lied at meps sf86

Sometimes they still blurt out stuff and I have to report it. Fraudulent enlistment is and has been used to discharge folks. But perhaps you can spin it on removing people from your life that were of bad influence, making wise choices by…joining the Army…and you want to keep on this path. Here in CA I don’t think there is a ticket under $500 lol. Lying at MEPs is one thing (I’m sure half the people in the military have done it) but to completely omit what you did is more than just a simple omission of a broken bone or one time drug usage that you sweep under the rug. I understand it’s a fraudulent enlistment. I lied about my alcohol usage and still got my TS so you should be fine" then went on to tell me how to beat the polygraph. Do it now and go to them! Give the name of the recruiter to the Investigator. They may check, they may not check. A lot less than if you lied at MEPS, lied to OPM, and then get caught :) OK, seriously, I assume the question is about an SF-86 to get a security clearance. I know it’s my fault for still lying at meps but my recruiter told me to lie about my marijuana usage and if I have ever been out of the country. You lied on an official form. I wanted to better myself and also get away/get distracted from my failed partnership. But yes…your response is definitely more on point. So either live with a lie your whole career and hope nobody finds out or come clean with an easier conscience and hope whoever handles it goes easy on you. On this forum we have repeatedly stressed honesty and full disclosure when filling out the SF-86 application for a security clearance and advising applicants to take responsibility for previous conduct or behavior that may be of concern. I recommend talking to the legal support office. Let them know your recruiter didn’t provide you with the pages about foreign travel or drugs. If they already know you to be a good soldier they will wait to submit you for clearance. And you failed to list hard drug usage. Here’s what I didn’t disclose at MEPS: I had my appendix removed around 2008 (would be 19 years old). Fillable sf 86 2016. You are a fraudulent enlistment and it may come to light during the investigation. If the truth is that you decided not to divulge the info, then you should tell them that. You may take lumps for what happened. Before I submit them for an upgrade I tell them the conduct that will stop them and take their clearance. Brand: Vax. Don’t make them come to you…, I would say just be honest about the whole ordeal because from what I have heard they ask you questions Like that to see if you will not caring to much about what you have done When it comes to drugs if you have successfully rehabilitated, Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. Took mushrooms three times, last time being around 2013 probably (would be 24 years old). Lying to Get Into the Military is a Felony . But like I said, either way carries a risk. Lied on sf86 and passed. It is understood you had no incentive to not use as a civilian. My rating is mt , missile technician if that helps, Alright thank you very much I’m honestly losing sleep over this I hope everything goes all good. If they say no way you must be put in…be honest. So, I was stupid and lied at MEPS per my recruiter’s advice. ... You lied at MEPS. Own it, tell them you put it behind you, late bloomer…etc. If you are generically invisible to them…maybe not. That compounds the situation. I’m just trying to figure out how to mitigate the damage. What should I do? I contacted my recruiter to see if I change the info on my sf86 because after seeing what the forms look like online my recruiter didn’t give me the drug use and leaving the country pages. The black and white answer, you’re in the Army fraudulently. Or… sometime down the road you may go up for a higher level clearance and you get booted with many more years in and more to lose. I contacted my recruiter telling them that I want to change info on my eqip or submit a supplement but they are only just trying to convince me to keep lying to the investigator and that a ts sci won’t require a polygraph. painting 4. Help. Kind of like a known back door that’s advantageous to keep open to gain more recruits. Most FSOs and Security Managers grill their applicants and provide the same advice. Regardless of that, be honest OP. The manner in which you frame the situation in the update…don’t go down that path. Come clean with your investigator, especially about your foreign travel. I’m planning whenever I do have the interview, to just spill the beans. Lying at MEPS and the SF86. If you report this, you will be facing a discharge maybe worst. I assume it’s best to self report to my superiors now rather than do it on the SF-86 paperwork. Back in my home state it’s a $50 fine and doesn’t count against your license, not here in CA apparently! Thank you for your reply, it makes me feel a little better though I’m still freaking out. ... It’s never good to lie on the SF86. This is where the whole picture and whole person, totality of circumstance comes into play. How am I supposed to lie through a polygraph though, also I just went to meps my boot camp date is in Aug 25. Цветной код 9. Help, DON’T listen to anyone that is telling you to continue the lie. I guess I liken what happened to a crime of passion? The Recruiter VS. MEPS . ADIP called it. Recruiters often have recruits omit information so your investigator may be use to it. If you are a good soldier…you can get a pause. It’s shameful. Lied at MEPS and now need SF-86 a year later, advice. Be honest. I wanted to better myself and also get away/get distracted from my failed partnership. It’s the door she used to win and award, not get fired or simply to keep the boss off of her case. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. Your recruiter telling you to lie, isn’t a back door to get you in. You don’t really have the youthful stupidity excuse to fall back on. Before you start the interview, the investigator is going to going to ask you to attest that you will tell the truth. Tell him you are trying to put distance between you and civilian stuff. I would check yes on Pot use, average times used and go with that. Both cases were dismissed. Depending on the branch you’re in, you have a good chance of being kicked out. You need to seek legal advice ASAP about your recruiter and what he told you to do. BI’s submit a form for Recruiter Falsification. How old were you at time of enlistment? A car pulled out in front of me and caused an unavoidable accident in 2017 where I had some hearing damage from the airbags going off (would be 28 years old). I pride myself in my honesty and it’s definitely not a habit. Submit the fresh, clean SF86 and chances are they only use that for the investigation. Polygraphs are a pseudo science. If the truth is that your recruiter told you to lie about the issue, you should also tell the investigator that. Come clean and hope for the best. $500 and goes against you! That is fraudulent enlistment and if you disclose the truth in your Security clearance investigation, the Military will nail you for fraudulent enlistments and turn you right back out the door. Don’t continue to lie about it. That isn’t good and usually results in immediate discharge. Best of luck to you. I haven’t used since being in the service nor plan on it in the future. I figured because the Army isn’t doing a thorough background on this stuff to begin with then they really just need people and expect it to happen. Here’s the deal and I am a former military FSO or CIP. You MUST disclose the marijuana use on your SF 86. Advice: list everything. I’ve been wanting to come clean and have tried Googling in the past as to how but kind of gave up on it because it seemed very tricky. If you did not “clear” and fill out an SF86 when you enlisted it may very well be water under the bridge. Lied on sf86 by ommission for military employment So I filled out the sf86 at meps, I had gotten my criminal record from the county I lived in and it had 3 traffic charges, all from one incident. I had PRK laser eyes surgery around 2010 (would be 21 years old). Not every sci requires a poly. I was thinking of asking one particular sergeant to speak to him in private about a personal issue, letting him know that there were things I didn’t disclose at MEPS, what they were, and how to disclose it to the commander or first sergeant and if I should request a particular mitigation action. Get a soft copy of your certificate at a nominal fee. Cummings, Ranking Member of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, sent a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray requesting information about the sec Lied on sf86 by ommission for military employment So I filled out the sf86 at meps, I had gotten my criminal record from the county I lived in and it had 3 traffic charges, all from one incident. Regarding this issue, we first note that Applicant's security clearance was not suspended under ¶ 6. For both, it's to ensure that only qualified candidates enlist. If you are a good soldier they likely view pre service conduct as just that…pre service. No pot use for a year now. I get a high enough score for IS and do the hotel stay after the test. A lot less than if you lied at MEPS, lied to OPM, and then get caught :) OK, seriously, I assume the question is about an SF-86 to get a security clearance. There is no way this is going to end well if you don’t tell the truth. Images are for reference. I had a positive TB test in 2015, but nothing on x-rays (would be 26 years old). I had just gotten out of a highly toxic relationship with someone I had loved very much. MJ is not a narcotic, so you did not grow “narcotics.” Selling is a higher category, but again what age were you at the time, how much time has elapsed, did you slip back into bad behavior while in the military? I’ve gotten two tickets, one for running a stop sign on a bicycle and the last one (2014, would be 25 years old) for speeding . However, I do know if brought up on drug charges in the AF for current use, they can and do look at past SF86’s and enlistment documents, and they do pursue fraudulent enlistment charges. You won't be holding a TS clearance after lying on your SF86. One some point it will all converge and you have to address it. Lying at MEPS and the SF86. These recruiters need to be punished. Except honesty and demonstrated trustworthiness…to be blunt. Posted by. You falsified enlistment documents. Well, I ended up changing my mind and decided to go active duty Navy. I’ve seen folks clear with far worse, and get revoked for far less. Haha I assume somebody with your experience would know way better than me anyways. If you cannot I say disclose all of it. How long you want the charade to go on is up to you. Download Internet Download Manager 6.33.3 software from our fast and free software download directory. I just want to be prepared. If I’m being honest, this definitely is going to be difficult. This was the man who my friend had confessed his pot usage to when we first showed up a month ago, but now my friend lied to him and he accepted the lie without hesitation. Point being the command doesn’t want to lose you if you are a good soldier, and in my experience the fraudulent enlistment charge is usually used when a soldier isn’t a good fit for military life, has an issue and then they find the fraudulent enlistment part…and use that as the removal mechanism. When you give the investigator information that differs from what is on the SF-86, they will ask you why the info is different. If asked if you disclosed this, be honest. When it does, plan on changing jobs. That is fraudulent enlistment and if you disclose the truth in your Security clearance investigation, the Military will nail you for fraudulent enlistments and turn you right back out the door. I know of at least several situations in which they have literally ruined someone’s life or future. You lied at MEPS. I’m on a TDY in CA right now and during subject interviews I’ve been told about redlight camera tickets. It seems too common somebody fills these out wrong there. If the truth is that your recruiter didn’t ask you the question, you should tell the investigator that. 4 years ago. I felt bad about it at the time but wanted to get away from my current situation asap (breakup, contract, and shipping out to basic all in the same month). Moving forward, only honestly works. The drug use will definitely be discussed and may create problems for you, but if you’re up front and honest on your SF86 and during your interview that will help. Have you used at all while in the service? Now I’m back to searching the best route. Before the clearance investigation ever gets started your JAG will hit you with falsifying your enlistment. After doing research and reading over the SF-86 form I can see there are several discrepancies of things I never reported to MEPS. INCLUDING exactly what your recruiter directed you to say/omit. Do not grossly under report, but do not grossly over report. I was in a dark place braking up with my alcoholic girlfriend after things went sour in her rehab. So, I was stupid and lied at MEPS per my recruiter’s advice. However, MEPS and recruiters are notorious for advising you to lie. 5 months ago. 3. So I lied and said I have never used drugs. You didn’t disclose 5 years of constant drug usage. I applaud you for wanting to serve and give it your all, but how you proceed with that and the conscience you wish to carry, I can’t decide that for you. You grew and distributed narcotics that were definitely illegal at the time. As far as the excuse my recruiter told me to lie. Depending on the MOS you are in, the most you may ever need is a secret and no one might never dig into your pass. Lied on sf86 and passed. I wish MEPs would be a little more demanding when filling out these forms. Tickets resulting in fines under $300 do not need to disclosed, but may come up during the interview since checks with law enforcement agencies are done during the process, but they might not so who knows…just stick to the $300 rule and you’ll be fine. I just got a public intox charge dismissed because I really didnt do anything and im in the DEP for the army. But right now you need a year or 3 to mitigate civilian life concerns. You will not get past the poly on those questions. The clearance world is well aware of this. Hello everyone, I asked this question about a week to a week and a half ago. I recommend sitting down with your commander or first Sgt and seeing if this cup can pass away from you initially this go around. If it ever comes out your friend lied, he’d lose his clearance and be barred from holding one for a few years. is well aware of this. Question. You had your chance to be honest. But don’t downplay or make light of your use. @DALcal I was trying to be nice about it lol! They will ask you the recruiters name, title and location. Lied at meps and handed in my sf86. I grew some plants in 2010 and sold some of it stupid cheap to a few friends. The twin towers never fell down. DO NOT try to hide anything, it’ll only make things worse. If you can wait to clear, I recommend it. I am from Iran. Product Deminsions: All frames are cut on 3/8" MDF 4x6 photo frame W 12.25" x H 16" 5x7 photo frame W 14.28" x H 18.65" Any advice on coming clean and mitigating the damage? Ouch! 0 1. samuraiwarrior_98. So as you can see, I’ve dug myself quite the hole. I had a vasectomy around 2014 (would be 24 years old). Heavy pot use 4 years prior is fading from getting cleared now…but it was relevant at the time of enlistment. The criminal background check and security clearance investigations can and do find sealed records. The medical stuff is not relevant. Lv 7. On the way to Meps we got a call from the Chief who asked us if we had ever been asked to lie, had criminal charges etc. " I am currently Military and was told upon enlisting to "lie" on my SF86 about drug use. Some of the best military members get kicked out years after being in, because of the skeletons that are found in the closet after they go for a clearance upgrade. I also had a medical marijuana card for like a year or two while I grew, I don’t remember how long it lasted (Don’t think I ever renewed it). But realistically at age 29 they would have wanted 3 years with no use to clear you. What should I do in this situation? I enlisted at 29 and I’m now 30. Some I can fudge a little bit but I figure that’s a bad idea because as I gain rank maybe I’ll need to get TS clearance and do a polygraph. See if you can get senior leader support to not pursue clearing right now but only to mitigate prior to army conduct. I put on my paper work that I have never used drugs because I figured they could easily look and see what I put on the ARNG's SF86. How would you suggest me to bring it up to my senior leaders? Also i tried pot twice about a year to a year and a half ago but i was dumb and beliefollowed the recruiters direction and lied. It is not the recruiters job to get you into the military, nor is it MEPS' job to disqualify you. Close. Far too many cases like this one. NOW, for the legal side. My recruiter didn’t blanketly say lie about stuff, I brought up each one of those specifically and each one she told me to lie about it. Many don’t in fact. Then they will let you know that being untruthful about a material fact is a felony. It exists for a reason. At the end of the day you signed the paperwork saying everything in your paperwork is the truth. MEPS' job is the same as the recruiter's job. I only smoked weed for a month maybe 1-2 times a week and went out of the country purely for vacation. I’ve updated my original post to include about what age I would have been. I had just gotten out of a highly toxic relationship with someone I had loved very much. I agree. SECURITY CLEARANCE Q&A. Fast foward a week, im at MEPS. I figured I don’t have anything that actually stops me from being a good soldier like some kind of serious debilitating medical injury and I haven’t been to prison, etc. Zero deception is allowed. If an employee tells me about bad conduct I must report it. etc. You can’t hide anything. Have you used at all while in the service? The medical stuff is not relevant. I was a pot head from about 2010 to probably 2015 (would be 21-26 years old)… Some minor use that eventually became rare use after that but definitely not almost daily use like before. I omitted information at MEPS. That’s what the security clearance interview process is for - come clean and tell the investigator everything. I don’t want to continue the lie and I understand there will be consequences. I was just trying to get away to somewhere better. The most important thing is to be honest during your interview. There was a law passed about people in LE positions not … You don't get more than one chance to lie to the military. Use at age 29 is harder to mitigate. How old were you at time of enlistment? u/smezra12. I’ve tried ecstasy three times probably around 2011 (would be 22 years old). I don’t know if I should request they put me in support which may not require the secret clearance, if I should ask for a general discharge, if I’m just overreacting and just tell them, etc. If not asked…I would not bring it up. I’m seeing many stories of an immediate boot for fradulent enlistment. I omitted information at MEPS. They may compare. Unfortunately the clearance process is the least of your worries. The clearance is the least of your concerns. Now a year later it has taken a dark turn because I got an email today that we’d all need to get secret clearance. The FIRST thing you need to do is go to your Recruiter and own up to your mistake and get that corrected first. None of the medical stuff is likely to come up during a clearance investigation. You will not get through the poly if you maintain the lie. ; and he asked my friend if he had ever smoked pot. They may not. @BadChoicesMade I know! I felt even worse about it later when my head was clear and I wished I had just gotten waivers. Telechargement de Emy Lie - Be loved, Tome 1 (2018) sur Bookys. That will cost you your clearance. Of being kicked out distracted from my failed partnership it later when my head was clear and I m! ” and fill out an SF86 when you enlisted it may come light... Ca right now but only to mitigate civilian life concerns after things sour! Discharge folks there are several discrepancies of things I never reported to MEPS and get that corrected first it!! Grossly under report, but nothing on x-rays ( would be 21 years old ) recruiter didn ’ listen... 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