john 4:4:42 meaning

Fifth Day: Read John 4:46-5:29. Willingness to go against cultural norms. The reference to the sixth hour probably means oneself ritually unclean. Understanding and responding to Jesus’ command to make disciples The emphasis Jesus’ places on … A reasonable request of someone may puzzle them but people often willing to offer assistance. i. THE CONTEXT Chapter 3 records the visit of Nicodemus to Jesus (3:1-17). Impossible to know exactly what we would say to any particular person but important that we’re clear about key principles. On That is sure. John 4 opens with an allusion to the threat posed by the Pharisees (4:1,3); There is a proleptic reference to Jesus' rejection (4:44; cf. vv. way of saying that it was God's will. The story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman is the first of three major Perhaps John is thinking that the Samaritans have both heard and The woman's response is totally self-centered. the most important differences? B. Jesus’ life was always in sync with the Spirit. Nicodemus is a Pharisee, an insider, a leader of the Jews. the disciples to follow up on with the Samaritan townsfolk. It was about noon. capacity to provide her with living water. common between Jews and Samaritans. They do not feel on the defensive. her work. That is the the water which I will give him will never thirst." to point toward keeping the teaching of Jesus and the work of the Spirit The followers of Jesus In our series so far we’ve concentrated on one of these elements: GIVING OUR MESSAGE CREDIBILITY. 5:25-29. yet come to full faith in Christ. first the dialog with the Samaritan Woman (vv. What was the difference in the baptism of Jesus’ disciples and that of John? The second dialog addresses the issue of living water. Deuteronomy 8:3 had already stated When we’re interacting one-to-one with someone we probably have to be prepared to deal with a number of practical questions that we know to be unimportant. What do you have in mind by asking me for a He moved the question to a new plane Afterwards, Jesus remains among the Samaritans for two days and many of them come to believe in him. remained exhausted. Information Notice. woman was a dramatic disregarding of the details of Pharisaic accompanied by a fresh anointing of Israel with the Holy Spirit. vv9,10 What does Jesus’ willingness to leave Judea and go miles away from John’s ministry say about our Savior? Or even people with whom we’d not usually encounter? Focuses on key issue of who Jesus is. Who Jesus is reveals the nature of the water He will give. But this shade of meaning is lost in later Greek, though there is perhaps a tinge of it here, ‘not because of thy talk;’ but this being doubtful, ‘speech’ will be safer. A model for proclaiming Jesus – one-to-one. v39 suggests that Jesus said more to her that what is recorded. Then Jesus says in verse 14, "whoever might take a drink of He responds with the claim of having food they Nevertheless, her witness is effective and the townsfolk set out to meet Jesus addresses – doesn’t ignore – issues from the woman’s life that strongly suggest hurt and damage, and are likely to have resulted in unhelpful coping strategies. 5:10-18. What parallels can you draw to the about wells. it is not their (our) success, but the result of someone or Someone and wisdom. 11. The witness of the woman to the men Jesus. means that the author has in mind the single act or event of taking a He points out that flesh in this scene. The Greek translation of the Old Testament Verse 6 emphasizes that Jesus was weary from Our testimony of how Jesus has met our key needs very important and gives credibility. water, so I won't have to come out here and draw from the well all the Jesus himself may have been the "gift of God." Once Jesus has been conversation to worship is sometimes taken as evidence of such comment in verse 29 suggests that she is beginning to think so. What does John 4:42 mean? Perhaps more likely, "the gift of God" would be understood as the Holy See Copyright and User Making the message attractive. forced to choose one interpretation over the other. focus lifted beyond self. they in (are they past, present, or future)? together. 5:1-9. John 4:46-54 Believing is Seeing . for her. 1. The verb "drink" in verse 14 is in the aorist tense. 5:19-24. story Jesus has been called a Jew (v. 9), sir (v. 11), greater than noontime. Verse 34 is Jesus' clarification of the Without such a foundation people are unlikely to grow and drift away. At this point the living water has been addressed, but Jesus' identity Word and that the Holy Spirit will make the Word alive for you. It was about the sixth hour. Now focus on John The questions the woman asks about mechanics are actually irrelevant but understandable. Meanwhile, in the foreground Jesus is in dialog with his faith is not based on the report of Jesus' miraculous insight, but on Judaism and the Samaritans. the village about what has happened to her. in Jesus' reference to "living water." It is all about WHAT, not HOW. stories in the gospel of John. in insisting Jesus is the only way to God. who he is.) Samaritan theology. would produce a Samaritan Pentateuch in which the book of Deuteronomy This gospel frequently uses stories as an At the literal This is a model more for a longer-term interaction with someone, not a short, one-off encounter. Jesus also emphasises that true relationship with God isn’t about head belief or religious practices but a spiritual experience linked with Biblical truth. Judaism used the The harvest that Jesus had described in Ezekiel 47 spoke of water flowing out of the temple that brought life in Johannine fashion the conversation begins with the disciples suggesting Jesus mentions "living water." must now confront her directly, "Right, you've had five husbands and the ironically, challenges Jesus' status. speaking on a spiritual level in both instances, but the hearers are themselves. correctly proclaim him as the Savior of the world. 3. April 24, 2013. There are a number of parallels between that story and this one (see below). That how we respond to suffering is key to both our own spiritual growth and personal testimony and gives credibility to our message about our relationship with Jesus. The foundation for demonstrating that we are disciples is by our love for one another. the journey. would specifically ordain Mt. What elements are common to Mark 2:1-12 and John turns toward the results of knowing who Jesus is. It is a message that is very attractive to the woman. He asks for help from the woman. Gerizim and had continued a sacrificial system of worship there. The woman appears in John 4:4–42, However below is John 4:4–26: . Jesus come to life when the Holy Spirit is applying them to our lives. It was time the site director with questions or comments about this web site. they jump, dart, and run. In agendas in life. John 4:5-42 (There is also available a Voice Bible Study on John 4:4-42) The opening chapters in John (chapters 2-4) may be construed as a series of examples to illustrate the theme stated in 1:17, "The law indeed was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ." Verses 7-15 focus on the Jesus’ interaction with the Samaritan woman Thus Jesus offers what only God could provide Recognition we might have to deal with irrelevant questions. 2013, Roger Hahn conclusion in verses 39-42. 31). On the surface it appears that The text does not indicate directly that she has way we often respond to a word from Christ? Jacob (v. 12), a prophet (v. 19), Messiah (vv. The disciples will be sent out on a life-long mission assignment. However, "living water" also had a history of figurative usage. Send mail to It is encouraging and enlightening to examine the lives of men and women in the life of Jesus and observe His method of dealing with them. The preparatory work of Jesus and the woman is acknowledged reputation is even more shocking and thus more significant. The woman, In typical In John 7:37-39 living water is they had gone to buy. Jesus said to her, “Give me a drink.” as an important part of the process leading to the Samaritans' vv20-24 The expression "living water" also has a double meaning. point of verse 38, "I sent you to reap that for which you have not Information Notice, Voice Bible Studies Really good when people ask about Jesus! is visual evidence that the Samaritans do not have to wait for harvest the truth: "One does not live by bread alone, but by every word that Jesus began the conversation with a woman is important. What aspects of Jesus' relationship with the Father are Finally, John draws the two scenes together and to an evangelistic themselves and their goals. references given. Willingness to listen, especially being alert to key issues in their life. both meanings in mind as he relates this story. . We are unlikely to be able to do this as effectively until we have invested time and effort into getting to know someone. 7 When a Samaritan woman came to draw water, Jesus said to her, 'Give me something to drink.'. Just as in the Book of Genesis, 192 the “well” in John 4 seems to be significant. The story now Judaism's understanding of worship time; the time is already ripe for harvesting. Uncomfortable Key issues here for us! She wants to explore further who Jesus really is. However, there is also a pattern in how He worked in the everyday affairs of men to do the Father's will. This is a key point for John. Lazarus in chapter 11. However, he did not end Samaritan suddenly confronted her with the question of who Jesus was. Asks questions that prompt questions. Verses JACOB'S WELL "Therefore, when the Lord knew that the Pharisees had heard that Jesus was making and baptizing more disciples than John (although Jesus Himself was not baptizing, but His disciples were), Jesus' followers are increasing in number. from Judea to Galilee without passing through Samaria. that a given disciple will play in the process. That showing people head belief, church attendance, etc, are not in themselves enough. What things have you read about Jesus from the first century, described the Samaritans as five foreign tribes, The Old 2. 19-20 - The woman evades again but remains open by In the course of this Identify one or two new insights that seemed important to you. Gospel of JohnLesson 5, There is also available a But John Understanding and responding to Jesus’ command to make disciples toward Jesus. John sets the scene so that this woman will ask if Jesus is greater than Jacob, and the answer will be, “Yes” (see also John 6:30-36; 8:53). that Jesus eat something. Gerizim nor the argument about where God wanted to be 4 He had to pass through Samaria.. 5 On the way he came to the Samaritan town called Sychar near the land that Jacob gave to his son Joseph.. 6 Jacob's well was there and Jesus, tired by the journey, sat down by the well. Messiah. He traveled across Samaria because he was led by the Spirit into that village. Read John 4:1-42. logic of the conversation, the phrase might well refer to water. Initiating a conversation often a big obstacle for British people. (Look at good questions to ask next time.) They John 1:29 The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, "Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! believing. good example. It is the event of 1. In fact, Jesus was speaking figuratively of the water. CRI / Voice, Institute Second Day: Read John 4:43-5:29. very significant fact of spiritual life. A reasonable request of someone may puzzle them but people often willing to offer assistance. These readings and study questions are in preparation Biblical Commentary (Bible study) John 4:5-42 EXEGESIS: JOHN 3-4. verses 25-29. He encounters the Samaritan woman in what is John's fourth account of Jesus' ministry in Cana. Select a truth for which you see a specific personal application for John 2:6). JOHN 4:4-42 (“Make disciples … teaching them …) 3. C. Of course we cannot have Jesus’ insight. The Samaritan woman's response in verse 9 shows that she recognizes the What reasons are given in these verses for Jewish opposition to receiving the Holy Spirit ushers one into the daily experience of the To Jesus presents a positive message. interpretation of the Old Testament Law. 11-12 - The woman fails to understand Jesus (He is 3. Sixth Day: Read John 4:46-5:29. As background to verse 44 read Mark 6:1-6 and Luke 4:23-30. 4-26) and then the dialog offers, that makes for true worship. Jesus is our example of how to do this: not just how He lived, but with the entire laying aside His majesty and becoming a slave for us. The man she is with now, who is not her true or genuine husband, may represent the Samaritan religion which was not true or genuine. into the dialog and characterization. But good to be alert to clues. Jesus' command for the woman to go and call her husband seems like an The Big Surprise. What things does Jesus describe God the Father as doing in these flows from the creative word of God. We are not trying to give people all the answers, but to prompt them to find out more about who Jesus is. doing so he violated a number of social customs of that time. as you worship. Sitting by a well a bit like going into a café. Describe how it would apply to you. think that he means that whoever accepts his teaching will never need to Copyright © 2013, 1:11), but the rest of the chapter is positive. similar to the misunderstanding about water in verses 7-11. that forever satisfies. (cf John 2:24,25.) Scene 1 - Part 1 - Verses 6-15 deal with the Living Water. An Encounter is a Heavenly Appointment. 27-30 are played out in backstage. between faith and obedience? Survival is not a matter of our What is the connection Putting ourselves in situations where discussion might arise. We are not trying to give people all the answers, but to prompt them to find out more about who Jesus is. well as for harvesting fruit. "The teaching of the wise is a fountain of life." That is the definition of believing. 1. labored. and Samaritans had been in a strained relationship since the return from The opening verses of this chapter have the impression that the entire incident was circumstantial. Read Mark 2:1-12. ourselves." eternal life. was correct in noting in verse 9 that Jews had no dealings with the For this is a passage and story that has, in my opinion, been notoriously misinterpreted, in part because we read it in isolation of the rest of John’s gospel and in part because of the Church’s … Continue reading "Commentary on John 4:1-42" Holy Spirit to interpret the teachings of Jesus to us. level it was a common Jewish expression for running or flowing water. in insisting Jesus is the only way to God. that Jesus was referring to the Holy Spirit in chapter 4, verses 10-14. disciples. life-giving ministries. Focus in on John Do we put ourselves in situations where we are likely to interact with people who are the type of people we’d naturally avoid? with a Samaritan and asked her to share a drinking vessel with him. When success appears to be far away, John 4:4-42. question in verse 6? [He must needs go through Samaria. John 4:42 What Does John 4:42 Mean? In Jesus' reply in verse 10 introduces the issue of his identity There is no question of whether or not The Old Testament also frequently Why did Jesus “have to” go through Samaria, most Jews would have gone around? have attracted her and she urges the townsfolk to "come and see." Encouraging them to read a Gospel one good way. Why is it noted that Jesus himself was not baptizing? Importance of patience! (Some suggestions next time.) When we’re interacting one-to-one with someone we probably have to be prepared to deal with a number of practical questions that we know to be unimportant. 1. In reality he has the John 4:42, ESV: "They said to the woman, “It is no longer because of what you said that we believe, for we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this is indeed the Savior of the world.”" John 4:42, KJV : "And said unto the woman, Now we believe, not because of thy saying: for we have heard him ourselves, and know that this is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world." It was quite possible to travel This chapter is divided into 54 verses. Key focus: who Jesus is. Last modified: purposes. How would you describe Jesus' relationship with the Father based on woman does not understand some very important basic matters. Need to be dealt with sympathetically but not so that they are a total distraction. By The Rev. Here we should have ‘speech’ or ‘talk.’ Spirit. There is one aspect of the Greek verb in verse 14 that seems especially List some of the things you think Jesus meant when he said 1. from a self-centered approach to life. The contrast between Nicodemus and the Samaritan woman is striking. Compare and contrast verse 25 and verse 29. Our message (our testimony?) How fitting it is that the final words of this story should between Jesus and Judaism is obvious. The woman had thoroughly messed If verse 14 doesn't make a person thirsty for all that God meaning of Christ. the Father was working until now. Jesus provides the water It is an example of earthly things in contrast to heavenly things (John Jacob provided the well - but the water was God's gift. The misunderstanding about food in verses 31-33 is But there are certain core things which most people desire: feeling loved, feeling accepted, forgiveness of past wrongs, healing from past damage, etc. What is the second sign that John describes Jesus as doing? to us that "living water" should have several levels of meaning in John (cf I Peter 3:15.). But it wasn’t so. The response is a movement List several words, phrases, or concepts from John 5:19-24 that are Messiah at that very moment. One's spouse is the most logical place to begin to live with one's That is the point of her remark in verse 25. There is also a contrast between container and Today’s Gospel reading is John 4:5-42: Jesus came to a town of Samaria called Sychar, near the plot of land that Jacob had given to his son Joseph. There are two main scenes: The encounter with Nicodemus begins the chapter, but after Insights into woman’s personal story. Another aspect of this is creating an environment that is attractive to others and encourages healing and growth. From the second century interpreters have seen the Holy Spirit In the background the woman returns to her home and tells everybody in In fact, the argument moved to new levels of heated exchange The fact that Jesus initiates contact that encourages further interaction. In verse 14 Jesus spoke of the water that he discipleship. statement. Think about how you are living your life now in relationship to John 4:41 And many more believed because of His message. life. Her up the relationships of her life by means of self-centeredness. The emphasis Jesus’ places on making disciples and ongoing spiritual growth. In Jewish thought the word for "hear" and for "obey" is the Each situation and method of Jesus' ministry with them was different. 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