using knowledge of the company in the sales presentation

We’re all drawn to happiness. Reach more leads, book more meetings, and close more deals while doing a lot less work. For information on hiring and training salespeople see: The Balance Small Business uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. But it’s not as easy as just including a graphic. Why It Works: According to a Cornell study, graphs and equations have persuasive power. Use Canva to edit on your own — free and fast. Dig into all of your outbound sales activity – send rates, open rates, reply rates – to better understand where you’re succeeding and what to focus on next. In this article, we'll walk through everything you need to know to master cold email. If you use PowerPoint or other presentation software, place the company’s logo on your slides and describe how the key slides relate to their situation. Example: Slide 5 includes statistics with a backdrop that stands out. However, most presentations lack pizzazz and are seldom compelling enough to motivate the other person to make a buying decision. Schedule this instructor-led training course for your sales force. A short presentation showing the do's and don'ts of presenting a sales deck with the aim of understanding a potential customer's needs. Features are physical, tangible, measurable characteristics of a product. Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. The color red is proven to increase the pulse and heart rate. Presentation is a relatively recently developed form of interactive communication. Focus on that during your presentation, and keep in mind that less is more when it comes to giving an effective sales presentation. Here, DealTap puts the magnifying glass on paperwork vs. automated transactions. Sales presentation is the concerned talk which attempts to persuade something or someone to initiate and close a required sale of the service or product. As a professional speaker, I thought all my presentations were interesting and dynamic – I soon learned that my stand-up delivery skills were much better than my telephone presentation skills. To identify potential clients who will be interested in the new product, the company has sent out pamphlets to many firms along with its contact details for anyone interested. They know what they want to talk about in a sales presentation, but they don’t think about how to most effectively present to their audience. So what can you do to make your offer compelling? I remember talking to a sales person who rambled at great length about his product. The 7 Deadly Sins of Powerpoint Presentations, Start a Home Business in a Month: Market, Assess, and Success, Here Are 7 Ways to Increase Prices Without Losing Customers, Tips for becoming a direct sales superstar, 5 Ways You Can Negotiate More Effectively, 13 Tips for Delivering a Memorable Presentation, How to Knock Your Next Presentation Out of the Park, Cold Calling Is Still Effective if Done Right - Here's How, How to Tell a Prospective Client What You Do, The Balance Small Business is part of the, The 4 Cardinal Rules of Effective PowerPoint Presentations, The discussion of your product or service must be adapted to each person, Tell them how your product addresses their need(s), Respond to any objections or reservations they may have about the product, Use their feedback to improve your product and/or refine future sales presentations. Basically anywhere you need to get people excited about what you have to say. In presentations, pictures help you create connections with your audience. All it takes is 500 milliseconds (1/20th of a second). Why It Works: We process visuals 60,000 times faster than text. Here’s the sizing for your image: Caveat: Check with your marketing team first to see if you have a specific color palette or brand guidelines to follow. Remember how satisfying it was to play connect the dots? Presentations are so much a part of the business world today that it is hard to think of a profession or business that does n:’ make use of presentations. This scenario illustrates _____. Green gives peace; grey adds a sense of calm; blue breeds trust. The good news is that all of your "think time" and knowledge of your audience allows you to zero in on the most important concepts in the topic for your business presentation. He was able to ask questions and see how his team would use it in their environment. Unfortunately, he continued talking and he almost talked himself out of the sale. In which step of a sales presentation should the salesperson discuss how the product should be re-sold or, for an end-user, how the product should be used? Ask students to give examples of each of the following sources of prospects: personal referrals, impersonal referrals, marketer-initiated contacts, and customer-initiated contacts. This is important. Plus examples and easy steps to build your own sales presentation in minutes. A common mistake made when people talk about a product they are very familiar with is to speak in a monotone - causing the other person to quickly lose interest in your presentation. To help you out with ideas on how to present company, we gathered ideas from presentations we seen and helped to design. Instead of spoon-feeding them everything word for word, you let them interpret. Confidence is contagious; if you have it, your potential clients will feel it and become more confident in your company … Use these 12 tips along with “Mea Culpa – Presentation Mistakes to Avoid” and you’re far ahead of your competitors. Tactic #2: Keep slides that have bullets to a minimum (no more than one in every five slides). Learn how to give a polished and professional sales presentation during this interactive sales presentation skills training workshop. A friend of mine sells sales training; he often uses the whiteboard or flip chart in the prospect’s boardroom during his presentation. Why It Works: The same reason why prospects clamor for demos and car buyers ask for test drives. Why It Works: According to the Paradox of Choice, the more options you give, the less likely they are to act. A. FAB step B. use sequence C. business proposition D. marketing plan E. trial close. Add the mission statement of your company — something Contently does from Slide 1 of their deck. You can achieve this by founding your sales presentation on your audience’s intuitions. “We’re here for you” slide: Include a call-to-action and contact information. These seven tips will help you create a sales presentation that will motivate buyers. 7 Types of Slides to Include In Your Sales Presentation. What is a sales presentation, actually?Is it a 1 minute pitch on the elevator or an elaborate one hour display before a board of executives?Depending on your point of view, it can be both, or it can be none.Nowadays sales presentations not always take place in person, many are done remotely via Skype or similar means. The number and exciting title (‘A Global Phenomenon’) are the main focuses of the slide. Technology does not change a sales pitch. One of the best ways to prove value is to contrast life before and after your product. Why It Works: According to an experiment by the International Journal of Business Communication, “Subjects exposed to a graphic representation paid significantly more attention to, agreed more with, and better recalled the strategy than did subjects who saw a (textually identical) bulleted list.”. You’ll be the one that gets the opportunity to make the last impression. So it’s important to get it right. The discussion of your product or service must be adapted to each person; modify it to include specific points that are unique to that particular customer. ... when it's done right, that is. This version attempts to liven things up by encouraging participation and provides points of traction that enable the presenter to dive into the details at any point of the presentation to keep the conversation flowing. Step One: Ask marketing for your company’s style guide (color, logo, and font style). Why sales presentation is important for businesses/sales reps As a salesperson, you can use sales presentations to inform, educate, inspire and persuade prospects to buy your products. Why It Works: Pictures are more effective than words — it’s called Picture Superiority. Here are some further techniques used during the sales presentation: Tactic #1: Use simple graphics to convey meaning without text. Asking you a question that you want to answer (the “After”), Giving you hints to help you connect the dots, Showing you the common thread (the “Bridge”). Ignore them and you’re at risk of Death by PowerPoint. We uncovered some interesting data to answer this question. He writes down facts and figures, draws pictures, and records certain comments and statements from the discussion. It’s why we wait in lines at restaurants and put ourselves on waitlists for sold out items. Without a doubt, this is the most critical component of any presentation. Know what your key points are and learn how to make them quickly. Example: Slide 2 is a picture of a consumer’s hand holding an iPhone — something we can all relate to. A sales presentation is an event at which a company representative meets with clients to demonstrate the company's products and services, with the goal of making a sale. How COVID-19 Is Changing the Rules for the Elevator Pitch, What to Know About Giving a Deposition—Some Tips to Keep in Mind, 7 Tips to Help You Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking. Sales presentation is usually designed to be either an introduction of a service or product to some particular audience who generally knows nothing about it, or a descriptive expansion of a service or product which that particular … Heads up about the differences when using web meetings; Read 23 Tips for Delivering Great Sales Presentations … Tactic #2: Use icons to show statistics you’re comparing instead of listing them out. Social proof slides: Customer logos with mission statement on one slide. Harvard Business School professor John T. Gourville calls this the “9x Effect.” Left unchecked, it can be disastrous for your business. Tactic #3: Include statistics that tie real success to the benefits you mention. Why It Works: White space creates separation, balance, and attracts the audience’s eyes to the main focus: your image. Remember: Graphics > Text. Example: Slide 9 has a “Learn More” CTA button. What to do about it: Add a happy stock photo to your intro and “After” slides, and keep people in “Before” slides to neutral expressions. a. a needs assessment b. lead generation c. a sales presentation d. knowledge management Here’s a tip from Yesware’s Graphic Designer, Ginelle DeAntonis: “Customer logos won’t all necessarily have the same dimensions, but keep them the same size visually so that they all have the same importance. Prospects value other people’s opinions and trust reputable sources more than you. When you discuss solutions, do you become more animated and energetic? See more here. You really don't have time for much more if you are illustrating your points and providing examples. Use them as additions to your presentation but never as the entire presentation. Company introduction: Who you are and what you do (as it applies to them). Product presentation skills. If you are making a presentation to a group and the discussion veers off topic, try to gently nudge the conversation back on track. If you're a veteran of B2B sales, use the Table of... © 2020 Yesware, Inc. | Security | GDPR | Privacy | Terms. Luckily, there’s a three-step formula for that. The trick at this stage is related to the goal of the presentation: the goal of a presentation is to get clients to agree that they faces this type of problem, that they wants to solve it, that it’s urgent, and that your claim that you have a solution is credible: in fact, if clients don’t have a problem that the sales rep can solve, then the sales rep has no legitimate reason to be there. In The Sales Advantage, an example is given of a vending sales person laying a heavy sheet of paper on the floor, saying, “If I could show you how that space could make you some money, would you be interested?” Consider the impact of this approach compared to the typical approach of saying something like, “We can help you make more money.” What can you do to incorporate some form of showmanship into your presentation? Slides 11-13 then continue touching on “Before” problems tangentially with customer quotes: So instead of self-touting benefits, the brand steps aside to let consumers hear from their peers — something that sways 92% of consumers. The best visual format for your company presentation, which is often in PowerPoint, is to include an image with a … (Sadly, goldfish have one second on us.). As a Managing Director at Sales Readiness Group, David helps large B2B sales organizations improve sales performance. However, many sales pros think about the what, but not the how of presentations. DealTap’s slides ask viewers to choose between two scenarios over and over. 2. Organizations use KPIs at multiple levels to evaluate their success at reaching targets. Step Two: Answer these questions to outline the “Before → After → Bridge” formula for your sales pitch: Step Three: Ask account management/marketing which customers you can mention in your slides (plus where to access any case studies for pull quotes). It also calls out a pain that the product removes: data entry. Download a free trial today. Example: Slide 4 does this with seven different “After” outcomes. Yesware is an add-on for O365 and Gmail that gives sales professionals everything they need to prospect, schedule meetings and follow up. Tactic #3: Follow up your descriptions with visual examples. 5 Key Parts of a Company Presentation. Sales presentations are important, but 1000s of people each day ignore the principles of sales presentation design and sales messaging and deliver material that is tired, ugly, and ineffective. Why It Works:  It’s called social proof. He could then see exactly what the finished product would look like and examine it in detail. They then drive home the Before-After-Bridge Formula further with case studies: Before: Customer’s needs when they came on, After: What your company accomplished for them, Bridge: How they got there (specific actions and outcomes). During and after making your key points, be prepared to listen to the customer - ask questions and take notes of comments so you can better discern their specific need(s) and: Do not interrupt or argue with a customer! personal presentation. I have been victim to this approach more times than I care to remember having been subjected to many “canned” PowerPoint presentations. Installed by Over 1 Million Professionals. This means that it's critical to ask your prospect probing questions before you start talking about your company. Uber’s headlines in Slides 2-9 tailor the “After” picture to specific pain points. Pro. Point number 5 is also very important, religion and politics often have no place in a business presentation. Here are more tactical sales presentation ideas to steal for your own use: Tactic #1: Use logos and testimonial pull-quotes for your highest-profile customers to strengthen your sales presentation. Powerful closing questions that demonstrate knowledge of the job, company, industryThis is the candidate's opportunity to get answers to his or her most pressing questions.A written visual presentation (which makes an excellent leave-behind) with all of the above elements is the most powerful way to persuade in an interview. It’s super simple, and it works for cold emails, drip campaigns, and sales discovery decks. As a result, there’s no need to explicitly state a “Before.”. The “Bridge” slide: Short outcome statements with icons in circles. This coupled with many other factors has allowed it to cheat death on numerous occasions and remain a profitable enterprise. Show exactly how your product or service solves their specific problem. Use happy faces. Previously, David was a Principal at Linear Partners, a sales consulting firm providing sales strategy, sales operations, talent management, and interim management services to emerging growth companies. The majority of sales presentations I have heard have been boring and unimaginative. According to Gourville, “It’s not enough for a new product simply to be better. These sales presentation ideas will help you to easily improve your sales presentation; stand out, engage your audience, and sell more. The truth is, most people don't do it effectively. Use your voice effectively and vary your modulation. Sales presentations are important, but 1000s of people each day ignore the principles of sales presentation design and sales messaging and deliver material that is tired, ugly, and ineffective. Why It Works: Social proof drives action. Title slide: Company name, topic, tagline; The “Before” picture: No more than three slides with relevant statistics and graphics. This means researching your customer beforehand and becoming familiar with their business and the industry that they operate in. Here are some other takeaways from LinkedIn’s sales presentation: Tactic #1: Include one clear call-to-action on your final slide. Studies by psychologists show that we register smiles faster than any other expression. Tactic #3: Incorporate hard data with a memorable background to make your data stand out. A well-crafted and detailed presentation can actually help a business reinforce its reputation and act as a showcase of the level of professionalism. Today’s business people are far too busy to listen to long-winded discussions. What term refers to the elements the salesperson assembles to sell to prospects and customers? This practical program is suited to both experienced and inexperienced presenters alike. People can only focus for eight seconds at a time. Weddings Are Still Big Business: Here Are Ways to Cash In! By moving your sales presentation towards the end of the meeting, you make sure you’ll be the one concluding the meeting. They imply completeness, infiniteness, and harmony. Cold email is an incredibly powerful sales channel. Janice most likely uses the _____ method of giving sales presentations. We’re looking at the pile of work one the left and the simpler, single interface on the right. Many sales presentations fall flat because they ignore this universal psychological bias: People overvalue the benefits of what they have over what they’re missing. Why It Works: We already know why pictures work, but circles have power, too. How to Do a Good Sales Presentation (Five Tips) Having a presentation that’s unique and that you feel proud of will give you that extra boost of confidence you need to close the deal. Tactic #2: Pad your images with white space. Here we have a sample sales deck for a technology company. I must profess to being completely humiliated when I first used this tactic. If you really want to stand out from the crowd make sure you demonstrate enthusiasm and energy. Here are some other tactics we pulled from the sales presentation: Tactic #1: Use graphics, Venn diagrams, and/or equations to drive home your “Before” picture. Your cold email subject lines hold a lot of power for such a small word count. If not, you need to change your approach. Example: Slides 21 to 23 include customer quotes from Schneider Electric, Financial Times, and Box. Using prospecting techniques —a systematic process of continually looking for new customers. Top teams do – with a proven sales presentation strategy. LinkedIn Sales Navigator uses red on slides to draw attention to main points: You can use hues in your own slides to guide your audience’s emotions. Drill down individually into all of your past email recipients and see how engaged they are with your sales content so you know who to pursue next. As audience members, often times we find ourselves bored with basic data-heavy pitches like this. Research their competitors and if possible tailor your presentation to demonstrate how your product can help them gain a competitive advantage. Start with a vivid description of the pain, present an enviable world where that problem doesn’t exist, then explain how to get there using your tool. Tactic #2: Pair outcome statements with icons in circles. In a presentation to a prospective client, I prepared a sample of the product they would eventually use in their program. They say the same thing in every presentation and hope that something in their presentation will appeal to the prospective customer. People overvalue the benefits of what they have over what they’re missing. Tactic #3: Don’t just list who you work with; include specific success metrics that hit home what you’ve done for them. Beyond that, it’s associated with being active, aggressive, and outspoken. The quality of your sales presentation will often determine whether a prospect buys from you or one of your competitors. Product knowledge is the key to communicating benefits to a customer, and will help you in each step of the selling process. The good news: You can influence how prospects perceive these gains and losses. Explain why sales knowledge is so important Discuss the major body of knowledge needed for ... Company knowledge includes information on a firm’s history development practices procedures ... powerful selling tool in sales presentations. Over the past year re at risk of Death by PowerPoint includes his phone number and email address with we. Talked himself out of 100 the other person to make the connection chase.... 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