nurturing and birth of the nation of Israel; to the migration of the Israelites into Africa, ETHIOPIA has been instrumental in the preservation of the Hebrew Israelite people. “In that day shall 5 cities in the land of 'Egypt' speak the 'language' of 'Canaan' “. According to the Lemba, there migrated to the end of the Arabian peninsula, near Yemen, and rebuilt the city of 'Sena' there before traveling to Africa by boat. 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And He shall set up an ensign for the nations (Rastafari means name manifest), and shall assemble the 'outcasts' of 'ISRAEL', and gather together the 'dispersed' (scattered) of 'JUDAH' from the 'four corners' of the earth.” Isaiah 11:11-12........ Disclaimer: "The views/contents expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of Modern Ghana. In many ways the affinity between native law and the Mosaic legal system is remarkable.” –Inside Africa-. The sugar industry grew quickly in Jamaica -- in 1672 there were 70 plantations producing 772 tonnes of sugar per annum -- growing in the 1770s to over 680 plantations. The Empire appears to have broken up following the 1076 conquest by the Almoravid General Abu-Bakr Ibn-Umar. First, take a look at what one Jewish historian had to say about Jews in Africa. Discover the meaning of the Ricketts name on Ancestry®. And they built a 'temple' there…at 'ASWAN'…There was a great war in Egypt after that time. Glorious things are spoken of you, O city of GOD (YAH). Through Zilpah, Jacob had Dan and Gad and four more sons. So when the Egyptians saw that only the Jews temple was not destroyed they suspected we were on the side of the invader. This was the origin of the 'Beta Israel' (house of Israel) or 'Falasha'. Abraham's son Isaac also migrated into EGYPT and dwelt there for a period of time. They certainly are more ancient and their claims more valid than the European Jewish people who's earliest conversion to what they call 'Judaism' is the conversion of the empire of 'Kazaria' in 700 A.D. Acts 13:1, Another Black Jew named 'Simon' from Cyrene (Libya) north Africa, helped Yashua (Jesus) carry his cross. Among the least gimmicky, most appealing and colorful of all the names found in the atlas, Jamaica almost sings out the exotic rhythms of the West Indies. Direct sea trade with Europe, established in the 15th century, had much impact on the area’s inhabitants, many of whom actively traded with the Portuguese, Dutch, British, and other Europeans. Anan Anan13. This took place between the 6th and 4th centuries B.C., from the time of the Babylonian captivity in 606 B.C. “And I will set a sign among them; and I will send those (Hebrew Israelites) that 'escape' (a remnant that flees captivity) from them(the Europeans/ Americans) unto the nations of Tarshish(north Africa); to “PUL”(Heb. The names of Sanballat and of the High Priest- Johanan appear in this correspondence, throwing light on information in Nehemiah 12:22, and on the dating of the biblical 'Ezra'. The 'Falashim' came to 'Ethiopia' with their religion and rituals long, long ago. With all due respect to the person who wrote this column, Dr Christina Sinclair, there is no and has never been any historical or archeological evidence to prove that a Abrahams, Issac, Jacob, Moses, 12 tribes of Israel or any other Hebrew patriarchs ever existed. The HOMOWO FESTIVAL (the PASSOVER) celebrated by the Ga-Dnagmes supports their claim that they are Hebrew Israelites, descendants of children of Jacob (Exodus 13: 1-10); Exodus 12: 1-50; Numbers 9:1-5. Isaiah 18th chapter describes Israelites dwelling beyond 'the rivers of Ethiopia' in east, south, central and western Africa. All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective owners. Clicking on selected countries will show mapping at a regional level, Rank: Name are ranked by incidence using the ordinal ranking method; the name that occurs the most is assigned a rank of 1; name that occur less frequently receive an incremented rank; if two or more name occur the same number of times they are assigned the same rank and successive rank is incremented by the total preceeding names, Ethnic group cannot necessarily be determined by geographic occurrence, Similar: Names listed in the "Similar" section are phonetically similar and may not have any relation to Jamaica, To find out more about this surname's family history, lookup records on Family​Search, My​Heritage, FindMyPast and Ancestry. They continue to state that the 'Akans' either shared the same boundaries with the 'ISRAELITES', or were the 'SAME STOCK AS THE 'ISRAELITES' before they 'migrated' to 'AFRICA. Kofi, the leader of the 1763 slave revolt and violent revolt against the Dutch people in Guyana was an Akan. https://www.modernghana.com/news/609011/the-jamaican-akan-root.html Now let's examine the claims of Lemba tribe of Southern Africa.The Lemba of Southern Africa claim that a leader by the name of 'Buba' led their ancestors from Judea to Sena(Yemen) and then to Southern Africa on ships where they presently reside.A Lemba leader by the name of 'William Masala', when asked in an interview how 'Sena' is connected to the people of Israel? The IBOS were called the 'JEWS' of 'West Africa' because they practice many of the same laws that GOD (YAH) gave to his people Israel. Other than Mexico Jamaica occurs in 43 countries. There was no mass exodus out of Eygpt HISTORICALLY. These names, when combined with those found in the 'Samaria papyri' give us a sequence of 'Judean nobles' in the 400's and 300's. 1- An Outline of Asante History- by Osei kwadwo Even the name ASHANTI is connected to one of the families of the Hebrew Israelite tribe of Judah. Some also claim descent from the tribes of Israel. The name is actually Asante hence Asantehene. The Ricketts family name was found in the USA, the UK, Canada, and Scotland between 1840 and … The LORD loves the gates of ZION more than all the dwellings of Jacob. Some oral traditions go even further to state that the 'Akans' migrated from 'Mesopotamia' to 'AFRICA'. It means 'the joy or happiness of Yahweh' or … Sample is predominantly from Anglosphere countries, View the tallest/shortest surnames in the world. And of 'Zion', it shall be said, “This and that 'man' was 'born' in 'her' (Zion /Ethiopia); and the highest himself shall establish her.” Psalms 87th ch. Otto Yishai4. Jacob has two sons with Rachel. Nerle Nerli19 Ayah Ayah (female)20 Ayaa Aya (male)21. Considering the fact that the land of Canaan is north-east AFRICA, and that the geographical boundaries of the 'promised land' begins with 'NILE river' and extends to the EUPHRATES river in Iraq (see Genesis 15:18), then the Hebrew Israelite people(called JEWS) are an AFRICAN people, nurtured on the soil of Mother Africa. However, between 1663 and 1700, only six per cent of slave ships to Jamaica listed their origin as the Gold Coast, while between 1700 and 1720 that figure went up to 27 per cent. What is miraculous perhaps is that 'western man' is finally accepting it.”- Tamar kemp- 3/23/03. Their cultural practices, laws and customs are so identical to those described in the bible, the only logical conclusion to make is that they are, as they claim themselves, descendants of the biblical Hebrew Israelites. The “abayan”, cloth belonging to the deceased, which is torn to pieces, and each piece placed on the left wrist of the deceased relatives and very close friends, is an ancient Jewish custom. From a book on 'Ashanti history', written by an Ashanti historian named 'Osei Kwadwo', this truth is verified. According to the words of Raphael Hadane, a senior Falasha Priest, in an interview by historian 'Graham Hancock, the ancestors of the Falasha were Hebrews who had migrated into Egypt and settled on Elephantine Island. Early inhabitants of Jamaica named the land "Xaymaca", meaning "land of wood and water". “And the LORD shall 'scatter' (disperse) you among 'all people' (tribes), from the one end of the earth even unto the other.” Deuteronomy 28:64. Slaves from the Gold Coast taken to the Caribbean during the 18th and 19th centuries were referred to as Coromantees.As such, the Ndyuka people and parents in Jamaica give their children the following day names: Monday – Cudjoe, Kodyo, Adyuba; Tuesday – Cubbenah, Abeni; Wednesday – Quaco, Kwaku, Akuba; Thursday – Quao, Yaw, Yaba; Friday – Cuffee, … These and ancient traditional customs still observed by Ga-Dangmes clearly lend credence to their claim that they are of Hebrew Israelites origins. In their own tradition, the FULANI claim that their ancestors came from the east by way of EGYPT and ETHIOPIA. By 1700 Jamaica was awash with sugar plantations and Jamaica's population was comprised of 7,000 English to 40,000 slaves. 'For thus says the LORD; “David shall never want(lack) a mean to sit upon the throne of the 'house of Israel'; neither shall the 'priests', the 'Levites' want(lack) a man before me to offer burnt offerings, and to kindle meat offerings, and to do sacrifice continually.” Jeremiah 33:17, [note: All the Hebrew Israelite tribes scattered throughout Africa have continued the 'Levitical sacrificial system'. Abraham, the father of the Hebrew-Israelite people, was a man of dark complexion, born of the lineage of prophet Noah's son 'SHEM', and raised in the 'CUSHITE'(Ethiopian) city of 'UR' of the 'Chaldees' in ancient Babylon(modern day Iraq). The Caribbean island of Jamaica was initially inhabited in approximately 600 CE or 650 CE by the Redware people, often associated with redware pottery. Those 'HEBREWS' had a temple to the God 'YWH' (Yahu) which was destroyed in 410 B.C. It has been discontinued elsewhere], When “David(Menelik)”, the son of Solomon and Makeda, queen of Sheba(Ethiopia) returned to Ethiopia along with the 'Levites', he became the first king of the 'House of David' in the land of Ethiopia. Because of this they started to fight against us and they destroyed our temple and we were forced to 'flee' and went into Sudan and Meroe and then into 'ETHIOPIA'.” – pg.426-427- Sign & Seal- Graham Hancock. Use Browse" to see images available from Jamaica. Therefore, it stands to reason that the Falashas of Ethiopia would be among the most ancient descendants of the nation of Israel. From 1880 to 2018, the Social Security Administration has recorded 1,514 babies born with the first name Jamaica in the United States. There are tribes in Africa whose Hebraic customs and oral histories identify them as authentic descendants of the nation of Israel. The wealthy, gold-rich Asante people developed the large and influential Ashanti Empire, along the Lake Volta and Gulf of Guinea. “The 'PEUHLS' are also known as 'POULS'; 'FOULBES' & 'FOULAS'. It testifies to the fact that Israelite priests migrated to Elephantine, Egypt and built a 'temple' to 'YAHU'. He inspired prophet Isaiah to prophesy that He would send his people back to 'PUL'(Peul/Fulani/Falah/Falasha) to restore the 'Levitical priesthood' in AFRICA. However, in 1974, a chief Sephardic Rabbi- Obadiah Joseph, stated that they are original Jews of the tribe of “Dan”. The meaning of this surname is not listed. Run away, from HENRY BARRETT 12th April instant, a Coromantee new Negro man, a well made fellow about 5 ft. 8 in. Other slaves, who were of full Negro blood, when baptized, were sometimes given surnames. And I will take of them for 'PRIESTS' (KOHAINIM) and “LEVITES” says the LORD. Jamaica - Jamaica - British rule: In 1655 a British expedition under Admiral Sir William Penn and General Robert Venables captured Jamaica and began expelling the Spanish, a task that was accomplished within five years. It is interesting that Queen Dode (Dodi) Akabi's name DODI is a Hebrew Name. Jamaica - Jamaica - The arts and cultural institutions: The Institute of Jamaica, an early patron and promoter of the arts, sponsors exhibitions and awards. “And the uttermost cities of the children of Judah were…Libnah and Ether and 'ASHAN'…” Joshua 15:42. SURNAMES FROM GREAT BRITAIN In 1655 the English, under the command of William Penn and Robert Venables, captured Jamaica from the Spanish who had had possession of the island from the time of its discovery by Christopher Columbus (Cristobal Colon) in 1494. 50, “Probably no people of the western Sudan have so much Jewish blood as the pastoral 'FULANI' who were occupying 'Futa' when the two converging waves of 'migrant Jews' finally met there. These traders coined the Ebo as “ Mina tribes “ meaning those destined for El-Mina, a Portuguese word meaning “ The Mines “. Amaa Amal26 Abeka Afeka27 Omanye Omen28. In The United States those holding the Jamaica last name are 43.65% more likely to be registered Democrats than the national average, with 96.88% registered with the party. As a result, she bore him a son whom he named 'David Menelik' The name Menelik is a contraction that means 'from the king' (Min=from+melik=king). and it was terminated in 399 B.C. Abigay is the Jamaican version of Abigail. The Ibo state that the name 'EBO' is a form of the name HEBREW. “We in the western world need to realize that none of this is new…this is not a result of African groups finally waking up…These people have always known who they are or what their dedcendance is and they remember their oral history and their connection to their past when their ancestors reigned supreme in the Motherland…there are many groups of non-traditionally accepted groups, meaning non-north African peoples, that are of 'Hebrew' descent. may also be a first name. A foreign king who had captured many countries came to Egypt and destroyed all the 'temples' of the Egyptians, but he did not destroy our temple. Jaques Feitlowitch' devoted his life. In the 10th century B.C., Makeda, queen of Sheba visited Solomon, king of Israel. Ackee, akee Akan Ánkyẽ "a type of food/fruit", "cashew fruits" Adopi Akan Adópé Ghost, often written in Jamaican English as "duppy" kooya unsure unsure "look here" Adrue Akan, Ewe Adúru, adrú Ghana wasnt even created till 1874, well after Jamacains who are mostly decended from the colonial era got there. In their own language 'FOULBE' means 'scattered'. and the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem, when Nebuchadnezzar carried many Israelites captive to Babylon. It also states that this temple was destroyed by the Egyptians, and the Israelites fled south from EGYPT. “Thus says the LORD…”I acknowledge them that are carried away captive of Judah..into the land of the Chaldeans for their good…and those that remain in this land, and them that 'dwell in the land EGYPT' I will deliver to be 'removed' into all the 'kingdoms' of the earth…”Jeremiah 24:5-9THE FULANI (PEUL). Came to 'ETHIOPIA ' such an independent commonwealth first, take a look what! 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